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Behavioural Brain Research 335 (2017) 215–222

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Research report

Operant models of relapse in zebrafish (Danio rerio): Resurgence, renewal, MARK

and reinstatement

Toshikazu Kurodaa, , Yuto Mizutanib, Carlos R.X. Cançadoc, Christopher A. Podlesnikd,e
Aichi Bunkyo University, 5969-3 Okusa, Komaki, Aichi, 485-8565, Japan
Aichi Gakuin University, 12 Araike Iwasaki, Nisshin, Aichi, 470-0195, Japan
Universidade de Brasília, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, 70.910-900, Brasília, DF, Brazil
Florida Institute of Technology and The Scott Center for Autism Treatment, 150 W University Boulevard, Melbourne, FL 32901, USA
The University of Auckland, New Zealand


Keywords: Zebrafish are a widely used animal model in biomedical research, as an alternative to mammals, for having
Resurgence features such as a fully sequenced genome, high fecundity, and low-cost maintenance, but behavioral research
Renewal with these fish remains scarce. The present study investigated whether zebrafish could be a new animal model
Reinstatement for studies on the relapse of behavior (e.g., addiction and overeating) after the behavior has been extinguished.
Specifically, we examined whether zebrafish would show three different types of relapse commonly studied with
Operant conditioning
other species: resurgence, renewal, and reinstatement. For resurgence, a target response (i.e., approaching a
sensor) was established by presenting a reinforcer (i.e., shrimp eggs) contingent upon the response in Phase 1;
the target response was extinguished while introducing reinforcement for an alternative response in Phase 2;
neither response produced the reinforcer in Phase 3. For renewal, a target response was established under
Context A in Phase 1 and was extinguished under Context B in Phase 2; the fish were placed back in Context A in
Phase 3, where extinction remained in effect. For reinstatement, a target response was established in Phase 1 and
was extinguished in Phase 2; the reinforcer was presented independently of responding in Phase 3. Each type of
relapse occurred in Phase 3. These results replicate and extend previous findings on relapse to a new species and
suggest that zebrafish can be a useful animal model for studying the interactions of biological and environmental
factors that lead to relapse.

1. Introduction zebrafish are available (e.g., National BioResource Project in Japan).

These features offer biomedical and behavioral researchers opportu-
Operant behavior results from the relations between behavior and nities to examine how genes and environment interact to determine
its consequences and has been used extensively as a model of voluntary operant behavior. Nevertheless, studies of operant behavior with zeb-
behavior [1,2]. The systematic analysis of environmental and biological rafish remain few [11–13].
factors underlying operant behavior provides understanding and po- One area of research relevant to understanding operant behavior
tential treatments for a range of behaviors considered maladaptive, generally, and treatments for maladaptive behavior specifically, is with
such as addictions [3] and overeating [4]. Most research examining laboratory models of relapse. A persistent tendency to relapse even after
biological and environmental factors in learning processes come from prolonged periods of abstinence is a defining feature of addictive be-
studies with mammalian laboratory animals. As an alternative, zebra- havior [14]. Therefore, relapse of previously learned behavior has been
fish (Danio rerio) are ideal for examining environmental and biological investigated extensively during the past few decades [15–18]. Most
factors involved in learning because of their high fecundity, low-cost models of relapse arrange reinforcement of operant responding in Phase
maintenance, transparent embryo, and fully sequenced genome 1 to simulate engaging in maladaptive behavior and then, in Phase 2,
[e.g.,5–8]. Key neurobiological structures mediating the reinforcing model a basic form of behavioral treatment by eliminating those re-
effects of rewards (e.g., drugs) appear conserved in zebrafish inforcers through extinction of operant responding. Models of relapse
[e.g.,9,10]. Moreover, many different types of genetically modified primarily differ in Phase 3 as a result of arranging different factors

Corresponding author at: Aichi Bunkyo University, Faculty of Humanities, 5969-3 Okusa, Komaki, Aichi, 485-8565 Japan.
E-mail addresses: (T. Kuroda), (Y. Mizutani), (C.R.X. Cançado), (C.A. Podlesnik).
Received 25 July 2017; Received in revised form 3 August 2017; Accepted 14 August 2017
Available online 19 August 2017
0166-4328/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Kuroda et al. Behavioural Brain Research 335 (2017) 215–222

Table 1
A summary of typical procedures for assessing resurgence, renewal, and reinstatement. “Target” and “Alt” stand for target and alternative responses, respectively.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Resurgence Target reinforced; Target extinguished; Target extinguished;

Alt not reinforced Alt reinforced Alt extinguished
Renewal Target reinforced in Context A Target extinguished in Context B Target extinguished in Context A
Reinstatement Target reinforced Target extinguished Target extinguished; Response-independent delivery of reinforcer

contributing to the relapse. The relapse of previously reinforced and genetically modified). Each fish was housed individually in a room with
extinguished responding in these models indicates that decreases in a 14hr:10hr light-dark cycle (lights on at 6:00 am) in an aquarium
operant responding during extinction do not represent an elimination of (13.0-cm wide by 16.8-cm long by 11.3-cm high) connected to a pump
prior learning. Instead, relapse indicates new learning involving the and tank where water was filtered, aerated, and maintained at 28 °C
extinction contingency [see 15]. with a heater. Water was kept at a pH level of 7.5 and half of the water
Relapse of operant behavior has been demonstrated with a wide in the tank was replaced weekly. When a fish produced fewer than 30
variety of species in the three laboratory models of relapse serving as reinforcers (decapsulated brine shrimp eggs) in a session, postsession
the focus in this investigation (see Table 1). First, resurgence is the re- feedings of supplemental food (Kyorin, Hikari Labo 270) occurred
lapse of a previously reinforced and then extinguished response when 30 min after sessions.
reducing or eliminating reinforcement for a more recently trained re-
sponse [e.g.,19–22]. Hereafter, the response reinforced and then ex- 2.2. Material
tinguished will be referred to as the target response and the more re-
cently trained response as the alternative response. Resurgence has been Two types of automated device, similar to that described by Manabe
demonstrated with rats [e.g.,20,23], pigeons [e.g.,24,25], Siamese et al. [11], were used. Fig. 1 shows the device used to study resurgence
fighting fish [26], monkeys [27], and humans [e.g.,28]. Recently, our in Experiment 1. The device was placed in the aquarium of each fish
laboratory demonstrated resurgence with zebrafish for the first time during sessions and consisted of three sensors and two feeders fixed on
[29]. Plexiglas. The three sensors were for the target, alternative, and control
Second, renewal is relapse due to changes in environmental context. responses, as described below. Each sensor consisted of a 2-mm dia-
Specifically, renewal is the return of a target response when changing meter polymeroptical fiber (Mitsubishi Rayon Co., LTD, Esca CK80), a
the global environmental context compared to the extinction context fiber sensor (Keyence FU-23X), an amplifier (Keyence, FS-V21X), and a
[e.g.,30,31,32]. Renewal occurs, for example, when reinforcing and tri-color LED (Oput-Supply OSTA5131A-C). The tip of each sensor was
extinguishing the target response in different contexts and then (1) set 5 mm below the water surface and 5 mm away from the front wall of
returning to the training context (ABA renewal) or (2) transitioning to a the aquarium. The sensor tips were 4.5 cm apart from each other and
novel context (e.g., ABC renewal). Renewal of operant behavior has could be illuminated red, green, or blue. A response was registered
been demonstrated with rats [30,33], pigeons [e.g.,34,35], and humans when the fish approached and was at least within 5 mm below the
[36] but not yet with zebrafish. sensor tip.
Finally, reinstatement is relapse resulting from exposure to a range of The feeders were located 2.25 cm to the left and right of the middle
events due to learning (e.g., cues) or biological relevance (e.g., stress) sensor. Each feeder consisted of a servo motor (Futaba S3005), a brass
[37]. One commonly used method for assessing reinstatement of an tube with the inner diameter of 600 μm, a 400-μm-diameter piano wire
extinguished target response is to present the event previously serving inserted in the brass tube, a vibrator, and a white LED (i.e., the feeder
as the reinforcer independently of responding [38,39]. Reinstatement light). During reinforcement, the feeder light turned on immediately
has been demonstrated with rats [e.g.,40], pigeons [e.g.,41,42], mon- upon a response, the servo motor pulled the piano wire, the vibrator
keys [43,44], and humans [e.g.,45,46]. Thus far, there have been no operated, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs were loaded into the brass
demonstrations of reinstatement of operant behavior in zebrafish −
only reinstatement of a Pavlovian conditioned approach response to
drug (cocaine or nicotine) [10].
All these studies suggest relapse of previously reinforced and then
extinguished operant behavior is general across species. These three
procedures serve as experimental models for understanding the condi-
tions under which relapse occurs and might be used as platforms to
examine biological influences in relapse, including developmental,
pharmacological, and neurobiological factors [16]. Nevertheless, re-
search on laboratory models of relapse using zebrafish has been limited.
Therefore, the goals of the present study were to systematically re-
plicate resurgence and to extend the analysis to renewal, and re-
instatement of extinguished operant behavior in zebrafish using an
automated device to record discrete responses (i.e., approaching sen-
sors) and deliver decapsulated brine shrimp eggs as reinforcers [11,12].

2. General methods

2.1. Subjects

Forty experimentally naïve zebrafish (National Bioresource Project

of Japan, Riken Brain Science Institute), 7–8 months old at the start of
Fig. 1. A photo of the automated device used in Experiment 1. See text for details.
the experiments, served as subjects. They were wild-type fish (i.e., not

T. Kuroda et al. Behavioural Brain Research 335 (2017) 215–222

tube, and the servo motor pushed the eggs out of the tube and into the contingencies, the alpha level was set at 0.01, 0.007, and 0.006 for
water (this whole series of events occurred approximately in 0.5 s). The Experiments 1, 2, and 3 where there were five, seven, and eight Phase-2
feeder light then flashed 5 times at a 0.2-s interval. Thereafter, the sessions, respectively.
device remained inoperative until 5 s had elapsed since the onset of
reinforcement. 3. Experiment 1
The other type of the device, used to study renewal and reinstate-
ment in Experiments 2 and 3, respectively, was similar to that used in The first experiment investigated resurgence, which involved re-
Experiment 1 except that there were only two sensors (left and right), inforcement of a target response in Phase 1, extinction of the target
9 cm apart from each other, and a single feeder in between. The two response while reinforcing an alternative response in Phase 2, and ex-
sensors were for the target and control responses, as described below. tinction of both responses in Phase 3. In addition to the target and al-
The feeder was set on the midline of the front wall of the aquarium. ternative responses, a control response that was never reinforced
Except in Experiment 2, in which changes in contextual stimuli were throughout the experiment was measured to dissociate resurgence from
necessary, a white partition covering each side of the aquarium mini- a possible increase in general activity induced by extinction (i.e., ex-
mized visual distraction during sessions. A Lenovo® laptop computer tinction-induced variability) [48].
with Visual Basic 2015® controlled the experiment and recorded data We recently demonstrated resurgence with zebrafish using a similar
through an I/O board (Pololu, Mini Maestro servo controller). experimental setup [29] but the study was limited in several aspects.
First, the magnitude of the resurgence effect was meager, perhaps due
2.3. Procedure to the reinforcement schedules used. We arranged equal VI 20-s sche-
dules in Phases 1 and 2, but previous studies of resurgence indicate
After acclimation in the home aquarium for 3-4 days, the fish were greater rates of alternative reinforcement in Phase 2 produce greater
trained to consume the reinforcer delivered from the feeder. At this resurgence [19]. Therefore, we doubled the rate of alternative re-
stage, a single feeder was set on the midline of the front wall of the inforcement in Phase 2 relative to Phase 1. Second, the experimental
aquarium and delivered the reinforcer randomly three times per min apparatus was not optimal for assessing resurgence. Specifically, three
(i.e., 20 s on average). The sensors were removed to preclude re- sensors and one feeder were aligned as follows: left sensor, middle
sponding to the sensors being reinforced adventitiously. Sessions ended sensor, the feeder, and right sensor with equal distances between each
after 40 reinforcers. pair. Either the left or right sensor was for the target response while the
When each fish consumed the reinforcer reliably, response training other sensor was for the control response (counterbalanced across fish),
initiated with the sensors and feeder(s) being set as described pre- and the middle sensor was for the alternative response for each subject.
viously and by reinforcing responses to a target sensor according to a Thus, the distance between the target and alternative sensors, as well as
fixed-ratio (FR) 1 schedule. In this schedule, every target response re- the distance between the control and alternative sensors, varied across
sulted in a reinforcer delivery. When the fish obtained 40 reinforcers subjects. This might have unnecessarily increased between-subject
within 20 min, the schedule was changed from an FR 1 to a variable- variability in the magnitude of resurgence. This problem was elimi-
interval (VI) 10 s, with the latter being in effect for three 20-min ses- nated in the present study by setting the three sensors equally apart
sions. Under the VI 10-s schedule, the first response after intervals with with a feeder being placed between each pair of the sensors, as de-
the average of 10 s resulted in a reinforcer delivery. The VI schedules at scribed in the Material section above.
this stage and in subsequent phases in each experiment consisted of 10
intervals [47], randomly selected without replacement. Reinforcement 3.1. Methods
time (5 s per reinforcer) was excluded from the session time. Sessions
were conducted during the light period of the room’s light-dark cycle, 3.1.1. Subjects and material
around the same time of the day, seven days a week. Sixteen experimentally naïve fish (8 males and 8 females) initially
served as subjects. Three male fish failed to acquire either a target or an
2.4. Data analysis alternative response and their results are not reported. Two sets of the
device with three sensors and two feeders were used. In a feeder test
The primary dependent variable was response rate (i.e., responses with 100 operations of the first set, a mean of 19.70 (SD = 6.99) and
per min). A one-way repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted in each 24.03 eggs (SD = 7.62) were delivered per operation from the left and
experiment with session as a within-subject independent variable and right feeders, respectively. For the second set, a mean of 20.88
target response rate as a dependent variable. To assess whether target (SD = 6.98) and 23.67 eggs (SD = 7.88) were delivered per operation
responding was sensitive to reinforcement and extinction con- from the respective feeders.
tingencies, the analysis included data from the last baseline (Phase-1)
session and from extinction (Phase-2) sessions. To determine the pre- 3.1.2. Procedure
sence of relapse, the analysis included data from the last extinction
(Phase-2) session and from the five relapse-test (Phase-3) sessions. Phase 1: acquisition. The target response was reinforced
These sessions were consecutive and were evenly spaced in time; thus, according to a VI 20-s schedule. Alternative and control responses
the first-order autocorrelation (i.e., correlation between at a time, Tn, were recorded but had no programmed consequence. Approaching
and the one before, Tn-1) was expected. For this reason, the first-order either the left or right sensor served as the target response, and the
autoregressive structure was set for the covariance matrix when the opposite sensor was for the alternative response, counterbalanced
ANOVA was conducted using the proc mixed function on SAS®. across subjects; the middle sensor served as the control response for
Following the ANOVA, the Bonferroni method was used for post hoc all the subjects. The LED colors (red, blue, and green) illuminating the
tests (t tests) to control the familywise error rate at 0.05. This method tips of the sensors were counterbalanced across the subjects. Only the
could be too conservative for a large number of contrasts between feeder on the same side as the target sensor operated. Sessions ended
means. The primary question of the present study was whether target after 20 min and this phase lasted for 15 sessions.
responding was higher in the five relapse-test (Phase-3) sessions than in
the last extinction (Phase-2) session so that the mean contrast was Phase 2: extinction and alternative reinforcement. The target
limited to those five comparisons. Thus, the alpha level was set at 0.01 response was extinguished and the alternative response was
(i.e., 0.05 divided by 5) in each of the post hoc tests for assessing re- reinforced according to a VI 10-s schedule. Reinforcement rate was
lapse. Likewise, for assessing sensitivity to reinforcement and extinction doubled between phases because previous studies with other species

T. Kuroda et al. Behavioural Brain Research 335 (2017) 215–222

Fig. 2. Mean responses per min across fish in the last five
sessions of Phase 1 (Acquisition) and all sessions of Phase 2
(Extinction and alternative reinforcement) and Phase 3
(Resurgence test) in Experiment 1 (left graph). Closed sym-
bols, open symbols and a dashed line without symbols re-
present the target, alternative, and control responses, re-
spectively. Error bars show ± SEM. The right graph shows
target and control response rates in the last session of Phase 2
and each session of Phase 3 during resurgence tests.

showed higher reinforcer rates for alternative responding increase was greatest in the first Phase-3 session.
resurgence [e.g.,18,19,49]. The control response remained Overall, the present findings demonstrate with zebrafish the re-
unreinforced. Only the feeder on the same side as the alternative versal of performance with changes in contingencies in Phases 1 and 2
sensor operated. Sessions ended after 20 min and this phase lasted for 5 [see also 50–52] and the resurgence of target responding when extin-
sessions. guishing a more recently reinforced alternative response in Phase 3 [see
17]. The absence of systematic change in control response rates sug- Phase 3: resurgence test. Extinction was in effect for the target, gests the increase in target response rates in Phase 3 was a function of a
alternative, and control responses and neither feeder operated. Sessions previous reinforcement history from Phase 1 and the removal of al-
ended after 20 min and this phase lasted for 5 sessions. Resurgence was ternative reinforcers when transitioning from Phase 2–3.
defined as an increase in target response rates compared to target The present result was consistent with the finding of our previous
response rates during the last session of Phase 2; additionally, this study [29] despite the modification in the arrangement of sensors and
increase in target response rate had to exceed that of control response feeders. We attempted to increase the magnitude of resurgence in the
rates in a given session [see 48]. present study by arranging a greater reinforcement rate for alternative
responding in Phase 2. Although the magnitude was comparable in the
present study, resurgence effects were replicated and therefore indicate
3.2. Results and discussion
the generality and robustness of the effect. Further increasing the dif-
ference in reinforcement rate between phases might increase the mag-
The left graph in Fig. 2 shows mean response rates for the target,
nitude of resurgence with zebrafish but the magnitude might be limited
alternative, and control responses in each phase. During acquisition in
due to generally low target response in Phase 1 compared to other
Phase 1, target response rates were higher than alternative and control
species [e.g.,20,23,24,25].
response rates, indicating that decapsulated brine shrimp eggs indeed
served as a reinforcer when presented upon a target response. Control
response rates were slightly but consistently higher than alternative 4. Experiment 2
response rates, most likely because the control (middle) sensor was
physically closer than the alternative sensor to the operable feeder. In The second experiment investigated ABA renewal, which involved
Phase 2, when removing reinforcement for target responding while reinforcement of a target response under Context A in Phase 1 and
introducing reinforcement for the alternative response, target response extinction of the response under Context B in Phase 2. In Phase 3, ex-
rates decreased and alternative response rates increased across sessions. tinction remained in effect but the context was changed back to Context
The decrease in target response rates from the last Phase-1 session to A. As in Experiment 1, a control response that was never reinforced was
Phase-2 sessions was verified with an ANOVA, F(5, 60) = 56.12, measured throughout the experiment to dissociate renewal from a
p < 0.0001, with all Phase-2 sessions differing from the last Phase-1 possible increase in general activity when the context was changed in
session in post hoc tests (p’s < 0.0001). There was no reliable change Phase 3. Contexts were visual stimuli covering the sides of the aquarium
in control response rates from Phase 1–2. During the test of resurgence because previous studies reported that zebrafish behavior is sensitive to
in Phase 3, removing alternative reinforcement increased target re- this modality of stimuli [53,54].
sponding but not control responding; alternative responding decreased
across sessions. 4.1. Methods
Mean obtained reinforcement rate (per min; SEM in parenthesis) for
target responding across fish, in each of the last five sessions of Phase 1, 4.1.1. Subjects and material
were 2.07 (0.17), 2.24 (0.07), 2.17 (0.09), 2.27 (0.07), and 2.12 (0.12), Twelve experimentally naïve fish (6 males and 6 females) initially
respectively. Mean obtained reinforcement rates for alternative re- served as subjects. Three male fish and one female fish failed to acquire
sponding in each session of Phase 2 were 0.86 (0.31), 1.47 (0.33), 2.21 responding and their results are not reported. The device with two
(0.30), 2.54 (0.29), and 2.66 (0.26), respectively. Thus, the obtained sensors and a single feeder was used. In a feeder test with 100 opera-
reinforcement rates in Phase 2 successively increased across sessions of tions, a mean of 24.9 eggs (SD = 6.09) were delivered per operation.
this phase. This trend corresponded to the change in alternative re-
sponse rates. 4.1.2. Procedure
The right graph in Fig. 2 shows mean response rates in the last
session of Phase 2 and all sessions of Phase 3. The increase in target Phase 1: acquisition. The target response was reinforced in
response rates during Phase-3 sessions relative to the last Phase-2 ses- Context A according to a VI 20-s schedule. The control response was
sion was statistically significant, F(5, 60) = 6.14, p = 0.0001. Post hoc recorded but had no programmed consequence. Locations of the target
tests indicated that the difference in target response rates between the and control sensors, as well as the LED colors associated with each
last Phase-2 session and the first Phase-3 session, but not for other sensor, were counterbalanced across subjects. Context A was either a
comparisons, was statistically significant, t(60) = 5.00, p < 0.0001. white partition covering each side of the aquarium or a black partition
This suggests that resurgence occurred in zebrafish and its magnitude covering each side of the aquarium with a green silicon sheet

T. Kuroda et al. Behavioural Brain Research 335 (2017) 215–222

Fig. 3. Mean responses per min across fish in the last five
sessions of Phase 1 (Acquisition) and all sessions of Phase 2
(Extinction) and Phase 3 (Renewal test) in Experiment 2 (left
graph). Closed symbols and a dashed line without symbols
represent the target and control responses, respectively. Error
bars show ± SEM. The right graph shows target and control
response rates in the last session of Phase 2 and each session
of Phase 3 during renewal tests.

underneath, counterbalanced across fish. Sessions ended after 20 min involved reinforcement of a target response in Phase 1 and extinction of the
and this phase lasted for 15 sessions. response in Phase 2. Phase 3 arranged response-independent presentations
of the stimulus that served as the reinforcer for the target response during Phase 2: extinction. The target response was extinguished in Phase 1. As in Experiments 1 and 2, a control response was measured to
Context B. Contextual stimuli for Context B were opposite to the one dissociate reinstatement from general increases in activity [56].
used for Context A in Phase 1 for each fish. The control response
remained unreinforced. Sessions ended after 20 min and this phase 5.1. Methods
lasted seven sessions.
5.1.1. Subjects and material Phase 3: renewal test. Extinction remained in effect for the Twelve experimentally naïve fish (6 males and 6 females) served as
target and control responses and each fish was re-exposed to Context A. subjects. One male fish failed to acquire responding and its results are
Sessions ended after 20 min and this phase lasted five sessions. Renewal not reported. As in Experiment 2, the device with two sensors and a
was defined as an increase in target response rates compared to target single feeder was used. In a feeder test with 100 operations, a mean of
response rates during the last session of Phase 2 and this increase had to 24.2 (SD = 5.58) were delivered per operation.
exceed that of control response rates in a given session.
5.1.2. Procedure
4.2. Results and discussion Phase 1: acquisition. The target response was reinforced
according to a VI 20-s schedule. The control response was recorded
The left graph in Fig. 3 shows mean response rates for the target and
but had no programmed consequence. Locations of the target and
control responses in each phase. Target response rates were higher than
control sensors, as well as the LED colors associated with each sensor,
control response rates in Phase 1 (Context A). Obtained reinforcement
were counterbalanced across fish. Sessions ended after 20 min and this
rates for target responding, calculated as in Experiment 1, in each of the
phase lasted for 15 sessions.
last five sessions of Phase 1 were 1.96 (0.21), 2.11 (0.08), 2.04 (0.13),
2.13 (0.05), and 2.12 (0.09) in, respectively. Target response rates
decreased to near zero while control response rates remained near zero Phase 2: extinction. The target response was extinguished and
in Phase 2 (Context B). The decrease in target response rates from the the control response remained unreinforced. Sessions ended after
last Phase-1 session to Phase-2 sessions was verified, F(7, 49) = 36.08, 20 min and this phase lasted for 8 sessions.
p < 0.0001, with all Phase-2 sessions differing from the last Phase-1
session (p’s < 0.0001). Phase 3: reinstatement test. Neither target nor control responses
When placed back to Context A in Phase 3, the right graph in Fig. 3 resulted in a reinforcer delivery. However, the reinforcer was delivered
shows target response rates initially increased and then decreased while independently of responding twice per min on average, according to a
control response rates remained low. The ANOVA indicated that the variable-time 30-s schedule. This rate approximated the obtained rate
change in target response rates from the last session of Phase 2 to Phase of reinforcement in Phase 1. Sessions ended after 20 min and this phase
3 was statistically significant, F(5, 35) = 4.71, p = 0.0021. Post hoc lasted for five sessions. Reinstatement was defined as an increase in
test indicated that the difference between the last Phase-2 session and target response rates compared to target response rates during the last
the first Phase-3 session was statistically significant, t(35) = 4.10, session of Phase 2, and this increase had to exceed that of control
p = 0.0002. Differences in other comparisons were not statistically response rates in a given session.
In the present experiment, we observed renewal in zebrafish upon 5.2. Results and discussion
returning to the training context after extinction and its magnitude was
greatest in the first Phase-3 session. The absence of systematic change The left graph in Fig. 4 shows mean response rates for target and
in control response rates suggests the increase in target response rates control responses in each phase. During acquisition in Phase 1, target
in Phase 3 was a function of a previous reinforcement history (Phase 1) response rates were higher than control response rates. Obtained re-
and the change in context from Phase 2 (Context B) to Phase 3 (Context inforcement rates for target responding, calculated as in Experiment 1,
A). Overall, these findings extend others showing sensitivity of zebra- in each of the last five sessions of Phase 1 were 1.92 (0.08), 1.96 (0.06),
fish learning to context [53,54] by demonstrating renewal of operant 1.80 (0.13), 1.81 (0.10), and 1.90 (0.10), respectively. During extinc-
behavior with this species [32]. tion in Phase 2, target response rates decreased to near zero and control
responses remained at this level for all sessions of this phase. The de-
5. Experiment 3 crease in target response rates from the last Phase-1 session to Phase-2
sessions was verified, F(8, 80) = 28.88, p < 0.0001, with all Phase-2
The third experiment investigated reinstatement [38,55], which sessions differing from the last Phase-1 session (p’s < 0.0001). When

T. Kuroda et al. Behavioural Brain Research 335 (2017) 215–222

Fig. 4. Mean responses per min across fish in the last five
sessions of Phase 1 (Acquisition) and all sessions of Phase 2
(Extinction) and Phase 3 (Reinstatement test) in Experiment 3
(left graph). Closed symbols and a dashed line without sym-
bols represent the target and control responses, respectively.
Error bars show ± SEM. The right graph shows target and
control response rates in the last session of Phase 2 and each
session of Phase 3 during reinstatement tests.

reinforcers were delivered independently of responding during re- recent source depletes (resurgence), when returning to a previously
instatement tests in Phase 3, target response rates initially increased bountiful context (renewal), or when an apparently depleted food
and then decreased but control response rates remained at low levels. source shows signs of remaining plentiful (reinstatement).
The right graph in Fig. 4 shows response rates in the last session of Observing relapse reliably in these laboratory models paves the way
Phase 2 and each session of Phase 3. The change in target response rates to examine interactions between environmental and biological influ-
from the last session of Phase 2 to Phase 3 was statistically significant, F ences on learning processes involved in addiction. Thus far, studies of
(5, 50) = 4.20, p = 0.0029. Post hoc tests indicated that the last Phase- relapse in zebrafish have been limited to resurgence [29] and to re-
2 session differed from the first Phase-3 session, t(50) = 0.0003, and instatement examined in the conditioned-place preference model [10].
from the second Phase-3 session, t(50) = 0.0074, but not for other In the latter study, training involved adding response-independent
comparisons. Thus, reinstatement occurred in zebrafish and its magni- ethanol or nicotine to the water when restricting fish to one side of a
tude was greatest in the first two Phase-3 sessions. two-sided chamber cued with distinct visual stimuli. After observing
The present findings confirmed reinstatement of operant behavior in preference for the side of the chamber paired with drug, preference
zebrafish, thereby extending the generality of reinstatement of operant extinguished to basal levels with repeated unrestrained exposure to
behavior [e.g.,39]. The present findings further extend those demon- both sides of the conditioning chamber. Finally, exposing fish to drug in
strating reinstatement of Pavlovian conditioning in zebrafish [10] and a separate tank before transferring to the testing tank reinstated pre-
were the first to show operant reinstatement reliably in any fish species ference for the drug-paired side of the chamber. Such findings im-
[cf. 13]. portantly reveal conservation of effects from mammalian studies of
place conditioning with drugs [58–60].
6. General discussion Nevertheless, all findings using conditioned-place preference are
limited by ambiguity in interpreting the behavioral processes involved
The present experiments provided the first evidence of relapse of in the conditioned effects [see 60,61]. In particular, the absence of a
operant behavior in zebrafish using resurgence, renewal, and re- clearly defined operant response in the production of drug effects and
instatement models. In each model, we used the apparatus developed the accompanying cues suggest a clearer role for Pavlovian stimulus-
by Manabe et al. [11] to study operant behavior with zebrafish, in stimulus learning. Conversely, drug use itself might be greatly influ-
which a discrete approach response served as the operant response to enced and motivated by Pavlovian cues [62] but is generally considered
dispense food reinforcers automatically. Target response rates exceeded operant behavior involving learning between behavior and drug effects
control responses during Phase 1 of all three experiments, indicating [3]. Thus, drug self-administration typically has been used to model
reliable discrimination of the reinforcement contingencies. Extinction drug use and abuse in humans and laboratory animals [63]. Further
arranged during Phase 2 of all three experiments reduced target re- exploration of factors influencing relapse of operant behavior with
sponding to near-zero levels. In Phase 3 of all three experiments, relapse zebrafish, as in the present study, but using drug self-administration
of target responding exceeded target response rates at the end of Phase procedures [cf. 64] with zebrafish would be a useful step in examining
2 and control response rates in Phase 3. In Experiment 1, removing factors involved in drug addiction.
alternative reinforcement produced resurgence of target responding. In Theories concerned with the environmental causes of relapse of
Experiment 2, returning to the training context (A) after extinguishing operant behavior differ in the processes proposed to underlie relapse
in a novel context (B) produced renewal of target responding. In Ex- but suggest resurgence, renewal, and reinstatement occur due to
periment 3, presenting the food reinforcer response-independently common learning processes. Context theory suggests new learning oc-
produced reinstatement of target responding. These findings are con- curring during extinction inhibits operant behavior learned previously
sistent with relapse of previously reinforced and extinguished target during training [15,65]. Relapse occurs because excitatory learning
responding assessed across a range of species and experimental condi- from training generalizes to new situations better than inhibitory
tions [see 15,18,16,57]. learning from extinction, as suggested by renewal occurring when
Relapse examined in these models reveal learning between re- transitioning to novel contexts during testing (e.g., ABC and AAC).
sponding and reinforcement established during training does not un- Further, removal of alternative reinforcement during resurgence pro-
dergo erasure, or unlearning, during extinction [15]. Instead, decreases cedures and response-independent reinforcer presentations during re-
in operant responding during extinction reveal new learning that target instatement are assumed to constitute contextual changes removing
responding no longer produces reinforcers. Specifically, relapse of inhibitory extinction learning [15]. Conversely, behavioral momentum
target responding in Phase 3 of each of these models indicates the ab- theory is a quantitative model asserting that reinforcers delivered
sence of responding during extinction is a performance deficit – original during training strengthen behavioral mass and extinction serves as a
learning is preserved throughout extinction across a wide range of force disrupting operant behavior [66]. Changing stimulus context with
species. Extending these findings to zebrafish demonstrates the robust renewal, removing alternative reinforcers with resurgence, and re-
generality of these operant learning processes. In the zebrafish, the sponse-independent reinforcer presentations during reinstatement all
return of extinguished behavior could reflect effective foraging strate- remove disruptive forces in place during extinction, resulting in a
gies through a return to a previously reinforced response when a more temporary increase in the previously reinforced responding. Although

T. Kuroda et al. Behavioural Brain Research 335 (2017) 215–222

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