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Writing a coursework, especially on a complex topic like Geography River Coursework Evaluation,

can be a challenging task. It requires extensive research, a deep understanding of the subject matter,
critical analysis, and effective communication skills. Here are some reasons why writing coursework
on this topic might be difficult:

1. Research Intensity: Geography River Coursework Evaluation often requires a thorough

investigation of physical and human geographical features, which can be time-consuming
and demanding.
2. Analytical Skills: Evaluating the data collected and drawing meaningful conclusions requires
strong analytical skills. Interpreting geographical data and applying relevant theories can be
3. Data Collection Challenges: Gathering accurate and relevant data for river coursework can
be a daunting task. Fieldwork, measurements, and data analysis may pose challenges that
demand careful planning and execution.
4. Writing Complexity: Articulating findings and insights in a clear and concise manner is
crucial. The coursework needs to demonstrate a logical flow, coherence, and adherence to
academic writing standards.
5. Time Constraints: Balancing coursework with other academic and personal commitments
can be stressful. Meeting deadlines while ensuring the quality of the work adds an extra layer
of difficulty.

For those finding it challenging to navigate these complexities, seeking assistance can be a viable
option. One platform that may help is ⇒ ⇔. They provide support in academic
writing and can offer guidance on structuring coursework, conducting research, and improving
writing skills.

However, it's important to remember that while seeking assistance is acceptable, plagiarism is not.
Students should use such services responsibly, ensuring that the work they submit is their own and
adheres to academic integrity standards.

In conclusion, writing coursework on Geography River Coursework Evaluation can be demanding,

but with dedication and the right support, it is achievable. If you need assistance, platforms like ⇒ ⇔ may provide valuable help and guidance.
Depth (m) 2 0.015 0.027 0.067 0.105 0.0102 0.107 0.096 0.14. Depth (m) 3 0.014 0.005 0.074 0.11
0.14 0.064 0.119 0.195. Also, when the pebbles are very small, this method is crude. Nettlecombe
Court for accommodating us and helping us with our river study along. Where we were along the
drainage basin could have changed the width of the river. River depths increase by large valley rocks
forming dense bedloads which sever into the ground by gravity. The depth increases until plot 3,
until plot 4 where there is a decrease. The width. At site 5, the gradient was seen to increase and this
could be an. River’s can only flow in a downward gradient due to gravity and this is why we got.
The River Holford’s source is at Lady's Fountain Spring, Frog Combe which is 250 m. My first
hypothesis was that the width of the channel would increase as you went. There were lots of objects
such as tree branches in the river. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in
touch. ?1.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?1.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Last updated 7 February 2024 Share this Share through email Share through twitter
Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Outstanding Geography
Resources 5.00 30 reviews Not the right resource. In the higher profile of the river mainly vertical
erosiontakes place. At site 1 the cross sectional area was 0.008418 m2, which is the lowest result out
of all. The end of unit tests and mark schemes have been piloted, fine-tuned, and then fully
implemented across three different schools, resulting in a high-quality resource that can be used 'as
is' or tailored to your needs. There were some limitations when we were measuring our data and the
methods we. There were some limitations when we were measuring our data and the methods we.
Perhaps I should have measured the river at another time in the year. In this section I will be
analysing my results to see if my hypothesis were correct and. When all the data was collectedand
put into graphs. Geography river study coursework - Why do channel characteristics vary down. The
orange was difficult to keep in the middle of the river. Spearman’s rank technique is a statistical test
which will be used for each hypothesis. It is important to note that you can not assume that the
conclusions will be the same. As you can see from the table above, this hypothesis. Overall, all the
depth readings at this site were what was expected to be seen at this. Aim: An investigation into the
changing physical characteristics form source to mouth. It can be easily seen from this scatter graph
that the width increased as you went form. There were many problems that we encountered on our
river study.
You had to look through the surveyor’s level at an E-. One explanation of why the width decreased
at some sites but then unexpectedly. Problems and Limitations encountered in Data Collection. This
can reduce water volume because of plants absorbing water from the river and can lead to reducing
erosion rates; this may have affected the water width at site 2. After finding the results from the
Spearman’s rank, a significance test will be used to. The width of a river channel increases as it goes
downstream because tributaries and. I chose to investigate this river study over our four day field
trip to Somerset in order. However Rivers are slower flowing downstream, which transfers less
energy, in relation to load sizes. This is the Spearman’s Rank formula written in mathematical
notation. There had been little rain in Somerset before we went on our river study. This meant.
Children learn about rivers and the effects they have on the landscape. Reading 1 was the shallowest
depth and was 0.037m. The depth then increased by. At site 7 the cross sectional area was 0.219 m2
which was a decrease from site 6.The. Employment figures show that 15% of the people living in
Somerset work in the hotel. Gradient along the eight sites of the river Holford. I would like to thank
Mr Matthews, Mr Orme, and Mr Parker for coming with us on. Employment figures show that 15%
of the people living in Somerset work in the hotel. Epping Forest Field Centre offers throughout the
year many educational and recreational events for all. The depth at site 6 generally decreased from
0.099m at site 5 to 0.0812m which came. Any incorporation of material from this work or a
paraphrase of such material without acknowledgment will be treated as plagiarism on your behalf.
Quantock Hills. It is also home to Exmoor National park which is known for its. To give back the
water used by the plants for transpiration, the surface run-off water infiltrates the soil. Thisis
Bradshaw’smodel andtellsushow differentcharacteristics change. First, 15 clasts were picked up
from the river bed at random, with our eyes closed so. Aim: An investigation into the changing
physical characteristics form source to mouth. It can be easily seen from this scatter graph that the
width increased as you went form. One reason why the depth increased at some sites and then
decreased at others was. The River Holford’s source is at Lady's Fountain Spring, Frog Combe which
is 250 m. This is due to the fact that there will be less friction.
This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have
purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and
conditions. In site 2 the area is mostly covered in Claygate Beds, this offers les permeability and
infiltration than the Bagshot Beds or the Pebble Gravel, thus increasing the chances of flooding on
the flood plains and surface run off. Site’s 8 cross sectional area was 0.42256 m2 which was the
highest reading of all the. Not a lot could have been done to improve the methods used to measure
the depth of the river. There were some limitations when we were measuring our data and the
methods we. A x-y plot was chosen to represent the cross sectionof the river because it is easy to. My
first hypothesis was that the width of the channel would increase as you went. At site 5 the five
readings taken across the width of the channel were quite varied. Farming plays a major role in
Somerset because it does not only take up most of the. It will also erode the banks by attrition
because of the rocks that have been carried along by the river, will smash into the sides of the banks
and erode more of the earth away causing the width to increase. Measurements 1 and 2 are the same
at 0.015m and this was correct because the. Depth (m) 1 0.015 0.045 0.037 0.105 0.105 0.055 0.043
0.092. In my introduction I will be talking about where in the UK the River Holford is. Thisis
Bradshaw’smodel andtellsushow differentcharacteristics change. One of these changes is that I
would have taken ten depth readings at each site rather. At site 5 the cross sectional area was 0.18216
m2 which was lower than the previous. The questions are laid out in the same style as the real
examination to give your students an authentic exam experience (please note: this resource has not
been officially endorsed by AQA). It was hard to get an exact depth reading because the water was
always moving. This. Land use along the course of the River Holford is important to look at because
it could. The questions are laid out in the same style as the real examination to give your students an
authentic exam experience (please note: this resource has not been officially endorsed by AQA).
Below is how we found r2 using the Spearman’s rank equation. This Spearman’s rank
correlationgraph test tells us that 0.453 is under a significance. Measurements 1 and 2 are the same at
0.015m and this was correct because the. You would also be able to see if the new depth readings
followed the same trends as. I could have improved my methods, by choosing sites more carefully,
perhaps I could have planned them before I measured, and did a pilot study at each site. End of unit
tests and mark schemes for other AQA GCSE Geography 9-1 topics are also available and a couple
more will be published over the next few months. Spearman’s Rank is a statistical technique which is
used to see if there is a correlation. Dr. NN Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS-
APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the. Clast Size (cm) 5 14.7 8.4 10.3 9.9 13.1 7.8 16.7 9.2. It
was hard to get an exact depth reading because the water was always moving. This.
However, at site 4, the width decreased by 1.38m from the previous site. It will also erode the banks
by attrition because of the rocks that have been carried along by the river, will smash into the sides of
the banks and erode more of the earth away causing the width to increase. Accessibility of land was
a human limitation because part of the river was blocked. The questions are laid out in the same style
as the real examination to give your students an authentic exam experience (please note: this resource
has not been officially endorsed by AQA). If the tape measure was even slightly bent (or not exactly
straight) then the results would be incorrect, as the width would increase. We had to investigate how
a river changes downstream and this helped me to reflect upon a number of river processes and their
effect on the environment. These will be the width of the river channel, the average depth. However,
there were problems. The day that I measured the River Bourne, it was very windy, this meant that it
was difficult to make sure that the. Marl. Overall, visually, my hypothesis, that the width will
increase as you go from. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. My evaluation for velocity is on page., and my evaluation for cross-section
area is on page.. The reasons for these evaluations are all applicable to this one. Somerset is home to
Exmoor National Park which is 693 km2 and is only one of. These all led me into producing a good
piece of coursework. Measurements 1 and 2 are the same at 0.015m and this was correct because the.
An example of this is at site 3 where we were near a confluence. Flow Rate (s) 3 100 45.7 17.06 15.9
22.69 18.97 43.99 100. Quantock Hills. It is also home to Exmoor National park which is known for
its. See other similar resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what
you were looking for. Epping Forest Field Centre offers throughout the year many educational and
recreational events for all. Overland water flow infiltrates soil more to compensate for water used by
plants that are photosynthesizing. The plot of 0.572 above gives a significance level of under 5%
which tells us that it is. National Park and is set in a valley just north of the Brendon Hills. Dr. NN
Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the.
Overall, visually, my hypothesis, that the depth will increase as you go from source to. Somerset’s
population is over sixty-five and this shows that it is a popular retirement. This resource may be used
as an example, however, it should NOT be copied and resubmitted for external examination. Average
Flow Rate (s) 100 47.733 58.507 15.68 13.565 16.55 81.33 87.163. Gradient along the eight sites of
the river Holford. All raw data that was collectedis in the appendix on page 59. The River Bourne is
so small it does not have a proper middle and upper course.
Below is how we found r2 using the Spearman’s rank equation. Depth (m) 3 0.014 0.005 0.074 0.11
0.14 0.064 0.119 0.195. This meant that it was the group member’s opinion on whether the clast was
rounder. The depth then increased until plot 5, (where the water was at its deepest), and then.
Conclusions could be wrong in that Loughton Brook is small, therefore changes in rivers features are
less apparent, the cause of slightly inaccurate results. Measurements 1 and 2 are the same at 0.015m
and this was correct because the. I have chosen a line graph to show the gradient of the river Holford
because it is very. I think that is too small (at around 15 km in length), and is too urban (there is not
enough of the river in rural areas). Sediment upstream is denser, therefore exerting more pressure on
river beds, in relation to large bedloads of dissolved sediment downstream. Our gradient data was
mostly secondary data because we did not physically take all of. One limitation was that a stratified
sampling strategy had been used for the sites. Some readings were defaulted at 100 seconds because
at some sites, the water was too. At the first three sites there was dense forest to both sides of the
river, (which can be. At some sites we were very near to confluences and this could have affected
our. Children learn about rivers and the effects they have on the landscape. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Firstly, the orange used was
quite heavy, and when in the water, most of it was submerged, therefore it moved more slowly.
Hypothesis 2 was rejectedwhen it came to analysing the data using Spearman’s rank. There were lots
of objects such as tree branches in the river. Hypothesis 2 was rejectedwhen it came to analysing the
data using Spearman’s rank. Overall, our river study on the River Holford was very successful
because we took a. River Holford which were the width, the depth and the gradient. This affects my
results, because a smaller length is given than what the true measurement, and this will therefore
affect my conclusion for this hypothesis, because, I do not know what the true wetted perimeter is,
and therefore can not accept or reject my hypothesis. One explanation of why the width decreased at
some sites but then unexpectedly. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our
reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us
know if it violates our terms and conditions. Hypothesis 3 was rejectedwhen it came to the data
being analysed using Spearman’s. This meant that we could not sample in this area and. A further
technique is now required to test the significance of the relationship. The. Our gradient data was
mostly secondary data because we did not physically take all of. Any tributaries flowing into the
River Bourne would have a profound affect on our results, as the river does not carry much.
Site’s 8 cross sectional area was 0.42256 m2 which was the highest reading of all the. There had been
little rain in Somerset before we went on our river study. This meant. I tried to make sure that the
orange was put in the water ahead of the ten metre measuring distance so it had chance to reach its
velocity before measuring began. The width of a river channel increases as it goes downstream
because tributaries and. In this section I will be analysing my results to see if my hypothesis were
correct and. I have chosen to represent my data for width as a lateral bar chart because it is very.
There is also a Power point that includes a starter activity, revision sheet (including all answers) and
quiz to finish. Flow Rate (s) 1 100 54.44 100 12.52 7.6 7.33 100 100. The velocity was measured
using a hydroprop and an impeller. At some points, the impeller could not turn due to the fact that
the river was too. The width was calculated at each of the eight sites along the course of the river.
Spearman’s Rank is a statistical technique which is used to see if there is a correlation. I have chosen
a line graph to show the gradient of the river Holford because it is very. This resource may be used
as an example, however, it should NOT be copied and resubmitted for external examination. My
evaluation for velocity is on page., and my evaluation for cross-section area is on page.. The reasons
for these evaluations are all applicable to this one. CATALLYST Uncovering Consumers’ Hidden
Narratives Uncovering Consumers’ Hidden Narratives Ray Poynter Chromatography-Gas
chromatography-Principle Chromatography-Gas chromatography-Principle blessipriyanka 50 D. This
resource includes front cover template and contents page, introduction, 3x annotated maps, key
terms and definitions, the sequence of investigation, detailed data collection (methodology) including
primary and secondary data types, data presentation through the use of graphs and charts, 2x essays -
analysis and interpretation and evaluation of controlled assessment. When all the data was
collectedand put into graphs. Overall, there is an increase in depth as you go along the river’s course.
Employment figures show that 15% of the people living in Somerset work in the hotel. Near the
mouth of the River Holford, (the Bristol Channel), we expected the river to. Clast Shape - Enter the
number of each shape found at each site. This is a summary table showing if my hypotheses were
accepted visually, by looking. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our
reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us
know if it violates our terms and conditions. Furthermore when traveling downstream by traction the
rocks erode by attrition and form large heaps of sediment. The depth increases until plot 4 where it is
0.2 and. A further technique is now required to test the significance of the relationship. The. Epping
Forest Field Centre offers throughout the year many educational and recreational events for all.
Site’s 8 cross sectional area was 0.42256 m2 which was the highest reading of all the. On the whole I
thought this was well done, as the precautions taken worked well.

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