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• Database - A database is like a digital filing system where you can store

and organize information. It allows you to easily retrieve, update, and

manage data, making it handy for various applications like websites,

apps, and more.

• RDBMS - A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is like a

digital organizer that stores data in tables, where each table consists of

rows and columns. It helps organize and manage data efficiently,

making it easier to establish relationships between different pieces of


• Hierarchical Structure of DBMS - In a Hierarchical Structure of

Database Management System (DBMS), data is organized like a tree.

There's a parent-child relationship where each parent can have multiple

children, but each child has only one parent. It's like a family tree,

simplifying the organization of information with clear parent-to-child


• Concept of Distributed DBMS - The concept of a Distributed Database

Management System (DBMS) is like having multiple interconnected

databases across different locations. It enables data to be stored and

accessed from various locations, providing benefits like improved

performance, fault tolerance, and scalability by distributing the data

load. It's like having a network of databases working together.

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