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I would like to open my own shop one day, perhaps have my own fragrance and
cosmetic line. There __(9)___ many things I haven’t done. I would love to do clothes
for men – there’s a market for ___(10___ men who like to dress up. And I ___(11)___
a law degree you know – behind all this creativity, there is a brain – I am intelligent!

I love diamonds, pearls and jewellery. This has also been a good business opportunity
as I managed to __(12)___up with the owners of jewellery and pearl centre Rafflesia.
I’ll be working on a project ___(13)___ my new line of accessories ___(14)____
collaboration with them. I plan to come back later this year to feature an exclusive line
of Malaysian-inspired couture gowns with pearls and embroidery, and shoes specially
___(15)___ by Jimmy Choo.

(Adapted from The Star, 29th April 2010)

9 A is 13 A involving

B are B regarding

C was C managing

D were D specializing

10 A simple
14 A in
B modern
B on
C glamorous
C at
D wonderful
D of

11 A has 15 A made
B had

C have B crafted

D - C designed

D invented
12 A see

B look

C meet

D contact

Selvi is a very active young woman. She has been involved in charity campaigns
___(9)____ her secondary school days. She finds it very fulfilling to reach out to people
as this ___(10)____ her a sense of achievement.

She resigned from her ___(11)___ last year to focus on writing a book about the
charities that she supports. As she has now completed her book, she is able to
dedicate her time to her campaigns. Her immediate plan is to organize a sea kayaking
expedition along the eastern coast of Malaysia ___(12)___ she will stop at various
coastal towns to carry out fund-raising activities for her charities.

Whenever she has time, Selvi loves to read. She is an avid reader who spends
___(13)___ money on books each year. In fact, she admits that she buys books faster
than she ___(14)____ finish reading them. She tries to put __(15)___ practice some
of the useful things she has learnt from her reading to help with her charity work. One
of her goals is to finish reading all the books that she has bought over the years.

9 A is 13 A involving

B are B regarding

C was C managing

D were D specializing

10 A simple
14 A in
B modern
B on
C glamorous
C at
D wonderful
D of

11 A has 15 A made
B had

C have B crafted

D - C designed

D invented
12 A see

B look

C meet

D contact

Ants are social insects that are unable to live on their own and need to live in an
__(9)__ colony. They are mostly found in places with hot climate. There are over
12,000 known __(10)__ of ants in the world. An ant has an average life span of 45 to
60 days. Ants do not have ears __(11)___ they hear by feeling the vibrations in the
ground through their feet. An ant uses its antenna for touch as well as smell.

Ants are __(12)__ omnivorous. They eat other insects, seeds, oils and bread. Adult
ants are unable to swallow solid food thus they __(13)__ on the juice they squeeze
out from pieces of food. An ant has two stomachs where in one stomach, it stores food
for itself while in the other, it stores food which is to be shared with others. Another
amazing feature is ants are creatures that depend on __(14)___.

There are three different kinds of ants in a colony; the queen, the female workers and
the males. The queen is the only ant that can lay eggs. Once she has __(15)__ her
first brood, she becomes an egg-laying machine for the rest of her life. A male ant’s
job is to mate with the queen. After mating, it dies, __(16)___ two weeks. The female
ants __(17)__ and repair the nest, care for the brood., defend the nest and feed both
immature and adult ants, including the queen. There may be workers and soldiers of
different sizes that specialize in certain tasks. Like all pests, ants need food, water and
shelter to __(18)__. By limiting these three essentials, you make it more difficult for
ants to live in the infested area.

9 A organise B organised C organisation D organizing

10 A groups B teams C species D levels
11 A or B then C but D and
12 A greatly B rarely C mostly D frequently
13 A depend B depends C depended D depending
14 A one B each C get D together
15 A product B products C produced D producing
16 A with B on C by D within
17 A set B build C change D design
18 A run B control C survive D manage


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