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From Concrete Jungle to Green Oasis: The Role of Urban Farming in Ensuring Food Security

This article explores the growing phenomenon of urban farming and its potential to address food security challenges in cities
around the world. It begins by discussing the factors driving the rise of urban agriculture, including population growth,
urbanization, and concerns about food sovereignty and resilience.

The article then examines various urban farming techniques, such as hydroponics, aquaponics, vertical farming, and rooftop
gardening, highlighting their advantages in terms of resource efficiency, land use optimization, and community engagement. It
also discusses the benefits of locally grown produce in terms of freshness, flavor, and nutritional value.

Furthermore, the article explores the social, economic, and environmental benefits of urban farming, including job creation,
green space enhancement, and carbon footprint reduction. It showcases successful urban farming initiatives from cities around
the world and discusses the policy interventions needed to support their scalability and long-term sustainability.

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