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Don Ramon E.

Costales Memorial National High School

Villasis, Pangasinan

Second Periodic Examination

English 10 S.Y . 2015-2016

I. Listening Comprehension
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
II. Reading Comprehension
Read each passage/text then answer the questions that follow:
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly

Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow

- Langston Hughes
6. What figure of speech was used in the line “For if dreams die…”?
a. hyperbole b. simile c. personification d. metaphor
7. What figure of speech was used in the line “Life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”
a. hyperbole b. simile c. personification d. metaphor
8. What rhyme scheme was followed in the poem?
a. abab cdcd b. abcb abcb c. abcd abcd d. abac abac

Over two thousand schools use peer-mediation programs. What is peer mediation? Starting as early as
the third grade, students can be trained to mediate, or help work out, other students’ conflicts. Student
mediators help peers to understand the source of the conflict, to listen to each other, and to arrive at a win-
win solution.

9.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

a. to inform the reader about what and how peer mediation works
b. to persuade the reader to become a peer mediator
c. to entertain the reader focusing on how mediators do their tasks
d. to influence the reader’s thinking about peers
10.How was the term peer mediation defined?
a. Technically b. operationally c. contextually d. syntactically
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It
is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God,your playing small does not serve
the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s
not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

- Marianne Williamson, Return to Love:Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles

11. What is the speaker’s purpose in the speech?

a. persuade listeners to be the best they can be
b. inform listeners that everybody is born with different talents and skills
c. motivate the people to act for peace
d. enlighten the people about individual differences
12. What mood was established in the speech?
a. enlightening b. mocking c. disdainful d. glorifying

One of the most disturbing trends I see in the draining of wetlands is that thousand-year-old swamps
are being destroyed in just days to build skyscrapers and shopping malls or to plant crops. Where are the ducks,
geese, and other wildfowl going to raise their families or find food and rest when migrating? The answer is
simple: each species will slowly die. These animals’ habitats are being taken from all of us. It is sad, it truly is, to
know the birds I love are moving closer to extinction.
-April Barnes,Decatur, Alabama
13. What is the purpose of the author in writing the passage?
a. to persuade b. to inform c. to entertain d. to distract
14. What appeal did the writer use to effectively convey her message to the readers?
a. appeal to reason b. appeal to ethics c. appeal to emotion d. appeal to morality
15.What is the tone of the author?
a. scornful b. distressed c. glad d. exalting

III. Language
A. Identify what is referred to by each of the questions/statements that follow:
16-19. Which of the following can be used as techniques in Argumentation?
a. Analysis
b. Consider how to captivate your listener’s attention
c. Identify your audience
d. Analogy
e. Clarify your position
f. Practice your speech
g. Definition
h. Mark words/phrases
i. Comparison-contrast
j. Decide how you present your arguments
k. Find support for your position
20-24. From the given choices above, identify in proper order the steps in planning and drafting a speech.
25. It is especially applied to an unmemorized speech given from notes or an outline.
a. oral report b. impromptu c. extemporaneous d. argumentation
26. It attempts to be highly persuasive and logical and usually assumes that the reader disagrees with the writer.
a. argumentative essayb. impromptu c. extemporaneous d. argumentation
27. It is an element of a news story which are meant to be amusing or to generate empathy or other emotions.
a. timing b. significance c. prominence d. human interest
28. It is derived from a Latin phrase meaning “in readiness” and is applied to a speech given, a poem recited, or
a song sung without advance notice or warning.
a. argumentation b. oral report c. extemporaneous d. impromptu
29-31. Identify the affirmative expressions from the choices below.
a. Undoubtedly, the evidences prove that…
b. On the contrary,….
c. That is doubtlessly great….
d. You may have stated your point clearly, however….
e. Certainly…
32. “Gender-based bullying refers to any act that humiliates or excludes a person on the basis of perceived or
actual sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).” How was the term defined in the statement?
a. Technically b. operationally c. contextually d. syntactically
33. When one is asked to define a term according to how the term is used in a study being conducted, the
definition required is known as:
a. technical b. operational c. contextual d. syntactical
34. “Ice cream” and” I scream” can be pronounced similarly due to
a. pitch b. intonation c. juncture d. stress
35.“Semester” is pronounced properly with the stress on
a. first syllable b. second syllable c. third syllable d. both a and b

B. Agree or Disagree: Write A if the statement is generally correct, if otherwise, write D.

___________ 36. In developing an argument, one confirms his own position and builds his own
___________ 37. An argument is a discourse that informs more than persuades.
___________ 38. In arguing, empirical evidences such as facts, statistics and opinions are used to
support one’s claims.
___________ 39. The success of an argument depends on one’s skill in convincing the reader
through sound reasoning, persuasion and evidence.
___________ 40. The reasons, a basic component of an argument, typically answers the question
“What do I think?”.
___________ 41. In giving the conclusion of an argument, one should review the main points and
should tell the audience what action he would like them to take.
___________ 42. Analysis of the opposition’s argument and summarizing it is a part of
substantiation and proof.

IV. Literature: Identify what is being referred to:

43. It is the central topic of a text
a. Mood b. tone c. theme d. plot
44. He suffered both the pain of being stretched and pulled apart as well as being publicly humiliated by the
crowd as a part of his sentence, a two-hour torture in the Place de Greve.
a. Phoebus b. Quasimodo c. Dante d. Gringoire
45This is a poem of 14 iambic pentameter lines
a. epic poem b. sonnet c. prose d. lyric poetry
46. It is said to be a portrayal of everyday life, including wit and mockery following a framed structure.
a. Decameron b. Canterbury Tales c. Divine Comedy d. Song of Roland
47. A poor but noble young man from Gascony who left home to make his fortune in Paris.
a. Treville b. D’Artagnan c. Roland d. Athos
48. a poem with two quatrains and a couplet is called
a. Petrarchan sonnet b. Shakespearean sonnet c. Victorian sonnet d. Chaucer’s sonnet

A. Vocabulary
Identify the word referred to by each of the definitions given. Write the letter of your answer on the space
provided for.
a. throng b. retrograde c. omnipotenced. blaspheme e. unsupported generalizations
f. primordial g. intrinsic h. scourge i. human rights j. aggressive driving
k. ethics l. imperative m. conflict n. prejudice o. lamentation

____________49. Baseless information which can mislead readers or listeners

____________50.existing from the beginning
____________51.force of unlimited power
____________53.crowd together
____________54.tobeat as if by blows of a whip
____________55.belonging to the essential nature
____________56.rules of behavior
____________ 57.dislike for a person or group because of race, sex and religion

58. Giovanni Boccaccio: author ; ________________: translator
a. G.H. McWilliam b. Albert Camus c. Saint Thomas a Becket d. Victor Hugo
59. Pampinea: Prudence ; Emilia: ________________
a. temperance b. Anger c. Faith d. Love
60. Fragmentation: Physical or visual isolation ; _______________: assigning characteristics to a group
a. invisibility b. imbalance c. stereotyping d. unreality
61.Federigo: Monna Giovanna ; ______________: La Esmeralda
a. Roland b. Phoebus c. Porthos d. Quasimodo
62. Claim: What do I think? ; ___________: How do I know this is the case?
a. reasons b. evidence c. argument d. refutation
63.__________: accent ; pitch: frequency of vibration
a. juncture b. stress c. intonation d. articulation
64.questions of Fact: Yes or No ; Questions of Policy: ___________
a. should b. goodness or badness c. agree or disagree d. could
65. Laura: lyric poem ; Song of Roland: ____________
a. narrative poem b. epic poem c. prose d. mythical story

Identifying Parts:

A. For nos. 66-71: Identify the Ws and H of the following news story: (5 pts)
VIENTIANE – US President Barack Obama urged President Duterte yesterday to conduct his crime war
“the right way,” after thousands have been killed in the crackdown on drugs in just over two months.
- The Philippine Star, September 9, 2016

B. For nos. 72-75: Arrange the following details to an MLA entry. (5pts)
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 14.1
John Gowdy
“Avoiding Self-organized Extinction: Toward a Co-evolutionary Economics and Sustainability”
Answer Key:

1. b 34. c
2. c 35. b
3. a 36. a
4. a 37. d
5. c 38. d
6. c 39. a
7. d 40. d
8. b 41. a
9. a 42. d
10. b 43. c
11. a 44. b
12. a 45. b
13. b 46. a
14. c 47. b
15. b 48. b
16. a 49. e
17. I ( in any order) 50. f
18. g 51. c
19. d 52. d
20. e 53. a
21. k 54. h
22. c 55. g
23. b 56. k
24. j 57. n
25. c 58. a
26. a 59. c
27. d 60. c
28. d 61. d
29. a 62. b
30. c ( in any order) 63. b
31. e 64. a
32. a 65. b
33. b

a. WHAT : Pres. Obama urged Pres. Duterte to conduct crime war the right way
WHEN: September 8, 2016
WHERE: Ventiane
WHO: US Pres. Barack Obama
WHY: thousands have been killed in the crackdown on drugs in just two months
HOW: conduct crime war “the right way”

b. Gowdy, John. “Avoiding Self-organized Extinction: Toward a Co-evolutionary Economics of Sustainability.”

International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 14.1 (2007): 27-36. Print.
Reading Text:

Before you begin planning and drafting a report, make sure you have a clear idea of your purpose for

writing and of your audience. Knowing this information will help you focus your planning and drafting.

Review your notes, looking for a focus or a main idea that you can express in a sentence or two. Draft a

thesis statement based on this main idea. Although your thesis statement may change as you continue

researching or begin drafting, it can guide you as you write your outline.

After determining your thesis statement, you need to decide what main ideas you will cover in your

report and draft an outline. Begin by looking through your note cards and grouping them according to topics.

Each group of note cards can then become main heading your outline. The facts and details on the cards can

become subtopics.

1. The passage talks mainly about
a. researching for a topic
b. developing a plan of action
c. gathering data
d. making note cards
2. According the passage, before you begin planning and drafting a report, one must:
a. review notes
b. draft a thesis statement
c. make sure he/she has a clear idea of the purpose of his/her writing and of the audience
d. decide what main ideas he/she will cover
3. Why should one review his/her notes?
a. to look for focus or main idea
b. to know the information for planning and drafting
c. to be able to create the main heading of an outline
d. to decide on a topic
4. In drafting an outline, one may
a. begin by looking through note cards and grouping them according to topics
b. researching for a thesis statement
c. write the subtopics first
d. identify the facts and details of the main topic
5. The most appropriate title for the passage is
a. How to make an outline
b. Guide to research
c. Developing a Plan of Action
d. Drafting Thesis Statement

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