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SECTION -A Objective Type Questions azoa, Basis of Classification) Which of the following statements is not true? (1) All members of the kingdom Animalia are ‘multicellular {2) Nature of coelom is used as one of the basis of animal classification {@) There is no need of classification now as over a million species of animals have been described till now (4) The arrangement of cells in the body is one of the classifying feature of the animals The only incorrectly matched pair is Phylum Level of organisation (1) Porifera - Cellular level (2) Cridaria — Tissue level (3) Annelida - Organ level only (4) Mollusca - — Organ-system level A complete digestive system has (1) Single opening that serves as both mouth and anus (2) Two openings, one as mouth and other as anus (3) Single opening that acts as mouth only (4) Two openings, both act as mouth as well as anus In closed circulatory system (1) The cells and tissues are directly bathed in the blood pumped out by heart (2) Arteries and veins are lacking (3) The capillaries are largest blood vessels and Closed at their ends (4) Blood circulates through a series of vessels of wen ang ie damental feature is i ing fundamen! common o oenigoee Anopheles and Laccifer Wut any exception? NS (1) Marine habitat (2) Members of largest phylum of animal kingdom (3) Open circulatory system (4) External fertilisation 6. Match the animals in Column-| with their common names in Column-ll Column-{ Column-ti a. Limulus (i) Tusk shell b. Ophiura i) Tapeworm c. Taenia (ii) Brain coral d. Meandrina (wv) King crab fe. Dentalium Brittle star (1) av), b(iv), c(i), d(ii), efi) (2) a(iv), bv), (ii), d(iii), efi) (3) a(v), b(ii), c(iii), d(i), e(iv) (4) a(iv), b(v), c(ili), di), e(ii) (Classification of Animals) + Phylum : Porifera 7. Mesoglea is (1) A germinal layer present between ectoderm and endoderm (2) An undifferentiated layer present between ectoderm and endoderm (3) Another name of mesoderm (4) A spongy layer of skin 8 The pecularity of sponges is (1) Canal system (2) Water vascular system (3) Central gastro vascular cavity (4) Bioluminescence 9. Choanocytes are present in (1) Physalia (2) Sycon (3) Pleurobrachia (4) Echinus 10. In Poriferans, the skeleton is made up of (1) Spongin fibres and spicules (2) Calcareous ossicles (3) Chitinous spicules (4) Cartitage © scanned with OKEN Scanner 64 = Animal Kingdom (Genera! Accoun “—— 11. Water enters the body of sponges through (1) Osculum : (2) Hypostome (3) Muscular pharynx (4) Ostia 12. All of the following statements are correct for Poriferans, except (1) Eggs and sperms are produced by the same individual (2) They are generally marine and mostly asymmetrical animals (3) They reproduce sexually as well as asexually (4) They have an extracellular type of digestion + Phylum : Coelenterata 13. Which of the following is not the function of cnidoblasts? (1) Digestion of food (2) Anchorage (3) Defense (4) Capture of prey 14. Coelenterates are (1) Asymmetric animals (2) Radially symmetric animals (3) Bilaterally symmetric animals (4) Spherically symmetric animals 45. Digestion in coelenterates is (1) Only intracellular (2) Only extracellular (2) Both extracellular and intracellular (4) Not required 16. Metagenesis can be seen in (1) Adamsia (2) Hydra (3) Physalia (4) Meandrina 17. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of cnidarians? (1) They exhibit tissue level of organisation (2) They may be aquatic or terrestrial (3) They may be sessile or free-swimming (4) They are diploblastic animals 18. 19. 2. 22. 23. 24, 25, Ale + Phylum : Ctenophora Comb jellies are respectively. (1) Echinoderms, Ctenophores (2) Ctenophores, Echinoderms (3) Ctenophores, Cnidarians (4) Cnidarians, Echinoderms The clliated comb plates in Pleurobrachia ay meant for (1) Reproduction (3) Protection (4) Locomotion Ctenoplana belongs to a group of animals whicy are best described as and jelly fishes 4, (2) Digestion (1) Unicelluter with tissue level of organisation (2) Multicellular with radially symmetrical body (3) Multicellular with organ level of organisation (4) Unicellular with bilaterally symmetrical bodies Bioluminescence is well-marked in which of the following phyla? (1) Ctenophora (2) Mollusca (8) Hemichordata (4) Annelida + Phylum : Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes Which specialised cells are present for excretion in the phylum platyhelminthes? (1) Collar celts (2) Cnidoblasts (8) Flame cells (4) Nematocytes High regeneration capacity is possessed by (1) Aurefia (2) Pheretima (8) Bombyx (4) Planaria The aschelminthes are commonly called roundworms because (1) They have a round body (2) Their body is circular in cross-section (3) They have bilaterally symmetric body (4) Their body have a round visceral hump Al of the following are monoecious, except (1) Fasciola 2) Spongitta (3) Ascaris (4) Ctenoplana Hookworm is the common name of (1) Wuchereria (2) Ancylostoma (3) Taenia (4) Fasciola © scanned with OKEN Scanner a. 2. 29. 20. 34 32, Mesoderm is present as scattered pouches in petween the ectoderm and endoderm in (1) Annelids (2) Echinoderms 3) Molluscs (4) Aschelminthes in Aschelminthes the excretory tube removes body wastes from the body cavity through (1) Exeretory pore (2) Malpighian tubules (@) Flame cells, (4) Diffusion from body surface The only phylum bearing pseudocoelom is (1) Annelida (2) Porifera (3) Aschelminthes (4) Platyhelminthes Ascaris has all of the following features, except (1) Complete digestive system (2) Indirect development (3) External fertilisation (4) Parasitic lite + Phylum : Annelida Metameric segmentation is exhibited by which of the following animal? (2) Euspongia (4) Pheretima (1) Adamsia (8) Ascaris in the earthworm perform the function similar to flame cells in Taenia. (1) Parapodia (2) Nephridia (8) Metameres Notochord in earthworm is __ is (1) Dorsal, Ventral (3) Ventral, absent The body segments in earthworm are called (4) Ganglia and nerve cord (2) Absent, Ventral (4) Absent, Dorsal (1) Comb plates 2) Spicules - @) Metameres (4) Ganglia 36. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. a. + Phylum : Arthropoda The chitinous exoskeleton is possessed by (1) Annelids (2) Arthropods (3) Molluscs (4) Echinoderms Which function is served by the tracheal system in insects? (1) Sensation (3) Both (1) & (2) Honey is the commercial product of which of the following animal? (1) Bombyx (2) Laccifer (3) Apis (4) Aedes The statement which does not stand true for arthropods is (1) They have an open circulatory system 2 fed into head, thorax and (2) Respiration (4) Digestion Their body is abdomen ‘They are segmented and coelomate animals Fertils 6) @) The phylum Arthropoda is named so because of presence of (1) Jointed appendages (2) Segmentation es (3) Chitinous exoskeleton is usually external in them (4) Organ-system level of organisation Statocysts are the (1) Lateral locomotory appendages in annelids (2) Suckers present in parasitic platyhelminthes (8) Balance organs in arthropods (4) ‘Stinging capsules in cnidarians Match Column- with Column-Il Column Column-tt a. Avector of disease (i) Bombyx b. Agregarious pest (ii) Limulus ©. Alliving fossil (ii) Locusta 4. Aneconomically — (Wv) Culex important insect (1) ali, BG, c(i), ativy (2) ali, bili), c(i), @) @) © scanned with OKEN Scanner 42. 43. 45, 46, 47. 48, 49, + Phylum : Mollusca Body of molluscs is (1) Unsegmented (2) Covered by a calcareous shell (3) Divided into distinct head, muscular foot and visceral hump (4) All of these ‘Which of the following structure helps in excretion and respiration in molluscs? (1) Nephridia (2) Feather-tke gils (3) Flame cells (4) Tentacles Precious pearls are obtained from which of the following animals? (1) Pinctada (3) Sepia Radula is meant for (1) Sensation (2) Feeding (3) Egg laying (4) Protection from predators (2) Dentalium (4) Aplysia Phylum : Echinodermata All of the following are echinoderms, except (1) Sea lily (2) Sea cucumber (3) Sea hare (4) Sea urchin The calcareous ossicles in echinoderms form the (1) Exoskeleton 2) Visceral hump (3) Notochord (4) Endoskeleton The larval stage in Asterias is (@) Absent (0) Free-swimming (c) Bilaterally symmetrical (@) Radially symmetrical (1) Only (a) 2) (b) & (c) (3) (6) &(d) (4) Only (c) ‘The water vascular system in phylum echinodermata helps in (1) Locomotion, capture and transport of food (2) Excretion (3) Respiration (4) All of these Which organ system is lacking in the animals that bear water vascular system? (1) Nervous system (2) Excretory system {@) Circulatory system (4) Sensory system 51. 52. 56. + Phylum : Hemichordata Cylindrical bodied, worm-like marine animay belong to the phylum: (1) Echinodermata (2) Mollusca (3) Coelenterata (4) Hemichordata The body of hemichordates is divided into (1) Head, muscular foot and visceral hump (2) Head, thorax and abdomen (8) Proboscis, collar and trunk (4) Proboscis and trunk The phylum which was earlier considered as a sub. phylum under chordata but now placed as a separate phylum, in non-chordates is (1) Urochordata @) (3) Cephalochordata (4) Proboscis gland is afan Hemichordata Vertebrata (1) Endocrine organ (@) Feeding organ (2) Excretory organ (4) Reproductive organ Which of the following set of animals belong to phylum hemichordata? (1) Balanogiossus, Saccoglossus (2) Salpa, Dotiolum (3) Petromyzon, Myxine (4) Dentalium, Chaetopleura SECTION - B Objective Type Questions (Metazoa, Basis of Classification) 1 Which of the following groups of animals have Closed circulatory system? (1) Cockroach, locust, molluscs (2) Non-cephalopod molluscs, cockroach (8) Cephalopod molluscs and earthworm (4) Hemichordates and non-cephalopod molluscs Which of the folowing groups of animals is having tube in tube body plan? (1) Sponges (2) Coelenterates (Cnidarians) (8) Aschelminthes (Round worms) (4) Ctenophores Coelom derived from blastocoel! is known as (1) Pseudocoelom (2), Schizocoel (3) Haemocoe! (4) Enterocoelom © scanned with OKEN Scanner gchizocoelomates and enterocoelomates are (1) Acoelomates (a) Vertebrates (2) True coelomates (4) Echinoderms only one of the following can't be taken as the character cofnon-chordates (1) Absence of notochord (2) Heartis ventral {@) Gill sts are absent (4) Chitinous exoskeleton present Column II below consists of brief descriptions of organisms in column I. Which of the following is incorrect match between column | and column II? Column | (1) Milipede = Column It A terrestrial organism with two. Pairs of jointed appendages attached to each of its many body segments and respires through trachea Numerous setae on lateral appendages called parapodia. Body is covered with cuticle, alimentary canal absent. Radially symmetrical, devoid of cnidoblasts, polyp stage present in their life cycle. 2) Nereis (8) Taenia solium — (4) Ctenophores — The appropriate sequence of numbered animals from column II matching with the sequence of larvae in column | is Column 1 Column Il Pranula () Mussell b. Glochidium (ii), Crab ©. Nauplius (ii) Obetia 9. Cysticercus (wv) Nereis () Taenia solium (1) atv), ba, ety, dev) (2) ali) BOD, ev), ai) 8) afiy, bG), oi), dev) (4) aC, BE. oF), av) Which of the following statement is incorrect? (1) Receptors for taste are located in the feet of insects, (2) The development of echinoderms includes a free-swimming dipleura larva (8) Flame cells in flatworms are for excretion and osmoregulation (4) Alternation of asexual and sexual phases in life cvcla af Hvdra is called metagenesis (Classification of Animals) 9. 10. "1 12. 13. 14. + Phylum : Porifera Canal system of porifera is not connected with (1) Food gathering (2) Respiratory gas exchange (3) Removal of waste (4) Locomotion : Choanocytes are characteristic cells Statement-2 : In sycon type canal system, both radial and incurrent canals are lined by choanocytes. (1) Both statements (1) and (2) are correct (2). Statement (1) is correct and (2) is incorrect 3) Statement (1) is incorrect and (2) is correct (4) Both statements (1) and (2) are incorrect Which of the following statements is without exception for sponges? (1) They all have calcareous spicules (2) They have high regenerative power (3) They are found only in marine water (4) They are all radially symmetric + Phylum : Coelenterata, Ctenophora In Hydra, waste materials after digestion and nitrogenous waste materials are removed from (1) Mouth only (2) Body wall only (3) Mouth and body wall respectively (4) Mouth and tentacles respectively Which of the following cells are present only in the epidermis of Hydra? (A) Interstitial cells (B) Cnidoblasts (C) Sensory cells (0) Germ cells (1) Bandc (2) Bonly (3) BandD (4) A,B,C andD Obelia is characterised by A. Ciliated free swimming planula larva B. Metagenesis, C. Acraspedote medusa D. Statocysts present in medusoid stage () A&B (2) B only @) A B&D (4) A,B,C&D © scanned with OKEN Scanner 15, 16. 17. 18. 19. 2 22. 23. Which of the following coral reefs is horse shoe shaped reef that encircles a lagoon but not an island? (1) Atoll reef (2) Fringing reefs (3) Barrer reets (4) Hawaiian island Biradial symmetry and lack of cnidoblasts are the characteristics of (1) Hydra and Aurelia (2) Aurelia and sea Adamsia (9) Ctenoplana and Pleurobrachia (4) Aurelia and Paramoecium ‘The presence of a special sense organ statocyst at the opposite end of mouth that is (aboral end) is the characteristic of (1) Cnidarians (2) Platyhelminthes (3) Ctenophora (4) Nematodes + Phylum : Platyhelminthes Cysticercus larva of Taenia develops in (1) Man (2) Goat (3) Sheep (4) Pig Free swimming ciliated larva of liver fluke is (1) Redia (2) Miracidium (3) Metacercaria (4) Cercaria One example of animals having a single opening to the outside that serves both as mouth as well as anus is (1) Fasciola ») Ancylostoma (3) Asterias (4) Ascidia In contrast to Annelids, the Platyhelminthes show (1) Absence of body cavity (2) Bilateral symmetry (3) Radial symmetry (4) Presence of pseudocoel Which of the following is not a digenetic worm? (1) Fasciola (2) Wuchereria (3) Enterobius (4) Taenia The characteristics of a tapeworm are A- Large, quadrate scolex, without rostellum and hooks B - Primary host man, and secondary host cattle C= Length 5 to 10 metres Identify the tapeworm: (1) Taenia solium (8) Echinococcus (2) Taenia saginata (4) Hymenolepsis nana 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. —. + Phylum : Aschelminthes, Annelida The secondary host of Wuchereria, that transmiy filariasis is (1) Anopheles (2) Sand fly (3) Tse tse fly (4) Culex Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of phylum Nemathelminthes? (1) Bilateral symmetry, triploblastic, pseudocoelomate (2) They are possibly most abundant amongst the animals (3) The false body cavity allows body wall muscles and digestive tract muscles to act independently of each other (4) The bodywalll has longitudinal muscles, circular muscles and an elastic cuticle Syncytial epidermis is present in (1) Auretia (8) Asterias (2) Ascaris (4) Astraea ‘An individual bathing in an infected pool or coming in contact with contaminated water is liable to be infected with The larva stick to the surface of the skin of swimmer or bather, and penetrate the skin. (1) Ancylostoma, II" Juvenile (2) Bilharzia, Cercaria (3) Schistosoma, Metacercariae é (4) Bilharzia, Redia Which of the following statements are correct ‘about the life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides? A. Infective agent - Embryonated egg with 11 Juvenile 8. Fertiised eggs containing the unsegmented ‘ovum are passed with faeces ©. Four mouitings of the larva occur two outside in soil within the egg-shell, one in lungs ang one in intestine D. Site of location of worm - small intesting, (1) AandB (2) Aonly @) AB&D 4) AB, C&D © scanned with OKEN Scanner = it which of the following type of nephridia of are not found in earthworm? (1) Septal nephridia (2) Pharyngeal protonephridia (3) Integumentary nephridia (4) Protonephridia + Phylum : Arthropoda Body of insect is divisible into 7 (1) Head, thorax and abdomen (2) Head, trunk and abdomen (3) Cephalothorax, head and abdomen (4) Trunk, thorax and abdomen Excretory organs of arthropods are (1) Green glands (2) Green gland and malpighian tubules (3) Nephridia (4) Malpighian tubules Johnston's organ present in mosquitoes, are to detect vibrations. They are presentin (1) Antenna (2) Appendages (3) Anal cerci (4) Mouth parts Match the following (w.r:t. type of metamorphsis involved) 4. Ametabolous (1) ail), b(iv), efi), d(iii) (2). afi), BU), civ), d(i) 40. (3) ati), DG), efi), d(iv) (4) alti), BG), c(i), ai) |nwhich of the following arthropods the eggs hatch Within the female body and they bring forth the young alive? (wv) Dragon fly (1) Araneus (3) Buthus In which of the following arthropods the development is paurometabolous? The young hatched from eggs, esemble the adult and often ocoupy the same habitat (2) Macrobrachium and they grow by moulting (1) Bombyx (2) Apis (3) Anopheles (4) Periplaneta 36. 38. 39. Column 1 Column It @ Paurometabolous (i) Silk worm b. Hemimetabolous i) Grasshopper ©. Holometabolous —_{il) Silverfish (4) Lepisma M1. In honeybees and butterflies the gustatory and olfactory receptors are located, respectively on (1) Mouth parts, Antennae (2) Feet, Antennae (3) Proboscis, Legs (4) Mandibles, Antennae Which set includes Arthropods of economic importance providing useful products to man? (1) Anopheles, Culex, tse-tse fly (2) Apis, Bombyx, Laccifer (3) Limulus, Peripatus (4) Locusta, Grasshopper Which of the following is an important distinguishing feature of butterfly and not moth? (1) Stout body; noctural (2) Wings are not folded in sitting position (3) Antennae are long with globose end, and diumal (4) Antennae are short, with tapering ends and feathery and nocturnal + Phylum : Mollusca, Hemichordata. Echinodermata, Eye of which molluscan group resembles vertebrate eye? (1) Bivalvia (2) Gastropoda (3) Pelecypoda (4) Cephalopoda Radula is (1) Larval form of coelenterates (cnidarians) Q) File like rasping organ of mollusos (3) Larval form of annelids (4) Uncovered structure present with echinoderms In which group of molluscs torsion is a very important event in the life history? (1) Gastropods (2) Bivalves (3) Cephalopods (4) Monanlaennhara © scanned with OKEN Scanner During the life-cycle, Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) infects its intermediate host and primary host at the following larval stage respectively (1) Redia and miracidium (2) Cercaria and redia (3) Metacercaria and cercaria (4) Miracidium and metacercaria ‘Sycon belongs to a group of animals, which are best described as (1) Unicellular or acellular (2) Multicellular without any tissue organization (3) Multicellular with a gastrovascular system (4) Multicellular having tissue organization, but no body cavity Which one of the following is not correctly matched? (1) Glossina palpalis - Sleeping sickness (2) Culex pipiens - Filariasis (3) Aedes aegypti = Yellow fever (4) Anopheles culifacies - Leishmaniasis The animals with bilateral symmetry in young stage, and radial pentamerous symmetry in the adult stage, belong to the phylum (1) Annelida (2) Mollusca (3) Chidaria (4) Echinodermata in Arthropoda, head and thorax are often fused to form cephalothorax, but in which one of the following classes, the body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen? (1) Insecta (2) Myriapoda (2) Crustacea (4) Arachnida and curstacea |. Which one of the following has an open circulatory system? (1) Octopus (2) Pheretima (®) Periplaneta (4) Nereis 70. Which one of the following is not a living fossit? (1) Peripatus (2) King crab (3) Sphenodon (4) Archaeopteryx 71. Biological organisation starts with (1) Cellular level (2) Organismic level (3) Atomic level (4) Submicroscopic molecular level 72. Peripatus is a connecting link between (1) Coelenterata and Porifera (2) Ctenophora and Platyhelminthis (3) Mollusca and Echinodermata (4) Annelida and Arthropoda SECTION - D Assertion - Reason Type Questions In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R) (1) both Assertion & Reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion, then mark (1). (2) If both Assertion & Reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion, then mark (2). (8) If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false, then mark (3). (4) If both Assertion and Reason are false statements, then mark (4). : Cysticercosis is caused by accidental ingestion of onchospheres. : Taenia solium is a monogenetic parasite. Mantle of pearl oyster is three layered. : Nacre secreting cells are present just below the nacreous layer. : Annelids, arthropods and molluscs are protostomial coelomates. R: All the three phyla include members with bilateral symmetry and true coelom. In Balanoglossus, proboscis is involved in excretion, + Glomerulus is present in proboscis. z © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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