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Racial inequality has increased the spread of Coronavirus in the United States.

scenario is a reality because many marginalized groups, such as African Americans, do jobs
within the informal sector. Thus, they are unable to protect themselves conclusively from getting
the novel COVID-19.
Due to low pay, people of color are unable to own cars or private means of transportation,
which compels them to opt for public transit to commute. This realization increases their
probability of contracting the virus as measures to protect themselves, such as social distancing,
are compromised. Additionally, a significant number of African Americans do live in sub-
standard houses that are not conducive for habitation due to low wages.
For this reason, they lack access to basic amenities such as clean water, which would
enable them to maintain high standards of hygiene. Since washing hands and keeping cleanliness
are fundamental requirements in fighting Coronavirus, then people of color who are affected are
not in a position to protect themselves conclusively from Coronavirus.
Currently, the high number of Hispanics and African Americans are losing their jobs as
opposed to their white counterparts. Thus, highlighting the racial disparity that is taking place
amid the pandemic. Due to their economic status, people from marginalized groups have no
choice but to go out and earn an income so that they can provide for the needs of their families
and ensure they have a roof over their heads, risking contracting the virus in the process.
The best approach that the government can take is to financial assistance to businesses
owned by African Americans, especially those within the leisure and hospitality sectors. This
move would allow the companies to gain a sense of financial security; therefore, people of color
would not live in fear of losing their jobs and businesses. Additionally, many of them would be
able to stay at home and help in curbing the pandemic.
I think businesses should remain closed so that the country can make significant progress
in curbing and handling the pandemic. If companies remain open, more people would be exposed
to the virus. Therefore, impeding the efforts made towards combating the virus. Particularly
businesses that require close contact, such as tattoo parlors, barbershops, hair salons, and nail
shops, need to remain closed since it is hard to maintain social distancing, which is essential in
curbing the virus. Finally, it is paramount for the concerned stakeholders to combat racial
disparities today in various sectors, including employment, housing, and health, to foster equality
and avoid the repeat of the same in the future.

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