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8D Skills For Writing

4.Writing An email about a news story

Tiger escapes from ZOO

On February 14th 1:00 PM in Jurug Zoo an incident occurred. one of the animals
there escaped from the cage, that’s Sumatra Tiger. It is the smallest tiger but that animal
is endangered. The police help visitors to evacuate and clear the area to ensure
everybody is safe. Unfortunately the tiger left the zoo and headed to the city but zoo staff
quickly secured the tiger.Fortunately there were no casualties in the incident, the zoo
repaired the cage and ensured the tiger never escaped again.


Oha Eagle

In this email I want to tell you about Incident today. So, I read the News article
today and the news talked about Tiger escaping from ZOO. The incident took place in
Jurug Zoo at 1:00 PM. The escaped animal is the Sumatran tiger. It's one of many
endangered animals, fortunately the tiger can be handled by zoo staff and there are no

Your friends, Candi

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