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Writing coursework, especially in subjects like English Language with a focus on Creative Writing,

can be a challenging and time-consuming task. It requires a combination of creativity, analytical

skills, and a deep understanding of language nuances. Here are some reasons why writing
coursework in English Language Creative Writing can be difficult:

1. Creativity Demands: Crafting an original and engaging piece of creative writing requires a
high level of creativity. Generating unique ideas, developing characters, and constructing a
compelling narrative can be mentally demanding.
2. Technical Skills: While creativity is essential, technical proficiency in language is equally
crucial. A good grasp of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary is necessary to effectively convey
the intended message and maintain the quality of writing.
3. Research: Depending on the coursework requirements, research might be necessary to
incorporate relevant information, cultural references, or historical context into the creative
piece. This adds an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.
4. Time Constraints: Students often face time constraints due to other academic commitments,
making it challenging to dedicate sufficient time and effort to create a well-crafted piece of

For those finding it challenging to manage these complexities, seeking assistance from professional
writing services can be a viable solution. One such service that could be considered is ⇒ ⇔. They offer support in various academic disciplines, providing custom
coursework tailored to individual needs.

However, it's important to note that while seeking external help can be beneficial, it's crucial to
maintain academic integrity. Students should use such services responsibly and ensure that the work
they submit is ultimately their own.

In conclusion, tackling English Language Creative Writing coursework can be a formidable task, and
external assistance may provide valuable support for those facing difficulties. Consider ⇒ ⇔ as an option, but always prioritize academic honesty and make sure to
understand and learn from the assistance received.
They think they understand, but they don’t know what it is to kneel on your bedroom floor in an
agony of guilt and remorse, cheeks wet with tears, wrists wet with blood, the knife before you your
worst enemy and your best friend, the only way you know to ease the ache inside you. Although
Curtis had told her that Gareth knew nothing about Damon’s death, Gareth thought that by the look
on her face, she wasn’t entirely convinced. Understand? Katie with fear replied, “Yes, I will do the
job.” The gang leader replied with satisfaction, “Good. Feeling the presence of someone else, she
turned around to face a sheepish looking, Riley. She was in year 11 and was facing the many stresses
of passing her exams which would shape her life. She just sat there watching the water, refusing to
look at him. She whispered to herself, “it’s now or never.” Katie sprang for the iron which was
steaming hot as it was plugged in the wall. She thought of it as her mother being worried sick and
therefore phoning the police. My youthful innocent daughter walks towards me as I stare in misery.
The police man calmly says, “could you stay back please” not knowing that she was the missing
daughter. He scathed the ribbon with his fingertips but the girl snaked to her left, dodging a tree with
a slight skip, and was out of his reach once more. One evening, after the sun had set, and all the
families were on the beach, Fallon decided to go back to her room, because as summer progressed the
evenings got cooler, and she wanted a jumper. I therefore changed this section, softening the
interrogative tone to one that the reader could empathise with more easily. I hold my breath the
world rotates slowly; I view my whole life, only took a moment. The airport was near my house so I
decided to take a bicycle ride with my girlfriend, I wanted to spend my last few hours in London
with the love of my life, I was going to miss her the most by far; it was her and my closest friends
that made this all so hard; I didn’t want to leave them behind. He lay on his back for a moment
slightly dazed and thoroughly confused, when he heard a muffled shout below him. That ache in
your heart that reminds you, every day, every minute, of what you are seems there to stay; you can
see no end to the pain. It is designed to be a whole lesson which works collaboratively with a class -
split them into pairs. She was moved to the back of the casino where there was a group of men
having a private party. I felt heartbroken and devastated that I was going to leave all the great
memories behind and start afresh. They were congregated in a small talk of which wood makes the
best walking sticks while the remarkable few that did not limp and not require such implements, sat in
silence puffing ancient pipes, onerously checking their watches for the start of the next prayer. She
knelt down in the gentle sand and buried her head in her hands, “you can’t” she whispered over and
over again. I did not look up because I thought something was behind me. He continued with his face
but it only attributed to making him dirtier so left it for the time being. You get a mixture of KS3 and
KS4 (AQA) resources all in one at 30% off. ?40.00 Bundle The complete AQA pack All of my
resources for AQA's English Language and English Literature exams covered. I look at my hands
and feel dismayed, tear drops plunge into the ground and once again I apologise. Rob went round to
the Redwoods house one day after he murdered Damon. No words have been spoken during these
hours of cheerfulness. I knew what I had to do, the clown would not let me go, so I decided that I
would have to fight it. Now Fallon, aged 15, and Gareth, aged 16, rarely saw each other, and if they
did it was very awkward.
We have experienced an era of pain but our children are the reason we stand here today. He shook
her arm, his own flailing in his silent hysteric despair. Water is inevitable in life, in our microcosm
world, water is rarely obtainable. Katie decided to run away and not face the head teacher and her
mother. Slowly but surely I crept out of my bed and slowly made my way to the bathroom. 30
seconds into brushing my teeth, all I could hear was “Get out J, get out, I need to use the bathroom,”
screamed my sister, Sam, sweet 16. She hates the poor guy!” They just sat there in silence for a while
and then Riley stood up. As she brushed the sand away, she walked back up to the hotel with a smile
on her face, maybe this hadn’t been such a bad holiday. My mind and senses had froze, Tyson and
his gang started to approach me and Steve, as we stood tight in our places as if we were statues
waiting to be demolished. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, don’t try and run away because it’s your family
at stake and not you. Now go.”. No, it is forbidden, God does not permit such evil, He told himself
and banished the thoughts of evil at once. When I stepped down to the Atlanta airport, I realized that
I really had left my heart back in England. From this point, Katie could find her way home very
easily and it looks like for Katie that this time she has succeeded and has gotten a second chance.
This left Gareth and Allanah looking confusedly at John, Riley and Robert, who just stared back,
equally bemused. All the rage and guilt caged inside released in a moment. He replied in a shocked
manner, “go to the head teacher’s office.”. As we approached the door we both said to each other at
the same time “Are you sure you want to do this,” we both nervously smiled at each other and
nodded our heads. It was full of relatives and friends, I felt so happy seeing everyone together but I
was grief stricken that it was the last time I was going to see everyone. You’re sure that no one could
understand the pain you feel, knowing that you are to blame for the world turning upside down, your
life and those of so many others shattering into so many pieces that recovery seems impossible. Amir
was amused when he seen Lydia’s ruffled hair, dirty and caked with dry mud, rise from the earth.
We both lay silently on the floor, as the squeaks of the rats, which were creeping around, tormented
us. The lessons include various ways to improve the quality of student’s writing e.g. whole text
structure, 5 senses, adverbial phrases, semi-colons, colons etc. Emptiness in all directions yet the
street glowing with dramatic colours; warming the foggy glass that I stand in front of, in the cold
foggy street that is long and narrow, full of shops with vibrant colours to suit the Christmas spirit.
Most people drove to the airport with my parents and my sisters; some had to leave because they had
to take care of their businesses and get back to work. Someone had been watching him, and now, he
could see the onlooker. No skyscrapers, no busied traffic, no flashy suits or crowded sidewalks. She
remained standing there for a while, giddy on her legs like a drunken sailor, until her eyes refocused
zooming in on Amir. I look at my hands and feel dismayed, tear drops plunge into the ground and
once again I apologise. We had been through the highs and the lows together and I tore me up
knowing I was never going to see them, apart from over webcam. Katie goes into a fit of despair and
she runs towards her home and she yells “MUUUUUUUUUUUM” very emotionally.
Most people drove to the airport with my parents and my sisters; some had to leave because they had
to take care of their businesses and get back to work. They think they understand, but they don’t
know what it is to kneel on your bedroom floor in an agony of guilt and remorse, cheeks wet with
tears, wrists wet with blood, the knife before you your worst enemy and your best friend, the only
way you know to ease the ache inside you. Guilt and fear fled through his mind, but he could do
nothing. If only I had been more careful, he wondered, hitting the earth in frustration with the heel
of his fists. The boy scorned at his attempts - He was a mess and nothing he could do now could fix
that. But she was not to know that this decision was going to change her life. We had been through
the highs and the lows together and I tore me up knowing I was never going to see them, apart from
over webcam. My family including my parents, my three younger sisters, and I were going to leave
England to come to the United States. He instantly set off again after her in hope to gain ground that
he lost. It’s too late now, and the desolation and deathly stillness in the wake of the storm is your
punishment, filling you with memories and relentless guilt. The language used is fairly simple, with
little subject specific vocabulary and mainly compound and simple sentences, so that anyone could
understand it, specifically readers in their late teens, which is my intended audience. We both lay
silently on the floor, as the squeaks of the rats, which were creeping around, tormented us. I started
to say good-bye to my uncle, my aunt, my cousins, and my friends. She hates the poor guy!” They
just sat there in silence for a while and then Riley stood up. As soon as he finished his sentence a
snow fight kicked off. Because I wanted to investigate the emotions of self-harmers in my piece, I
decided to write with a wandering, stream-of-thought type tone to emphasise and describe in depth
the emotions I wanted to portray, in order to allow the reader to understand through empathising
with the subject. She could hear cutis talking on the phone in a very quiet hushed voice. Through this
overuse of adjectives I hoped to help the reader to understand how the subject feels and why they
self harm. Because you don’t know another way to stop the pain, other than to create your own. It’s
every man for him in this ill-fated separate world of ours. The booklets are skilled based and offer
revision activities, to support student self learning. ?15.00 Reviews 5 Select overall rating (no rating)
Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. As the seconds ticked, her screams got louder and
louder, but I stood my ground and carried on brushing my teeth. No, it is forbidden, God does not
permit such evil, He told himself and banished the thoughts of evil at once. A roar of joy everywhere
as everyone run’s to they’re gold. Here I am thinking to myself times change this is not my era, I
don’t belong here. Water is inevitable in life, in our microcosm world, water is rarely obtainable. The
Writing Fiction Lesson doc is designed to be printed on A3. Her arms are crossed over her chest and
she holds a book, beneath her crossed arms, with her smooth hands. I still could not quite work out
how we were travelling I knew we were airborne but was unsure of how.
Luring the target in with a friendly conversation, and then leaving him dead within a couple of
seconds. It’s every man for him in this ill-fated separate world of ours. With an air of iniquity and
reprisal present the gang leader says, “I have a special assignment for you and before you speak you
WILL comply or you will suffer great consequences. Katie Brown wakes up to the sound of her
mother saying, “Wake up, it’s time for school.” Katie was a very beautiful girl, yet she was so self-
effacing and calm. If you want to see your family alive then you will work for me. The boy scorned
at his attempts - He was a mess and nothing he could do now could fix that. We have experienced an
era of pain but our children are the reason we stand here today. So I just carried on and later that
night. oh god. later that night, I found Damon’s body slumped in a corner. I ran back to open the
door but it was locked, I cried out load Steve’s name but there was no reply. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. My mind and senses had
froze, Tyson and his gang started to approach me and Steve, as we stood tight in our places as if we
were statues waiting to be demolished. You have no right to be happy, when he is gone because of
you. I knew what I had to do, the clown would not let me go, so I decided that I would have to fight
it. He didn’t need to say anything; he just smiled at Fallon and took her hand. One evening, after the
sun had set, and all the families were on the beach, Fallon decided to go back to her room, because as
summer progressed the evenings got cooler, and she wanted a jumper. But I would not let it go, it
was as if the devil had possessed me. I never knew anything about Damon, and you know that if I
did I would have told you anyway” As he spoke he could feel the tears coming, so sat down to
Allanah’s comforting arm. Snow balls were flying through the air at high speed, as if a hundred
comets were coming towards Earth at the same time. The orange center of the flower had snapped
and hung together by only a single strand; broken, twisted. I used many adjectives such as
“relentless”, “bitter” and “constant” to show the extent to which the emotions of the subject affect
them. Then comes an attack from behind pulling out a prickly knife that was destined to tear through
their body. While we slice friend’s throats, steal from friends, just throw our gold away. She just sat
there watching the water, refusing to look at him. He followed his viewer in the pool of water for
several minutes, tracing the black-haired boy’s path with his finger, his breathing even and deep. Me
and my unlucky pal Steve screamed for help as our doom came closer and closer. As we came closer
and closer to the white door the tune became louder and louder. Because I wanted to investigate the
emotions of self-harmers in my piece, I decided to write with a wandering, stream-of-thought type
tone to emphasise and describe in depth the emotions I wanted to portray, in order to allow the
reader to understand through empathising with the subject. This is weighted more towards Paper 2
than Paper 1 at the moment - something I will rectify as soon as possible. ?8.00 Bundle AQA English
Language Paper 1 Revision Pack (version 1) Does what it says on the tin. It had to be done. He
looked straight ahead of him, as if there were nothing there and he could see through it all, and
turned his head sharply to look back down at the water once more as she disappeared and another
took her place. He told me to carry Damon’s body and dump it in a river so it looked like he’d
Thank you Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel Report this
resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. I had to help out my mother.” The
math’s teacher upon hearing these excuses became red with anger and said, “NO excuses young
lady.” Not knowing that Mr Syed only cared about her passing her exam, she replied by saying,
“leave me alone, I can’t do it anymore, I HATE my life.” Mr Syed became speechless as he was not
use to this character of Katie. That’s what he told me anyway, but I don’t know for sure that he did.
See other similar resources ?2.50 2.50 2 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were
looking for. Peer marking! Can then set easily set an improvement task, if you want to. I’ll tell you;
you’re walking a tight rope without a circus net, with God trying to push you off every moment. It
was a small city that rested between two of the largest cities Birmingham and London. As Fallon
stood waiting at the front of the hotel, she suddenly realised what was actually going on. See other
similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were
looking for. As we approached the door we both said to each other at the same time “Are you sure
you want to do this,” we both nervously smiled at each other and nodded our heads. This resource
hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this
resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. As
Fallon pulled the jumper over her head as she walked out the door and made her way back to the
beach she stopped at a corner and strained her ears. Bundle AQA English Language - The Complete
Approach A collection of all of my English Language resources. Finally I manage to muster the
courage to speak my mind and emotions. That ache in your heart that reminds you, every day, every
minute, of what you are seems there to stay; you can see no end to the pain. Because you don’t know
another way to stop the pain, other than to create your own. That’s when the fact of leaving England
really hit home, I was going to leave behind the last 15 years of my life and it crushed me to have to
think about it. Johnny Divine the head kidnapper said to his bosses, “I found a new girl, just like you
asked. It is written to seem like a stream of thought, as if the subject is talking to him or herself. Get
this resource as part of a bundle and save up to 25% A bundle is a package of resources grouped
together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place. She whispered to herself, “it’s
now or never.” Katie sprang for the iron which was steaming hot as it was plugged in the wall. We
could now see where we were, we were on the floor, of what seemed to be a school canteen. She
remained standing there for a while, giddy on her legs like a drunken sailor, until her eyes refocused
zooming in on Amir. I ran back to open the door but it was locked, I cried out load Steve’s name but
there was no reply. All the great times and memories came to my mind and once again my eye was
full of tears. You get a mixture of KS3 and KS4 (AQA) resources all in one at 30% off. ?40.00
Bundle The complete AQA pack All of my resources for AQA's English Language and English
Literature exams covered. At the hotel bar, both Gareth’s parent and Fallon’s parents sat very pleased
with themselves. I did not look up because I thought something was behind me. Steve read the
postcard “To unlock the door find the gold in the mirror.” We both were baffled, “what gold in the
mirror?” Steve asked me. Rearranging sticky yellow notepaper pieces and making targets for another
day out.
See other similar resources ?6.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. I’ve lived half my life now I wish to turn away, degrade. Join our team of
reviewers and help other students learn. She left the house as quickly as she possibly could and she
went back to the drug selling casino. His arms strained from their joints, almost within reach of
winning this little bout. On her right wrist, just above a scar, lies a thin black ribbon made of silk. An
evil smirk appeared on the face of the clown, as it started to run towards me. Like, go swimming or
something?” she asked, never taking her eyes off of Gareth’s face. He followed his viewer in the pool
of water for several minutes, tracing the black-haired boy’s path with his finger, his breathing even
and deep. But all that time you knew he’d drowned in that river, because it was you that did it!”
Tears rolled down Riley’s cheeks and she sank to the floor. But I still feel so bad.” There was a long
pause as Curtis waited for a reply. She hates the poor guy!” They just sat there in silence for a while
and then Riley stood up. It had to be done. He looked straight ahead of him, as if there were nothing
there and he could see through it all, and turned his head sharply to look back down at the water once
more as she disappeared and another took her place. Don’t you have a lesson?” Katie quickly
thought of a lie and said, “yes sir, I do have a lesson but I have to go home to pick up a book that I
forgot.” Mr Warnock looked at her very oddly but considering Katie’s reputation as an honest girl
said to her, “OK, but make sure you come back in time for history at the end of the day.” Katie then
left the school premises. It is written to seem like a stream of thought, as if the subject is talking to
him or herself. What right do you even have to grieve him, self-pitying as it is. Worse, how could you
put into words the self hatred you feel hearing people, your own friends, even, talking about it, how
it is a plea for attention, pathetic, and nodding and agreeing, laughing, then making your excuses and
sobbing in a toilet cubicle, because maybe it’s true. But well done to you all it was a great stunt you
all pulled. He always knew her as a well mannered girl so he knew that something must be wrong in
the family. You are only here to make me and my boys some money.”. My youthful innocent
daughter walks towards me as I stare in misery. My family including my parents, my three younger
sisters, and I were going to leave England to come to the United States. As the sobs broke out, she
collapsed face-first onto her luxury king sized bed and sobbed. Meanwhile others fool around with
water, we fight over it. As Fallon pulled the jumper over her head as she walked out the door and
made her way back to the beach she stopped at a corner and strained her ears. Water, food, shelter,
we’ll be the rebels, hell will unfold. You have no right to be happy, when he is gone because of you.
He unclenched his hand and leaned forward onto his knees, reaching for the last pure flower. You
knew about-” She broke off and sobbed, thumping the floor with her bared feet, in temper. It was
obvious that none of my relatives would be living and therefore I was alone.
This left Gareth and Allanah looking confusedly at John, Riley and Robert, who just stared back,
equally bemused. I look back and apologise but it’s too late now as I’ve already committed a sin.
Could anyone understand how it feels to laugh and joke with friends, knowing it’s an act to keep
them happy and that all the time you’re living a lie. If you do not meet this assignment then I will
not kill you. She just sat there watching the water, refusing to look at him. The snow had brought
some light to my day, could it be, could it be SNOW DAY. This made me curious, and all was
revealed as the 'clown' started to peel of its skin, and Steve’s face appeared. Meanwhile others fool
around with water, we fight over it. As the sobs broke out, she collapsed face-first onto her luxury
king sized bed and sobbed. See other similar resources ?1.50 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save
for later Not quite what you were looking for. At the hotel bar, both Gareth’s parent and Fallon’s
parents sat very pleased with themselves. We steal, slaughter and shut ourselves down for our
families. His arms strained from their joints, almost within reach of winning this little bout. Most
seemed very upset that we were leaving and a few started crying. Out of desperation he scratched at
a brown smear at the base of his shorts but still it remained. Get this resource as part of a bundle and
save up to 25% A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a
series of lessons, in one place. Above, tufts of arid grass were stuck in his hair; a string of it, clumped
together by impact of his fall, was perched comically on the black locks of his hair. The guilt bites
down a little harder; how many more people have you hurt with your careless handling of his heart.
I’ll tell you; you’re walking a tight rope without a circus net, with God trying to push you off every
moment. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.50 2.50 2
reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.50 2.50 2 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 25
March 2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share
through facebook Share through pinterest The Little Shop of Horrors. 3.88 388 reviews Not the right
resource. I tried to fight it off, but its hold was as tight as handcuffs. This pronoun use is intended to
make the piece more personal, almost as if the reader is eavesdropping on someone’s thoughts. I used
many adjectives such as “relentless”, “bitter” and “constant” to show the extent to which the
emotions of the subject affect them. We could now see where we were, we were on the floor, of
what seemed to be a school canteen. The girl said, “we are all victims, we have been here for the past
month now. It is designed to be a whole lesson which works collaboratively with a class - split them
into pairs. I knew she loved me very much and did not want to let me go. He unclenched his hand
and leaned forward onto his knees, reaching for the last pure flower. Curtis started to get into trouble,
drinking and taking drugs and Riley was glad that he had turned her away. When I stepped down to
the Atlanta airport, I realized that I really had left my heart back in England.

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