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OBS 310 Group Assignment Presenta7on

Business Strategy Cri7que


The purpose of this assignment is to develop your analy5cal and cri5cal thinking skills by
examining and cri5quing the business strategy of an exis5ng company. This assignment will
help you understand the key components of a business strategy, evaluate its effec5veness,
and provide construc5ve insights for improvement.

You will be randomly placed in groups of 5 to 6 students and present the findings of your
assignment (business strategy cri5que) in a 7 to 8 minute group PowerPoint presenta5on.
Please note that you will NOT be able to choose your group members.


1. Select a Business: Choose a well-established company that operates in any industry

that has been opera5ng for at least 5 years and has an annual revenue of at least
R10 million. It could be a local, na5onal, or interna5onal business. Ensure that the
company you choose has enough publicly available informa5on about its business
2. Overview of the Business: Provide a brief overview of the selected business,
including its industry, products or services, target market, and any significant recent
developments. This sec5on should set the stage for the panel to understand the
context of your cri5que.
3. Analysis of Business Strategy:
a. Mission and Vision: Examine the company's mission and vision statements.
Evaluate whether they effec5vely communicate the purpose and direc5on
of the business.
b. SWOT Analysis: Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportuni5es, Threats) of the business. Iden5fy key factors that influence
the company's strategic posi5on.
c. Compe77ve Posi7oning: Analyse the company's compe55ve posi5oning in
the market. Assess how well the business differen5ates itself from
d. Market Segmenta7on: Evaluate the effec5veness of the company's market
segmenta5on strategy. Consider if it aligns with the needs and preferences
of its target audience.
e. Product/Service PorLolio: Assess the diversity and relevance of the
company's product or service porXolio. Consider how well it meets
customer needs and adapts to market trends.
4. Future job roles: Explain what types of job roles may become obsolete in the
business in future, and what roles may the business need in future that it does not
make use of now.
5. Recommenda7ons for Improvement: Suggest an innova5on (product, service, or
process) that could be incorporated into the business to make it more profitable.
Based on your analysis, provide construc5ve recommenda5ons for improving the
business strategy. These recommenda5ons should address iden5fied weaknesses
and capitalize on opportuni5es. Make reference to your textbook.
Submission Guidelines

This will NOT be a physical, paper-based assignment. Students will be expected to present
(PowerPoint) a 7 to 8 minute cri5que of an organisa5on’s strategy to a panel of lecturers. A
few minutes will also be set aside for Q&A. The presenta5ons will take place from 6 to 10
May 2024. Groups will be given an opportunity to select 5meslots for their group

Evalua7on Criteria

Presenta5ons will be evaluated on the following criteria:

Components Mark
Overview of business 5
Analysis of business strategy 10
Future job roles 5
Recommenda5ons for business improvement 20
Group cohesion during presenta5on (including 5
Overall quality of presenta5on 5

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