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Vid 1-6

Entrance Exam Reviewer for Incoming Grade 7 – Science

1. The solidified lava of a volcano belongs to which rock family?

a. Igneous
b. Fossilized
c. Sedimentary
d. Metamorphic
2. Which of the ff processes doesn’t account for an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels?
a. Deforestation
b. Plant Respiration
c. Fossil Fuel Combustion
d. Photosynthetic Processes
3. Which of the following objects is the best conductor of electricity?
a. An iron nail
b. A wax crayon
c. A plastic spoon
d. A rubber eraser
4. In the morning, a student observed a puddle of water on the school playground. At the end of the day,
the puddle was gone. Which process most likely caused the puddle to disappear?
a. Transpiration
b. Decomposition
c. Evaporation
d. Condensation
5. In order for an object to be classified as matter, it must have:
a. Mass and Volume
b. Size and Volume
c. Mass and Shape
d. Size and Shape
6. In Cliver’s bread mold experiment, he used the same brand of bread and sandwich bags. He placed the
sealed bags in places that had varying temperatures. Temperature is the:
a. Hypothesis
b. Control Variable
c. Dependent Variable
d. Independent Variable
7. On the figure below, which area marked is the crust of the earth?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
8. Which of the ff is most responsible for causing changing seasons on Earth each year?
a. Closeness to Earth to Sun during Orbit?
b. Amount of Meteorites in sky
c. Speed of Earth’s rotation
d. Tilt of Earth on its axis
9. A scientist is trying to track the movement of a rocket. What information does the scientist need to
determine the velocity of the rocket?
a. The mass and speed of the rocket
b. The speed of the rocket and the direction of the rocket is moving
c. The time the rocket has been traveling and the mass of the rocket
d. The time the rocket has been traveling and the direction the rocket is moving
10. Which is the best example of Kinetic Energy?
a. A bird sitting on the edge of a cliff
b. A sky diver jumping from a plane
c. A watch on a person’s arm
d. A dog sitting in his bed

1. Water drops that collect on a cold glass of Lemonade come from _______.
a. The air
b. A puddle
c. The lemonade
d. The glass itself
2. Some beetles breakd own the remains of dead animals. Some mushrooms break down the remains of
dead trees. These actions benefit plants by what?
a. Making space for new plants
b. Returning nutrients to the soil
c. Releasing carbon dioxide into the air
d. Decreasing population of herbivores
3. Which of the ff explains why the table salt and water is a solution?
a. The salt settles at the bottom.
b. The salt dissolves ib the water.
c. The salt is visible when in water.
d. The salt can be separated by a filter.
4. In which of the arrangements of magnets will all the magnets attract?

5. Which of these planets would have the greatest gravitational pull on a nearby object?
a. Earth
b. Mercury
c. Saturn
d. Jupiter
6. What protects Earth from Ultraviolet radiation?
a. The space between Earth and Sun
b. The carbon dioxide layer
c. The asteroid belt
d. The ozone layer
7. What is the force that makes a rolling ball slow down and stop?
a. Gravity
b. Friction
c. Weight
d. energy
8. What is the hottest stars?
a. Blue stars
b. Yellow stars
c. Red stars
d. Orange stars
9. All of the ff materials are good conductors of heat except:
a. Copper
b. Aluminum
c. Wood
d. Silver
10. Which body system do the brain and spinal cord belong to?
a. Circulatory system
b. Digestive system
c. Muscular system
d. Nervous system

1. Which of the ff is the thickest layer of the Earth?

a. Crust
b. Mantle
c. Inner core
d. Outer core
2. Which of the ff is an example of weathering?
a. A volcano erupts.
b. Water evaporates.
c. Mountains are built.
d. Plant roots widen a crack in a rock.
3. What causes night and day?
a. Earth orbiting the sus.
b. Earth rotating on its axis.
c. The sun orbiting the Earth.
d. The moon orbiting the Earth.
4. Why does the Earth have seasons?
a. The moon revolves around the Earth.
b. The Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun.
c. The sun is tilted and revolves around the Earth.
d. The Earth is tilted on its axis and revolves around the sun.
5. What type of rock usually contains fossils?
a. Lava
b. Igneous
c. Metamorphic
d. Sedimentary
6. Which type of eclipse is shown in the picture?
a. Lunar eclipse
b. Solar eclipse
c. Neap eclipse
d. Spring eclipse
7. The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in Zambales was one of the most disastrous calamities in our time. What
kind of rocks would be formed out of the lava that came from the volcano?
a. Igneous
b. Sedimentary
c. Metamorphic
d. Stalagmite
8. How do rocks become a soil?
a. Through sedimentation
b. Through metamorphosis
c. Through weathering
d. Through volcanic heat
9. Jack boiled a kettle of water. He noticed that the water in the kettle became less after it had boiled for
several minutes. Why?
a. The water froze.
b. The water condensed.
c. The water precipitated.
d. The water evaporated.
10. It was noontime. Cliver felt hot sand as he walked barefoot on the beach. When he waded in the water,
he felt that the water was cooler that the sand. Why?
a. There is more land than water.
b. There is more water than land.
c. The land heats faster that water.
d. The water heats faster than land.
11. Which gas is the most abundant in Earth’s atmosphere?
a. Oxygen
b. Hydrogen
c. Nitrogen
d. Carbon dioxide
12. Melted rock that flows from a volcano is called:
a. Magma
b. Lava
c. Volcanic ash
d. Pyroclastic material
13. What is the main cause of tides?
a. Earth’s gravity
b. Moon’s gravity
c. Sun’s gravity
d. Earth’s rotation
14. The picture shows the layers of the Earth. Where is it hottest?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
15. Which body system do the skin belongs to?
e. Circulatory system
f. Digestive system
g. Muscular system
h. Integumentary system

1. If you put food coloring in rool temperature water, the coloring spreads throughout the water. The
water causes the color to spread mainly because:
a. Water molecules are in motion.
b. Food coloring molecules are warm.
c. Food coloring molecules are small.
d. Water is more dense than the food coloring.
2. Food coloring spreads out faster in ot water than in cold water. This is mainly because:
a. Hot water is less dense.
b. Food coloring molecules are small.
c. The molecules in hot water are larger.
d. The water molecules in hot water move more quickly.
3. Cale made himself breakfast. Which of Cale’s activities produced a chemical change?
a. Frying an egg.
b. Adding raisins to the cereals
c. Putting the hot toast on the plate.
d. Stirring cocoa powder into the milk.
4. This tool can separate what type of mixture?

a. A solution of a solid and liquid.

b. A mixture of particles of different sizes.
c. A mixture of particles with different densities.
d. A mixture of magnetic and nonmagnetic items.
5. Which of these is matter?
a. Energy
b. Sound
c. Light
d. Wood
6. Matter is anything with mass and _______.
a. Volume
b. Energy
c. Density
d. Weight
7. Which of the ff is an example of heterogeneous mixture?
a. Salad
b. Saltwater
c. Rubbing alcohol
d. Coca cola
8. How are solids different from liquids?
a. Liquids have definite volume.
b. Liquids have definite shape.
c. Solids have definite volume.
d. Solids have definite shape.
9. Cale wants to separate the salt from the water in his glass of salt water. What separation method
should Cale use?
a. Filtration
b. Chromatography
c. Decantation
d. Evaporation.
10. What happens when a piece of paper burns?
a. The paper loses gravity
b. A physical change takes place.
c. A chemical change takes place.
d. The paper increases its volume.

1. Which body system is responsible for taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide?
a. Digestive system
b. Respiratory system
c. Nervous system
d. Circulatory system
2. Which statement correctly identifies a part of the respiratory system and its function?
a. The heart makes decision.
b. The lungs take in oxygen
c. The muscles absorb nutrients
d. The brain pumps blood.
3. Which is not an organ of digestive system?
a. Stomach
b. Esophagus
c. Intestines
d. Kidneys
4. What two organs make up the central nervous system?
a. Stomach and heart
b. Brain and heart
c. Brain and spinal cord
d. Lungs and cerebrum
5. Which type of blood vessels carries blood away from the heart?
a. Veins
b. Arteries
c. Capillaries
d. Vessels
6. What type of muscle is found in the stomach?
a. Smooth muscle
b. Skeletal muscle
c. Cardiac muscle
d. Voluntary muscle
7. Which statement best describes the function of the nervous system in the human body?
a. It exchanges gases in the body.
b. It pumps blood throughout the body.
c. It processes the food in the body.
d. It controls all actions in the body.
8. What is the main function of the lungs in the human body?
a. To transport blood in the body.
b. To breakdown food into smaller parts.
c. To control and coordinate every part of the body.
d. To exchange gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.
9. Which system is correctly matched with its organs?
a. Nervous system and kidneys.
b. Digestive system and lungs.
c. Respiratory system and brain.
d. Circulatory system and heart.
10. Which diagram represents the human body system responsible for breathing?

11. What is the function of the circulatory system?

a. To protect internal organs in the body.
b. To control and coordinate all body parts.
c. To transport blood throughtout the body.
d. To break down food into smaller particles in the body.
12. The muscle that pumps blood throughout your body?
a. Smooth muscle
b. Skeletal muscle
c. Cardiac muscle
d. Voluntary muscle
13. Which chamber of the heart does deoxygenated blood enter when returning from the body?
a. left atrium
b. left ventricle
c. right atrium
d. right ventricle
14. which one of the ff is NOT part of the human circulatory system?
a. blood
b. heart
d. blood vessels
15. Which one of the ff is NOT correct?
a. Each heartbeat causes a pulse.
b. Our pulse rate can be increased by exercise.
c. The number of heartbeats increases while we sleep.
d. The pulse generally changes throughout the day.
16. The Nervous system is composed of the:
A. heart, blood and blood vessels.
b. lungs, kidneys and liver.
c. brain, spinal cord and nerves.
d. stomach, intestines and esophagus.
17. Which part of the brain keeps you breathing?
a. brain stem
b. cerebrum
c. cerebellum
d. pituitary gland
18. The function of the hair in the nose is:
a. to cause us to sneeze.
b. to keep water out of the lungs.
c. to help gas exchange in the lungs.
d. to prevent germs from entering the lungs.
19. Which part of the body is the control center of the nervous system?
a. heart
b. brain
c. spinal cord
d. liver
20. The name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange takes place is:
a. bronchioles
b. bronchi
c. alveoli
d. trachea
21. Another name for the windpipe:
a. bronchioles
b. bronchi
c. alveoli
d. trachea
22. ___________ are groups of organs that work together and perform one or more functions.
a. tissues
b. organs
c. organs sytem
d. organism
23. What happens to your lungs when you breathe in?
a. They expand.
b. They contract.
c. They take in carbon dioxide.
d. They push the diaphragm up.
24. What is the main function of the nervous system?
a. to digest food.
b. to control the body.
c. to eliminate body wastes.
d. to circulate blood in the body.
25. The skeletal system includes all the bones in the body and has five major functions. Which is not a function
of the skeletal system?
a. protects internal organs.
b. give shape and support.
c. helps major muscles move.
d. remove waste from the body.
26. The _______ is the largest organ inside the human body.
a. heart
b. pancreas
c. liver
d. lungs
27. Which component of blood fights bacteria and viruses?
a. red blood cells
b. white blood cells
c. platelets
d. plasma
28. Which system enables movements of the body?
a. muscular
b. circulatory
c. digestive
d. respiratory
29. In what organ of the digestive system do nutrients separate from waste?
a. stomach
b. liver
c. small intestine
d. large intestine
30. What do you call the outermost layer of the human skin that protects the body?
a. epidermis
b. dermis
c. hair follicle
d. sweat gland
Multiple Choice – Encircle the right answer.

1. Which of the ff statements describes the outer planets?

a. Large and made of rocks.
b. Small and made up of ice and gas.
c. Large and made up of mostly gas.
d. Solid and made up of rocks and metals.
2. Which is the closest planet to the sun?
a. Mars
b. Venus
c. Earth
d. Mercury
3. Which of the ff planets has the highest average surface temperature?
a. Mars
b. Venus
c. Earth
d. Mercury
4. Which of the ff are inner planets?
a. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
b. Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus
c. Earth, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune
d. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
5. Which planet in the solar system has the characteristics that can support life?
a. Earth
b. Mars
c. Mercury
d. Jupiter
6. How are Earth and Venus similar to each other?
a. They are Jovian planets.
b. They have almost the same size.
c. They have almost the same temperature.
d. They have the same distance from the Sun.
7. What separates the inner planets from the outer planets?
a. Asteroid belt
b. Kuiper belt
c. Oort Cloud
d. Comets
8. Which of the ff statements describes the inner planets?
a. Small and made of ice and gas.
b. Large and made up of mostly of gas.
c. Large and made of gases and metals.
d. Solid and made up of rocks and metals.
9. Which planet is known for the – Great Red Spot ?
a. Saturn
b. Uranus
c. Jupiter
d. Mars
10. Ultraviolet, Infrared and visible light are examples of __________ being emitted by our Sun.
a. Radiation
b. Gravity
c. Gamma rays
d. Chlorofluorocarbon
11. Light years are most helpful for scientists when they are measuring what?
a. The speed of light
b. The life cycle of our sun
c. The distances between objects in space
d. The speed of a planet’s orbit around the sun
12. Determining a star’s mass identifies the star’s current what?
a. Position in the galaxy.
b. Life cycle
c. Temperature
d. Gravitational pull
13. Galaxies are classified according to their _______
a. Size
b. Shape
c. Temperature
d. Planets
14. Our Milky Way is a ________ galaxy.
a. Spiral
b. Irregular
c. Elliptical
d. Burst
15. The smallest planet and is also with the greatest density is _______.
a. Mars
b. Mercury
c. Neptune
d. Earth
16. What is created when Hydrogen atoms are pulled together by gravity in a cloud of dust and gases?
a. A black hole
b. A planet
c. A star
d. A supernova
17. Which of the ff terms is used to refer to a stage in the life cycle of a star?
a. Frequency
b. Luminosity
c. Nebula
d. Magnitude
18. What invisible force holds the universe together?
a. Push
b. Gravity
c. Pull
d. Magnets
19. Which galaxy is closest to our own Milky Way?
a. Andromeda
b. The universe
c. Ceres
d. Sun
20. What is a galaxy?
a. To spin on an axis creating night and day
b. A huge group of stars that spins around a common canter of gravity
c. Small space rocks that enter our atmosphere
d. Patterns of stars grouped together to form pictures.
21. Day and night is caused by the _______ of Earth on its axis.
a. Orbit
b. Rotation
c. Revolution
d. Tide
22. The spinning of an object on its axis is called ________.
a. Orbit
b. Revolution
c. Rotation
d. Tide
23. A _________ eclipse occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the Sun, blocking the sunlight from reaching Earth. The moon’s
shadow when hits Earth.
a. Solar Eclipse
b. Lunar Eclipse
c. Vernal Equinox
d. Autumnal Equinox
24. A body that orbits a planet is a ________.
a. Meteor
b. Satellite
c. Comet
d. Asteroid
25. Season changes are caused by Earth’s _______ around the sun.
a. Orbit
b. Rotation
c. Revolution
d. Tilt of axis
26. Movement of Earth around the sun is called _______.
a. Rotation
b. Orbit
c. Eclipse
d. Revolution
27. A _______ is burning body of matter that has entered Earth’s atmosphere, a Shooting Star.
a. Asteroid
b. Comet
c. Meteor
d. Solar Flare
28. Which of the 8 planets have the most moons?
a. Earth
b. Saturn
c. Jupiter
d. Uranus
29. A ________ occurs when the Earth is directly between the Sun and Moon.
a. Solar Eclipse
b. Waxing Gibbous
c. Waning Gibbous
d. Lunar Eclipse
30. A celestial body that contains a main head of gas, dust, ice, and a tail is also known as _______.
a. Comet
b. Meteoroid
c. Meteor
d. Asteroid

Science – Vid 9 & 10

Multiple Choice – Encircle the right answer.

1. Which type of organism gets its energy directly from the sun?
a. Consumer
b. Producer
c. Scavenger
d. Decomposer
2. Which gas is the most abundant in Earth’s atmosphere?
a. Oxygen
b. Argon
c. Nitrogen
d. Carbon Dioxide
3. Which statement is true about the Carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle?
a. Animals breathe in nitrogen and release oxygen which is used by plants.
b. Animals breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen which is used by plants.
c. Animals breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide which is used by plants.
d. Animals breathe in carbon dioxide and release nitrogen which is used by plants.
4. The process by which a liquid change into a gas:
a. Condensation
b. Evaporation
c. Precipitation
d. Water cycle
5. Which of the ff is NOT an abiotic factor?
a. Wind
b. Humidity
c. Decomposer
d. Light intensity
6. Which of the ff groups of consumers are examples of carnivores?
a. Spider, pig and frog
b. Lizard, caterpillar and frog
c. Lion, giraffe and hyena
d. Tiger, cheetah and wolf
7. What is call the process in which producers make their own food?
a. Respiration
b. Production
c. Transpiration
d. Photosynthesis
8. Heterotrophs obtain energy from all of the ff except:
a. Autotrophs
b. Herbivores
c. Solar radiation
d. Other autotrophs
9. Animals and plants are substances that cycle through the environment. Which substance is needed by plants to survive and is released
into the environment by animals?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Oxygen
c. Sugar
d. Salt
10. Grass that gains energy from the sun is an example of?
a. A consumer
b. A heterotroph
c. A producer
d. A decomposer
11. A stored energy: the energy of position and shape
a. Potential energy
b. Nuclear energy
c. Kinetic energy
d. Sound energy
12. The energy of motion that depends on speed and mass.
a. Thermal energy
b. Chemical energy
c. Potential energy
d. Kinetic energy
13. Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom.
a. Nuclear energy
b. Sound energy
c. Electrical energy
d. Electromagnetic energy
14. Which of the following is an example of kinetic energy?
a. A cup sitting on a table.
b. A child sitting in a chair.
c. A rock rolling down the hill.
d. A dog resting on the grass.
15. Jack plugs in the fan and turns it on. Which energy transformation occurs?
a. Electrical to mechanical
b. Chemical to mechanical
c. Electrical to chemical
d. Light to sound
16. What type of energy is stored in a battery?
a. Electrical
b. Mechanical
c. Nuclear
d. Chemical
17. A burning candle changes __________.
a. Chemical energy to mechanical energy.
b. Thermal energy into chemical energy.
c. Heat energy into light energy.
d. Chemical energy into light and heat energy.
18. What type of energy do plants use to make food?
a. Light
b. Mechanical
c. Sound
d. Chemical
19. The sun’s energy begins as what form of energy?
a. Nuclear energy
b. Chemical energy
c. Mechanical energy
d. Electromagnetic energy
20. What energy transformation occurs when a lit match is lit?
a. Chemical to light and heat energy
b. Mechanical to light and heat energy
c. Electrical to chemical and heat energy
d. Nuclear to heat and chemical energy
21. Which list names only items that represents chemical energy?
a. Batteries, apple, sunlight
b. Hot plate, running car, milk
c. Banana, coal, gasoline
d. Stars, wood, lightning bolt
22. What energy conversion is taking place during photosynthesis?
a. Mechanical to light
b. Light to chemical
c. Heat to nuclear
d. Electrical to chemical
23. Solar energy passes through the solar panel on a calculator to make it work. Which energy conversion is taking place?
a. Electromagnetic to electrical
b. Electrical to chemical
c. Nuclear to thermal
d. Mechanical to electromagnetic
24. A device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy
a. Generator
b. Electric motor
c. Turbine
d. Boiler
25. A ball is thrown into the air. When does the ball have the greatest gravitational potential energy?
a. When it hits the ground.
b. When its mechanical and kinetic energies are equal.
c. When its kinetic energy is maximum.
d. When it reaches its highest point.
26. The law of conservation of energy states that:
a. What goes up must come down.
b. Nuclear energy can be transformed into other forms.
c. Energy can be created and destroyed.
d. Energy is never created nor destroyed.
27. Which of the ff is an example of chemical energy?
a. Hair dryer
b. Flowing water
c. Rolling ball
d. Milk
28. An object that has kinetic energy must be:
a. Lifted above the ground.
b. At rest.
c. In motion.
d. None of these.
29. When you rub your hands, kinetic energy is changed to:
a. Nuclear energy
b. Chemical energy
c. Electrical energy
d. Heat energy
30. Which of the following converts electrical energy into mechanical energy?
a. Electric fan
b. Electric bulb
c. Electric flat iron
d. Television
31. It is a virus, bacteria, fungus, protozoan, and worm.
a. Infectious diseases
b. Causative agent
c. Acquired diseases.
d. Deficiency diseases
32. Is a large, easily differentiated community unit arising as a result of complex interactions of climate, other physical factors and biotic
a. Biosphere
b. Biome
c. Symbiosis
d. Mutualism
33. What is the name of the other 22 pairs of 44 chromosomes in the human body?
a. Autosomes
b. Phenotype
c. Genotype
d. Homozygous
34. What system that serves as a waterproof protective barrier between the external environment and the body’s internal environment?
a. Immune system
b. Muscular System
c. Digestive System
d. Integumentary System
35. What gland that controls Metabolism?
a. Adrenal Gland
b. Thyroid Gland
c. Pancreas
d. Pituitary Gland
36. The cells located in the epidermis that are responsible for producing melanin, a brown pigment that helps screen against the harmful
effects of UV light.
a. Melanocytes
b. Photolytes
c. Myelocytes
d. Parasites
37. The gap between neurons is called? (axon and Dendrites)
a. Synapse
b. Motor
c. Cytoplasm
d. Sensor
38. Involves the transmission of a nervous impulse or message from sensory receptors to the spinal cord and back to muscles.
a. Sensory
b. Reflex motor
c. A reflex arc
d. A reflex sensory
39. Is the front part of the eye between the cornea and the iris filled with the watery substance called aqueous humor.
a. Posterior chamber
b. Anterior chamber
c. Vitreous Chamber
d. Optic Nerve
40. A condition where the cornea is curved unevenly so that different light rays focus on different places. It is corrected with spectacles.
a. Astigmatism
b. Binocular Vision
c. Cataract
d. Myopia

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