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Insomnia in childhood and adolescence: clinical aspects,

diagnosis, and therapeutic approach

Alvarado Miranda Ximena, Ramírez López Cecilia Alejandra
Universidad del Valle de México, Ciudad de México, CDMX, México

Abstract The research journey navigates the

In the nocturnal symphony of our complexities of diagnosis,
lives, the prevalence of sleeping emphasizing the power of
disorders casts a shadow that conversation and tools such as sleep
extends beyond the silence of the diaries and self-report measures. It
night. Often underestimated, these further explores the multifaceted
disorders impact individuals across landscape of treatment, advocating
the age spectrum, with for a comprehensive approach that
approximately 30% of children and goes beyond symptom
adolescents navigating the labyrinth management. From
of sleep challenges. This research cognitive-behavioral therapy to
delves into the intricate landscape of complementary practices, caution
insomnia, a prevalent sleep disorder with dietary supplements, and
affecting a significant portion of the pharmacological options, each
population, and its ripple effects on treatment modality is examined with
health, well-being, and societal a focus on personalized care.
The consequences of untreated
The exploration encompasses the sleep disorders extend beyond
prevalence and impact of insomnia in individual health, influencing family
adults, children, and the elderly, dynamics and societal structures.
shedding light on the intricate dance Children and teenagers, often
between sleep disorders and other overlooked in discussions on sleep
pathologies. Despite the universal health, bear a heavier burden, with
nature of these challenges, there is a implications for cognitive function,
surprising lack of routine clinical academic performance, and social
discourse about sleep issues, leaving interactions. The intricate web of
a gap in the proactive identification sleep disorders with psychiatric
and intervention for sleep disorders. comorbidities adds layers of
Sleep, often trivialized as mere rest, complexity to the well-being of the
emerges as a critical player in the younger generation.
symphony of overall health, affecting
biological functions, physiological The urgency of early detection and
recovery, learning, memory, cognitive intervention becomes evident,
processes, and emotional well-being. presenting a crucial opportunity to
prevent or alleviate adverse health

outcomes. The significance of quality important to pay attention to. About
sleep is underscored, not only for 30% of children and adolescents
individual health but also for the suffer from sleeping disorders that
economic well-being of society. As can lead up to shifting dynamic
the clock ticks into the late hours of interaction of biological,
the night, the research concludes psychological and social factors.
with a call to elevate the discourse Sleep is an essential active process
on sleep health, recognizing its that must be executed and to do so it
profound impact on lives and society. must be understood.
Armed with awareness and empathy,
the journey towards a harmonious In this research we will learn some of
night—a night where sleep is a the most important things to know
symphony of well-being—is about this problem, the treatment
envisioned. and most important how to be able
to diagnose this.
Keywords: sleep disorders, insomnia,
prevalence, impact, children, Body
adolescents, adults, elderly, Insomnia is a prevalent sleep
diagnosis, treatment, disorder that affects a significant
cognitive-behavioral therapy, portion of the population, with
complementary practices, women being 1.5 times more likely to
pharmacological options, societal experience insomnia than men. It can
implications, family dynamics, mental be caused by a wide range of factors,
health, holistic healthcare, including psychiatric, medical,and
well-being, sleep health awareness, underlying sleep disorders. Chronic
economic implications, personalized insomnia can impair daytime
care. functioning and is associated with
adverse health and social outcomes.
Introduction Furthermore, insomnia can lead to
It's late at night, you toss around bed the development of negative
as time passes by and you can't emotions such as anxiety and
figure out how to fall asleep. As soon depression, as well as decreased
as you fall asleep you start stressing immunity.
out and having nightmares, as you
wake up you´re unable to carry your Insomnia is not only prevalent in
morning routine as you should. This adults but also in children and
is what having a sleeping disorder adolescents. Pediatric insomnia can
feels like and unfortunately they are be caused by a wide range of factors,
more common than we know of. including medical and behavioral
Sometimes as adults we don't pay issues. It is often diagnosed based on
enough attention to this, thinking that parent reports and can be
it's nothing so relevant or that challenging to assess due to

developmental differences and sleep disorders increase with aging
cultural influences. Insomnia in and can even contribute to
children and adolescents can have neurodegeneration. It is essential to
significant impacts on their recognize the potential severity of
development and well-being. these disorders and their
under-diagnosed nature.Insufficient
Moreover, insomnia is a common or poor quality sleep not only poses
sleep disorder in the elderly a risk to individual health but also has
population, with as many as 50% of significant economic implications
(Chang et al., 2018)
older adults complaining of difficulty . Untreated sleep
falling or staying asleep. Insomnia is disorders have been linked to an
associated with significant morbidity, increased risk of developing obesity,
including an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and
depression, heart disease, diabetes, depression (Klingman et al., 2017). In order to
metabolic syndrome, and cognitive address the impact of sleep
impairment. disorders on individuals and society
as a whole, it is crucial to prioritize
Despite the prevalence and impact the detection and treatment of these
of insomnia, there is a lack of routine conditions. Understanding and
clinical discussion about sleep treating sleep disorders is essential
issues. Only about one-third of to maintaining overall wellness and
pediatricians routinely ask about reducing the onset and burden of
sleep habits. However, there are chronic diseases .
tools available to aid in this
assessment, such as sleep diaries Untreated Sleep Disorders
and self-report measures.
Untreated sleep disorders cast a
Sleep, often overlooked as merely a shadow not only on individual health
period of rest, actually plays a critical but also on the fabric of our society
role in our overall health and (Zhou et al., 2023). Individuals left
well-being. Research has shown that grappling with untreated sleep issues
sleep disorders are more prevalent find themselves at an elevated risk of
than commonly thought, affecting up developing a myriad of health
to 15-20% of the general adult conditions, including obesity,
population. Moreover, these diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and
disorders can have widespread depression (Klingman et al., 2017).
effects, impacting biological Moreover, the repercussions extend
functions, physiological recovery, beyond initial diagnosis, negatively
learning, memory, cognitive influencing the trajectory and
processes, and emotional health. treatment of these chronic conditions
once they take root. The urgency of
The significance of quality sleep early detection and intervention
extends across all age groups, as becomes evident, presenting a

crucial opportunity to prevent or Behavioral issues emerge as a
alleviate these adverse health consequence of disrupted sleep
outcomes. patterns, with irritability, mood
Furthermore, the ramifications of swings, and difficulties managing
untreated sleep disorders extend emotions becoming more
their reach into cognitive functioning, pronounced in sleep-deprived
memory, and daily functioning, individuals. This isn't just confined to
particularly among children and the home environment; it spills over
teenagers. This age group, often into educational settings, affecting
overlooked in discussions on sleep the child or teenager's ability to
health, bears a heavier burden than navigate social interactions and
we might realize. Sleep disorders adhere to expected norms of
become not just a nocturnal struggle behavior.
but a potential precursor to other The physical health implications for
pathologies, such as asthma, obesity, young individuals with sleep
gastroesophageal reflux disease, disorders are noteworthy, with an
epilepsy, attention disorders, and increased risk of obesity being a
autism spectrum disorders. common outcome. Hormonal
Additionally, the intertwining of imbalances caused by inadequate
sleep disorders with psychiatric sleep contribute to this risk.
comorbidities, including anxiety, Moreover, the linkage between sleep
depression, and bullying, adds a disorders and conditions like asthma
layer of complexity to the overall and obesity further complicates the
well-being of young individuals. overall health landscape for children
Consequences on Children and and teenagers.
Teenagers: A Deeper Dive Navigating the Educational Terrain
The impact of sleep disorders on the and Social Dynamics
younger generation goes beyond Academic performance takes a
restless nights. Cognitive function noticeable hit when sleep is
takes a notable hit, as the compromised. The learning process,
developing brain heavily relies on intricately linked to adequate sleep,
sufficient and quality sleep to becomes disrupted, hindering a
consolidate memories, learn new student's ability to focus, participate
information, and maintain optimal in class, and perform well in exams.
cognitive performance. The This, in turn, can have lasting
persistent deprivation of sleep can consequences on educational and
translate into difficulties in career trajectories, potentially
concentration, memory retention, limiting future opportunities for these
and a ripple effect on overall young individuals.
academic performance, potentially Social functioning becomes a
paving the way for long-term battleground influenced by sleep
challenges in educational attainment. disorders. Fatigue and irritability

create challenges for sleep-deprived well-being involves recognizing the
children and teenagers to engage in intricate connections between sleep,
social activities. The emotional toll of physical health, academic success,
sleep disorders may contribute to and social functioning. This holistic
feelings of isolation, negatively approach is not just a facet of
impacting interpersonal relationships healthcare; it is a critical necessity for
and overall social well-being. nurturing the well-being of the
Psychiatric comorbidities, including younger generation and shaping a
anxiety and depression, often healthier society.
accompany sleep disorders in this Mystery of Children and Teen
age group. The interplay between Insomnia
sleep and mental health forms a
complex web, where inadequate Identifying insomnia in children and
sleep can contribute to the teens involves vigilant observation of
development or exacerbation of various behavioral and physiological
these conditions, further highlighting indicators. Signs may include
the need for a holistic approach to persistent difficulty falling asleep,
health. frequent night wakings, or early
Beyond the individual, sleep morning awakenings that disrupt the
disorders reverberate into family overall sleep duration. Additionally,
dynamics. Parents, faced with the daytime symptoms such as
challenges of a child or teenager excessive sleepiness, fatigue,
experiencing sleep issues, grapple irritability, and difficulties
with increased stress and fatigue. concentrating may signal underlying
This strain has a cascading effect, sleep issues. Changes in behavior,
disrupting family relationships and mood swings, or increased anxiety
creating an additional layer of around bedtime can also be
challenges within the home indicative. Resistance to bedtime
environment. routines and physical symptoms like
Holistic Healthcare for the Younger headaches or stomach aches may
Generation further suggest sleep disturbances.
Monitoring the impact on school
Addressing sleep disorders in
performance, including academic
children and teenagers demands
decline or behavioral issues, provides
more than just treating the
additional insights. Screen time
symptoms; it requires a
habits before bedtime, especially
comprehensive approach. Early
the use of electronic devices, should
detection, timely intervention, and
be considered. In cases where
the establishment of healthy sleep
concerns persist, consulting
habits are crucial in mitigating the
healthcare providers is crucial for a
far-reaching consequences. Ensuring
comprehensive assessment.
that young individuals have the best
Healthcare professionals can delve
chance for optimal development and

into the specifics of sleep patterns, Doctors might ask people to keep a
behaviors, and overall well-being, sleep diary, which is just writing
offering guidance and, if necessary, down when they go to bed, wake up,
referring to sleep specialists for a and if anything strange happens at
more detailed evaluation. Regular night. There are also simple
communication with children and questions to answer. These tools help
teens about their sleep experiences doctors see patterns and figure out if
enhances the identification and there's a sleep problem.
management of insomnia, fostering a
collaborative approach to address When Extra Help is Needed
potential sleep challenges. Sometimes, doctors might need
more info. They could ask specialists
Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders or use machines to see what's
happening during sleep. It's like a
Figuring out sleep problems can be
sleep movie - showing what the
tricky because they're not always
body does when someone is asleep.
easy to spot. We need to look at a
Doctors don't just think about sleep.
bunch of different things to really
They also check for other problems
understand what's going on (Zhou et
that could make sleep tricky. By
al., 2023).
looking at the whole picture, they
can figure out the best way to help.
Talking to Patients
When doctors talk to people about Treatment of Sleep Disorders
their sleep, it's a big deal. Even if
someone doesn't come right out and When the night feels like an endless
say they're having trouble sleeping, toss-and-turn session, and sleep
doctors can find out by asking remains elusive, it's more than just a
questions. Knowing about when minor inconvenience. The struggle
someone goes to bed, wakes up, and intensifies when dreams turn into
if anything weird happens during the stress and nightmares, leaving you
night helps doctors understand what groggy and unable to tackle the
might be going on. morning routine. Unfortunately, these
experiences are the harsh reality of
How Common is it? dealing with a sleeping disorder, a
Lots of people have issues with sleep prevalent issue often underestimated
- maybe between 10-40% of all by adults who might brush it off as
people (Klingman et al., 2017). So, inconsequential. Shockingly, sleeping
doctors asking about sleep during disorders affect a considerable
regular check-ups is really important. portion of the population, more than
It helps catch problems early, before we might realize.
they get worse.
In the realm of children and
Tools for Understanding adolescents, the impact is

substantial, with approximately 30% sleep is understandable,
grappling with sleeping disorders. current data doesn't strongly
These issues are not isolated; they support their efficacy. It's
have a domino effect, influencing the crucial to approach them with
intricate interplay of biological, caution and consult with
psychological, and social factors. healthcare professionals
Recognizing the significance of sleep before incorporating them into
as an essential and active process is a treatment plan.
the first step in addressing these ● Pharmacological Options: In
challenges. some cases, medicines might
be necessary. Options range
Understanding the Treatment from benzodiazepine-receptor
Landscape agonists to melatonin,
When it comes to treating insomnia,
antipsychotics, and
it's not a one-stop-shop solution. The
antihistamines. However,
complexity of sleep disorders
navigating this landscape
demands a thoughtful and
requires a careful
multifaceted approach, considering
consideration of the
the unique aspects of each
associated concerns and risks.
individual's situation.
Drugs Used To Treat Insomnia
● Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
● Antidepressants: Some
(CBT): This stands out as a
antidepressant drugs, such as
front-runner in insomnia
Trazodone (Desyrel), are very
treatment. CBT goes beyond
good at treating sleeplessness
just addressing the symptoms;
and anxiety.
it delves into the root causes,
● Benzodiazepines: These older
making it a comprehensive
sleeping pills- Emazepam
and effective option.
(Restoril), Triazolam (Halcion),
● Complementary Practices:
and others may be useful
Beyond traditional
when you want an insomnia
approaches, there's a growing
medication that stays in the
body of evidence supporting
system longer. For instance,
the use of mindfulness-based
they have been effectively
practices, yoga, and tai chi as
used to treat sleep problems
complementary treatments.
such as sleepwalking and
These practices bring an
night terrors. But these drugs
additional layer of holistic
may cause you to feel sleepy
well-being to the table.
during the day and can also
● Caution with Dietary
cause dependence, meaning
Supplements: While the allure
you may always need to be on
of dietary supplements for
the drug to be able to sleep.

● Doxepin (Silenor): This sleep cause you to feel sleepy the
drug is approved for use in following day.
people who have trouble ● Zaleplon (Sonata): Of all the
staying asleep. Silenor may newer sleeping pills, Sonata
help with sleep maintenance stays active in the body for the
by blocking histamine shortest amount of time. That
receptors. Do not take this means you can try to fall
drug unless you are able to asleep on your own. Then, if
get a full 7 or 8 hours of sleep. you're still staring at the clock
● Eszopiclone (Lunesta): Lunesta at 2 a.m., you can take it
also helps you fall asleep without feeling drowsy in the
quickly, and studies show morning. But if you tend to
people sleep an average of 7 wake during the night, this
to 8 hours. Don't take Lunesta might not be the best choice
unless you are able to get a for you.
full night's sleep as it could ● Zolpidem (Ambien, Edluar):
cause grogginess. Because of These medicines work well at
the risk of impairment the next helping you get to sleep, but
day, the FDA recommends the some people tend to wake up
starting dose of Lunesta be no in the middle of the night.
more than 1 milligram. Zolpidem is now available in
● Ramelteon (Rozerem): This an extended release version,
sleep medication works Ambien CR. This may help you
differently than the others. It go to sleep and stay asleep
works by targeting the longer. The FDA warns that
sleep-wake cycle, not by you should not drive or do
depressing the central anything that requires you to
nervous system. It is be alert the day after taking
prescribed for people who Ambien CR because it stays in
have trouble falling asleep. the body a long time. You
Rozerem can be prescribed for should not take zolpidem
long-term use, and the drug unless you are able to get a
has shown no evidence of full night's sleep at least 7 to 8
abuse or dependence. hours. The FDA has approved
● Suvorexant (Belsomra): It a prescription oral spray called
works by blocking a hormone Zolpimist, which contains
that promotes wakefulness zolpidem, for the short-term
and causes insomnia. It is treatment of insomnia brought
approved by the FDA to treat on by trouble falling asleep.
people that have insomnia due ● Over-the-counter sleep aids:
to an inability to fall asleep or Most of these sleeping pills
to stay asleep. The drug may are anti-histamines. There is no
proof that they work well for

insomnia, and they can cause battleground. Tossing and turning,
some drowsiness the next day. the elusive embrace of slumber
They're safe enough to be sold transforms into a canvas of stress
without a prescription. But if and nightmares, casting a shadow on
you're taking other drugs that the morning routine. Unfortunately,
also contain antihistamines this nocturnal ordeal is not an
like cold or allergy isolated experience; it's a glimpse
medications you could into the world of sleeping disorders,
inadvertently take too much. a pervasive issue often dismissed by
adults as inconsequential. Yet, the
reality is stark—sleeping disorders
weave their intricate web across the
population more commonly than
Navigating Concerns and Risks perceived.

The treatment journey is not without

In the realm of children and
its challenges. Controversies
adolescents, the impact is palpable,
surround sedative hypnotic drugs,
with approximately 30% navigating
and the evidence regarding their
the labyrinth of sleeping disorders.
long-term use is conflicting. It's a
These issues, far from isolated
delicate balancing act, weighing the
incidents, set in motion a cascade of
potential benefits against the risks
effects, altering the delicate dance of
associated with each treatment
biological, psychological, and social
factors. Recognizing sleep as an
essential and active process is the
In essence, treating sleeping
first crucial step in addressing these
disorders is a personalized endeavor.
nocturnal challenges.
It involves understanding the unique
aspects of each individual's
Insomnia emerges as a prevalent
experience, exploring a range of
protagonist in the realm of sleep
treatment modalities, and being
disorders, affecting a substantial
mindful of the potential pitfalls along
portion of the population.
the way. By approaching treatment
Astonishingly, women find
with a comprehensive mindset,
themselves 1.5 times more likely to
addressing the root causes, and
grapple with insomnia than their
considering the nuances of each
male counterparts. This sleep
case, we can pave the way for more
disorder, characterized by difficulty
restful nights and improved overall
falling or staying asleep, becomes a
silent disruptor of daytime
functioning, wielding the power to
As the clock ticks into the late hours
impact both health and social
of the night, the struggle to find
outcomes. The consequences ripple
solace in sleep becomes a familiar
further, fostering the growth of

negative emotions such as anxiety leaving a chasm in the proactive
and depression while simultaneously identification and intervention for
compromising the body's immune sleep disorders. The slumber, often
defenses. trivialized as mere rest, emerges as a
critical player in the symphony of our
Yet, the impact of insomnia extends overall health and well-being.
its reach beyond the boundaries of Research unfurls the sobering truth
adulthood. Children and adolescents, that sleep disorders lurk beneath the
too, find themselves entangled in its surface more pervasively than
web, facing challenges that extend commonly acknowledged, affecting
beyond the darkened hours of the up to 15-20% of the general adult
night. Pediatric insomnia, fueled by a population. These disorders seep
myriad of factors including medical into the very fabric of our biological
and behavioral issues, becomes a functions, physiological recovery,
puzzle diagnosed through the lens of learning, memory, cognitive
parental reports. The assessment, processes, and emotional health.
however, is not without its
complexities, navigating the The significance of quality sleep
developmental differences and spans the continuum of age, with
cultural influences that shape these sleep disorders gaining momentum
young sleepers. The implications of as aging progresses, even
insomnia on the developmental contributing to the ominous realm of
trajectory and overall well-being of neurodegeneration. The severity of
children and adolescents cast a long these disorders, often
shadow, emphasizing the need for a underdiagnosed, unfolds a tale with
holistic understanding. far-reaching implications. Insufficient
or poor-quality sleep becomes a
The elderly population, too, is not harbinger of not just individual health
immune to the clutches of insomnia, risks but also ushers in significant
with as many as 50% of older adults economic implications. Untreated
wrestling with the difficulty of falling sleep disorders emerge as silent
or staying asleep. The repercussions architects of an increased risk of
echo through the corridors of developing obesity, diabetes,
morbidity, linking insomnia to an cardiovascular disease, and
increased risk of depression, heart depression. To address the
disease, diabetes, metabolic reverberations of sleep disorders in
syndrome, and cognitive impairment. individuals and society, it becomes
paramount to prioritize detection and
Yet, for all its prevalence and impact, treatment. Unraveling the intricacies
there exists a startling lack of routine of these conditions stands as a
clinical discourse about sleep issues. linchpin in the quest to uphold
Only a fraction of pediatricians delve overall wellness and mitigate the
into inquiries about sleep habits,

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routine medical assessments to 015.08.006
family conversations. It is an invitation 4. Accepted Manuscript. (n.d.).
to recognize the silent struggles of 5. Nunes ML, Bruni O. (n.d.).
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