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Weapon Actions Variant.

This optional rule is for those who want weapon based classes to have a bit more complexity
with how they fight, giving them unique attack options with certain weapons. In order to gain
access to the Weapon Actions from a weapon, a creature must have Proficiency in that weapon
type and have it equipped in the main hand or both hands (off-hand weapons do not grant
Weapon Actions). If a weapon action you use requires your target to make a saving throw to
resist the techniques's effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). You may only use this feature up to your
profiecency bonus per short rest or long rest. (Note: One pool for all actions unlike BG3 where
its a separate cooldown for each of them)

Weapons. Mauls, Quarterstaves, Warhammers,.
Once per turn, when you make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature, you can put extra
force behind your strike to push them down. If you hit, the target is forced to make a Strength Saving
throw, on a failed save they are knocked prone. The weapon’s damage die becomes 1d4 for this

Weapons. Darts, Glaives, Heavy Crossbows, Lance, Longbows, Pikes.
Once per turn, you can spend all of your movement to brace yourself to attack, for the rest of your
turn, when you make a damage roll using a weapon that can use this action, you roll damage twice
and take the higher result. You can only use this feature if you haven’t moved during this turn.

Weapons. Battleaxes, Greataxes, Greatswords, Halberds
When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one of the attacks to swing your
weapon in a large arc to attack up to 3 enemies within 5ft adjacent to each other, they take half of
your weapons damage.

Concussive Smash.
Weapons. Clubs, Flails, Greatclubs, Light Hammers, Maces, Mauls, Morningstars, Slings,
Once per turn, when you make a melee or ranged weapon attack roll against a creature, you can try
to hit a enemy with all your might to try to daze them. If you hits, they are forced to make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, attack rolls against the creature have advantage, they cannot
take reactions and has disadvantage on Wisdom saving throw until the end of your next turn.

Crippling Strike.
Weapons. Battleaxes. Tridents, War Picks, Whips.
Once per turn, when you make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature, you can swing at an
enemy’s legs to try to cripple them. If you hit, they must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failure. Their movement speed is reduced to 0, and they have disadvantage on Dexterity saving
throws until the end of your next turn. The weapon’s damage die becomes 1d4 for this attack
Weapons. Scimitars, Shortswords, Rapiers, Whips.
As a bonus action, you make a feint to throw your opponent off balance, choose one creature within
reach, they must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they have disadvantage on Strength
and Dexterity checks, and attack rolls against them have advantage until the end of your next turn.

Hamstring Shot.
Weapons. Blowgun, Longbow, Shortbow.
Once per turn, when you make a ranged weapon attack roll against a creature, you aim to shoot
them in a manor that impedes their movement, if you hit, they must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failure, their movement speed is halved until the end of your next turn

Weapons. Morningstar.
Once per turn, when you make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature, you attempt to smash
their chest’s and inflict chest trauma. If you hit, they are forced to make a Constitution saving throw.
On a failure, they have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws, and are Incapacitated until the
end of your next turn. Undead and Constructs are unaffected by this feature. Your weapon damage
die becomes 1d4 for this attack.

Weapons. Battleaxe, Glaive, Greataxe, Greatsword, Halberd, Handaxe, Longsword, Scimitar, Sickle
Once per turn, when you make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature, you slash at your
target’s vitals to make it bleed. If you hit, they are forced to make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failure, they have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws, and take 1d4 slashing damage at the
start of each of their turns. This lasts until the end of your next turn. Undeads and Constructs are
unaffected by this feature. This feature cannot stack on the same target.

Mobile Shot.
Weapons. Blowguns, Hand Crossbows
When you dash or disengage, you can use a bonus action to make one ranged weapon attack while

Piercing Attack.
Weapons. Blowgun, Daggers, Hand Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Javelin, Lance, Light Crossbow.
Pike, Rapier, Shortsword, Trident, War Picks.
Once per turn, when you make a weapon attack roll against a creature, you aim to puncture their
chest to try to inflict a gaping wound on the target. If you hit, they must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failure, Attacks against the creature deal an additional 1d4 piercing damage until the end
of your next turn. This feature cannot stack on the same target.
Pommel Strike.
Weapons. Greatswords, Longswords.
As a bonus action, using the pommel of your sword you make a non-lethal weapon attack roll
against an enemy within reach to try to leave them dazed. On hit, they take 1d4+Strength modifier in
bludgeoning damage and are forced to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, attack rolls
against the creature have advantage, they cannot take reactions and has disadvantage on Wisdom
saving throw until the end of your next turn.

Weapons. Greataxe.
You can spend all of your movement to prepare your assault. For the rest of your turn, add your
Strength modifier again to your damage rolls with weapons that can use this action. You can only
use this feature if you haven’t moved during this turn.

Rush Attack.
Weapons. Glaive, Halberd, Lance, Longsword, Pike, Spears, Tridents.
Once per turn, As an action, You can move up to your movement speed without provoking
opportunity attacks towards a creature to attack it. If hit by the attack, it must make a Strength saving
throw. On a failure, it is knocked off balance, they have disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity
checks, and attack rolls against them have advantage until the end of your next turn. The weapon’s
damage die becomes 1d4 for this attack.

Weapons. Flail, Greatclub, Mace, Maul, Morningstar.
When you miss a melee weapon attack, as a reaction, you can press the attack dealing bludgeoning
damage equal to your Strength Modifier.

Weakening Strike.
Weapons. Flail, Rapiers, Warhammers, War Picks.
Once per turn, when you make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature, you can target their
hands with a non-lethal attack, and weaken their grip on their weapons. If you hit, it must make a
Strength saving throw. On a failure, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and Strength saving throws
until the end of your next turn. The weapon’s damage die becomes 1d4 for this attack. Creature
without weapons are unaffected by this feature..

Quick Reference below

Simple Melee Weapons.
Club. Concussive Smash.
Dagger. Piercing Attack.
Greatclub. Tenacity, Concussive Smash.
Handaxe. Lacerate
Javelin. Piercing Attack
Light Hammer. Concussive Smash.
Mace. Concussive Smash.
Quarterstaff. Backbreaker.
Sickle. Lacerate.
Spear. Rush Attack.

Simple Ranged Weapons.

Dart. Brace
Light Crossbow. Piercing Attack
Shortbow. Hamstring Shot
Sling. Consuccsive Smash.

Martial Melee Weapons.

Battleaxe. Cleave, Lacerate, Crippling Strike.
Flail. Concussive Smash, Tenacity, Weakening Strike
Glaive. Brace, Lacerate, Rush Attack.
Greataxe. Cleave, Lacerate, Prepare.
Greatsword. Pommel Attack, Lacerate, Cleave.
Halberd. Cleave, Lacerate, Rush Attack.
Lance. Brace, Piercing Attack, Rush Attack
Longsword. Pommel Strike, Lacerate, Rush Attack
Maul. Backbreaker, Concussive Smash, Tenacity.
Morningstar.Concussive Smash, Heartstopper, Tenacity.
Pike. Brace, Piercing Attack, Rush Attack,
Rapier. Flourish, Piercing Attack, Weakening Strike.
Scimitar. Flourish, Lacerate
Shortsword. Flourish, Piercing Attack
Trident. Crippling Strike, Piercing Attack, Rush Attack.
War Pick. Cripping Strike, Piercing Attack, Weakening Strike
Warhammer. Backbreaker, Concussive Smash, Weakening Strike
Whip. Flourish, Crippling Strike

Martial Ranged Weapons.

Blowgun. Mobile Shot, Piercing Attack, Hamstring Shot
Hand Crossbow. Mobile Shot, Piercing Attack,
Heavy Crossbow. Brace, Piercing Attack.
Longbows. Brace, Hamstring Shot

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