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In the film quot;Interstellarquot;, how long did they spend on Miller039;s

a. 15 years, 2 months, and 15 days
b. 26 years, 4 months, and 10 days
c. 10 months and 6 days
d. !23 years, 4 months, and 8 days

2. Who wrote and directed the 1986 film 039;Platoon039;?

a. Francis Ford Coppola
b. Stanley Kubrick
c. !Oliver Stone
d. Michael Cimino

3. Han Solo039;s copilot and best friend, quot;Chewbaccaquot;, is an Ewok.

a. !False
b. True

4. In the 1984 movie quot;The Terminatorquot;, what model number is the Terminator
portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger?
a. I950
b. T1000
c. T888
d. !T800

5. This movie contains the quote, quot;I love the smell of napalm in the morning!
a. !Apocalypse Now
b. The Deer Hunter
c. Full Metal Jacket
d. Platoon

6. In the 1999 movie Fight Club, which of these is not a rule of the quot;fight
a. You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB
b. Only two guys to a fight
c. !Always wear a shirt
d. Fights will go on as long as they have to

7. Where does the original Friday The 13th movie take place?
a. Packanack
b. Higgins Haven
c. Camp Forest Green
d. !Camp Crystal Lake

8. Which Marvel superhero did Chris Evans play prior to his role as Captain
a. Iceman
b. Daredevil
c. Cyclops
d. !Human Torch
9. Which of the following actors does not play a role in the movie quot;The Usual
a. Benicio Del Toro
b. !Steve Buscemi
c. Kevin Spacey
d. Gabriel Byrne

10. What is the birth name of Michael Keaton?

a. Michael Richards
b. Michael Fox
c. !Michael Douglas
d. Michael Kane

11. Which of these films is NOT set in Los Angeles?

a. The Terminator
b. Blade Runner
c. Predator 2
d. !RoboCop

1. What are the first 6 digits of the number quot;Piquot;?

a. 3.12423
b. 3.14169
c. 3.25812
d. !3.14159

2. In Roman Numerals, what does XL equate to?

a. 60
b. 15
c. 90
d. !40

3. What039;s the square root of 49?

a. !7
b. 12
c. 4
d. 9

4. How many zeptometres are inside one femtometre?

a. 10
b. !1,000,000
c. 1000
d. 1,000,000,000

5. A 039;Millinillion039; is a real number.

a. !True
b. False

6. L039;Hocirc;pital was the mathematician who created the homonymous rule that
uses derivatives to evaluate limits with indeterminations.
a. True
b. !False

7. An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length as opposed to three.

a. False
b. !True

8. How many books are in Euclid039;s Elements of Geometry?

a. 8
b. 17
c. !13
d. 10

1. Deadpool039;s identity is Slade Wilson.

a. !False
b. True

2. In what Homestuck Update was S Game Over released?

a. April 8th, 2012
b. August 28th, 2003
c. April 13th, 2009
d. !October 25th, 2014

3. In the Homestuck Series, what is the alternate name for the Kingdom of Lights?
a. Yellow Moon
b. Golden City
c. !Prospit
d. No Name

4. What is the real hair colour of the mainstream comic book version Earth616 of
a. Black
b. Auburn
c. !Blonde
d. Brown

5. What is the alterego of the DC comics character quot;Supermanquot;?

a. John Jones
b. Arthur Curry
c. Bruce Wayne
d. !Clark Kent

6. Which Batman sidekick is the son of Talia al Ghul?

a. Jason Todd
b. Tim Drake
c. Dick Grayson
d. !Damian Wayne
7. In Calvin and Hobbes, what is the name of the principal at Calvin039;s school?
a. Mr. Moe
b. !Mr. Spittle
c. Mr. Spitling
d. Mr. Boreman

8. Who is the second person to take up the mantle of Night Owl in the Watchmen
graphic novel?
a. Hollis Mason
b. Nelson Gardner
c. Adrian Veidt
d. !Daniel Dreiberg

9. In Black Hammer, what dimension does Colonel Weird travel through?

a. Phantom Zone
b. Hyperspace
c. !ParaZone
d. Mirror Universe

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