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Kurdistan Regional Government

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Sulaymaniyah Polytechnic University
College of Administrative Technical
Administrative Technique

How to build a website

Areen jaza
Ashna hasan
Lanya ahmed

Supervised by:
Nazanin Mehdi salh


What is website?.......................................................... 3
Purpose and goals ........................................................ 3
Choose a domain name................................................ 4
Register Domain and Get Hosting ................................ 4
Plan Your Content ........................................................ 5
Design Your Website .................................................... 6
Develop or use website builder .................................... 7
Developing a Website: ............................................... 7
Using a Website Builder: ............................................ 7
Create content ............................................................. 8
Testing your website .................................................... 8
Lunch your website ...................................................... 9
Promote your website ................................................. 9
Monitor and update ................................................... 10
RESOURCES ................................................................ 11

What is website?
A website is a collection of web pages accessible through the internet and
identified by a unique domain name. It is hosted on a web server and can
contain a variety of content, including text, images, videos, and interactive
elements. Websites serve diverse purposes, ranging from providing
information and promoting businesses to offering online services and
facilitating communication. Users access websites through web browsers,
navigating between pages using hyperlinks. The structure and design of a
website can vary widely, from simple static pages to complex dynamic sites
with interactive features. Websites are fundamental to the online presence of
individuals, organizations, and businesses.

Purpose and goals

The purpose and goals of a website are foundational elements that guide its
creation and functionality. The purpose encapsulates the fundamental reason
for the website's existence, answering the question of what it seeks to achieve
or provide. It serves as the driving force behind content, design, and user
interaction. Whether it's to inform, entertain, sell products, or facilitate
communication, a clear purpose is essential for a website's effectiveness.

Goals, on the other hand, are specific, measurable objectives aligned with the
overarching purpose. These could include increasing website traffic, boosting
user engagement, generating sales, or enhancing brand awareness. Goals
provide a roadmap for success, allowing website owners to track progress and
evaluate performance.

A well-defined purpose and set of goals not only help in creating a focused and
coherent website but also assist in crafting relevant content, choosing suitable
design elements, and implementing effective marketing strategies. Regularly
reassessing and refining these aspects ensures the website remains aligned
with its intended purpose and adapts to evolving needs and trends in the
digital landscape. Ultimately, a website's purpose and goals are the
cornerstones of its identity and success in the online world.

Choose a domain name
Selecting a domain name is a critical decision in establishing a unique and
memorable online identity. The domain name serves as the virtual address of
your website, making it crucial to reflect the essence of your content or brand.
Opt for a name that is easy to spell, pronounce, and remember, minimizing the
risk of users mistyping or forgetting it.
Consider incorporating keywords relevant to your website's purpose, as this
can improve search engine visibility. Strive for brevity, avoiding complex or
lengthy names that may be cumbersome for users to recall. A concise and
catchy domain name enhances brand recognition and facilitates word-of-
mouth promotion.
Ensure the chosen domain aligns with your brand image and is legally available
for registration. Extensions like .com, .org, or country-specific ones contribute
to credibility, but creative alternatives can also be effective depending on the
nature of your website.
Regularly check for domain availability, as the online landscape evolves, and
securing your preferred domain promptly is crucial. In essence, the domain
name is a digital signature, and choosing wisely is a strategic step toward
making your website easily discoverable and establishing a strong online

Register Domain and Get Hosting

After selecting a suitable domain name, the next step is to register it through a
domain registrar. A domain registrar is a company that manages the
reservation of domain names. Popular registrars include GoDaddy, Name
cheap, and Google Domains. During the registration process, you'll need to
provide contact information and choose a registration period.
Once the domain is registered, you'll need a web hosting service to store your
website's files and make it accessible on the internet. Hosting providers such as
Blue host, Site Ground, or HostGator offer various plans to accommodate
different needs. Consider factors like server reliability, performance, and
customer support when choosing a hosting provider.

After purchasing a hosting plan, you'll receive details such as name servers.
Update your domain's DNS settings with these name servers to connect your
domain to the hosting server. This step ensures that when someone enters
your domain in a web browser, they are directed to the correct server where
your website is hosted.
The combination of domain registration and hosting enables your website to
have a unique online address and a place to store and serve its content. Keep
login credentials secure and regularly renew both domain registration and
hosting services to maintain an uninterrupted online presence.

Plan Your Content

Planning your website's content is a crucial step in creating a cohesive and
engaging online presence. Start by defining the purpose of each page on your
site and identifying the key information or messages you want to convey.
Consider the needs and expectations of your target audience to tailor the
content accordingly.
Create a sitemap or outline to organize the structure of your website. This
helps ensure a logical flow and easy navigation for visitors. Divide
your content into relevant sections or pages, keeping in mind that each page
should serve a distinct purpose.
Focus on creating high-quality and relevant content that aligns with your
website's goals. Whether it's informative articles, product descriptions, or
multimedia elements, ensure that each piece contributes to your overall
message and provides value to your audience.
Pay attention to the tone and style of your content, maintaining consistency
throughout the website. Consider incorporating keywords relevant to your
niche to enhance search engine optimization (SEO) and improve the
discoverability of your site.
Regularly update and refresh your content to keep it current and engaging.
Planning your content thoughtfully sets the foundation for a successful and
user-friendly website that effectively communicates your message and
resonates with your audience.

Design Your Website
Designing your website is a multifaceted process that combines aesthetic
appeal with functionality, ultimately shaping the user experience. Begin by
defining a cohesive visual theme that aligns with your brand or message.
Choose a colour palette, fonts, and imagery that resonate with your target
audience and contribute to a memorable online identity.
Prioritize user experience (UX) to ensure visitors can easily navigate your site.
Incorporate a clean and intuitive layout, optimizing for mobile responsiveness
to accommodate users across various devices. Whether you're using design
tools like Adobe XD or opting for website builders such as WordPress, Wix, or
Squarespace, keep user-friendliness at the forefront.
Create wireframes to outline the basic structure of your website, emphasizing
the placement of key elements on each page. The homepage, product or
service pages, and contact page should be designed thoughtfully to guide users
seamlessly through your site.
Visual elements play a crucial role in website design. Utilize high-quality
images, info graphics, or videos to enhance engagement and communicate
your message effectively. Consistency is key; integrate your logo and other
branding elements consistently across the website for a unified brand identity.
Optimize your website for speed by compressing images and minimizing large
files. This not only enhances user experience but also positively impacts search
engine rankings. Test your design rigorously across different browsers and
devices to ensure a consistent and enjoyable experience for all users.
Seek feedback from users or stakeholders during the design process. Their
insights can uncover potential improvements and help refine your design
before launch. Regularly update and iterate on your design to stay current with
evolving trends and user expectations.
In summary, designing your website is about creating a harmonious blend of
aesthetics and functionality. A well-designed website not only captures
attention but also provides a seamless, enjoyable experience for visitors,
contributing to the overall success of your online presence.

Develop or use website builder
The decision to develop a website from scratch or use a website builder
depends on various factors, including technical expertise, time constraints, and
specific project requirements.

Developing a Website:
Embarking on custom development offers unparalleled flexibility and control.
Learning coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript allows for a
tailored solution that precisely meets your needs. It is ideal for projects
requiring intricate functionalities or unique design elements.
However, custom development demands a steeper learning curve and a
significant time investment.
Developing from scratch also provides scalability, enabling you to expand and
integrate new features as your website grows. This approach is commonly
chosen by larger businesses or those with specific technical requirements that
surpass the capabilities of website builders.

Using a Website Builder:

Website builders, like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace, offer a more accessible
and time-efficient solution, especially for those without extensive coding
knowledge. They provide a range of pre-built templates and drag-and-drop
interfaces, streamlining the development process. This makes website builders
an excellent choice for individuals, small businesses, or projects with limited
The speed of development is a notable advantage with website builders. You
can have a functional website up and running in a relatively short timeframe,
saving both time and effort. Additionally, these platforms often handle aspects
like hosting and security, reducing the technical burden on users.
In many cases, a hybrid approach is adopted. Website builders serve as a
foundation, providing a quick and efficient start, while custom coding is
applied for specific functionalities or design elements. This hybrid strategy
combines the best of both worlds, offering a balance between ease of use and
Ultimately, the choice between developing from scratch and using a website
builder hinges on your project's scope, your technical proficiency, and your
desired level of control and customization. Each approach has its merits, and
the decision should align with your specific goals and resources.

Create content
Creating compelling content for your website is a strategic endeavor that goes
beyond mere information delivery—it's about establishing a meaningful
connection with your audience. Begin by understanding your target
demographic, tailoring your content to address their needs and interests. Craft
clear and concise messages, utilizing engaging headlines to capture attention
and encourage further exploration. Visual elements, such as images or videos,
not only enhance the user experience but also convey your message
Optimize your content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords,
enhancing your website's discoverability. Consistency in tone and style across
your content fosters a cohesive brand identity, strengthening your online
presence. Include clear calls-to-action to guide user interaction, encouraging
them to explore more or take specific steps.
Regularly updating and refreshing your content is crucial for staying relevant in
the dynamic digital landscape. This ongoing effort not only ensures accuracy
but also demonstrates your commitment to providing valuable, up-to-date
information. Quality content establishes credibility, builds trust with your
audience, and plays a pivotal role in the overall success of your website. It
forms the bridge that connects your brand with your online visitors, fostering
engagement and loyalty.

Testing your website

Testing your website is a critical phase to guarantee optimal performance and
a seamless user experience. Rigorous testing across various browsers and
devices helps identify and rectify potential compatibility issues, ensuring your
site functions uniformly for all users. Evaluate navigation pathways, form
submissions, and interactive elements to verify smooth functionality. Assess

page loading times to optimize speed, a factor crucial for user satisfaction and
search engine rankings. Regularly conduct security tests to safeguard against
potential threats and vulnerabilities.

User testing provides valuable insights, offering a real-world perspective on

how your audience interacts with your website. Solicit feedback and analyse
user behaviour through analytics to pinpoint areas for improvement.
This iterative testing process ensures your website remains robust, user-
friendly, and aligned with evolving standards, contributing to a positive and
reliable online experience.

Lunch your website

Launching your website is a pivotal moment, marking the transition from
development to a live online presence. Before the launch, meticulously review
all elements, ensuring seamless functionality and an aesthetically pleasing
interface. Confirm domain settings, resolve potential issues, and conduct
thorough testing to guarantee a positive user experience. Announce your
website's debut through various channels, utilizing social media, newsletters,
or press releases to reach your audience. Post-launch, monitor site analytics
closely to gauge initial performance, respond promptly to user feedback, and
be agile in addressing any emerging issues. A successful launch sets the stage
for sustained growth and engagement.

Promote your website

Promoting your website is essential for visibility and engagement. Leverage
social media platforms to share compelling content and interact with your
audience. Implement effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to
enhance online discoverability. Consider targeted paid advertising campaigns
to increase exposure. Collaborate with influencers or relevant websites to
expand your reach. Regularly update content to stay relevant and shareable.
Utilize email marketing to engage with your audience and drive traffic. Actively
participate in online communities related to your niche. A well-executed
promotion strategy maximizes your website's impact, attracting and retaining
a diverse audience over time.

Monitor and update
Consistent monitoring and updates are vital for a thriving website. Regularly
analyse analytics data to track performance, user behavior, and areas for
enhancement. Vigilantly address security threats, implementing necessary
measures to safeguard your site and user data. Update content to reflect
current trends, ensuring information accuracy. Test website functionalities,
promptly resolving any issues that may arise. Check for broken links and
optimize for search engines to improve visibility. User feedback and analytics
data guide continuous improvements.
Proactive monitoring and regular updates fortify your website's security,
relevance, and responsiveness, contributing to a positive user experience and
sustained success in the dynamic online landscape.



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