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Discharge AMA Isolation Scenario

In this scenario, my immediate action as the unit clerk would be to adhere to established

protocols while responding swiftly to the situation. I will take the following steps:

a) Notify the nursing staff and charge nurse - I would inform the nursing staff and the charge

nurse immediately about the patient’s intentions to leave against medical advice (AMA) and the

fact that the patient has left the unit.

b) Document the incident - I would document the patient’s statement, actions, and departure

time accurately in the patient’s chart or electronic medical record system. I will note the patient’s

demeanor, any signs of agitation, and the exact time the patient left.

c) Alert security or hospital authorities - I would notify hospital security or relevant authorities

about the patient’s departure to ensure their safety and well-being, as well as to prevent any

potential risks associated with the patient leaving the isolation unit.

d) Contact the doctor - I would try to reach out to the attending physician or the responsible

doctor immediately to inform them about the patient's departure without proper discharge and

seek their guidance on the necessary steps to address the situation.

e) Follow hospital protocol - I would ensure that all necessary documentation, including

incident reports, discharge forms, or legal documentation, is completed promptly after the

patient’s departure. This will ensure adherence to hospital’s protocol for patients leaving against

medical advice.

f) Review and update policies - After the incident, I would collaborate with the unit manager or

supervisor to review and potentially update existing policies to prevent similar situations in the
future, emphasizing better monitoring of isolation patients and ensuring effective communication

among staff.

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