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Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973

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Scheduling of maintenance work: A constraint-based approach

J. Palma a, F.C. Gómez de León Hijes a, M. Campos Martínez b,*, L. Guillén Cárceles a
Information and Communication Engineering Department, University of Murcia, Computer Science Faculty, Espinardo 30100, Murcia, Spain
Informatics and Systems Department, University of Murcia, Computer Science Faculty, Espinardo 30100, Murcia, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The growing demand for IT tools for maintenance management in the workplace has led to the develop-
Intelligent systems ment of a wide range of software, both of a general nature and designed for specific purposes. The need
Planning for such tools becomes more evident as the number of machines and installations grows, since their
Programming maintenance, particularly preventative maintenance, must be planned and scheduled.
Industrial maintenance
Planning a maintenance schedule implies knowing the tasks to be carried out, their periodicity and all
Work order
the details necessary for these tasks to be accomplished. Then, bearing in mind the daily (or weekly) work
orders, it will be necessary to program the exact order in which the various maintenance tasks must be
carried out. This will involve coordinating a large number of temporal constraints, which can only be
described as a ‘‘headache” for maintenance engineers.
Within the framework of Knowledge Engineering, we present an application based on Constraints Sat-
isfaction Problems (CSP) techniques, such as Forward checking, whereby, from a set of initial proposals,
constraints are propagated until increasing better solutions are incrementally found.
In this case, the G2 tool from Gensym was successfully applied to planning the weekly maintenance
tasks of a municipal service charged with distributing and controlling drinking water supplies to a city,
the main characteristic being the wide geographical dispersion of the installations and the limited per-
sonal and operative resources available.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. The role of planning in maintenance More specifically, planning the maintenance of an industrial
plant must take into consideration the following questions, among
Planning maintenance involves organising a set of activities, of others (Gómez de León & Ruiz Cartagena, 2006): the type of main-
greater or lesser complexity, in an attempt to ensure the maximum tenance necessary for each part of equipment, the extent of any
possible operational availability of equipment. That is, to eliminate intervention, the specific action protocols, a generic calendar for
(or minimise, at least) unforeseen faults and stoppages and to each activity, staff involved, means and necessary infrastructure,
make any unavoidable stoppages necessary for the servicing and the management of work orders, procedures for control and evalu-
repair of machinery as brief as possible, minimising any impact ation of the maintenance carried out, servicing procedures, altera-
on production. tions to established plan, etc.
This need to plan maintenance tasks and, especially, plant stop- Once the specific needs of a plant are known, its will be neces-
pages, takes on particular importance when it comes to preventa- sary to establish a work plan that spreads the tasks to be carried
tive strategies, which involve periodic revision of the equipment out over a convenient time scale – a given day or week – that is,
and installations or the replacement of worn parts. From the sim- the resources available must be assigned to a certain task or set
plest routine inspection to complete plant stoppages must be of tasks, each one of which will comprise a temporal sequence of
planned, that is, all the tasks to be carried out must be included activities.
in a protocol of maintenance that facilitates the work and minimis- Traditionally, it has been the head of maintenance who has had
es the time employed. It must not be forgotten that in some pro- to apply all his skills and experience in finding the most suitable
duction processes, such as the case of electricity generation in a solution to each case, that is, to find the balance between all the
nuclear power station, every day’s outage may represent a loss of criteria in play, with particular regard to safety, technical and eco-
millions of dollars. nomic considerations. However, as the number of variables and
complexity of the task increase, the risk of straying from the most
suitable solution grows and the cost of maintenance rises.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 968 398521; fax: +34 968 364151. It is because of this that maintenance management programs,
E-mail address: (M. Campos Martínez). especially those that offer help in planning tasks, have been found

0957-4174/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2964 J. Palma et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973

to be so useful. Such systems should be capable of managing the by random events: sickness, weather conditions, breakdown of
information available, the criteria of the company concerned when the supply chain, etc.
distributing resources and the time conditioners set out, offering The number of possible combinations of all the tasks to be car-
consistent multi-objective solutions that are technically viable ried out, together with the variability of each of the factors men-
and economically sound. We are dealing, then, with a problem of tioned, makes it impossible to make a prior analysis of the whole
planning and scheduling in which the conditions are continually range of possibilities and putative solutions since these grow expo-
changing, sometimes without warning. For example, operators nentially with the number of variables. If we consider each of the
usually take their holidays on a weekly or monthly basis, while factors involved in the problem as constraints, the problem may
on other occasions changes may take place randomly or with only be approached as a search for a space of solutions that must satisfy
a few hours’ notice. a set of constraints, which is frequent problem in the field of Arti-
The IT tools commercially available for maintenance manage- ficial Intelligence.
ment are very effective for planning a large number of tasks for We are looking at a dynamic problem, then, in which a given
many machines according to a pre-established timetable, possibly solution is only valid for a given time, a time which lasts only until
with a few straightforward limitations or conditions. However, the following change in one of the intervening factors, when new
they are not so effective when there are many time-related con- solutions to the new set of constraints must be found.
straints or when these occur randomly and continuously. When the set of factors affecting the problem is reduced and
Applying certain simple rules when tasks are scheduled may in can be considered static, planning can be made by algorithms of
practice be inefficient. For example, let’s take the obvious case that linear programming (Alardhi & Labib, 2008), since computational
‘‘an operator cannot do two tasks simultaneously”, which may be complexity is low. However, when the work orders are many and
translated into ‘‘if an operator has been assigned a task, then, as complex, the resources limited and the conditions subject to con-
long as this task is not finished, do not assign him another task”. tinuous change, such algorithms lead to an combinatorial explo-
This apparently simple rule may give rise to conflictive situations sion that makes it impossible to generate solutions at the same
in real time since the ‘‘as long as this task is not finished” introduces rate as the problem is changing. In such cases, we can only turn
a temporal uncertainty factor (Cárdenas, Marín, & Navarrete, 2001) to heuristic methods, such as genetic algorithms (García et al.,
which cannot be resolved a priori. 2003), in which, following a set of logic directives, the system gen-
The normal solution in such cases is to make an estimate based erates a restricted set of solutions following a reasoning deter-
on mean intervention or repair time, the so-called MTTR (Mean mined by the time permitted. Other Production Systems have
Time To Repair), if this is known. However since the value of MTTR also been used involving different reasoning methods, such as
is in reality a function of the distribution of probability (Gómez de backward-chaining (Lee & Kwon, 1995) or fuzzy reasoning (Pereira,
León, 1998), foreseen times might be very different from the time Sanchez, & Rives, 1999).
actually taken, throwing into disarray all planning. Obviously, In this work we approach the design of maintenance plans from
when the daily work order is issued, the mentioned rule of our the methodological perspective of de Knowledge Base Systems
example is easy to follow in the case of the first tasks, but the (KBS) based on Knowledge Engineering (KE). The problems that
inherent randomness of their duration increases the uncertainty have arisen with the industrialisation of the KBS design process
as far as subsequent tasks are concerned, leading to a very ineffi- in the 1980s were gradually resolved in the 1990s with the appear-
cient use of the time. ance of methods that cover the whole development process, based
Even if every task of a maintenance schedule that needs to be on the idea of modelling knowledge independently of its imple-
carried out, its periodicity and precise nature of the same may be mentation. Special mention should be made of approaches like VI-
known beforehand, scheduling the sequence in which the tasks TAL (Domingue, Motta, & Watt, 1993), MIKE (Angele, Fensel, Lanes,
should be carried out while taking into account a set of work or- & Studer, 1998) and CommonKADS (Schreiber et al., 2000) which
ders means in many cases coordinating a large number of changing have provided a solid framework for development. CommonKADS
factors, such as: the work hours of the plant, or more specifically, particularly has become the de facto standard for developing this
the working ours of the machines that are used in each work order; kind of system, besides covering the whole life cycle of KBS devel-
the number of operators available at any moment; if those who are opment. One of the most important aspects of this methodology is
available are qualified to carry out the work; the working hours the emphasis that it places on the re-use of knowledge models
and the shifts, not to mention the workers’ contracts and the work when tackling the development of new systems, this being one
conditions laid down by unions; the availability of material re- of the corner stones in the field of ontological engineering. To facil-
sources, basically the tools required for each job and the availabil- itate the re-use of knowledge models, most methods depend on
ity of spare parts; when necessary, suitable transport to transport the concept of the Problem Solving Method (PSM), which is a high
the personnel or the machinery itself; the geographical layout of level structure that indicates how to resolve a given generic task.
the plant or the dispersal of machines throughout the same – these One of the main advantages of using PSM is that it provides a set
to name but few of the factors that have to be taken into account. of knowledge inferences and elements regardless of the specific
Indeed, the set of temporal constraints imposed (Marín & Navarr- knowledge of the domain, organised as extremely re-usable ele-
ete, 2003) makes the daily or weekly scheduling of maintenance ments. We have opted to use CommonKADS since it is the most
tasks a puzzle difficult to resolve. complete methodology, although we only partially show the re-
Unlike planning, scheduling is exposed to numerous constraints sults of its application, focusing on the el knowledge model,the pur-
that are the consequence of frequent and random variation in the pose of which is to describe in detail the types and structures of the
resources available. Besides planning repetitive tasks, marked by knowledge used to perform the task.
periodical intervals or based on the state of a given parameter with Taking into consideration the problem described above and, as
a functional meaning, scheduling must also take into account tasks we shall see in the following sections, as we are dealing with a
of a less foreseeable nature. The tasks that arise daily in mainte- scheduling problem together with a problem regarding the alloca-
nance may on occasions rapidly accumulate, throwing into turmoil tion of resources (Liu, 1993), which takes into consideration user
all programming. To the list of scheduled jobs others that arise preferences, we opt to tackle both aspects simultaneously as a con-
unforeseen must be added. These are the consequence of condi- straint satisfaction problem (CSP) (Tsang, 1993), using the forward-
tions unconnected with the initial planning and usually caused checking technique to verify the solutions.
J. Palma et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973 2965

In the rest of the article, we shall observe the following struc-

ture: In Section 2 we describe the problem to be treated. In Section
3 we model the problem according to the methodology used and
the constraint and preference processing method. In Section 4 we
describe the application of the model to proposed dominion. Final-
ly, we offer some conclusions and discuss possible future lines of

2. Description of the problem

A specific case of such a situation is provided by a municipal

service whose responsibility is the distribution and supply of
drinking water to a population, whose hydraulic systems are
mainly composed of reservoirs, water pumping stations and a net-
work of pipes.
The main characteristic of such a company is the social and le-
gal repercussions of any breakdown in the supply of water. It is
therefore desirable that the level of maintenance be such that no
interruptions in the supply occur, meaning that planning and pro-
gramming of the tasks to be carried out take on even greater
importance in order to ensure the prompt response to any demand
for maintenance.
Other aspects of this kind of utility company are: the great dis-
tances between the individual installations, the operational inde-
pendence of some of these, the corrosive conditions in which the
equipment has to work, the necessarily strict control of the chlori-
nation equipment and of the product (drinking water). The geo-
graphical location of the installations of the municipality chosen
as study case (Molina de Segura, SE Spain) are shown in Fig. 1,
which only depicts the reservoirs and pumping stations but not,
for obvious reasons, the hundreds of kilometres of tubes and sec-
ondary level (or lower) installations and pipes (in this case running
to thousands of kilometres).
The maintenance department in this case has to manage a large
number of individual pieces of equipment, including motors,
pumps, valves, chlorination equipment, schedulers, civil engineer-
ing installation, electrical control boards, transformers, etc., for
this, as in common in this type of company, the company has a
computerised program of maintenance management which not
only points to the tasks that have to be carried out but also estab-
lishes the criteria for carrying out these planned tasks (Fig. 2). Each
task, that is, each maintenance operation, can be planned:

 For a given date: for example, 1st July of each year.

 With a given periodicity: for example, every six months from a
given date. Fig. 1. Geographical dispersion of the installations.
 Every time that an ‘‘event” occurs: for example, whenever a
more important operation has to be carried out in the same
installation. given day or period (e.g. week) may seem exhaustive, any change
 As a function of a value of a given parameter: for example, after in the initial conditions of the problem will be accompanied by a
a given number of operations or hours of operation. new spectrum of possible solutions that must be looked at before
a suitable response can be provided.
The record that describes each task also has to reflect other data Henceforth, by maintenance task schedules, we mean the dy-
that permits the task to be correctly carried out; such as the profes- namic design of work plans for a given period of time in which
sional qualification of the operator necessary, whether or not all the maintenance operations are organised in order to optimise
authorisation is needed and if so from whom, whether the operator the time and use of resources available and minimise the cost, at
needs supervision (during the work or subsequent to completion), the same time improving the overall availability of the plant (in
an indication of the task’s priority standing, the mean time needed this case utility company) as a whole. The resulting schedule must
for the task, whether or not any date limit applies, the materials provide consistent and specific solutions for each operator and sit-
necessary divided into categories (replacement parts, tools or any uation as regards the sequence of tasks to be carried out and the
other essential material), etc. materials necessary. Each solution will appear in a list of different
As mentioned above, the scheduled tasks may well be compli- work orders, which we shall call route,to be carried out succes-
cated by other unforeseen events, such as emergency repairs, sick- sively by the respective operators.
ness or days off, unavailability of resources, etc. therefore, even if To elaborate each route, the head of the maintenance depart-
planning and programming of the operations corresponding to a ment of the company will have a list of tasks that have to be
2966 J. Palma et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973

continues, certain tasks will never be carried out on time, increas-

ing the possibility of a breakdown. Far from being an exaggerated
catastrophe scenario, the above may well be regarded as ‘‘just an-
other day” in all too many industrial plants and installations.
In the case that concerns us, the company that is responsible for
providing and distributing drinking water to the general popula-
tion is also charged with other municipal services: rubbish collec-
tion, waste water depuration and the management and
maintenance of traffic lights. The Maintenance Department is com-
mon to all these services, and most operators must turn their hand
to the needs of each section. If, then, it was already difficult to pri-
oritise all the urgent tasks of one service, for example those asso-
ciated with the provision of drinking, water which is the focus of
our study, it now becomes even more of a nightmare if we have
to prioritise two totally different tasks – repair a traffic light, for
example, or repair a valve in the water distribution network – since
the consequences of either fault is unforeseeable and will depend
on the time, the place and the number of people affected, among
other things.
The result is that the number of operators available to carry out
the tasks on a given day, even during the same day, will vary. Fig. 3
depicts a typical list of work orders, which, in our study case, have
a date assigned to them.

3. Constraint satisfaction problem solving

Bearing in mind the description of the problem given above, one

solution to planning the maintenance tasks would be schedule
them into limited time intervals, along with the operators available
Fig. 2. Criteria for establishing calendar of planned operations. and materials to be used each day. As can be appreciated, we are
dealing with a scheduling problem combined with one of resource
allocation, which might be regarded as a constraint satisfaction
carried out on a certain date or in a given period. In the best problem (CSP). Formally such a problem is defined (Tsang, 1993)
of cases, these tasks will be prioritised so that the first attempt by a tuple {X, D, R}, where:
to provide a solution will be a sequence of pre-determined
operations.  X ¼ fX 1 ; X 2 ; . . . ; X n g, is a finite set of variables
Unfortunately, this state of affairs gets complicated when, as  D ¼ fD1 ; D2 ; . . . ; Dn g, is a finite set of domains, and
frequently happens, many of the tasks are described as urgent.  R ¼ fR1 ; R2 ; . . . ; Rr g, is a finite set of constraints
On other occasions, the operations are not prioritised or, if they
are, the list of tasks at each priority level is very long. To all this Each variable X i takes values in its corresponding domain, Di .
must be added the unforeseen problems as they arise, some of For example, in our problem a variable is the number of operators
which must be solved urgently. If the list of tasks to be carried available, whose domain is the set of integer numbers. A constraint
out during one particular period (e.g. one day) is too long, the less among a set of variables fX i1 ; . . . ; X ik g of X can be expressed as a
important tasks will have to be postponed, and if the situation subset of the Cartesian product fDi1      Dik g, which is formed

Fig. 3. Daily list of work orders.

J. Palma et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973 2967

by tuples of values that satisfy the constraint; that is, it contains  Number of workers
the combination of values assigned to variables that do not violate  Qualification necessary
the constraint. The constraints may be unary, binary, etc., that is,  Whether or not authorisation is necessary
they affect only one variable, or two, etc., respectively.  Whether supervision is necessary during the task or afterwards
Another type of constraint which we might consider ‘‘relaxed”  The materials needed divided into categories
are user preferences. Although, formally these are considered as  Spare parts
constraints, the algorithm may stray from its assigned value until  Tools or any other machinery to carry out and document the
it reaches a valid solution. In this case, a cost function brings to- operation such as auxiliary equipment, camera, manuals, etc.
gether the deviations in the initial preferential values introduced
by the system. An example of a preferential constraint in our prob- At the end of the WO it is also necessary to specify the
lem would be to obtain the best balance of the workload among following:
Bearing in mind the above definition, solving a CSP consists of  Date and time of finishing task.
two well differentiated phases:  Time taken.
 Observations. Commentaries, images, results, variations in the
1. Modelling the problem. In this phase we start from the prerequi- established procedure, recommendations, etc.
sites imposed by the application domain, which are translated
into CSP nomenclature. That is, we have to identify variables Fig. 4 shows a work order with all the above mentioned fields.
and their corresponding domains, besides identifying con- The aim is to spread the work orders over the days of the week.
straints and preferences. To schedule these, taking into account all possible constraints,
2. Processing the problem. Once the problem has been modelled, there are a series of parameters that are of crucial importance for
we must decide what to do with the constraints. There are defining the constraints to which the maintenance tasks are sub-
two possibilities here: ject. These are:
2.1. Apply consistency techniques which are based on eliminat-
ing the inconsistent values of the domains of the vari-  C1: Number of operators available each day.
ables and which enable information on the problem to  C2: Number of operators assigned to the tasks at any time.
be deduced (levels of consistency, possible values of the  C3: Number of vehicles available each day.
variables, minimum domains, etc.).  C4: Number of vehicles assigned at any given time.
2.2. Use search algorithms which systematically explore the  C5: The work hours in a normal day.
space of solutions until a solution is found or until it is  C6: The time needed to carry out each work order.
demonstrated that no solution exists. Basically, this usu-  C7: Foreseen date for each task.
ally consists of choosing the search method best adapted  C8: Travelling time.
to the problem in hand.
Parameters C 1 and C 3 are integer numbers that reflect the
Obviously, in our case, what interests us is to find a solution to components of the company each day. The number of workers
the problem in the terms described above, although most search varies each week due to factors such as sub-contracting, it also
techniques apply consistency techniques to reduce the search varies with the time of year, and sometimes a large number of
space. In the following sections we shall show how the problem workers are needed for a specific task. Parameters C 2 and C 4
has been modelled and the technique used to search for a solution. are also integer numbers and reflect the resources assigned to a
given task ate each moment. The constraints acting on these
parameters are C 2 <¼ C 1 and C 4 <¼ C 3 , which indicate that more
4. Modelling the problem resources than those available or more journeys than are possible,
cannot be used.
Constructing a model for CSP is straightforward as one only Parameters C 5 and C 6 reflect the time-related constraints for
has to formalise the constraints to be satisfied without having carrying out the tasks each day. The minimum units for expressing
to indicate how. First the problem must be specified by variables, the duration of a task are minutes. The constraint defined is that
domains of values and instances of the variables. Then, it must be C 6 <¼ C 5 , where C 6 is the sum of the duration of the tasks sched-
decided which configurations of states are valid to construct a uled sequentially during each day.
solution. Finally, the information obtained must be expressed as Parameter C 7 corresponds to a given date, to which one can add
a set of constraints and preferences that the solutions must an integer number of days’ delay. Parameter C 8 represents the time
satisfy. needed to travel between the different installations of the com-
The scheduling of maintenance tasks takes the form of work or- pany (in minutes). This parameter is shown in the lower part of
ders (Wireman, 2008), which are: a written document in which are Fig. 5.
recorded the maintenance operations to be carried out on a specific The concept of a ‘‘Scheduled Work Order” will also include a
part of the installation. These operations will be in the order in date of programming (date, hour and minute) and the order in
which they are to be carried out. Below, we shall look at the infor- which tasks are to be carried out. Finally the ‘‘Plan”, which is a
mation necessary for carrying out and scheduling the tasks. The set of scheduled work orders will have a start date, a finish date
different routes, organised by days, are the variables of the prob- and the cost – which is what we shall attempt to reduce.
lem and a solution consists on an assignation of the maintenance Finally, according to the company’s own criteria, certain Prefer-
tasks to each day into specific routes. ences can be established to guide the search for solutions in one
The following information is included in the work order (WO): direction or another, as if they were constraints, too. For the time
being, the preferences expressed by the company lead us in three
 Date and time of starting directions:
 Priority P1: Balance the work load: Priority should be given to keeping
 Location the workforce occupied and to ensuring that the number of opera-
 Duration tors needed remains similar during the period in question.
2968 J. Palma et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973

Fig. 4. Detail of a work order.

Fig. 5. User interface.

P2: Minimise number of journeys: Give priority to minimising  If a preference is marked as ‘‘exclusive” (i.e. it is the only prefer-
travelling. ence), the preference value will be 0 and the others two 4, and
P3: Keep to the daily work plan: Give priority to the specified the factor by which it is multiplied will be (4 – OPTIONAL attri-
date. When many tasks have to be carried out on a given date or bute). Consequently, the result of the ‘‘exclusivity” will be the
when the periods between inspections are short, this is the best only factor that influences the function of cost.
option since it avoids medium or low priority orders from being  If no preference is marked as exclusive, they will all have values
passed over. of 1–3. If the preference is given the score of 1, this means that
The user’s preferences are reflected in a cost function for the the user has estimated the priority as high, and so its multiplier
plan, to elaborate which a value of 0–100 is assigned for each pref- factor will be 3 (4-1). The same occurs with medium and low
erence, which is then multiplied by a factor between 0 and 4: preferences.
J. Palma et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973 2969

Therefore the cost function can be depicted as:  Domain Knowledge: This specifies application domain facts and
assumptions needed to carry out the reasoning process in the
cost=((costOS*factorS)+(costOF*factorF)+(costT*factorT))/ application domain (the form, structure and content of the
(factorS+factorF+factorT) knowledge).
 Inference Knowledge: This describes the primitive reasoning pro-
Factors factorS, factorF and factorT are the importance of mini- cesses and the knowledge roles (input, outputs and static
mising journeys, the importance that orders are not planned for knowledge required) used in the reasoning process.
another day from which they are scheduled (maintain day’s pro-
gramming), and the importance of balancing the workload of oper- Since the system does not exist before task execution, we are
ators (associated to the preference ‘‘balance daily workload”), dealing with a synthetic task. The output must be the jobs to
respectively. The cost values are: be carried out by the maintenance staff with their corresponding
time dependences. The inference structure can be seen in Fig. 6.
 costOS: The cost associated with the orders followed by the same In the inference diagram we can see the following com-
location. The fewer the carried out in the same place, the more ponents:
expensive the plan. If ST is the total number of tasks carried
out in the plan and OT is the total number of orders in the plan,  Inferences
to calculate the percentage of tasks carried out is ðST  100Þ=OT .  Operationalize: Transforms the user’s needs (for the system)
The more tasks completed, the nearer this figure will be to into preferences and constraints. The algorithm is basically
100; as what we are looking for is the inverse, the valueOS will a correspondence.
be 100  ½ðST  100Þ=OT .  Generate: Reads the work orders and plan them in accordance
 costOF: The cost associated with tasks which must be carried out with the scheduled date (with no optimisation). This will
on a day other than that planned. The more out-of-date the task, provide a partial solution with the associated cost.
the more costly the plan. In this case, let us suppose that F T is  Improve solutions: Studies the improvements that can be
the total number of out-of-date tasks and OT is the number of made concerning the solution, based on user preferences.
tasks. As above, the value of valueOT is ðF T  100Þ=OT . This  Modify: Modifies the plan in accordance with the results of
remains as such because the more out-of-date tasks there are, the above inferences.
the higher the cost.  Undo: Removes the last modification if it is worse (due to cost
 costT: The value associated with the differences in the number or the violation of some restriction) and the plan left as it was
of workers on the different days of the plan. The lower the before.
variation with respect to the number of workers, the lower  Forward checking: Looks at the plan to see if the user’s restric-
this value, which corresponds to the equilibrated workload. tions are being fulfilled.
For this, we calculate the variation in the numbers every  Dynamic roles:
day of the week (Monday compared with Tuesday, Wednes-  Input data: The input data are the work orders and user
day; Thursday and Friday; Tuesday compared with Wednes- preferences.
day, Thursday and Friday; and so on). Then, we calculate the  Preferences, constraints.
percentage with respect to the number of workers, which is  Partial solution, improved solution, valid solution, extension
the value we are looking for, since this will be increase as proposed.
the differences increase, which is undesirable since it is more  Static or basic rules of knowledge:
costly.  Rules-improvements: Improvements will be proposed as func-
tion of values of certain attributes of user needs.
Any of the options can be marked as exclusive, in which no pref-  Rules-preferences: The needs are ordered as function of user
erence can be assigned to the others and to calculate the cost, only preferences.
the option marked exclusive will be taken into account.  Rules-specific-plan: Criteria to change the order of the site.

As an example, in Fig. 7 we include the control structure and

5. Problem processing scheme of the inference ‘‘Operationalize” that is depicted in
Fig. 8.
The CommonKADS methodology offers support to all the devel- As we have mentioned, the aim of the application is to generate
opment phases of a knowledge-based system (project manage- work orders for the time specified by the user, which fulfill the
ment, organisation analysis and aspects related with Software restrictions and take into consideration the preferences.
and Knowledge Engineering). Following the CommonKADS methodology and taking into ac-
CommonKADS is directed at the implantation of a knowledge- count the re-use premise, we can classify the PSM into two
based system in a given organisation. To reflect the different as- groups: those that can be applied to synthetic tasks and those that
pects of the context in which KBS is to be applied, it offers six mod- can be applied to analytical tasks, further decomposed into more
els: organisation, agents, tasks, communication, knowledge and specific tasks. Obviously, our problem falls in the first group. In-
design. deed, the method itself and the authors (Motta, Rajpathak, Zdra-
For each intensive knowledge task identified in the contextual hal, & Roy, 2002) suggest a common characterisation for all the
analysis, a more detailed specification is made of the aspects re- synthetic tasks using terms as requisites, restrictions, dominions,
lated with the structure of the knowledge and of the reasoning pro- etc., which, in agreement with the analysis made in the section
cess involved in the task. In this case, the intensive task that modelling the problem, can be adapted to what we have defined
appears is that of Maintenance Planning. as a CSP.
The modelled task is divided into three categories: The technique behind this type of algorithm is known as Back-
tracking (BT) (Dechter & Pearl, 1988; Frost & Dechter, 1994), which
 Task Knowledge: This describes how a high-level task is broken is a complete search algorithm since it exhaustively explores the
down into sub-tasks: the task itself (inputs, outputs and goal) whole space of possible assignations to the variables, finding a
and the method to carry it out (control). solution, when one exists, or demonstrating that no solution exists.
2970 J. Palma et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973

Work orders and parameters

In put data Generate


Partial Solution
Task Description
Operacionalize Knowledge


Undo Extension
Plan proposed

Order of
Preferences Violation

Optional Work Order

Compulsory Plan
parameters Plan

Constraints Check Valid

Forward Solution

Fig. 6. Logic inference diagram of the system.

Fig. 7. Control structure of the inference ‘‘Operationalize”.

Input Data Operationalize Constraints

Task Description
Knowledge Preferences

User Plan specific Optional Compulsory

requirement rules parameters parameters

Fig. 8. Inference ‘‘Operationalize”.

Besides this search strategy, the literature includes numerous ref- to optimise the process (ordering variables and values), and, sec-
erences to complete search techniques, such as: Backjumping (Gas- ondly, several studies exist (Rodríguez, Palma, & Quintana, 2003),
ching, 1979), Conflict-directed Backjumping (Posser, 1993), in which the PSM corresponding to FC is presented, as well as
Learning (Ftulis, Giordano, Pluss, & Vota, 1998), Forward checking empirical evidence concerning the benefits of its re-use in other
(Haralick & Elliott, 1980), Minimal forward-checking (Dent & Mer- application dominions.
cer, 1994) and Full/partial look-Ahead (Haralick & Elliott, 1980), The basic idea underlying FC is the fact that, in each step of the
innumerable modifications and improvements to the above tech- BT search, the assignation of the present variable is checked
niques, and hybrid versions. For a more exhaustive revision of against the values of future variables, (which are themselves re-
these techniques, see (Tsang, 1993; Dechter, 2003). stricted by the present variable). The values of the future variables
For our problem, we have selected Forward checking (FC), first of that are inconsistent with the present assignation are temporarily
all because it is straightforward enough to be transferred into a eliminated from their dominions. If the dominion of a future vari-
PSM and because it can be extended by means of some heuristics able becomes empty, the instance is cancelled and another value is
J. Palma et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973 2971

tried. If no value is consistent, chronological backtracking is carried inconsistencies – in which case, the previous solution will be can-
out. Therefore, the algorithm constructs the solution in install- celled to provide another.
ments, assigning values to variables and testing inconsistencies The final result is a work order plan organised for the individual
in the partial solutions with values of variables not yet included operator’s route. The work orders requiring two or more operators
in the partial solution. are timetabled at the beginning of the day because of the difficulty
in synchronising individual times separately for them to coincide
6. Planning maintenance work orders later. Once the common task has been carried out, each operator
will follow his own route, with or without a vehicle.
First, the period for which the system should find a solution We show five tables, each for one day. The daily tables are di-
should be specified. Normally, the operational unit would be one vided into columns that represent routes. Each route is associated
week, so that, in our case, the system must plan the distribution to a vehicle, but may have more than one operator assigned to it
of work orders to be accomplished during one working week. How- since, as mentioned above, some tasks need more than one
ever, as a function of the time margins assigned to each operation, operator.
the Controller module will make a search for operations (with a suf- Fig. 9 shows an example of weekly planning provided by the
ficient time margin) that can be carried out before or after the per- program. When a task is selected, the corresponding specific de-
iod (pending operations) in an attempt to optimise the solution tails are given, including: the exact location of the installations
obtained. and the operations to be carried out, the number of workers
Working hours should also be introduced as constraints, partic- needed, whether they can all go in one vehicle or if more than
ularly the beginning and end of the working day; also the possibil- one is necessary (for example, when one operator is to follow a dis-
ity of working overtime and the limit in this respect for each tinct route after the first job), the foreseen duration, whether or not
operator; finally, the number of vehicles available at the beginning authorisation is needed, supervision or additional tests, and how
of each day (or at the moment of planning). Any other data that the much information is needed to complete the task.
system needs can be read in a database, since changes occur very This initial plan can be optimised iteratively by the program, an
rarely: for example, the installations and personnel referred to in improved plan being provided each time the ‘‘Optimizar” (opti-
the work orders, or the distance between installations (or the time mise) button is pressed. If the number of operators or vehicles is
taken to travel between them). introduced, the system will provide information as to whether
In the example that follows, we have introduced the ten opera- the plan is feasible or whether some orders should be eliminated
tors for the installation and the maximum number of vehicles of from the maintenance management plan. It is preferable that the
different types available, in this case five. Daily maintenance tasks user decides which orders should be omitted rather than the
are to be carried out in five installations (Alcayna, Altorreal, Cone- program.
jos, Fenazar and Torrealta). As we can see in Fig. 10, the system, as best as it can, has
In these conditions and assigning the same priority to all the grouped orders for the same site in one route. The orders of two
preferences, the planning process will generate an initial solution, workers are different but the common tasks for them are put at
to which it will gradually offer improvements; the solutions pro- the beginning of the day, so that the two workers coincide in the
vided will serve to modify the last solution offered; these modifica- same place and at the same time, after which each one can con-
tions will be checked to see whether they contain any tinue with his route.

Fig. 9. Weekly plan of work orders classified by installation site.

2972 J. Palma et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973

Fig. 10. Optimized planning.

When the button ‘‘Obtener Información de la Celda” (get informa-  View: Controls what the end-user sees on the screen; shows the
tion from the cell) is pressed, the corresponding information refer- information of the model. The interface classes delegate an
ring to one of the tasks of a route is presented. The information of event to the controller when managing an event.
the work order consists of a date and time proposed, priority, local-  Controller: Charged with redirecting or assigning an application
ization, duration, number and qualification of workers, and if it is of the Model to each request of the View. By means of its own
necessary to provide a previous authorisation before committing control logic, it establishes the request-response correspon-
the work order. dence map. The Controller not only communicates with the
The architecture of the software used divides the application Model, but also exchanges messages with the Data manager,
into three parts using the Model-View-Controller pattern (Busch- which serves as intermediate between the controller and data-
mann, 1999), the reference software architecture recommended base. In this way, the database remains independent.
by the CommonKADS methodology (see Fig. 11), each one of which
has the following functions: The system is implemented in Java for the module View and the
interfaces with the two other modules, and G2 from Genssym
 Model: Contains data and state of the application. When opera- ( Last visited: 9/10/2008, xxxx) to imple-
tions are being carried out, the control returns to the Controller ment the knowledge Model and Controller module. G2 is a tool for
which returns the results to the assigned View. developing expert systems with numerous libraries specifically di-
rected at industrial applications. The software application is made
by JDBC and Javalink, which are necessary for connecting with the
maintenance Database which the company already possessed.
Javalink and G2 communicate with each other through remote pro-
Input MVC Output
cedure call, that is, Javalink can invoke G2 procedures and method,
and G2 can invoke Java methods.

7. Conclusions
Input Output
Controller View Nobody doubts that setting up a maintenance plan these days
(java) (java)
must take advantage of the possibilities offered by information
technology. Useful, efficient and dynamic management of all the
information available requires the use of information technology
solutions. However, the greater the technical complexity, quantity
and variety of machines and the greater the distances over which
Model Data manager
installations are dispersed, not to mention the number of people
(G2) (Acces)
involved, the greater the need for tools that help the decision mak-
ing process, that is, intelligent systems capable of managing, not
only data but also reasoning criteria and information in order to
Fig. 11. Model-View-Controller architecture. find solutions to the logistical problems that arise very day. Such
J. Palma et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 2963–2973 2973

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search algorithms and other heuristics that can be applied to this constraint satisfaction. Expert Systems with Applications, 6(3), 349–359.
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Posser, P. (1993). An empirical study of phase transitions in binary constraint
This work was partially funded by projects PET2006_0406 and satisfaction problems. Artificial Intelligence, 81, 81–109.
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solving methods. An application in constraint programming applications. In
Proceedings of the knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering system
(KES’2003), LNCS (Vol. 2774, pp. 1299–1306).
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