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Transformations of Stress and Strain “The plane shown is being tested to determine how the forces due to lit would be distributed over the wing. This chapter deals with stresses and stains in structures and machine components. [No part of any oak may te reproduced or ansmiged by any means withou te publishers prior pemmisson Use (ter than qualified far sin voletion ofthe aw or Terms of Service i prohibited. Violators wl be prosecuted othe fl extent of the aw 74. INTRODUCTION Tasimoston 423 ‘We saw in Sec, 1.12 thatthe most general sate of sess at a given point ‘Q may be represented by six components. Thre of these components, (7 anda define the normal streses exerted onthe Faces ofa sma z med at (Qard ofthe sare elontatin ae the ened fate utes (Fig 71a), and the other tree, Poy Fd Tay the Compo= ‘nents ofthe shearing stresses on the same clement. Ax we remarked at ‘the time, the same slate of tens willbe represented by’ diferent set ‘of components i the coordinate axes ste rotated (Fig, 7.18), We pro- ose in the fist pat ofthis caper to determine how the components ff stress ate transformed under a rotation of the coordinate axes. The ‘second part ofthe chapter will be devoted to @ similar analysis of the teunsformation of the components of strain w o Fort ‘Our discussion ofthe transformation of stress will deal msiny with lane siress, i, witha situation in which two ofthe faces ofthe eu- bic element are free of any sires, Ihe z axis is chosen perpendicular torhese faces, we have o. = 7, = 75 = Ova the only remaining sess ‘components are 0,0, and (Fig. 7.2). Such a situation occurs in @ {hie plate subjected 10 frees acting ithe midplane of the plate (Fig 73).1t also occurs on the free surlace of & sretura element oF ma- chine component, ie, at any point of the surface of that element or Fig 72 component that i no subjected toa extemal fore (Fig. 7-4. Fo.73 [No part of any oak may te reproduced or ansmiged by any means withou te publishers prior pemmisson Use (ter than qualified far sin voletion ofthe aw or Terms of Service i prohibited. Violators wl be prosecuted othe fl extent of the aw 424 Tecate of shee a san Considering in Se. 7.2 state of plane sites at given point Q characterized by the tess components 7 and r, associated with the element shown in Fig. 78a, you wll lear (0 determine the com nen 3.0, and 7, associated with that clement aftr it has been fotated through an angle # about the = axis (Fig. 756). In Se. 73 you ‘wl deermine the Value 9, of # For which The stresses ay and re, respectively, maximum and minimum; these values of the normal sess ‘ae the principal stresses at point O, and the Faes of the corresponding element define the principal planes of sires at tat point. You will lo ‘etermine the value 8, of the angle of rotation for Which the shearing stress is maximum, a8 well a the value ofthat sts oy ® Fats In Se. 74, a ltermatve metho for the sluion of problem in volving the wansfomaton of plane sues, based on the use of M's Cirle, wil be presented ‘hy Sec. 78 the thne-dinensional state of stress at given point wil e considered and a formula for the dtermination of he neal Stress on pane of rity orientation tha point wil be developed In Sec. 76, you will consider the rotations of cub element about ech ofthe peng ate of tea neta the corresponding trans formations sess can be described by te diferent Mohs cies. You wil also observe thi the ease ofa ae of plane sess ata sven point, the maximum value ofthe sheng tes otsned earer by comidering tations in the plane of sess des not neces rep reson hers sein sens tpi Ts i i yn to dninguish between inplone and ou-fplane maximum sheung stresses Yield criteria fo ductile materials under plane sess willbe de= eloped in Seo. 7.7To pect wheber a mata will yield at some teal poin under given lading contin. you will determine the Prinipl sees ad yet that point and hook whether the yield strength ofthe material sly some eriteron. Two cite fia in common use ate: the maximun-searing-stengh eriterion and the maximum dtrtion energy erterion In Swe 72 fracture err for bce materials under plane sess wil be developed in similar fashion they wl ivave the priacpl sueses 0, and oy at some ex ical pina the irate eg my eae To tera wl bedncsse the masimumnormal-stress terion and Mol eter [No part of any oak may te reproduced or ansmiged by any means withou te publishers prior pemmisson Use (ter than qualified far ss) in volation of he nwo Terms of Service prohibited. Violators wl be prosecuted othe fl extent af he aw Thin-walled pressure vessels provide an important application of 12 tomato ne Ses 495 the analysis of pine sites. In Sec. 79, we wil discuss sresses in both cylindrical und spherical pressure vessels (Figs. 706 and 7.7) Sections 7.10 and 7 will be devoted to a discussion ofthe trans formation of plane strain and 'o Mohs cvcte for plane stain. In Se. 7.12, we will consider the theee-dimensional analysis of strain and sex how Mo's circles can be used to determine the maximum shearing ‘man a a given point, Two particular cases are of special interest and ‘Should not he confused: the ease of plane strain andthe ease of plane Final in ‘he normal stain on the surface of sirctural element or machine jomponent, You wil see how the componente. ly chatacter Jing the stat of stain at a given pont ean be compte from the mea- surements made with thee sian gages forming strain rosette 2c. 7.13, we discuss the use of strain gages to measure 72. TRANSFORMATION OF PLANE STRESS. Let us assume that a state of plane stress exits at point Q (with «. 1 = 0), and tha iis defined by the stress components Catt cated with the element shown in Fig 7.50, We pro pose fo detenmine the stress components oy, and yy assovited With the clement afer it hasbeen rotated trough an angle 0 about the Z aula (Fig. 7.50), and exprest these components in tenn of at Tuy 0 8 [No part of any oak may te reproduced or ansmiged by any means withou te publishers prior pemmisson Use (ter than qualified far sin voletion ofthe aw or Terms of Service i prohibited. Violators wl be prosecuted othe fl extent of the aw 426 Weert re Sian 9.75 (epeted) In onder to determine the normal stressor, and the shearing stress ‘rey exerted on the face perpendicular to the x' axis, we consider Dsmatic element with fces respectively perpendicular tothe x. and 1 axes (Fig. 78a). We observe tha, ifthe area of the oblique face is ‘denoted by A, the areas of the verical and horizontal faces are re spectively equal tA eos@ and A sind 1 follows thatthe fores ex- cented on the thre faces areas shown in Fig. 7.8b. (No forces ae ex Foe erted on the triangular faces of the element, since the corresponding normal and shearing stresses have all been assumed equal to ze.) Us ing components long the 1” and "axes, we write the following equ [ibium equations: eA ~ a{A cos.) 008 0 ~ 4, ( AA cos 8) sin =oF(AA sin) sin 8 — 7,(A4 sin 8) cos 0 tay AA + a MA con 6) sin 0 — ry AA coe 8) con 0 ‘SA sin) cos 0 + 1,(SA sind) sind [No part of any oak may te reproduced or ansmiged by any means withou te publishers prior pemmisson Use (ter than qualified far sin voletion ofthe aw or Terms of Service i prohibited. Violators wl be prosecuted othe fl extent of the aw Solving the first equation fore and the second for ry, We have 1a. tortomaon Pee Soe 427 = 7.c08 + asin? #4 Irysin Boos — (A) ny =o, — a) sind con 8 + ryfeos!@ ~ sin?) (7.2) Recalling the trigonometric relations Sin20 = 2sin e088 60820 = costo — a3) and 1+ e027 is cos 20 Lt eosm igtg t= OM ay : 5 aay we write a, (7.1) a follows: Lt cos20 | 1 = cos 20 @. +o, + ry sin20 a 2 ra p= yc 2 + 2 sin (1S 2 a re eI Using the relations (7.3), we write Bg (72) a ey ~ Sn 20 + 3 con 20 oo) ‘The expression for the normal stress ois obtained by replacing @ in Eg, (7.3) by the angle + 90° tht the y” axis forms with the x axis Since 60s (28 + 180") = —cos 29 and sin (20 + 180") = —sin20, we hve Ee ee ee 2 ‘Adding Bqs. (7.5) and (77) member to member, we obtain oy toy= a, +a, 08) ‘Sine 0. =. = U, we thus verty i the case ot plane stress tha the ‘um ofthe normal stresses exerted on a cubic element of materials in- dependent of the orientation of that element fe ooue caps 8 [No part of any oak may te reproduced or ansmiged by any means withou te publishers prior pemmisson Use (ter than qualified far sin voletion ofthe aw or Terms of Service i prohibited. Violators wl be prosecuted othe fl extent of the aw 428 Westerman sre ran 73. PRINCIPAL STRESSES; MAXIMUM SHEARING STRESS {hss 3) (10) ein pv ion a celle seer ete ec el ae Fea cap Sr mero eso (Sta am (e- Setting +A 10) we write the identity (7.9) in dhe form (oe = oh ry oun which isthe equation ofa eicl of radius R centered atthe point C of abscissa crime (Fig. 79) Ie can he berved tat, de the symmetry of the circle about the horizontal axis, the same result ‘would have been obtained if, instead of plotting Af, we bad plowed & Pint N of abacinta er and ordinate ry Fi. 7.10). Tok penne Will be used in See. 7.4, sak Fa. 710 ‘The two points A and B where the circle of Fig. 7.9 intersects the horizontal axis are of special interest: Point A corresponds to the max jun vale of the cial areas er, while point R coreg to [No part of any oak may te reproduced or ansmiged by any means withou te publishers prior pemmisson Use (ter than qualified far sin voletion ofthe aw or Terms of Service i prohibited. Violators wl be prosecuted othe fl extent of the aw ‘minimum value. Besides, both pints correspond toa zero value of the 73.0% Sos: inom 429 shearing sess ry Th the values, ofthe parameter # which cor — respond (o points A and B ean be obitined by selling r, = 0 in Ea. (0.6). We write 7 an24, = any ‘This equation defines wo values 2, that are 180° apart nd hus to values that are 0° apart. Either of these values can be used to de- {ermine the orientation of the corresponding element (Fig. 7.11). The planes containing the faces of the element obtaned nts way are caled mers the principal planes of svess at point Q. and the corresponding values Gy Ad yy OF the nora tess exerted om these planes a called the principal sresses at. Since the O40 valves J, defined by Ea, (7:12) ‘were oblained by setting 7 = Oin Eg (7.6), itis clear that no shear- Ing stress is exerted onthe principal planes, ‘We observe from Fig, 79 tht ae +m a4) Seo {ates Hs panne Hell oy ape wh AE Iwas ipa planes is subjected 10 and which is subjected {0 a it 8 neces ‘ary to substitute one ofthe values into Ey. (7.3) i order to deter~ imine which ofthe two corresponds 6 the masimum value of the noe mal stes. Relersng again tothe cle of Fig. 79, we note thatthe points D largest numerical value of the shearing stress 14. Since the abscissa of eins D and Es Gne ™ (@ + )/2, the vals 0, of Ue parameter 0 Sorerponding to thors plait are obtained by sting 2, = (2s + 2,2 {7 a a ete yang 7) tig ee [No part of any oak may te reproduced or ansmiged by any means withou te publishers prior pemmisson Use (ter than qualified far sin voletion ofthe aw or Terms of Service i prohibited. Violators wl be prosecuted othe fl extent of the aw 430 _Wetemsten ot 000 2 ran in Bq (7.5), I follows thatthe sum ofthe last ko terms in that eu tion must he zero, Thus, for = 8, We serie? as) yoy ‘This equation defines two values 20, that are 180° apart, and thus two / values that ae 90° apart. Ether of these values ean be used 10 de- termine the orientation ofthe element corresponding to the maxiraim shearing stress (Fig 712), Observing from Fig. 7.9 that dhe maximum value of the shearing stress is equal to the radius R of he ciele, and recalling the second of Eqs, (7.10), we write J = 16) ‘As observed earlier, the normal stress corresponding to the condition ‘of maximum shearing sees is aun, ‘Comparing Egs. (7-12) and (7.15), we note that tan 24, i the neg- sive reciprocal of tan 28, This means that the angles 20, and 24, ae ‘90 apart and, therefore that the angles ae are 45° par. We thus conclude that the planes of mama shearing sires are at 43° 0 the Principal planes, This confirms the results obtained exer i Sec, 1.12 inthe case of a centric axial loading (Fig. 140) and in Sec. 3.4 in the ease ofa torsional loading (Fig. 320.) ‘We should be aware that our analysis of the transformation of pane stress his been limited to rotations fn the plane of srs the cube flement of Fig 7.7 is rotated about an axis other than the ¢ axis its faces may be subjected to shearing stresses larger than the stess de fined by Bq. (7.16) As you will see in See. 7.3, his vocurs when the Dncipal stresses defined by Eq. (7.14) hae the same sga, i, when they ae either both tensile or both compressive; In such eases, the value tiven by Eq (7.16) is referred to a8 the maximum sn-plane shearing Tis eo uy abo Newey tect = (75) he aie cal wae fad = [No part of any oak may te reproduced or ansmiged by any means withou te publishers prior pemmisson Use (ter than qualified far sin voletion ofthe aw or Terms of Service i prohibited. Violators wl be prosecuted othe fl extent of the aw For the state of plane stress shown in Fig 7.13, determine (a) he principal plans, (the principal seses, the ma ‘mum shearing sess a he corespnding nor ste. F733 (2) Principal Planes. Following the usa sign con ‘vetion, we write the ses components 8 = 450MM a, Substitting into Bg, (7.12), we have Bry __ 1440) _ a0 =e, 0 (10) 6 2,= S81" and 180" + S84 = 282" = 266" and 1166" =-10MPs 7, = +40MPa wan28, (Peta rss. me 10) yl ate VCS +8 2 VOR no -Hta-Ae canes oo 1 pn pa lp eo ee Biri pera iter enters oo st = 20 + S008 53.1" + 40sin $3.1° = T0MPa + r= VOOR OF = soma Since yy nd fy ie OPPO signs, the valve ob tained for factually represents the maximum value ofthe shearing str atthe point considered The orton ofthe Ing stresses ae fest Jterminot by passing a section long he Alagoa plane AC ofthe element of Fig. 7-1, Sine the faces ‘Alban BC ofthe clement ar contained in he pina planes, the dgonal plane AC mist be one of he planes of maxim Searing stress (Fig. 7.18). Furtbermore he equim eon ‘ions for the pismatic cement ABC regi ht the shear Fig. 718 Ing ess exerted on AC he directed as shown, The cubic le nen carespadiag to the main bering sess shows inFig. 716. The normal sexe on each fhe fur faces othe emis given By Bq, (7.17 Fa. 716 431 [No part oF any oak may te veproduved or ansmiaed by any means withou the publishers pier pemmlssion Use (other than qualified far sin voetion ofthe aw or Terms of Service is prohibited. Violators wil be prosecuted othe fl extent of the aw SAMPLE PROBLEM 7.1 ‘A single nonzntl force F et magnitude 159 I is applied 1 end of ever ‘ABD: Keosing tht potion AB of the lever hat darter of 12 in tere ‘nine () the normal and shearing stesses onan element cated at pot Hf {hd ving sor parle to the any ones (8) he principal abe andthe ipa tess tp SOLUTION Force-Coupe Sytem. We rerlace the one P by an eau ove coop jtem ate eter Co he ransvee section cntang pn P= 15016 T= (1S01{18in} = 2785p in. |M, = (1S018\10in} = Lip «in 4. Stress @,- 0, al Pont H._ Using the sign convention shown in ig. 72, we dtrine he Sse and he sign ofeach sess compen: By care> ‘ily examining the sath ofthe free-capeystm tpi Ce (skip inion) irony re ,O7ip-inWontny Iromy ‘We note that the sharing force P does not cause any shearing sess et 2 Principal Panes and Principal Stremes._Subtiaing he valcs of ‘hostess components ino Ey (7.12) we detrmie the een ofthe pit- pl planes +t tmnt 2099 iy = 610" and 189? 10" = 4119" =H a 4st Substinting oq (7.14), we determine the magnindes of the principal ste IE Fog = “ASR (Considesiag lve ub ofthe elmeat shows, we make ~ ~30.5° in By (1.3) sad ind ry = —4AKk Weel hn te pin dre ae hr [No part of any oak may te reproduced or ansmiged by any means withou te publishers prior pemmisson Use (ter than qualified far sin voletion ofthe aw or Terms of Service i prohibited. Violators wl be prosecuted othe fl extent of the aw PROBLEMS 7.4 through 7.4 Forte given state of ses, determine the neal and ‘hw. Use a method of atalis based om he equ ofthat clement, a3 twas done the derivations of Seo 7.2 Fi. Pr Fi P72 Fig P73 Fig. 75 through 78 For the piven slate of stress, determine (a) the prac: st plane, (oy th tcl arene — | a a" Fig P75 and P79 Fig. P78 and #730 Fig. P77 and Prt Fg. Pra ans P72 7.9 through 7.12. For the given state of sess, determine () theo enusion of the plans of maximum in plane sharing sess, () the come 7.13 through 7.18. For tegen ste of ses, determine the noma a sharig reese the elesene shows has eon rota hugh a) 25° clockwise, () 10" counterclockwise es { jonwe sit im 4a =~ gi to T Fig. Pr.19 Fig. Prat Fig P15 Fig P78 433

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