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3rd Term Interim Assessment 1

Science (0097)

Name: ………………………………… Grade I:……….………………………… Date:………………..………………

Total Marks: 15 Obtained Marks:…………………………

1. Ayan has a dog, he thinks dog is a living thing.

a) Circle the things which living things can do:

can breathe

cannot move

can grow

b) Some things have never been alive. Circle the things which you think are never



teddy bear


2. Living things move in different ways.
a) Sort these living things into groups.

parrot cat
fish owl
crocodile lizard

Animals who can fly Animals who cannot fly

b) Choose one animal from the above table who use legs for the movement.


3. All animals have skin covering.

a) Different animals could be sorted into these groups.

hairy skin feathers scales moist skin

Animals are sorted by the skin covering they have. Write labels for each sorting

......................................................... ………………………………………………………

b) Some offsprings have special names.
Circle the offspring of the lion.




4. As you grow you change.
Match the age of the boy with the height.
age height

63 inches

34 inches

43 inches

5. Four learners measuring the size of their arms. They used measuring tape for this
purpose. They have recorded results in the form of bar graph.

Size of arms (cm)

Umais Zeerak Talha Ajder

a) Which learner has the smallest arm?



b) Whose size of arm is 60 cm?



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