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Transfer of Inheritance

and Restoration of
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United States Republic Postmaster Article/File Numbe r: 7015 0640 0006 4091 0465

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Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of North-West Amexem / North America
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Affidavit of Fact
Exhibit ‘A2MAR2016AD1’
~ -------- Transfer of Inheritance -------- ~

% & Restoration of Right

Made: 2nd Day of March, 2016 A.D. [1436 M.C.] [2016 C.C.Y]

1. Between UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION (Trustee(s)), and the rightful, Declarative
and Publicly – Proclaiming Heir – Apparent of the said Estate: Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey, (Aboriginal / Indigenous
National Moorish - American / Heir / Moabite) Inheritance – Land and Resources: geographical at Latitude:
39.717106 and Longitude: -74.972599 [{88 Hopewell Lane}] [{Near Corporate Winslow Township}], {New
Jersey Republic} Northwest Amexem – ‘The North Gate’. The Property further described herein as Single
Family Home, Year Built: 1985 , Lots: 23 & 24, Block: 11805, Lot Width / Depth: 43 / 133, Lot Area: 5,719

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square feet, Living Area: 1,408 square feet on/within Longitude and Latitude, said ‘Deed Date’: 29
September 2005 A.D. ( previously 30 October 2002 A.D.), said Camden County Clerk ‘Deed Book’: 8009, said
Camden County Clerk ‘Deed Page’: 1147, said ‘Sale Date’: 18 November 2005 A.D. (previously 2 December
2002 A .D. ), Building Description: 2 Story Floors (2SF), 1 Garage. Parcel Information recorded in the
Camden County Clerk’s Office for Public Records in New Jersey Republic, Northwest Amexem.

According to said ‘Land Survey’ conducted per Camden County Public Records said ‘File Number’
[2005133700], conducted by: Marc J. Cifone of MARC J. CIFONE LAND SURVEYING, LIMITED
LIABILITY CORPORATION, dated 29 September 2005 A.D, the following is the said ‘Survey’:

BEGINNING at a point in the curved Northeasterly sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}] (50.00 feet wide), said point
being a total arc and tangent distance of 118.53 feet as measured Southeastwardly along the said sideline of
[{Hopewell Lane}] from the Southeast end of a curve connecting the said sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}] with
the curved Southeast sideline of [{Hampton Gate Drive}] (50.00 feet wide), said point also being the non-
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radial division line between lots 23 and 24 in Block 11805 as shown on aforementioned Subdivision Plan; and
extending thence

(1) North 46 degrees 06 minutes 35 seconds East, along said division line and through a party wall a
distance of 142.01 feet to a point; thence
(2) South 50 degrees 59 minutes 06 minutes East, a distance of 43.84 feet to a point; thence
(3) South 46 degrees 06 minutes 35 seconds West, along the non-radial division line between Lots 22 and
23 on said Plan, a distance of 123.52 feet to a point in the curved Northeast sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}];
(4) Northwestwardly and Southwardly along said sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}], curving to the left,
having a radius of 50.00 feet, an arc distance of 25.00 feet to a point of reverse curvature in the same; thence
(5) Southwestwardly and Northwestwardly, still along said sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}], curving to the
right, having a radius of 25.00 feet, an arc distance of 26.05 feet to the point of BEGINNING

2. This „Transfer Agreement‟ is a „Restoration of Right‟, and is invoked ( correcting malfeasance and
misrepresentations). It is a „Public Notice‟ an d „Transfer Instrument‟ from THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,
ET ALLI, and the relinquishment of all Hereditaments back to the RIGHTFUL HEIR APPARENT, Aboriginal and
Indigenous Natural Person(s) of the Land – Not Taxed, Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris. In
the matter of „Rights of Parties‟ and „Rights of Property‟, this Instrument obtains and establishes „Justice‟ and „Right
of Claim‟ for the Natural Divine Being, Manifested In Human Flesh, - Moorish - American National, Ilhahi

3. Proclaiming Inherited Birth Rights, the Heir also „Reclaims‟ all assumed authority or power of attorney from all
alleged Trustee(s). The Heir intends to, and exercises, such Rights to bring Remedy to the present
misrepresentations; the mis-assumed authorities; the wrongs; and to all former misappropriations, by addressing
Personum Jurisdiction. Particular emphasis is placed upon „In Personum Jurisdiction‟ (jurisdiction over the
person). The said „Claims of Right‟ and the exercising of such Rights and Jurisdiction include the subject matter of
all Hereditaments, corporeal and incorporeal, etc.

4. Operating and navigating in a misnomer / nom de guerre, and „colorable status‟ have, has, and does, manifest as
dishonorable and injurious to the Natural Divine Being, Manifested in Human Flesh. This corrective „Agreement‟
between THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ET ALLI, and Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey, shall stand as „Positive
Law‟ and forever „Cured‟. I, Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey, am a sanguine descendant of the Ancient Moabites /
Moors; am aware of my rightful status; am not a minor; am not an agreed, ward of the state; and I am publishing
„for the record‟ that I am competent, from this day forth, to take my seat and place amongst „The Affairs of Men‟.

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United States Republic Postmaster Article/File Numbe r: 7015 0640 0006 4091 0465

5. (Absent of the color-of-authority activities imposed by occupying, foreign, colonial European Oppressors and
disingenuous Book-keepers) I am competent to handle the Affairs of my Personalty; my Inheritance and my Nation /
State as it relates to me and to my people – the Moors of Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America –
„The North Gate‟.

6. Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey, a Natural Divine Being Manifest in Human Flesh – being an Aboriginal / Indigenous /
Moorish American National, am embracing (and not abandoning) any and all of m y inherited and/or secured rights;
with said rights and immunities affirmatively secured and protected by the Free Moorish American Zodiac
Constitution; the United States Republic Constitution/Constitution for the United States of America Republic; the
Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1787; 1836; the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the United
Nations Rights of Human Beings; the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; the United
Nations Rights of the Child; and acknowledging that the said Rotarian instruments of National and International
Law, gives support to, reaffirms, and are in place to enforce all said „Compacts / Treaties‟ upon all nation states in
their obligations to Uplift-Fallen Humanity – the Moors of Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America
– North Gate. The same spirit of right – law principles of enforcement are expressed within the peace – promoting
initiation of „Decolonization‟ by its supporting Committee member states.

7. This remedy – oriented Transfer of Hereditaments invokes Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey ’s Unalienable /
Inalienable, Secured Rights; Substantive Rights; and Birth Rights as a Moorish – American National. This
Public Notice, Inheritance Claim, and Publication, is further supported by, and affirmed by:

a.) FREE MOORISH AMERICAN ZODIAC CONSTITUTION: (Zodiac Constitution and Birth Rights of the
Moorish Americans – being Ali, El, Bey, Dey, and Al), Article two (2), Paragraph two (2).

222141 – TRUTH A1


d.) UNITED STATES REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION: Article III (3), Section two (2), Article IV (4), Article VI
(6), Amendment V (5) (Liberty Clasue) and Amendment IX (9) (Reservation of the Rights of the People)


f.) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) – United Nations Human Rights (Article Fifteen (15)).

g.) Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) – UNITED NATIONS: GENERAL ASSEMBLY –
Part one (1), Article four (4).

h.) Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1786 – 1787, Superseded by Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836.

i.) The Declaration of the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and People – United Nations:
General Assembly #1514.

j.) ‘The American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man’ (Adopted by the Ninth International Conference
of American States Bogotá, Columbia, 1948 at Article five (5), and Article twenty-six (26)).

k.) Declaration on the Principles of International Law.

l.) Executive Order Number: 13107, 63, Federal Register, 68, 991 (1998) – Implementation of Human Rights

With this document in place, proper identity for Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey, establishes and removes for the record
any and all misrepresentation(s) of abandonment or alleged abandonment(s) or by any claims to that effect, stated
by, or constructed by, any foreign persons; any foreign entities; any foreign guilds; or by any private foreign unions,
or associations, etc.

8. Any persons alleging any claims of authority, or who make any claims of „power of attorney‟, or, who make any
other unfounded claims, to the contrary of this Allodial Instrument, are hereby and herein ‘Rebutted’ – Ad
Infinitum. No foreign person(s); and no foreign entity or entities, possess „leave‟ over me. No foreign person(s);
and no foreign entity or entities, possess, nor have they been given „ power of attorney‟ over my natural “proper
person”, nor over my Hereditaments. No enemy of the State; no violator of the Constitution for The United States
of North America; and no violator of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Morocco and the United States,
can ever, under any lawful circumstance, represent me or represent any interest or estate concerning me.

9. I, being a „Rightful Heir‟ and Inheritor of the Land and all Hereditaments, am „Presenting‟ my-self (in my proper
– person) to all comers and to the civilized world of nations.

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United States Republic Postmaster Article/File Numbe r: 7015 0640 0006 4091 0465

10. I am Claiming Rights to my vast Estate; to my Free National Appellation/Nomen; to my Religion; to my High
Culture; to my Ancient Customs; to my Inheritances; to my Heritage, and to my Aboriginal / Indigenous Rights, in
all the aspects, and nuances related thereto; and to the Rights of the studies and re-acclamations of the same. I hold
my Honor and Title to my Nationality and to my Birth Rights – being diligent and responsible to the Honor of my
Ancient Mothers and Fathers. Furthermore, I dedicate myself to that which is right and true – being reputable to the
great „Humanitarian Cause‟ of helping to uplift fallen humanity; and to acknowledg e the vast Moorish Heritage
and responsibility to the social duties inherent to the awakening of my people. And so, to all persons to whom these
presents shall come or be made known, I assert my rightful Claims; and I speak and Declare for the record, this
Allodial Decree. Let this Truth stand as Sovereign, in harmony and in unity with other active, loyal Moorish-
Americans who have, and do, remain true to the Divine and National Principles of the Redemption Cause of my
people and of humanity at large. And with the same affirmatory Truth, I homologate our Rights to our sempiternal
Heritage and to our vast Estate.

I Am: ___________________________________2nd Day of March, 2016 A.D. [1436 M.C.] [2016 C.C.Y.]
Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey, Authorized Representative
Natural Divine Being Manifest In Human Flesh, In Full Life, Sui Heredes, Sui Juris, In Propria Persona
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice or Recourse Worldwide: U.C.C. 1-207 / 1-308; U.C.C. 1-103
[Near Corporate State of New Jersey, Zip Exempt]
Northwest Amexem – Non-Domestic – Non-Subject – Non-Resident

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United States Republic Postmaster Article/File Numbe r: 7015 0640 0006 4091 0465


Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of North-West Amexem / North America
Exhibit ‘A2MAR2016AD2’
For the record request through:
Noble: Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey, Rightful Heir Apparent

When documented, please return this „Allodial Al Seisin in Deed‟ and all other documents to the mailing location below:

Moorish Clerical Services North America

C/o 49 Hopewell Lane #A
Sicklerville, New Jersey Republic Territory
Zip Exempt [08081] Trust –
Moorish Nation (non-corporate)
united States Republic, North America
Non–Domestic, Non-Subject, Non-Resident

When using the mailing location, write/type EX ACTLY AS PRINTED ABOVE. Any other format will be taken as F raud and Conspiracy towards the Heir.


(Tr ansfer and Remission of I nheri tance fr om Trustee(s) to Heir )


As Natural Heir to the Land(s) – Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / „The North
Gate‟, I Reclaim and Assert all my Rights and Inheritances. The Trustee(s) – THE UNITED STATES OF
PRINCIPALS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SERVICERS, ASSIGNS, ETC. The said „Trustee(s)‟ do lawfully hereby
/ Divine Being / Flesh and Blood Manifest), ALL RIGHTS, ALLODIAL TITLE, ALLODIAL DEED, INTERESTS
TOWNSHIP, Corporate STATE OF NEW JERSEY] with the following legal description:

ALL THAT CERTAIN lot(s) or piece(s) of Land / Ground / Parcel, described according to [Corporate CAMDEN
COUNTY RECORDED], alleged as follows, to wit:

The Property described herein as Land and Resources: geographical at Latitude: 39.717106 and Longitude: -
74.972599 [{88 Hopewell Lane}] [{Near Corporate Winslow Township}], {New Jersey Republic} Northwest
Amexem – ‘The North Gate’. The Property further described herein as Single Family Home, Year Built:
1985 , Lots: 23 & 24, Block: 11805, Lot Width / Depth: 43 / 133, Lot Area: 5,719 square feet, Living Area:
1,408 square feet on/within Longitude and Latitude, said ‘Deed Date’: 29 September 2005 A.D. ( previously 30
October 2002 A.D.), said Camden County Clerk ‘Deed Book’: 8009, said Camden County Clerk ‘Deed Page’:
1147, said ‘ Sale Date’: 18 November 2005 A.D. (previously 2 December 2002 A.D. ), Building Description: 2
Story Floors (2SF), 1 Garage. Parcel Information recorded in the Camden County Clerk’s Office for Public
Records in New Jersey Republic, Northwest Amexem.

According to said ‘Land Survey’ conducted per Camden County Public Records said ‘File Number’
[2005133700], conducted by: Marc J. Cifone of MARC J. CIFONE LAND SURVEYING, LIMITED
LIABILITY CORPORATION, dated 29 September 2005 A.D, the following is the said ‘Survey’:

BEGINNING at a point in the curved Northeasterly sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}] (50.00 feet wide), said point
being a total arc and tangent distance of 118.53 feet as measured Southeastwardly along the said sideline of
[{Hopewell Lane}] from the Southeast end of a curve connecting the said sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}] with
the curved Southeast sideline of [{Hampton Gate Drive}] (50.00 feet wide), said point also being the non-
radial division line between lots 23 and 24 in Block 11805 as shown on aforementioned Subdivision Plan; and
extending thence

(1) North 46 degrees 06 minutes 35 seconds East, along said division line and through a party wall a
distance of 142.01 feet to a point; thence
(2) South 50 degrees 59 minutes 06 minutes East, a distance of 43.84 feet to a point; thence
(3) South 46 degrees 06 minutes 35 seconds West, along the non-radial division line between Lots 22 and
23 on said Plan, a distance of 123.52 feet to a point in the curved Northeast sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}];
(4) Northwestwardly and Southwardly along said sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}], curving to the left,
having a radius of 50.00 feet, an arc distance of 25.00 feet to a point of reverse curvature in the same; thence
(5) Southwestwardly and Northwestwardly, still along said sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}], curving to the
right, having a radius of 25.00 feet, an arc distance of 26.05 feet to the point of BEGINNING
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United States Republic Postmaster Article/File Numbe r: 7015 0640 0006 4091 0465

HAVING BEEN ASSIGNED [Number 88 Hopewell [Lane]]

Being the alleged same premises described herein as Single Family Home, Year Built: 1985 , Lots: 23 & 24,
Block: 11805, Lot Width / Depth: 43 / 133, Lot Area: 5,719 square feet, Living Area: 1,408 square feet
on/within Longitude and Latitude, said ‘Deed Date’: 29 September 2005 A.D. ( previously 30 October 2002
A.D. ), said Camden County Clerk ‘Deed Book’: 8009, said Camden County Clerk ‘Deed Page’: 1147, said
‘Sale Date’: 18 November 2005 A.D. ( previously 2 December 2002 A.D.), Building Description: 2 Story Floors
(2SF), 1 Garage. Parcel Information recorded in the Camden County Clerk’s Office for Public Records in
New Jersey Republic, Northwest Amexem.

According to said ‘Land Survey’ conducted per Camden County Public Records said ‘File Number’
[2005133700], conducted by: Marc J. Cifone of MARC J. CIFONE LAND SURVEYING, LIMITED
LIABILITY CORPORATION, dated 29 September 2005 A.D, the following is the said ‘Survey’:

BEGINNING at a point in the curved Northeasterly sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}] (50.00 feet wide), said point
being a total arc and tangent distance of 118.53 feet as measured Southeastwardly along the said sideline of
[{Hopewell Lane}] from the Southeast end of a curve connecting the said sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}] with
the curved Southeast sideline of [{Hampton Gate Drive}] (50.00 feet wide), said point also being the non-
radial division line between lots 23 and 24 in Block 11805 as shown on aforementioned Subdivision Plan; and
extending thence

(1) North 46 degrees 06 minutes 35 seconds East, along said division line and through a party wall a
distance of 142.01 feet to a point; thence
(2) South 50 degrees 59 minutes 06 minutes East, a distance of 43.84 feet to a point; thence
(3) South 46 degrees 06 minutes 35 seconds West, along the non-radial division line between Lots 22 and
23 on said Plan, a distance of 123.52 feet to a point in the curved Northeast sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}];
(4) Northwestwardly and Southwardly along said sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}], curving to the left,
having a radius of 50.00 feet, an arc distance of 25.00 feet to a point of reverse curvature in the same; thence
(5) Southwestwardly and Northwestwardly, still along said sideline of [{Hopewell Lane}], curving to the
right, having a radius of 25.00 feet, an arc distance of 26.05 feet to the point of BEGINNING

Being the same said premises now granted on the 2 Day of March, 2016 A.D. [1436 M.C.] unto
Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey, by Moabite Bloodline Inheritance –

I am Recording this Transfer Publicly: of Inheritance Quitclaim Allodial Al Seisin in Deed / Judgment by Default
/ Allodial Quiet Title by Estoppel; and Documenting the same publicly, the ____ Day of ____________ 2016 A.D.
[1436 M.C.]. This document shall serve as ‘Public Notice’ to all whose presents this shall come:

Land/Terra/Parcel Location: Latitude: 39.717106; Longitude: -74.972599

[Near Corporate Winslow Township], {New Jersey State Republic}
Northwest Amexem / North America

Quitclaim Allodial Al Seisin in Deed – 1

Ilhahi XXXXXXXX Bey and Related Documents – published the _______ Day of _______________________, 2016 A.D.

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