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FOREIGN BROADCAST “BNTORMATION SERVICR Sanitized ‘Abnroved dN Bees CIA- ‘IMPERTALIST! ACTS TO FOIL CONFERENCE CITED Singapore APP in English 0625 GHT 30 June 1965--W “(BOR OPPICIAL USE ONL) a HT it (Text) Djakarta, 30 June--Capt. Raimond Turco Westerling, one-time commandor of (5 the aray of the heavenly host which captured Tandung in 1950, was today accured +> by an Indonesian radio reporter of having been assigned by the inperisiiste and. to shadow Indonesian Foreign Minister Dr, Subendrio during his stay - nd to foil the second Afro-Asian conference in Algiers. Wosteriing, vho 18 training to bocone an opera singer, was indirectly accused Wy + radio reporter Daraosugondo of having had a hand in the explosion in the Alytere, 1 ‘and tuo Chinese techntotans en the Work of imperial tate sn ‘hold Westerling responsible for having’ killed 40,000 people in > South Celetes in 1948, claim on ite front page under the "Executioner Westerling Shadowing Subandriot” -The report suid that erLing!s mission to Algiers hed faiied decause he hed not been adattt tions of Mesterling, who was said to have gone = 3 wore clear proof of the intention of the isperialists and their tooiny the. Central Intyliigence Agency, to foil the sevond Afro-Asian confesenc ergs ‘Sane ‘0 ee

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