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Writing coursework, especially on a complex topic like History Coursework on Vietnam, can be a

challenging task. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to synthesize
information from various sources. Here are some reasons why writing coursework on this subject can
be difficult:

1. Extensive Research: Vietnam War is a multifaceted historical event with numerous

perspectives, causes, and consequences. Conducting in-depth research to gather accurate and
diverse sources can be time-consuming.
2. Complexity of the Topic: The Vietnam War involved political, social, and military aspects
that need to be addressed in a comprehensive manner. Understanding and explaining these
complexities requires a thorough understanding of historical context and events.
3. Critical Analysis:A successful coursework demands critical analysis of the sources,
evaluating their reliability, biases, and significance. This requires a deep understanding of
historical methodology and critical thinking skills.
4. Effective Writing: Translating research findings into a coherent and well-structured piece of
writing is a skill that many students find challenging. Proper organization, clear
argumentation, and adherence to academic writing standards are crucial.

Considering the difficulties involved in crafting a high-quality coursework, some students may seek
assistance. One option is to order from reputable academic writing services like ⇒
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However, it's essential to approach such services with caution. Ensure the chosen service guarantees
original work, adheres to ethical standards, and provides a secure platform for transactions.

In conclusion, while writing a coursework on Vietnam War can be challenging due to the complexity
of the topic, thorough research, critical analysis, and effective writing, seeking help from legitimate
sources like ⇒ ⇔ might be a viable option for those who need assistance. Always
prioritize academic integrity and ensure the selected service aligns with ethical standards.
The Vietcong were experts at this type of warfare, and easily trapped the USA military as they had
been trained to fight conventional wars, which this was not. Their fear of this small threat was the
reason that the USA failed in Vietnam. The USA began to use chemical warfare such as Napalm, and
Agent Orange. President Nixon was elected as The USA’s new president, and brought the USA out
of war. Also it still does not cover all the reasons that the Americans got involved in the war. The
media aided this movement by continuously reporting from Vietnam on the injustice of the war. It
was a South East Asian version of NATO, and aimed to block further communist gains in the Asia.
The young soldier realised that the idea wasn't to gain terrain or help citizens but only to kill and the
pressure to do so was intense. 3. There are many hypothesises brought to light by sources C, D and E
about why the US was defeated in Vietnam. In April 1969 48% were in favour of continuing the
war, whilst 40% were in favour of withdrawal. So overall I think that source B is more useful than
source A as it has more reasons to be believable and it is less likely that Johnson is exaggerating. It
could also be made up as we don't know how it was recorded, if it was just a private conversation.
They realised too late that they were not just fighting a military war, but were also fighting a
political one. It seemed to the public and world media that the USA was just fighting for the sake of
fighting and that they believed that this war was just another progression in The Cold War against
communism. The failures and mistakes in Vietnam were becoming more apparent. As well as that we
need to know the specific views are i.e. the doves believe that the US government spends too much
money on a foreign war instead of health care at home. Some of the sources claim that the AWM had
nothing to do with the end of the war and others state it did and some others say that the outcome
we all know of came about because of different events and occurrences around the time. Source 5
says that the AWM are not all hippies who smoke marijuana etc. We must however keep in mind that
the evidence is constantly changing and new evidence could change opinions and therefore
outcomes, if the answer depends on opinionated sources etc. There is little emotion expressed in
what he says but it comes across quite sensible, although the source is biased. This aggression shows
the tension between the previously mentioned “doves” and “hawks”. This sort of picture would also
turn the American people against the war as it showed the ruthless American Soldiers at their worst.
The USA had a very capitalist view and had a great fear of all communist behaviour. They realised
too late that they were not just fighting a military war, but were also fighting a political one. It
shows that the American public were not getting the full news coverage of Vietnam at this time
because if they had been watching the failures and innocent lives being lost many more people
would have been opposed to Vietnam. Also it tells us the Nixon thought the brave ones were out
risking their live for America. In this war the added television was one step to far for the people they
now knew more than they could handle and it drove them to rebel. The plus points of this source
would be that it shows two sides of the argument for and against continuation of the war. Source 5
says that the AWM are not all hippies who smoke marijuana etc. The other good thing would be that
the speaker represents the government so that may indicate that that is the way the whole of or a
least the majority of America thinks. Another thing which makes the source limited is that it misses
out a lot of key facts.
This overpowering reaction caused the North Vietnamese to be more determined to resist against the
USA. But even together these sources are limited they still don’t mention all the reason America
joined the war and if Johnson is still talking to someone who he can't say what he really thinks then
they do not really back each other up at all. I intend to study the sources in this booklet until I have
come to a viable conclusion and have given my ultimate verdict. It states that the sheer image that the
AWM projected of itself put people off supporting it and there for encouraged support for the war.
However, it could be an extreme AWM member’s view and therefore not totally honest. Our
textbook tells us much more information on the same issue and also raises so valid points. This was
sign to many that America had no chance in stopping the advancing Viet Cong and victory would
not be theirs. Another limitation is that we need to know how many supported each group and how
the supporters protested if they did so. This kind of song would have been heard by a wide variety
of people and would have made people think about the situation in Vietnam. It shows the lack of
understanding America had of the Vietnamese and makes the point that the war would never achieve
anything. Also like Kennedy, Johnson felt obliged to show America’s support for Vietnam. The poll is
not specific enough to determine whether or not the source supports Source M even at a fundamental
level, all though the dates of popularity change do approximately match certain events as they were
exposed by the media, possibly suggesting a link between change in public opinion and media
exposure of American crimes. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good
to leave some feedback. The ferocity of this source suggests to me that Nixon may fear the power of
the AWM. For independence, freedom and to let them govern there own country. Johnson’s primary
motive for delivering this speech to the American people was to further gain the trust of the
American people and promote the American cause in Vietnam as something the USA was doing for
the good of the Vietnamese people. It also tells us about the way that young Americans were enticed
to fight by a fighting minded Kennedy. The motive of the source is to get Chomsky’s view across.
We don’t burn our draft cards down on main street.”. Noam Chomsky was interviewed and could
have been influenced by his knowledge of the atrocities and the huge causalities that happened. Mr.
Nixon could be referring to the AWM as bums, at home, in university, protesting against the war
while the brave ones are out fighting and dying in Vietnam. In the foliage around them they are
surrounded by invisible Communist soldiers, waiting for the right time to strike the group of
Americans. The fact that Vietnam was considered so important for four years funning shows that
Americans would have wanted the war to go as successfully as possible. Were they being serious or
just playing a physiological game with the south and the Americans. It claims that the AWM was the
rational view behind the headstrong American government. Wan Farida Hamimi Lesson 1 Causes of
WWII Lesson 1 Causes of WWII dumouchelle Unit 8 Powerpoint (The Cold War Begins) Unit 8
Powerpoint (The Cold War Begins) Crosswinds High School Interwar period Interwar period Juan
Carlos Ocana 01. Depending on the caption, two different, practically opposite opinions could be
formed. People received letters from friends and family describing the bad conditions in Vietnam
and how bad things really were which made many people want their loved ones to come home. They
gained the peasants support, which the American troops’ did not achieve. Newspapers could have
used this to demonstrate the sheer evil of American soldiers (probably high on drugs) killing innocent
Vietnamese people in search for Viet Cong supporters.
In 1967 despite growing concern public still back Johnson and Vietnam (Source G shows it as being
the major problem in the country of 1967) as they are told of huge armies slaughtering the
opposition. The gruelling Tet Offensive at first up to 100,000 people were believed to be dead. As
support declines, opposition naturally increases. A simple reason why the US became involved in
Vietnam is that they Feared communism. This made the soldiers terrified to move around the jungle
as a Viet Cong trap could be lurking anywhere. It tells me that the kids were only rebellious because
it was the fashion at the time to rebel against authority because you were young. And source 2 tells
us that this trend was to continue until late 1967. As well as that we need to know the specific views
are i.e. the doves believe that the US government spends too much money on a foreign war instead
of health care at home. The Vietnam War Was An Expensive And Fatal Conflict. The source could be
interpreted as the official view from the government on why it was so important for America to fight
in Vietnam. President Nixon was elected as The USA’s new president, and brought the USA out of
war. The doves being the anti-war members of the Democratic Party and the hawks being the pro-
war members. Source E also shows how the Viet Cong were told to act just like the South
Vietnamese civilians, “move like fish in water”, which made it almost impossible for the Americans
to tell the difference between the two. George Dumitrache USSR Control USSR Control
THE COLD WAR - TRAD. The whole process had a disastrous effect on the morale of the army.
The second song tells us that the writer does not appreciate people who oppose the American
warring way but likes the country’s produce and are not violent etc. This makes direct reference to
“Red Scare” in the 1920s and the policy of McCarthyism, which was passed by congress in 1940
and caused suspicions to be aroused further. This source is a speech so immediately I can say it is
biased and unreliable but not totally. The harsh American public who had thought that a win was a
sure thing didn't want to admit defeat. President John F. Kennedy saw this danger and started. You
would also expect Johnson to lie in this source as he is trying to make the war sound good to the
public. This evidence is limited as it is a neutral source and excludes the plus or negative views. It
was also from President Johnson but it was a private conversation. People were beginning to see
how innocent people were being slaughtered and their friends and family who had gone to fight in
Vietnam were being killed by a ferocious and usually unseen enemy. The blacks thought that it was a
white war and shouldn't be a part of it. It is not an especially useful poll because it shows us popular
opinion in a nation that played a relatively minor role in the Vietnam Conflict. According to
“Newsweek” 64% supported the soldiers and 26% opposed the war. The opposition increased after
events such as the TET offensive, a surprise attack by the Vietcong on the American army to
demoralise them, and turn the media against the US troops, also it brought the medias attention
closer to the war. Friends and family were being killed for what seemed like a pointless aim. It is
useful for understanding how the public felt during the mid-1960s because it gives statistical
information on the number of people who supported or opposed Vietnam due to television.

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