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With the industrial revolution everything related with manual production became
industrial. The main invention was the steam engine, which increased the
production in the industries, there was big amounts in terms of production, lowering
production cost and without needing large amounts of labor.
There was a time which marks the beginning of the modern age and in this, there
were liberal revolutions that make citizens being able to make their own decisions.
At the industrial revolution, the system based on the division of powers, the
economy and freedom changed lots of the things that were stipulated before this
time because of the way the world used to work. It gave security and guarantees to
the employer, the banking system was another topic with economic growth, the
monetary balance and with that the absence of inflation gave way to capitalism,
where the factories started to show bourgeois and the proletariat that were the new
type of workers. In short, towns had been transformed into industrial nations. It was
a nice time let’s say and a fact that demonstrates it is the increase of the life
expectancy from 35 to 50 years.
the mid of the 18th century and the 19th century to other regions. This was a
period where agriculture had some changes like the idea of animals and crops
being separated, also new machines were integrated to make more coverage in
terms of needs. Many of the workers who worked as agricultural laborers moved to
the city, generating labor for the new industries and making these places big.
the demographic transformation caused that the mortality descended in the
country, since, the vaccine was invented and there were large amounts of food,
this process was from 1780 to 1820.
the steam engine caused the labor of a worker to be supplanted, making the
production of textiles and others, more effective for the bourgeois. This allowed
England to compete with the whole world. the internal market is widened thanks to
the railways and these allowed a greater demand and transport for exports.
because capitalism, the bourgeoisie obtained more and more profits, thanks to the
raw materials and energy that helped the expansion of the industrialization in
Europe, the united states and japan.

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