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Unit 3 Short Test 1B

1 Complete the sentences. Use modal verbs to express advice, obligation, or necessity. Sometimes
there is more than one possible answer.
1 Prison visitors _______________________ give anything to the prisoners. It’s prohibited.
2 Visitors _______________________ wear name badges, but they are available if you want to use them.
3 We _______________________ buy a gift for Aunt May. She has been very helpful.
4 You _______________________ wear the school uniform. It’s against the rules to wear anything else.
5 We _______________________ ride our bikes in the park, but everybody does, and nobody seems to mind.

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Read the situations and complete the responses with an appropriate modal verb and the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.
1 Claire hasn’t brought her coat.
Really? Well, it _______________________ (rain) later. If it does, she’ll get wet.
2 Tom has lived in this part of the country all his life.
That’s good news. We definitely _______________________ (get) lost with him as our guide.
3 My dad has bought a new car – it’s called a Clearwater Jazz.
Oh dear. That make of car _______________________ (be) unreliable sometimes.
4 Simon has been studying French for eight years.
Really? He _______________________ (be able to) speak the language really well by now.
5 Stan is going to see that film you were talking about.
Well, he _______________________ (enjoy) it. It’s a great horror film, and I know he loves horror films.

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Upper-Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 3 Short Test 1B

3 Choose the correct verbs or phrases to complete the sentences.
1 In class in the afternoon, I was so tired that I started to ___ .
a yawn b wink c grimace
2 In the game, we couldn’t speak. We had to ___ our heads if we agreed with the statement the teacher read out, and
shake it if we disagreed.
a nod b shrug c scratch
3 We all really hoped Jason would win the race. That’s why we ___ for luck.
a covered our mouths b gave a thumbs up c crossed our fingers
4 The twins wouldn’t sit still. They kept ___ in the back of the car.
a fidgeting b frowning c grinning
5 When she gets angry, my sister ___ at me. It really is a scary face!
a folds b pouts c scowls

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Circle the correct words to complete the text.

An evening in the cinema

The worst thing about going to the cinema is the horrible noises other people make during the
film. There is always somebody who 1coughs / sniffs / sighs really loudly, without covering
his mouth. Then there’s always the person who 2gasps / snores / slurps his cola instead of
drinking it quietly. I hate that, and I’m always very quiet myself. Once I started 3hiccupping /
sighing / clearing. I don’t why. Perhaps I had been eating my popcorn too quickly. But
instead of making lots of noise, I left the auditorium and got a drink of water, and only returned
when I felt better. Actually, one thing that is more annoying than noisy people is my dad. He
gets so irritated with people making noises that he turns round in his chair and 4tuts / gasps /
slurps at them. He doesn’t ask them to be quiet. He just looks angry and makes a noise. It’s
so embarrassing. And then, of course, if the film is long or boring, he falls asleep and starts to
snore / sneeze / sniff.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Upper-Intermediate Tests 2 Unit 3 Short Test 1B

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