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Jalan Kedoya Raya No. 35 – Jakarta Barat (11520)
Telp. 5652477 – 5652459

Tahun Pelajaran : 2022/ 2023 Semester : II (dua)

Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris Hari/ Tgl : Selasa, 6 Juni 2023
Kelas : 4 (Empat) Nama : ……………………

I. Choose the correct answer!

1. This armchair is ...... (comfortable) in the house.
a. the most comfortable c. the comfortablest
b. comfortable d. the more comportable
2. The correct comparative sentence based on the picture is ...

a. Sara’s question is easier than Jim’s question

b. Sara’s question is more difficut than Jim’s
c. Jim’s question is funnier than Sara’s questions
d. Sara’s question is shorter than Jim’s question

Jim’s question Sara’ s question

3. Timothy : We are in the library now.
Fanly : ......
a. Please, keep silent c. Please, speak loudly!
b. Listen carefully! d. Read the book!
4. My brother wants to sleep, but he doesn't like the room with
lights on. My brother instructs me, “.....”
a. Please turn off the alarm! c.Please turn off the fan!
b. Please turn on the light! d. Please turn off the light!

The correct meaning based on the picture below is ...

a. Strike c. Block
b. Do the horse stance d. Kick
6. Alvaro usually ... at 1: 00 p.m.

a. has lunch c. has breakfast

b. has dinner d. has a shower

7. The interrogative sentence of “ Gracella rides her bike every day” is..... .
a. Does he ride his bike everyday? c. Does she ride her bike everyday?
b. Do she ride her bike everyday? d. Does she rides her bike everyday?
8. .... is the tallest monument in Jakarta.
a. The Sacred Pancasila Monument c. The textile Museum
b. The Fatahillah Museum d. The National Monument
9. * My cousin takes a bath twice a day* in Indonesian is ...
a. Sepupu saya mandi dua kali sehari c. Saudara perempuan saya mandi dua kali sehari
b. Keponakan saya mandi dua kali sehari d. Sepupu saya makan dua kali sehari

10. Arrange the words!

( a tiger – than – runs – slower – a lamb) = .....
a. A tiger runs slower than a lamb c. A tiger slower than runs a lamb
b. A lamb runs slower than a tiger d. A lamb slower runs than a tiger
11. Alice : What's your father do?
Veylicia : He is a ..... He puts out the fire, and works in .....
a. fireman, the police station c. postman, the fire station
b. fireman , the fire station d. farmer, the field
12. He cures patient's dental problems at hospital. He is ....
a. a surgeon c. a dentist
b. an eye doctor d. veterinarian

Read the text!

13. Based on the text, What are the occupations at the puskesmas? They are ....
a. janitors, butchers, authors c. security guards,authors, ambulance drivers
b. doctors, orderlies, carpenters d. dentists, security guards, nurses

Fiorent : What does the woman do?

Liony: .....
a. She is a sailor c. She is barber
b. She is a tailor d. She is a sailor
15. Grace : Would you like to go to the movies on Saturday?
Jessica : I appreciate the invite, but .....
a. I can c. I have other plans
b. I 'll be happy to go d. I like movies
16. Keavin: I want to borrow some books in the library
Kenzo : ......
a. Let’s borrowing some books in the library c. Let’s to borrow some books in the library
b. Let’s borrow some books in the library d. Lets borrow some books in the library
17. Ariana : Would you like come to my birthday party?
Emily : ..... (accept)
a. All right, I ‘ll be happy to go. c. Sorry, I can’t.
b. That would be nice, but I don't have time d. Let me think about it.
18. Salt, cheese, soil are ... nouns
a. uncountable c. singular countable
b. countable d. plurals

19. The correct statement based on the picture below is ...

a. I dislike doing homework
b. I like reading a newspaper
c. I dislike reading a newspaper
d. I dislike watching TV
20. ..... bottles of milk do you buy?
a. How much c. How many
b. some d. any
21. ... fertilizer do you need?
a. How many c. a
b. any d. How much

What are these? ....

a. These are caps c. Those are cups
b. These are cups d. Those are caps

23. What is tabulampot? It is .....
a. a potted tree c. a potted fruit tree
b. a potted vegetable tree d. a fruit tree
What do you do in the evening? I ....
a. do my homework c. take a nap
b. do sport d. play in the room
25. There isn’t ... rice.
a. an c. some
b. any d. a
26. She buys .... mangoes in the market.
a. an c. some
b. any d. a
27. Are there ..... children in the canteen?
a. an c. any
b. a d. some
28. .... (Jangan menyebrang) the street on the red light!
a. Don’t walk c. Don’t run
b. Don’t cross d. Cross

...... not to fall down.

a. Be careful c. Be wary
b. Be quiet d. Be nice
30. Students : The classroom is dirty.
Teacher : ......
a. Play in the classroom! c. Get out!
b. Stand up! d. Clean the classroom!
II.Fill in the blanks!

31. I__________________________ (don’t wake up, doesn’t wake up) at six o’clock every morning

(The Proclamation Monument, Maritime Museum) is
located in Jalan Proklamasi.

33. My aunt works in a restaurant. She serves the foods to the

customers. She is a __________________( waitress, waiter)

34. Dad : Where do mechanics work?

Samantha : They work in the _________________________( School, Garage )
35. Skyler : What do they do?
Hans : They are lawyers. They ___________________ (keep people safe, defend people) in the court.

36. Gaby : Would you like to come in?

Ryumizu : _____________________________( All right. Thanks. / Sorry, I forgot)

37. Michael : How about doing the English homework together?

Felicia : I must go shopping first. I will ________________ (wait to, let you) know later.
38. biscuits, books, teeth are ___________________________ (plural countables, uncountable) nouns.

39. a. ____________________ (How many, How much) butter do you buy?

b. ________________(How many, How much) cars are there in your garage?

40. She gets _____________________( some, any) money for the tickets.

III. Answer the questions!

41. Make a correct comparative sentence by using your own word
based on the picture!

42. Change into interrogative sentences by using Present Tense by using DO / Does !
a. You go to school by a car.
b. The plant grows fastly.
43. Unjumble the words!
a. gives – an injection – the patient – to – The nurse.
b. can – design – The designer – the clothes.

44. Nasya : I have to write my homework.

(Could I borrow your pen, please?, How about we study together at my house?)
Christy : Sure. I have some pens in my pencil case.

45. Write down five Countable nouns and Uncountable nouns!

Countable nouns: ___________________________________________________________

Uncountable nouns:_________________________________________________________

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