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A Video Analysis

Reading challenges your point of view. As how the speaker, Ella Lee, delivered her
speech in the video entitled "The Benefits of Reading", sharing her ideas therein
about the topic, it is true that reading is undeniably a helpful partner in making our
lives more progressive and holistic. And one thing that made me nod a lot as I
watched the video is when the speaker explained that reading makes you
understand the other perspectives.

When we read, we are being supplemented with different views from the characters
of the book. Everyone of us, as diversed individuals, have our own views about the
things surrounding and even within us. And this fact has created a challenge among
people causing them to have misunderstandings and disagreements- something we
don't want to happen. Fortunately, reading is becoming a great binding tool among
us to have an amicable relationship with our fellows. As we turn the pages and start
running our eyes through the book, there we can meet different characters who
have different feelings and experiences. Furthermore, as we empathize with them,
we are unconsciously gaining a wider understanding about people- why are they
doing things like that, how they come up with their decisions, what and who
motivates them to act accordingly, and many more. Through reading, our mere point
of views become not just contained in one perspective; but it is also challenged to
see the other sides of the story.

If I were given a chance to remake the video to add my personal touch on it, I would
want to improve something on it. In my perspective, the speech of the woman there
could become more engaging to watch if she made some overall bodily motions like
walking; not just standing there throughout her speech. As a speaker, seeking
attention from your audience, it is important to have your non-verbal
communication. Walking, acting, and having with you your props are great examples
you must not forget. This does not only make you as an effective speaker but it also
creates a wider understanding among your audience- making them agree with your
argument or ideas.

In conclusion, the first point of the speaker on the video is what I relate most- that
reading challenges your point of view. Through reading, you can have a more holistic
understanding and more better relationship with your fellows.

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