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PART 2: Answer in English: choose 5 questions and give complete answers.

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1. What is one of the main reasons why artificial intelligence will become more

valuable in healthcare?

a) Advances in computing hardware and software

b) Emerging from research labs of tech giants

c) Revolutionizing healthcare for patients and doctors

d) Improving efficiencies and decision-making in industries


Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform healthcare by enabling more personalized
and accurate care, improving efficiency in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, reducing
medical errors, and improving the quality of life for patients.

2. Which industry will be one of the most promising applications of AI

technology today?

a) Education

b) Retail

c) Automotive

d) Healthcare


The healthcare industry is one of the most promising applications of AI technology due to its
ability to aid in the early identification of diseases, improve diagnostic accuracy, and
personalize treatments through the analysis of vast amounts of medical data.

3. How is going AI-assisted drug discovery accelerate the process?

a) By guessing and testing substances

b) By analyzing vast amounts of patient outcome data

c) By screening compounds that are safe for human consumption

d) By designing more effective clinical trials


AI-assisted drug discovery can speed up the process by analyzing large amounts of patient
outcome data to identify patterns that can guide the development of new treatments.

4. What will be the purpose of robot-assisted surgery?

a) To analyze CT scans and MRIs for 3D modeling

b) To control surgical tools attached to robotic arms

c) To manipulate robot instruments with minimal human intervention

d) To guide doctors around important structures in a patient's body


Robot-assisted surgery is primarily intended to guide physicians around important structures in

a patient's body, using precise and advanced robotic technology to improve the precision and
safety of the surgical procedure.

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