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고려대학교 강의계획서 작성 양식

※ 강의계획서에서 파일 첨부를 선택한 경우 다운받은 본 양식으로 내용을 작성하여 업로드

합니다. 다음의 사항을 기입하여 주시기 바랍니다.

2018 학년도 1 학기 자료구조 학습계획

The students learn the fundamental concepts of computer science such as abstract
data types, algorithms, and analysis of algorithms. Based on these concepts, students
will be able to simplify complex problems to be a collection of simple concepts and
their operations, systematically analyze programs, and choose more efficient
programming codes in a theoretical sense.

<Goals> 반드시 기입해 주십시오.

The students can explain what is an abstract data types, design abstract types to
solve complex problems, and analyze the complexity of those algorithms theoretically.

We recommend for the students to have taken Computer Programming I or II before
taking this course.

<Textbook> 반드시 기입해 주십시오.

Corman, Thomas et al. Introduction to algorithms. ISBN: 978-0262533058

<References> 반드시 기입해 주십시오.

1- Brad Miller. Problem solving with algorithms and data strucrtures
2- 이지영. 자바로 배우는 쉬운 자료구조

<Assignments> 반드시 기입해 주십시오.

Reports, written and programming assignments, and programming projects
<Weekly schedule> 반드시 기입해 주십시오.

주 학습내용 교재 참고자료 활동
Introduction, Python/Java (string,
2 Python/Java (records, OOP)
Basic data structures (stack,
4 Recursion, searching
5 Sorting algorithms
6 Trees and tree algorithms
7 Graphs and their properties
8 Midterm exam midterm
9 Simple graph algorithms
10 Binary search tree
11 Balanced trees
12 Balanced tree algorithms
13 Application of balanced trees
14 Hashing and its application
15 Final project
16 Final exam Final


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