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Last Updated: 08/10/2023 by ThatBreadCrumb


Codex Script
“Courage and Faith”

Main Codex [1-15]:

Codex 1: You must show respect and tolerance towards all members of
the British Army regardless of their beliefs, values, or opinions.

Codex 2: You will not question nor disobey an officer’s decision or order
unless it violates any of our rules.

Codex 3: Follow the Chain of Command. For an issue, contact someone

one regimental rank higher than you. If they can't fix the issue or you've
waited 12 hours, move up and repeat this until solved.

Codex 4: You will only call Majors and higher ranks “Sir” or “Ma’am”
based on their gender. Anyone below these ranks must be addressed
by their rank title.

Codex 5: You must be in proper uniform regulations while on British

Army grounds.

Codex 6: Trolling, immaturity, and foul language is not permitted while

on duty.

Codex 7: Do not ask for ranks. If an officer deems you worthy of a

promotion, he or she will promote you.

Codex 8: We do not expect the use of perfect grammar, however, use it

to the best of your ability.

Document made by: sdc23643

Revised by: ThatBreadCrumb
Codex 9: Recruiting and advertising for groups outside the British
Army is prohibited.

Codex 10: You will not start fights, arguments, drama, nor rebellions. If
there is an issue, contact the person privately and resolve the matter to
avoid escalation.

Codex 11: The use of abbreviations is prohibited in the British Army

except for group names and rank titles. (Examples of forbidden
abbreviations are: “STS,” “PTS,” etc.)

Codex 12: When a Major General or higher rank enters your event, they
must be acknowledged in the following way; Major Generals and higher
ranks must be announced as ‘(Rank) on deck’

Codex 13: You will show respect and honor towards all allied groups
and their people as you would to our people.

Codex 14: If you see a user breaking the rules, you will attempt to
correct their behavior before you gather evidence and report them to
an officer.

Codex 15: You will follow every single one of these rules without any
exception. Failure to do so will result in being warned, demoted, or

Document made by: sdc23643

Revised by: ThatBreadCrumb

Future: After you pass your Basic Military Training, you should
participate in a tryout and pass it to join a regiment.

Communications: Make sure to check the group social links to join our
communications server.

Document made by: sdc23643

Revised by: ThatBreadCrumb

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