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Samar College

College of Criminal Justice Education

Catbalogan City


Gabejan, Kristine C.
Dequito, Aldren P.
Labong, Jaztin Lee
Bonifacio, Zyron Yvan

Money laundering is a term used to describe the process of making illegally obtained money,
also known as "dirty" money, appear legal or legitimate. This is often done by moving the
money through various transactions and accounts in order to hide its original source. For
example, someone who earns their income through illegal activities such as drug trafficking may
try to launder their money by depositing it into multiple bank accounts or investing it in
businesses that appear legitimate on paper but are actually fronts for criminal activity. Money
laundering is essential for criminal organizations that wish to use illegally obtained money

The impact of money laundering on our society can be quite significant. Firstly, it allows
criminals to profit from their illegal activities without detection. This means that they are able
to continue engaging in criminal behavior without being caught by law enforcement agencies.
Additionally, this illicit activity often leads to an increase in corruption within businesses and
government institutions. Furthermore, money laundering also has negative effects on the
economy as a whole. It can lead to inflation and destabilization of financial markets due to large
amounts of unregulated cash flow entering into these systems. It erodes trust in financial
institutions, weakens economies, and contributes to global instability. Efforts to curb money
laundering are crucial for maintaining the integrity of financial systems and promoting a safer,
more transparent society.
Overall, the impact of money laundering on our society is far-reaching and detrimental. It
undermines the rule of law, promotes criminal activity, and harms economic stability. To
prevent money laundering, countries must implement effective strategies such as enforcing
regulations, establishing financial intelligence units & leveraging technology solutions.

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