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The performer has high cardiovascular demands as he must play continuously for two 45 minute
periods, muscular endurance, agility, muscular strength and coordination are just some of the other
demands set on a player in a football game. It would be no good to you if you can make good doges
but your muscles were not strong enough for you to make them, causing you either injury or a failed
movement. Once I have made sure of all of these things I could begin to make sure that my
surrounding environment is safe. The music acted as a comforter, it took my mind from the tiredness
of my body. It works the muscular, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This will benefit my all
round performances in a competitive game of football. Students friendly guide for how to structure
their coursework, guiding them through their weakness(es), cause(s) and corrective measure(s). Write
a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Reach as
far forward as possible. (Avoid locking out the elbows) Feeling the stretch in the upper portion of the
back. Review 5 Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. This
will help with the prevention of injury whilst taking part in physical activity. This will improve my
strength, mostly in my legs, and I will improve my jump. The title is: How has gentrification
impacted the socio-economic and environmental characteristics of Jericho, Oxford. I could overload
by increasing the time spent on each activity. Also it had a space so we could record our recovery
rate and out heart rate, both resting and just after exercise. I play this because i enjoy it as well as
getting loads of of this sport, such as adrenaline, fun, something to do, fitness and health it brings
socializing too. Then we need to make sure that we progress and develop out training. Without speed
you wouldn’t be able to run as quick to it or be able to perform a shot. Both of these pictures show
the transfer of weight onto the bent leg in order to feel the stretch on the calf muscle. My current
level of fitness, in my opinion is quite average, as I maintain a high level of exercise throughout the
week. Passing drills are important for sharp, accurate play, and to learn effective use of space. Also
in the larger porting events, men and women don’t compete against each other because man and
women with obtain very different results. Overall I have achieved what I wanted to get out of this
whole experience and I have noticed a change in my game play. My physiological view of the
programme will affects this because if I am more motivated one week than the next then it will affect
my results and they will become less accurate. My body could have just thought this training was a
one off. This is lower than the first week but it means that because my starting beat count has
decreased by 9 beats per minute that I have gained in my fitness and my heart rate is overall lower.
We had the choice of which two we would like to improve, we had the choice to do both strength
and suppleness or stamina and speed. After we have stretched off properly I will play a game called
bull dog this game is really easy to play and enjoyable as well so how you play is two people (bull
dogs) have to stand in the centre of the gym and shout out one of the persons name and what the
person does is shouts out proper loud bull dogs so every one has to go from one end of the gym to
the other without getting caught and if you do get court your a bull dog as well so this means that
the last man standing wins. More red blood cells are produced and more haemoglobin to help with
delivery of oxygen. Students receive 2 x 55min lessons a week for this unit, and the same for the
other two units also. It helps to improve your usage of your muscular and respiratory systems. Power
and endurance are a big part in this exercise.
The instep is used for long ball passing, the heel can be used to pass behind us, and the outside of the
foot can be used to pass the ball quickly to the side of us, or to bend the ball to pass it around an
opponent. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
This means there is more room for the lungs to expand meaning they can take ion more air with every
breath. My body will slowly get used to this high rate of exercise. If this muscle gets injured it would
take a long time to heal and would make any position uncomfortable so it is very important to stretch
this muscle and all the others very well in order to keep in good health. Then we need to make sure
we don’t get bored and we need to find different ways in which we can motivate ourselves. Reviews
Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. This shows I am
starting to reach your full potential and if you keep exercising at a constant level, my fitness will stay
at that level. One way in which I think the principle of training was almost perfect was tedium,
because I never really got bored, there were different exercises to do and you were always changing,
there was also music playing on one or two occasions so that keeps you going as you can find a beat
that is suited for the exercise you are doing and then keep going till the end of the activity. Therefore
a football player must have a good aerobic endurance base if he or she is to last the full game without
becoming excessively tired. My hack squats, skipping and bench lifts were very good. Then after 7
days I will have to do it again, so my body might not be used to it.). I think the same testing
equipment should have been put in different areas of the circuit. I also need to be very agile to be
able to move around the court, get away from my opposition and also mark them effectively when
the other team is in possession of the ball. Also once again it is the muscular system, which is being
strengthened. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your
happiness. Feel the stretch in the buttocks on the side of leg. This is the hardest and flattest part of
your head, and it will give you better control over where you want to make the ball go as well as
giving greater power. I made good use of the monitoring sheet and it has been very helpful to me. I
missed the post-test but if you add up all my results from the weeks that I was there I started on the
pre test with 126 and improved to finish with 141, so I improved by 15. You need to stretch this
muscle to prevent in jury during physical injury. However my P.E.P still worked very well because it
improved ALL fitness components it set out to. The programme will of course mean that I need to
maintain my current lifestyle the same as much as possible. Each week we will carry out repetition of
these set exercises. I felt that it did what it was supposed to do and that’s all that really mattered.
You extend your arms then until they are straight lifting the whole weight of your body. This also
helps to increase the muscle temperature, allowing for a more effective static stretch. Skipping is
working all of the major muscle groups in the body, working all muscles in arms and legs. At the start
I was motivated but as the weeks went on by I felt as though I wasn’t as motivated.
Also once again it is the muscular system, which is being strengthened. One is to prepare mentally
for the exercise we are about to do and to get our minds in the correct state to carry out the
necessary physical exercises. This will almost certainly relax all muscles and prevent stiffness. My
strongest area of fitness is strength and suppleness but I have chosen to carry on improving this
because in netball it is very important to be able to make strong moves around the court and strong
passes. Most of the time your muscles are working aerobically. If this muscle gets injured it would
take a long time to heal and would make any position uncomfortable so it is very important to stretch
this muscle and all the others very well in order to keep in good health. It will cause your muscles to
adapt and therefore you will adapt. As we were doing it inside in a sports hall the weather didn’t
need to be taken into account. Circuits can be adapted to the needs of the person competing in it. To
follow an exercise like this, we would expect a cardiovascular exercise to follow; like shuttles, as our
arms would be very tired and in need of rest. An extreme Mesomorph would be very well suited to
become a goalkeeper in football. This game is good for warming you up because it includes a lot of
running in the game. See other similar resources ?5.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Not
quite what you were looking for. This is why tactics and strategies often play a large role in
determining the games outcome. I had picked up a few pulled muscles on this circuit as well,
basically due to the overloading of my body. I think this is due to the fact my body has got used to
the higher level of training and was prepared for this next test. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?0.00 5.00 1 review Download Save for later ?0.00 5.00 1
review Download Save for later Last updated 30 October 2017 Share this Share through email Share
through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest PEMrF 4.33
25 reviews Not the right resource. My heart rate increased during week 2, but this is no surprise as it
is early on in the training and overloading by body. For example, when resting in between repetitions,
have a passing drill or shooting frill set up instead, however, this is only after the person has
completed a full 6-10 weeks of the program. My results for both first and second circuit were better
than my results in week 1. This applies to competing athletes and health fitness trainers alike. To
increase the stretches push your hips into the floor. If I stop training for more than one lesson a week,
my body will not be ready for the next training circuit and I might find it harder than I normally
would - if I were training 2 times a week. I will be able to measure it by counting out the number of
times I score out of total shots. If you want to fitness circuit, you will make the stations things to
improve your fitness. I found this week’s circuits were easier than the last week’s circuits. But for a
rugby player they would peak in their late twenties, early thirties. Football involves intermittent
activity of changing intensity within the field of play. There are five main aspects to general fitness,
which consist of the following. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's
good to leave some feedback.
Most of the time your muscles are working aerobically. My strongest area of fitness is strength and
suppleness but I have chosen to carry on improving this because in netball it is very important to be
able to make strong moves around the court and strong passes. In my pre-test and post test I went up
by 15 so I feel that I improved and it made me feel better about that aspect of fitness. I am a
competitive hockey, netball and tennis player and so keeping fit for those activities is hard but needs
to be done. It shows clearly that I steadily improve as the weeks progressed. Reviews Select overall
rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. The team that dominates in the air
can win the ball in the vital danger zone in front of the six yard box both when defending and
attacking, and that team can win the ball from long goal kicks. I also learned a lot about things,
which you cannot choose that affect your performance during physical activity such as your
somatotype (the natural shape of your body). Football is a competitive sport and is known as an
invasion game, and by gaining territory through passing, dribbling or intercepting you are gaining an
advantage for your team. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch.
?5.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later ?5.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Last
updated 22 February 2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest jharris22 5.00 8 reviews Not the right
resource. Reach as far forward as possible. (Avoid locking out the elbows) Feeling the stretch in the
upper portion of the back. It is important to hold this stretch for 15-20 seconds in order to make it
effective. I have taken every aspect of safety into account all of the safety flaws that could be
around me. The fitter you are the lower your resting heart rate becomes. Another way that my
partner turned out to be a motivator was the fact that we could compete to see who could get the
most points on each station this obviously made me want to beat him. I noticed a slight change in
my netball playing of more strength than suppleness and I was quicker off the mark at a centre pass
and also I felt I was quicker at dodging and either marking or getting free from the opposition. I
think that I was because the fitness plan only really worked the arm and leg muscles where it could
have made more use of the stomach and lower back muscles. Without speed you wouldn’t be able to
run as quick to it or be able to perform a shot. People use continuous training because it improves all-
round fitness. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. This exercise will be using all of the muscles in my legs; my quads, hamstrings, gluteus
maximus and my gastrocnemius. My results for both first and second circuit were better than my
results in week 1. This means speed is needed to move either your whole body or just part of it,
which is very common in football. This resource would be great to use as an example of ideas for
topics and also structure and layout. The real skill is being able to kick accurately whilst under
pressure, and it is far more important to consistently excel at this basic skill than to be able to
perform fancy tricks. Also working your muscular, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It is
helping to improve your timing, co-ordination and balance. You need to hold this stretch for 10-15
seconds and repeat if necessary. Again working my upper body it will help me to throw in the ball
when extending my arms. My results show that I have improved as time progressed and therefore my
training has served its purpose. I felt that it did what it was supposed to do and that’s all that really

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