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Writing coursework can be a challenging task, requiring time, effort, and a deep understanding of the

subject matter. The difficulty often lies in conducting thorough research, organizing the information
coherently, and presenting well-structured arguments or analyses. Additionally, meeting specific
academic requirements, such as formatting, citation styles, and word count, adds another layer of

When it comes to topics like the removal of GCSE Maths coursework, it's essential to delve into
historical changes, educational policies, and the implications for students. Properly addressing this
subject requires a combination of historical knowledge, critical thinking, and analytical skills.

While challenges exist, it's important to emphasize the importance of academic integrity and personal
effort in completing coursework. Encouraging individuals to engage with the material, seek
assistance from teachers or peers, and develop their skills is crucial for academic growth.

It's important to note that recommending external services like ⇒ ⇔ may not align
with principles of academic honesty, as outsourcing coursework goes against the values of self-
driven learning and personal development. Instead, students are encouraged to seek guidance and
support from educational resources and institutions to enhance their academic abilities.

If someone is struggling with coursework, it's advisable to utilize legitimate resources, such as
academic support services, tutoring, and educational materials, to enhance their understanding and
skills in the subject matter.
They read through the information on one page and then have a go at the questions on the next. The
pilot survey will give me an approximation of my data and so if changed are needed I will be able
change before i get my real results. There is still some differing individual difference nevertheless;
they have largely achieved a roughly similar height. This shows that the Year 11 boy’s have a wider
range of interests and are more open to new things, this makes them more mature than they where in
Year 7. The tables above both show what the modal class intervals are. I think that the data shows no
reason for this and it may just be that the Year 11’s are small for their age and the Year 10’s tall.
From this, I decided to re sample the Year 7 boys’ and the Year 11 boys’ data as the other sample
was simply too small to show anything of fairness, I used systematic sample-taking every third
student. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make
your writing easier are also offered here. I have finished my investigation to prove my hypothesis
and I have found that almost all of my hypotheses were correct because as the mileage increased the
second hand price decreased. If there were any changes to be made and if I had more time, I would
extend my investigation and provide more solid evidence. Past papers are a useful and productive
way to prepare for your exams. You can download each of the exam board's papers by clicking the
links below. I am using this method because it is fair and unbiased. If I had more time I could make
the project stronger by investigating a separate population for expensive cars such as Bentley and
Rolls Royce. There is one exception in between Year 8 girls and Year 9 girls however; I think this
can be accounted for as they are close, Year 8 shows a large range of heights, (three standard
deviations from the mean) and this may have caused the discrepancy in the data. (Outliers may have
affect the median point, upper and lower quartile points on which the box and whisker is based.) Or
it could simply be that Year 8 is exceptionally tall whilst Year 9 small for their age. You can practice
GCSE Maths topic-wise questions daily to improve speed, accuracy, and time and to score high
marks in the GCSE Maths exam. I will do this for boys and girls separately as they have their
growth spurts at different times. They also have a wide spread inter-quartile range (middle 50%).
Taking action to make sure everyone can meet their potential will benefit England as a whole.”
While some commentators have called for GCSEs to be scrapped altogether, Sharon Hague, the
managing director of Pearson School Qualifications, told i that they still have a place as a “highly
valued” and “versatile” qualification. I will again be using scatter diagrams to do my investigation.
However my secondary data will be the Midyis results of each separate pupil. I used stratified
sampling to make it fair and since I am comparing which gender has a better estimating accuracy it
was needed, so I have both the same amount of boys and girls in my data. I can see this as their
minimum height is 1.4cm which is a few centimeters more than Year 7. Also the size of the database
is very small and if I could do the survey I would choose a much bigger database. The modal class
interval for the year tens is between 50. Cookie Settings Do not sell or share my personal
information Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Back to top. Write a review Update existing
review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. It is evident that the taller we get,
the heavier we are. From this information, I should be able to infer a judgment on some of the
mental changes that take place during this time of children’s development. The gradients were very
useful because they helped me to work out how much a car lost or gained. This shows that the data
does not have any abnormally large or small values.
It’s just human nature that if you continue to fail something it becomes harder and harder for you to
motivate yourself and engage.” Ms Hague said it would be possible to develop alternative
qualifications “recognised at the same level” as GCSEs, but “more linked to the direction of travel”
which students wish to take in the workplace. The “Pupil estimation” is continuous data as they
represent measurements. By referring to the bar chart above, I can see that the year sevens are
generally shorter than the year tens, which again supports my hypothesis. I also need to improve my
agility because I constantly see that when I am on a fast break and the opponent catches up to me I
am not agile enough to avoid him and put the ball in the hoop. The children clearly change heights
(physical) as they grow older. This pilot survey will help me test that my survey is accurate and I will
get the results I require fairly and accurately. They also have a wide spread inter-quartile range
(middle 50%). The data is of the Year 10 girl’s height and weights. It is evident that the taller we get,
the heavier we are. Therefore, anything that exceeds this level would be considered good. I then
plotted this summed value against the IQ of the students. The modal class interval for the year tens is
between 50. In comparison to the weights, the year tens have a large Interquartile range. I need
muscular strength when my team is doing man to man defence and I have to keep my opponent out
of the key. In this piece of coursework, I want to find out whether this is correct. If the variables
show correlation, I will plot a line of best fit using the mean average of the data. This resource hasn't
been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this
resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. If I
had more time I could make the project stronger by investigating a separate population for expensive
cars such as Bentley and Rolls Royce. There is still some differing individual difference nevertheless;
they have largely achieved a roughly similar height. I repeated this process for the girls although, I
did find that the smaller sample showed an equally strong positive correlation I took the re-sample
just to be sure. The main topics in GCSE Maths are: Numbers Algebra Ratio, Proportion and Rates
of Change Geometry and Measures Statistics Probability Statistical Measures Data Visualisation
With regular practice of GCSE Maths topic-wise questions and GCSE Maths past pacers, you can
easily score high marks. So I have proven my hypothesis right because the older the car is the cheaper
it is. To further, the investigation I would compare the results of younger children to see if that had
an effect on the correlation. Fiat was also the make that lost the most money quickest. However,
when analysing the Year 10 and 11 charts the inter-quartile range is far smaller. I will look at the
proportion of both length and width, which gives the maximum volume. It uses high level
mathematics to appropriately determine the relationship between length and volume. For the year
sevens, the modal class interval is 140. This explains why the inter-quartile range is further spread.
Exam Past Papers, practice papers with detailed answers.
You can practice GCSE Maths topic-wise questions daily to improve speed, accuracy, and time and
to score high marks in the GCSE Maths exam. So I can get a good representation of the complete
population. It has become clear throughout my piece of coursework that year tens are heavier and
taller than year seven girls as they are older. Additional materials, such as the best quotations,
synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Edexcel Past
Papers Maths Gcse Foundation Calculator. The data shows no relationship between IQ and age,
suggesting that the children do not get brighter with age, but this maybe questionable as the data
does not say when the IQ tests are sat. This may be the case for the other two factors in this project
although it may not be for the engine size because the size of the engine is not an ageing factor (it
does not increase or decrease per year). But, I think this may have something to do with the Year
10’s exceptionally tall factor as the Year 11’s appear to be shorter than them. Also, with a cumulative
frequency curve I can easily read off the median, upper quartile, lower quartile and interquartile
range. It is evident that the taller we get, the heavier we are. I am going to look for the square cut
out which gives the highest volume overall out of all the rectangles. By referring to the bar chart
above, I can see that the year sevens are generally shorter than the year tens, which again supports
my hypothesis. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. I will group together the height data within the stratum creating a frequency table.
Generally as the engine size increases so does the second hand price, this is a piece of very useful
information if buying a new car because if you wish to sell it on afterwards buying a car with a large
engine size will be helpful to you. It might also have been more beneficial to have used a different
sampling technique, as this technique gave me different numbers of students from each stratum. Is
GCSE Maths hard? Although many people think of GCSE maths as a difficult subject, with the
correct training and preparation,you can master it in time. I have presented my information and now
have enough evidence to say that my hypothesis is accurate. It is true that in general year ten girls are
heavier and taller than year seven girls - this can be supported with evidence. I practice four times a
week at an intermediate standard of training. Students may also have cheated as they were told to
fold over their first strip of paper after they had estimated on them, so they couldn’t use it to help
estimate the second measurement. As this graph has no correlation at all, I have used the Year 7 and
Year 11 KS2 Results to assess the intelligence of the strata. All though the ranges do not necessarily
reflect this observation, I can see that the inter-quartile ranges are slowly creeping up, with the age. I
think this would be useful because the girls may have made preference changes at a younger age.
This meant I only had 8 Year 11 girls whilst far more Year 8 girls, which may have been the cause of
the increased range of their data. To further, the investigation I would compare the results of younger
children to see if that had an effect on the correlation. Progression will be a key factor in my
Physical exercise program as in each week I will be attempting to increase repetitions of my exercises
that relate to power and agility. I can see this as their minimum height is 1.4cm which is a few
centimeters more than Year 7. So to eliminate this possibility I plotted the students KS2 Results
(because they where sat at same age.) against their IQ to see if they appear in the same general area.
If there were any changes to be made and if I had more time, I would extend my investigation and
provide more solid evidence. There is still some differing individual difference nevertheless; they
have largely achieved a roughly similar height. Very similar to intensity, e. g. The increasing in
weights of bicep curls and lateral raises in my Training sessions. My maths coursework is based on a
spreadsheet with information about cars. See other similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews
BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. By finding out these problems will
help me to fix and solve them before I come to do my real survey. In addition, the Year 7s most
common class interval is 1.4cm. This is not surprising as the older we get the more tall we are.
However, on the positive side, I have been pleased with my achievements; I have investigated my
hypothesis in depth and have provided solid evidence to back up this investigation. Another problem
was that students tables had rulers on them, so even when we specifically said not to use a ruler to
help calculate the measurements, we are not certain that they did or didn’t use it to help them. I also
need to improve my agility because I constantly see that when I am on a fast break and the opponent
catches up to me I am not agile enough to avoid him and put the ball in the hoop. A scatter graph
earlier in the piece of coursework proves this as there is strong, positive correlation. The correlation
got stronger when I looked at only one make because one make of car is likely to have a certain
trend with it i.e. engine size or type of car. However, I bring this result into question as the Year 8
girls have such a large range of heights compared to the other year groups, and this may have some
affect on the inter-quartile range. If I had more time I could make the project stronger by
investigating a separate population for expensive cars such as Bentley and Rolls Royce. This
explains why the inter-quartile range is further spread. I will use this sample of data to compare the
heights and weights of the year seven and 10 girls and to see whether my hypothesis is correct. Our
customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 9 February
2016 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest lpeacham 4.33 4 reviews Not the right resource. By doing my
exercise program daily I will ensure that no reversibly will occur. I will investigate further with the
other cars to see if all the other cars give me the same result. You can practice GCSE Maths topic-
wise questions daily to improve speed, accuracy, and time and to score high marks in the GCSE
Maths exam. This shows that the Year 11 boy’s have a wider range of interests and are more open to
new things, this makes them more mature than they where in Year 7. I am investigating whether the
mileage has an effect on the second hand price. It might also have been more beneficial to have used
a different sampling technique, as this technique gave me different numbers of students from each
stratum. I think that the data shows no reason for this and it may just be that the Year 11’s are small
for their age and the Year 10’s tall. I have placed these ages in a table with the students IQ. From
these results, I can see that the year tens have a higher median and have more interquartile range. On
the first paper they will estimate how far down the line is 8 cm and on the second paper they will
estimate how far 14 cm is. This graph proves to me that the taller you are, the heavier you tend to be.
Their Midyis score and gender will also be recorded to see the comparisons between each and if they
effect the overall estimation.
I overcame these difficulties by getting help from other people in my class who had understood it. It
contains many helpful and colourful diagrams and uses real life examples which the students really
like. When I compared makes I noticed that they had similar trend lines with only a few differences.
I only play at High school level because this is the only way I can play for a team in the country I am
living in. I will use this sample of data to compare the heights and weights of the year seven and 10
girls and to see whether my hypothesis is correct. A company limited by guarantee registered in
England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412. The investigation has gone well and I have made
evidence to prove that generally, year ten girls are heavier and taller than year seven girls. By
referring to the bar chart above, I can see that the year sevens are generally shorter than the year tens,
which again supports my hypothesis. This means that the inter-quartile range will be further spread. A
systematic sample might have been better. (E.g. Every third person.). It is really weird having this
pair of feelings to be well prepared but feeling like you dont know anything. Another problem was
that students tables had rulers on them, so even when we specifically said not to use a ruler to help
calculate the measurements, we are not certain that they did or didn’t use it to help them. That will
help much gather your ideas and allow you to prepare make a step back to see what specific areas
you will need to improve. From the samples we can tell that as the car gets older the second hand
price get lower, the population also shows this to some extent but has a few differences because
there are some extremely expensive cars included. This may be the case for the other two factors in
this project although it may not be for the engine size because the size of the engine is not an ageing
factor (it does not increase or decrease per year). This meant I only had 8 Year 11 girls whilst far
more Year 8 girls, which may have been the cause of the increased range of their data. On the first
paper they will estimate how far down the line is 8 cm and on the second paper they will estimate
how far 14 cm is. This showed my hat there was little to no correlation. Their estimation will be
recorded and the difference towards their estimation and the real measurement will be recorded.
Each pupil will be given 2 strips of paper which will have a line measured 15 cm long where they
can draw there estimation. So I will take a new sample using every third person within the total
population. It’s just human nature that if you continue to fail something it becomes harder and harder
for you to motivate yourself and engage.” Ms Hague said it would be possible to develop alternative
qualifications “recognised at the same level” as GCSEs, but “more linked to the direction of travel”
which students wish to take in the workplace. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
If this was the case, then obviously the chart would show no correlation. The “Difference between
the actual length and pupil estimation” will be measure by taking away the actual length line from
the pupil estimation to give the range between them. The main reason why I used sampling was it
reduces the time taken to process and also it will avoid bias and be fairer. The “Pupil estimation” is
continuous data as they represent measurements. However my secondary data will be the Midyis
results of each separate pupil. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service
and privacy policy. From the previous scatter diagrams I have seen that there is strong correlation
between height and weight meaning that the Year 10’s are bound to be heavier.

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