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What Makes a Nation?

By C Rajagopalachari

Rajagopalachari gave an inspiring speech at Nagpur Institute of Technology in the year 1948. He
was a statesman and an orator. He was very happy to listen to the speech made by a girl student.
He thought that a new trend had emerged in the society. Girl students are competing with boys.
The youth of India has to maintain good character. They should live up to the standards of India.
The country had a great tradition. They should become good bricks in the construction of a
nation. Honesty and hard work should be maintained by the students. Straight forwardness is
needed at every stage. As we got independence, we should accept our responsibility and should
make the nation strong.

He also said that the girls were competing with the boys at the university level. According to
Rajaji a girl student is equivalent to five boy students. Universities were being opened to give
complete freedom of education. If mothers were educated, they could educate the whole of the
family and so there would be no need of universities. Mother would be the principal of the home
and the family should become a university in itself. Character is built up at the house level itself.
So according to Rajaji, youth of this country should maintain good character. This would enable
the country to grow like an organic body in future.

1. According to Rajagopalachari, what is the primary factor that distinguishes a nation?
A) Ethnicity
B) Language
C) Geography
D) Common ideals and aspirations

Answer: D) Common ideals and aspirations

2. Rajagopalachari argues that a nation is not defined by its:

A) Military power
B) Economic strength
C) Cultural heritage
D) Political boundaries

Answer: D) Political boundaries

3. Which of the following is NOT cited by Rajagopalachari as a characteristic of a true nation?

A) Unity in diversity
B) Common culture and history
C) Homogeneity of population
D) Shared destiny and goals

Answer: C) Homogeneity of population

4. According to Rajagopalachari, what is the essence of a nation's unity?

A) Political affiliation
B) Social hierarchy
C) Shared values and beliefs
D) Economic prosperity

Answer: C) Shared values and beliefs

5. What does Rajagopalachari suggest is the danger of emphasizing external attributes, such as
language and religion, in defining a nation?
A) Increased nationalism
B) Fragmentation and division
C) Ethnic discrimination
D) Loss of cultural identity

Answer: B) Fragmentation and division

6. Which term best describes Rajagopalachari's view on the relationship between nation and
A) Interchangeable
B) Dependent
C) Autonomous
D) Overlapping

Answer: D) Overlapping

7. According to Rajagopalachari, what should be the primary concern of a nation's government?

A) Economic development
B) Social welfare
C) National security
D) Cultural preservation

Answer: D) Cultural preservation

8. Rajagopalachari argues that the strength of a nation lies in its:

A) Military capabilities
B) Economic resources
C) Moral and spiritual values
D) Technological advancements

Answer: C) Moral and spiritual values

9. Which of the following statements best summarizes Rajagopalachari's view on nationalism?

A) Nationalism is necessary for social cohesion.
B) Nationalism leads to conflict and aggression.
C) Nationalism should be based on cultural superiority.
D) Nationalism undermines individual freedom.

Answer: A) Nationalism is necessary for social cohesion.

10. What lesson does Rajagopalachari draw from history regarding the longevity of nations?
A) Nations with diverse populations are more resilient.
B) Nations built on military power are bound to collapse.
C) Nations that prioritize moral and spiritual values endure.
D) Nations must constantly adapt to survive changing circumstances.

Answer: C) Nations that prioritize moral and spiritual values endure.

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