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Explanation of how I made the table

First of all, I opened Excel to create the table.

Then select drag so that A to K is selected and that drags it to row 12

After that I put where it says borders that is below changing the letter, there I put in
borders fill all the edges to create the table
Then I went to where it says format and I set the column width to 20 and the row
height to 30.
Once this is done we already have the table
Now all you have to do is fill in the details.
Then we start filling in with our subject at the top and what dimension is on
the left side of the column

After filling in the columns and rows we put the command

=Random.between(50,100) so that it gives us different values between 50
and 100
After it gives us all the values we must put the command =average to know
what average it has for each subject
Almost at the end we take the maximum of all the qualification and the
minimum of all the qualification for the maximum we will use the command
=max() and for the minimum the command =min() we repeat this 4 times to
know the maximum and the minimum of all the averages of the 4 stages
Finally we decorate the table and it would look like this

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