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Bold and Humorous Messaging

Environmental and Health Consciousness
Engaging and Unique Brand Personality

Brand Awareness
Target Audience Reach
Return on Investment (ROI)

Social Media Campaigns and Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with local influencers who
advocate for sustainability and healthy living can help reach a targeted audience. Creative social
media campaigns that encourage user participation can also increase engagement.

Community Events and Pop-Ups: Hosting or participating in local events, fairs, or festivals that
align with Oatly’s brand values (e.g., sustainability, health) can increase local visibility and

Collaborations with Local Cafes and Restaurants: Partnering with popular local cafes and
restaurants to offer Oatly as a dairy alternative can help in creating brand presence and loyalty.

Educational Workshops and Seminars: Organizing workshops or seminars focusing on

sustainability, health benefits of plant-based diets, and environmental impact of food choices can
help in building a community of informed consumers.

Digital Content Creation: Producing engaging online content (blogs, videos, recipes) in French,
focusing on the benefits of oat milk and sustainable living, can help in educating and engaging
the audience.

Sponsorships: Sponsoring local sports events, health and wellness programs, or environmental
initiatives can increase brand visibility among relevant audiences.

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