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MEDHA SERVO DRIVES PVT LTD., HYDERABAD Rules for Reimbursement of Traveling Expenses For Overseas Travel |. Intemational Ticket / Extension of Ticket: Would be nomally ranged by the company. done byte indveul, copy of tcxe Rast be submited, 2. Travel Insurance: Wouls be normaly arranges bythe company. done by te individual, copy of Insurance pote has tobe submit. 4. Visa Visa Extonsion Charges: Would be nomslly arranged by the company. ane by ‘he indvcual, copy of Visa and recep nas tobe submited 4 Gurreney Conversion: Tobe done wt sutrized currency converters only. Prvaling orwersion rte tobe found gut bofore going on tour Roca fo be provided, (Engineers use car to {rst eraw cash and tho uso it for moving expenses. We pay fr ATM withdrawal fees snd then cash Lo shout propor cap or hand gunarated @xpanso sips) n US / Europe thers are rarely any ‘morchandis o servic that cannot be purchased wih crestor debit card or moble pay options. Gao ba dsszorad Matty ea can bw promo. Company can acd amount to Inala mobte number lo meet overseas expenses. '5, Praonal Baggsge Shrink Wrap: Maximum of 2 paces of luggage pe ip (ne piece ‘ach way)- Reva for ne same has bo submit. 6. Excess Baggage Charges: Appieate only for oficial baggage. Recelpt forthe same has o be submited (per pornission noodod wall advance of tava date) ‘Customs Charges at Departure / Destination: Telephonic approval rom Concernad Intomational Marking Team {8 Hotel Charges: Hotel would be normaly arranged or suggested by Marking stays boing arranged by the person on his cv, aporova fr pe day charges has io be taken ‘tom Intemational Marketing Team bebe thalzing 8. Local Travel: Aiport to Hotel, Hotel Aiport nee rave ee fr ofa purpose canbe cisimed spe the acute by production of lsevant oils. For US, Pc approval form Mg requ fa Fontalcar atte arport Marketing tar wil rep in facing rates fr rntl caro wil provide ‘company owned ear 10. Communication Intemet: Local SIM card / SIM Recharge /Intemet Usage — Copy of receipt recharge lp has to be provided 11, Daily Allowance : Dai alowance fo: day personal expenses ke Food, Groceries, ruts, war st wl be pi a pee beow tbe (case Country Name Daily DA a USA, Europe ussss 8 ‘Ai Other cou us$42 12, Laundry allowance stay excoods 7 days, Laundry allowance canbe claimed on production of ‘etal bis nat exceecng US § 2 perday 13, Local Sight Sesing Allowance: Siohtsoeingalowance of US $175 canbe claimed on completion of every 20 days for AClass Counties Bis nt requles ‘Sjghsooin alowance of US $125) can bo claimed on compotion of evry 30 days for B class Una TADA Rules (or International Trips Rev3 Paye 2 Date: 26/0822 Approval: MD. 14 Miscellaneous Expenses: Ofc purchases! sta expenses ~As por the actuals ater fir approval rom Asst Mgr / GM Merketng ll Bis recips tobe provide. 15. Working on Holidays: For every Sunday, 3° Saturcay and Nationa oly whe on tour one day ‘compensation of forrest. canbe avale, str rturing to India. Pr pomision has tobe taken from the HOD forthe Compensation oft 18, Tour Bills Authorztion: For Service Dept: Senco toam will submit th bls to Ofer Servic, [ater Pralmnary Veifation, He wil send the Scanned Copy of Bist Iniratonal marking team. Basod Toit Confimaten onthe Amount calmabe, Changes wlbe made the Submitted il and then willbe sent to Approvl Process. For other departments it wi be authorized by the Head ofthe Doparment 17, Winter Wear: When visting the counts with extreme cx condons, Purchase of the below sald ‘intr clothing is parited for one tne every 3 years wit production of Bil, Subsequent visits they need to reuse thee ems Ary atonal Purchases requed pir approval fem GM (ilarkating-nteatona), 2.ets of warm inner, 1 winter acket. 6 po socks, 2eans, 1 pa of gloves, 1 winter cap, 4 Sotof sae boos, 2 pas of exr mutes, ct of aye safely glasses, 1 rancoat or umbreta Normal these tems tobe purchased in inci before staring the tou. The upper iit forall the ems put togetner ss 20000" aga submission of is. In case they need tobe purchased abroad, hey shoud obain prior approval rom Intemational Marking team. 1. Entertainment Expenses: Gis or Paros given to Customer wl be permits sublect 0 por approval tom Iniematonal Marketing teem and production of Relevant ils 19, Local Conveyance for Dally Needs: Fer purchasing of Gocaias and Daly Essonals/ Grooming ‘needs fom Supermarket Any athe sh, in case of any transportation facay- needs tobe avaled ‘once in week, subject to prior approval om IntemaonalMarkatng eam and preducton of Relevant Dis. (Goel expenses fo rntal car or fr ofice car ws be reimbursed as per actual ils. Gas, ‘expenses fo be dane by creditor debit card ony). 20, Local Conveyance for Visiting Customer sit: n general Pickup or Drop fast rom Placa of ‘Say to Customer sto, Marketing tam wil cuss with customer and false, in cas customer not willing to provide support, Loca conveyance i prmied, Iti advised to use the puble transport and Incase of non avalabity of pube transport and fr ses cated n remote locations tax fact can be avalled afer prior approval om itomatona Marksting eam and subject to production of ‘Relevant bl. Offlee caro rota car use should be the proferred moe of commutation. Non ‘vale of crvng loans or nt abl-to-drvo wil not bea credtable consideration fr service ‘nginaers, Service engineers are required o acquis 4-wheeer permanent diving iense in indi, fave adequato crvngpracice in naia and use alco oc rental carn US. tf requre, engneor willbe ‘lowed to one-time lake upto 3 hours of ving classes on aval in US, Ar thal they should be Able o crv en their own. Driving classes expense wl be Bore by he company. 21. Personal Grooming Allowance: Special Alowance of US $ 40-can be claimed for personnel ‘grooming roods on completion of every 80 days. 22. Tm toe sown spl he son 22. The te ne ae pl wes tn Fon. ‘These rls coment et rom 1.102022 yore \ Mow Managing Director STADA Rules for International Trips Revi03 (Page 2/2 Date: 2608/22 Approtal: MD.

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