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Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.

7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 1


Management and Utilization of Wild Nutraceutical Plants:

Implications in Diversifying Food sources and Traditional
Health care systems in Lare Woreda, Gambella Regional State,
Southwest Ethiopia
Thakdeal Kuet Lim1, Debela Hunde Feyyisa2 and Dereje Bekele Jiru2
1Gambella Agricultural Research Institute, 2 Jimma University, College of Agriculture
and Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia; Corresponding Author’s Email: or

The diverse wild Nutraceutical plants in Lare woreda of Gambella Regional State are
known to have a huge potential in their overall socio-economic contribution to the
community, especially in diversifying food sources and traditional health care systems.
However, information on the management, processing and utilization of these plants are
inadequate as they are not well studied. Therefore, this study was conducted with the
objective of assessing the management and utilization aspects of the existing
nutraceutical plants in the area. To that end, 120 households from three representative
administrative Kebeles were selected and interviewed using semi-structured
questionnaire. Other methods of data collection, which include focus group discussions,
key informants interview, and preference ranking, were also employed in addition to the
formal household survey. A total of 37 wild useful plant species belonging to 27 families
and contributing to diversifying local food sources and health care systems (for treating
both human and livestock diseases) were identified. These plant species belong to
different habits, which include trees, shrubs, climbers, and herbs; and the communities
can access them in different types of habitats (mainly, from dense woodland areas, open
woodlands, road side plants and bush lands). Different threats encountered in the
overall management of woodland vegetations consisting of these plants, which have
resulted in the decline in their distribution, were also identified. These threats include
frequent fire, agricultural land expansion and investment, fuel wood collection, timber
collection and settlements. With regard to their processing and utilization, some of these
plant parts are consumed raw, whereas some others are taken in the forms of juice as
well as porridge. The different parts of the plants (fruits, leaves, seeds, roots/tubers,
barks and stems) are used as sources of food and traditional medicines. As
recommendations the study suggested that necessary management interventions, which
can address the major threats identified, should be made in order to enhance the role of
these plants. Environmental impact assessments associated with proposed conversions
of major habitats of these plants into other land uses, such as agricultural investment and
settlement purposes should be conducted. Moreover, an all-inclusive and participatory
management strategy that involves the local people in managements of these plants
should be designed and implemented in order to address the major threats. Further
studies on the chemical and nutritional aspects of these wild nutraceutical plants in the
area are also required for designing improved ways of their processing and utilization.

Key Words: Nutraceutical plants, Management, Utilization, Diversifying, Food,

2 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al
INTRODUCTION source that about 30 species of plants
have been identified to provide about
Since the prehistoric time, man has
90% of the world’s nutritional needs.
always been dependent upon plants for
Especially, millions of people in
his food, shelter and health (Mohamed
developing countries depend on wild
and Mushtaq, 2004). As a result, the
resources, for wild medicinal and edible
relationship between man and plants is
plants. A food plant may be used for
as old as history of mankind and
medicine, and to treat ill health or to
indigenous knowledge about the plants
maintain wellness. Hippocrates, 460–377
is as old as human civilization. Through
B.C. is, therefore, famously quoted to
their direct interaction with plant
have said ‘Let food be your medicine and
population through their culture, human
medicine be your food’ (cited in Oz,
populations have classified plants,
2010). These kinds of plants having both
developed attitudes and beliefs and also
food and medicinal values are now days
learned the use of plants. On the other
categorized as Nutraceutical plants.
hand, the plants themselves also impose
limitations on humans. The fundamental According to the World Health
issue of ethnobotany is, therefore, the Organization (WHO) about 65-80% of the
dynamic relationship between human world’s population in developing
population, cultural values and plants. countries depends essentially on plants
for their primary healthcare due to
Forests are generally used to provide a
poverty and lack of access to modern
whole range of benefits including
medicine (Tinde, 2006). Wild plants may
wildlife, wild edible fruit trees, medicinal
be defined as those that grow
plants, watershed protection,
spontaneously in self-maintaining
construction materials, fire wood, and
populations in natural or semi-natural
spiritual values (Paul et al., 2012).
ecosystems and can exist independently
Globally, mankind is dependent on of direct human action. Despite society’s
widely cultivated plant species for food primary reliance on crop plants, the
security and during the course of history, tradition of eating wild plants has not
some 12000 plant species have been used been completely disappeared. In many
as food among which only 2000 have societies, a large number of wild edible
been domesticated and about 150 are plants are regarded as emergency or
commercially cultivated (Godin et al., hunger gap or famine foods.
2014). It has also been argued in same
Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 3

Wild food plants, on the other hand, are Rural people of Ethiopia are endowed
accepted by rural communities through with a deep knowledge concerning the
custom as appropriate and desirable use of wild plants, some of which are
(Godin et al., 2014). consumed at times of drought, war and
other hardships. Elders and other
Ethiopia as a country with varied
knowledgeable community members are
topography and a wide spectrum of
the key sources or ‘reservoirs’ of plant
habitats presenting a large number of
lore. Wild food consumption is still very
endemic plants and animals, has been
common in rural areas of Ethiopia,
practicing consumption of these plants
particularly among children. Among the
for various purposes; and the country has
most common wild plant fruits
about 6000 higher plant species, of which
consumed by children are, for example,
about 10% are endemic (Hedberg et al.,
fruits from Ficus spp, Carissa spinarium
2009). Currently, there is a global outcry
and Rosa abyssinica can be mentioned
over food insecurity. This is worsened by
(Guinand and Lemessa, 2001).
the soaring food prices in which Ethiopia
is not an exception. Each year, on the In addition to their food values,
average, about five million people in traditional medicinal practices are
Ethiopia have problems securing enough common in Ethiopia in which about 80%
food for them and need assistance of the population in the country use plant
(Ethiopian Red Cross Society, 2012). based traditional medicine by indigenous
According to Getachew et al. (2000), knowledge as their major primary health
factors that are often mentioned as the care system (Kalayu et al., 2013).
principal causes of inadequate growth in Traditional knowledge of medicinal
food production and increasing food plants and their use by indigenous
insecurity are: inadequate and variable healers are not only useful for
rainfall, soil degradation, conflict, poor conservation of cultural tradition and
transport infrastructure, land tenure biodiversity but also for community
problems, and poor storage facilities. health care and drug development in the
Moreover, the limited and selective food local people. Bekele et al. (2012) pointed
sources used by the people, together with out that adequate knowledge of
absence of efforts to diversify, are also traditional plants is available in Ethiopia.
additional problems. Their research result has revealed that
traditional plants are not used only for
4 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al

their food and healthcare to human, but Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) situated in
they are also used in diverse ways for the southwestern part of the country
treating livestock diseases. (Figure 1). The region is located between
the geographical coordinates of 6028′38"
According to Gambella Regional State,
and 8034″ North Latitude and 330 to
Bureau of Land Resources and
35011′11″East Longitude, which covers an
Environmental Protection (GRSBoLREP),
area of about 34,063 km2. It is bounded to
the regional state has rich natural
the North, Northeast and East by Oromia
resources particularly forest resources
National Regional State, to the South and
with diverse useful wild plants having
Southeast by the Southern Nations,
substantial socio-economic significance in
Nationalities and People's Regional State
the region. These plants are well
and to the Southwest, West and
recognized by the communities for
Northwest by the Republic of Sudan
ensuring food security as well as in their
(GRSBoLR., 2011).
traditional health care systems during
both normal and hardship times. Despite
The annual rainfall of the Region in the
the significance of these nutraceutical
lower altitudes varies from 900-1,500mm.
plants, their management (including the
At higher altitudes it ranges from 1,900-
major threats for their conservation) and
2,100mm. The region is endowed with a
their utilization aspects have not been
vast marginal land which is suitable for
well studied. This study was, therefore,
agriculture and other economic activities.
conducted with the objective of assessing
The existing land use/land cover types of
the management and utilization of the
the region are identified as cultivated
existing nutraceutical plants in Lare
land, forest land, wood land, bush land,
Woreda of Gambella region, located in
shrub land, grass land, bamboo, wet
southwestern part of Ethiopia.
(marsh) land, etc. The major economic
activities include mixed farming (both

MATERIALS AND METHODS livestock rearing and crop production),

fishing, hunting and wild food collection.
Description of the Study Area
Maize and sorghum are the major food
The study woreda, Lare, is located in
crops grown in the area. The study was
Gambella National Regional State
conducted in Lare District, which is one
(GNRS), which is one of the National
of the 13 Districts in Nuer Zone of
Regional states of the Federal Democratic
Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 5

Gambella Regional State. Lare is the tropical monsoon from the Indian
bordered on the south and east by the Ocean, which are characterized with high
Anuak Zone, on the west by the Baro rainfall in the wet period from May to
River which separates it from Jekow, and October and has little rainfall during the
on the north by the Jekow River which dry period from November to April. The
separates it from South Sudan. A notable mean annual temperature of the District
landmark is Gambella National Park, varies from 17.30C to 28.30C and annual
which occupies part of the area south of monthly temperature varies throughout
the Baro River. The main categories of the year from 270C to 380C. The absolute
the livelihood of the people are agro- maximum temperature occurs in Mid-
pastoral (livestock and crop production), march and is about 450C and the absolute
fishing, hunting and wild food collection minimum temperature occurs in
(GRSBoLR, 2011). December and is 10.30C. The annual
Lare is situated in the low lying plain and rainfall of the District varies from 900-
its agro-ecology is described as 1,500mm with highest in July to
Bereha/extremely hot. The climate of the September and lowest in November
District is formed under the influence of (GRSBoLR, 2011).
6 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al

Figure 1. Location of the study District in Gambella Regional state of Ethiopia

Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 7

Methods of Data Collection conducting household interview, Focus

Group Discussion (FGD), pair-wise
A total of three representative rural ranking, transect walk and key
Kebele Administrations, which are the informants interview as well as
smallest administrative units from the situational analysis. Participants of FGD
study Woreda or district (Bilimkun and key informant interviews were
Kebele, Kutoch Kebele and Ngor Kebele) purposively identified from the
were selected purposively on the bases of community members on the basis of their
their better vegetation cover and the ease age, traditional knowledge of the wild
of accessibility of their habitats. In edible and medicinal plants and also
addition, occurrence of famine and their period of residence in the area.
disease as well as presence of local Accordingly, key informant interview
traditional healers were also considered with fifteen participants (five in each
in identifying the specific study areas as Kebele) and six FGDs (two in each
the purpose of the study was to assess Kebele) were conducted.
the management and utilization of the
wild plants and their significance in food For the application of the aforementioned
security and health care system of the data collection methods, standard
area. Following a procedure by (Krejcie procedures followed by previous similar
and Morgan, 1970), a total of 120 studies (Martin, 1995; Alexiades, 1996;
households (73 males and 47 females) Cotton, 1996; Edwards and Sileshi
from the three Kebeles were selected to Nemomissa 2003) were followed. In
take part in the household survey. addition, for the purpose of identifying
scientific names of wild nutraceutical
In order to gather the required data on
trees and shrubs (after their local names
the management and utilization of the
were identified by key informants,
wild nutraceutical plants, various socio-
mainly by elder members of the
economic survey methods and ethno-
community), an identification manuals:
botanical techniques were employed.
(Mesfin Tadesse and Hedberg 1995;
These methods and techniques include
Edwards et al., 1997; Azene Bekele et al.,
semi-structured questionnaire for
2007)’ were used.
8 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al

Methods of Data Analysis RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

Different methods of data analysis were
Household Demographic and Socio-
employed for analyzing the various
economic Characteristics
kinds of data and information gathered
The sampled households were composed
during the field work. The data collected
of both male and female headed
using more formal procedures such as
households with a proportion of
semi-structured questionnaire for
73(60.8%) and 47(39.2%) respectively. The
household interview were fed into Excel
result showed that the proportion of
worksheet and SPSS (Statistical Package
female headed households in the area is
for Social Science); and were analyzed by
much higher as compared to the overall
using descriptive statistics such as
national reality in Ethiopian context. The
means, percentages and frequencies. On
average family size of informants in the
the other hand, data gathered through
area was 7, and the average age of the
different informal social survey methods
sampled household head was 41.5 years
by employing various Participatory Rural
with minimum of 24 and maximum of 60
Appraisal (PRA) tools like FGD, key
years. About 29% of respondents did not
informant interview, transect walk and
attend formal education, with the
other ranking techniques were
remaining proportions of 31%, 23%, 13%
synthesized and presented in tables,
& 4% having some educational
graphs and texts.
background from grade one up to
diploma level (Table 1).

The large family sizes and the low level

of education in the area are clear
indications that there is increased
pressure and mismanagement of the
forest resources from where the
communities can access and utilize the
wild nutraceutical plants.
Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 9

Table 1. Educational Status of Respondents

S.No Educational Status Proportion of Respondents (%)

1 Illiterate 29
2 Grade 1-5 31
3 Grade 6-10 23
4 Grade 10-12 13
5 Diploma level 4
Total 100

The respondents indicated during the years back). According to respondents,

study that the consumption of wild the wealth status of households in the

edible and medicinal plants is higher area can be described in terms of three

for households with lower levels of wealth categories (Table 2). These

education. The main reason mentioned categories include rich, medium and

was that families with better poor (subsistence level) wealth classes.

educational profiles (especially the 4% The household wealth categorization is

with diploma level in the above table) basically based on certain criteria in the

have other options of livelihood; for specific context of the area. The criteria

example, they can secure government mentioned by respondents were

employment opportunities as whether households practice crop

compared with those having lower production and possession of livestock

levels of education and those that are or cattle heads.

illiterate. This is in line with the finding

Accordingly, rich households are those
of Tesfaye Awas (2007), which revealed
who practice crop production and
that the increase of educational status
possess more than 10 heads of cattle;
decreases the use of and dependence on
medium households are those who
wild plants.
practice crop production and possess 1-

Household Wealth Status 10 heads of cattle; and the poor

households are those with 1 or less
Respondents in the area generally livestock head and are not usually
indicated that the wealth status of the involved in crop production. In
majority of the households at the addition, government employees
present time is poor as compared to belong to either the medium or rich
that in the past (e.g. compared to 15 households depending upon their
10 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al

income levels. It was mentioned during the households (representing the highest
study that one of the coping mechanisms for proportion as shown in Table 2) is to
food shortage, especially for the poor consume wild edible plants.

Table 2. Wealth Categories and Income Sources of Households (HHs)

S/N Wealth status of N = 120 Percent
1 Rich 32 26.7
2 Medium 42 35.0
3 Poor/subsistence 46 38.3
1 Source of Income Crop Production 18 15.0
2 Livestock Production 37 30.8
3 Both Crop & LS 65 54.2

As shown in Table 2 the sources of especially during times of food deficit

income or wealth in the area were from the main food crops.
reported to come from crops production,
livestock rearing and both crops Management of Wild Nutraceutical
production and livestock rearing with
proportions of 15%, 30.8% and 54.2%
respectively. This explains that, majority A total of 37 multipurpose wild plant

of farmers in the area practice both species (including wild edible, wild

livestock and crop production as sources medicinal and wild nutraceutical plants)

of their income while only few farmers belonging to 27 families and contributing

practice only crops production as their to diversifying local food sources and

income sources and means of livelihood. traditional health care systems were

Moreover, respondents emphasized that identified during the study (Table 3).

the crop production in the area is not These plants belong to different habits

adequate and sustainable. This indicated including trees, shrubs, climbers and

that the wild edible plants in the herbs with the proportions of 31.57%,

surrounding vegetations have got 22.05%, 5.26% and 41.12% respectively.

supplementary roles as food sources,

Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 11

Table 3. List of Identified Plant Species and their Families

S/N Scientific name Family Name Frequency Proportion

(Spp/Family (%)
1 Hygrophila auriculata Acanthaceae 1 2.7%
2 Amaranthus spinosus, Amaranthaceae 2 5.4%
Celosia trigyna
3 Calotropis procera Asclepiadaceae 1 2.7%
4 Balanites aegyptiaca Balanitetaceae 1 2.7%
5 Cadaba farinosa, Capparidaceae 2 5.4%
Creteva adanonsii,
6 Diospyrus mespiliformis Ebenaceae 1 2.7%
7 Flueggea virosa, Euphorbaceae 2 5.4%
Euphorbia tirucalli
8 Piliostigma thonningii, Fabaceae 4 10.81%
Tamarindus indica,
Acacia furinesia,
Senna obtusifolia
9 Ficus sycomorus, Moraceae 1 2.7%
10 Nymphae nuchalii Nymphaeaceae 1 2.7%
11 Ximenia americana Olaceae 1 2.7%
12 Portulaca oleraceae Portulaceae 1 2.7%
13 Ziziphus spina-christii Rhamaceae 1 2.7%
14 Celtis toka Ulmaceae 1 2.7%
15 Grewia abutilifolia Tilaceae 1 2.7%
16 Adansonia digitata Bombacaceae 1 2.7%
17 Scadoxus multiflorus Amaryllidaceae 1 2.7%
18 Solanum incanum Solonaceae 1 2.7%
19 Annona Senegalensis Annonaceae 1 2.7%
20 Cissamplose mucronata, Menispermaceae 2 5.4%
Stephenos abyssinica
21 Chlorophytum tuberosum Anthericaceae 1 2.7%
22 Strychnos spinosa Loganiaceae 1 2.7%
23 Pyrenacantha kaurabassana Icacinaceae 1 2.7%
24 Vernonia amygdalina, Bull Asteraceae 2 5.4%
thistle(Silybum mariacum)
25 Saba florida, Apocynaceae 3 8.11%
Carissa spinarum,
Acokanthera schimperi
26 Mimosops kummel Sapotaceae 1 2.7%
27 Sclerocarya birrea Anacardiaceae 1 2.7%
Total 37 100
12 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al

It was reported during the study that (69.2%) indicated that availability of the
these plants are consumed for multiple plants and the overall status of
purposes in rural households. The plants vegetations in the area have declined
are generally used for household through time. On the other hand, some
consumption as well as for commercial respondents (30.8%) mentioned that they
purposes (or income generation) and have no idea about any increase or
thereby contribute to the households’ decrease of these resources, which could
socio-economic well-being. Among the most likely be attributed to the failure of
identified plants, 47.36% are mainly used these members of the community to
as food sources, especially through their understand changes taking place in their
fruits and leaves, 42.11% are purely used environment. According to the study,
for medicinal purposes and 10.53% are there are various threats to the
used for both healthcare and food vegetations in the area, which have
sources in the area as nutraceutical plant contributed to the decline in the
species. distribution of these valuable plants. The
threats identified include frequent fire,
Despite their socio-economic significance,
agricultural land expansion and
the plants are facing various
investment, fuel wood collection, timber
management threats. Through situational
collection and settlements, and recurrent
analysis conducted with respondents for
drought/climate change. Pair-wise
comparing the present situation of wild
ranking was used for ranking the
nutraceutical plants with that in the past
severity of these threats (Table 4).
(10–20 years back), majority of them

Table 4. Pair-wise ranking of the Major threats of Nutraceutical plants

Threats in Rows Threats in Columns Score Rank

Agricultural expansion and -- FF AI AI AI 3 2
investments (AI)
Frequent fire (FF) FF -- FF FF FF 4 1
Fuel wood collection (FW) AI FF -- TS FW 1 4
Timber collection and AI FF TS -- TS 2 3
settlement (TS)
Drought (Dr) AI FF FW TS -- 0 5
Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 13

As can be seen from (Table 4) above, the most of the respondents indicated that
three top ranking threats for sustainable they access the wild nutraceutical plants
management of the forest resource of the in the dense woodland areas or tree
area in general and of the wild zones, which constitute the proportion of
nutraceutical plants in particular are 64.2%, followed by open woodlands,
frequent fire, agricultural land expansion road side plants and bush land with
and investment activities, and timber proportions of 25.83%, 15.8% and 13.33%
collection and settlement. respectively. On the other hand,
according to some other studies
The study on the management aspect of
(Getachew et al., 2005 and Tigist
the wild nutraceutical plants in the area
Wondimu et al., 2006), some of these
also went further into identifying the
plants are also collected in the home
habitat types in which the plants are
garden after crops are harvested or in the
commonly found and accessed by the
left over field crops.
communities (Table 5). Accordingly,

Table 5. Summary of Nutraceutical plants Distribution in different Habitat Types

S/N Habitat type N = 120 Percent

1 Dense woodland areas or Tree 32 64.2


2 Bush lands 16 13.33

3 Open Woodlands 31 25.83

4 Secondary forests 11 9.2

5 Grazing lands 12 10

6 Road sides 19 15.8

Tree zones are the dense woodland areas; while secondary forests are newly regenerating forests
from degraded old forests.
14 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al

Processing and Utilization of Wild Nutraceutical Plants

The study has identified different reported to be consumed in juice forms.

modes of consumption of the plants However, most of the edible leaves of
(Figure 2). Accordingly, 32% of the the plants such as: Creteva adansonii,
edible plant parts were reported to be Cadaba farinosa, Nymphae nuchalii,
consumed raw, 23% in juice forms, 18% Amaranthus spinosus, and Portulaca
has been used both as raw or in juice oleracea are consumed cooked/boiled.
forms, 17% as cooked or boiled and Diospyros mespiliformis fruits are
only 10% as porridge. This research pounded with local mills, cooked and
revealed that most of the edible plants eaten as porridge, but mostly during
such as Ziziphus spina-christi, emergency time. The raw and fresh
Tamarindus indica, Balanites aegyptiaca, fruits consumption of most plants in
Flueggea virosa, Celtis toka, Ficus the study area are in agreement with
sycomorus are directly consumed as the findings of Guinand and Dechassa
raw. Also Tamarindus indica, Balanites Lemessa (2000); Tigist Wondimu et al,
aegyptiaca, Adansonia digitata, were (2006); and Redzic (2007).

Figure 2. Consumption Mode of different parts of Wild Nutraceutical plants

Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 15

In addition to their preparation and barks among the mentioned plant parts.
mode of consumption, the different parts This reveals that the local people in rural
of the plants used for food and medical areas have more knowledge in using
care were also identified during the plants in their surroundings. They know
study (Figure 3). Accordingly, it was which is useful and which is toxic. This
reported that fruits, leaves, seeds, knowledge of plants, used to treat
roots/tubers, barks and stems are the different human and livestock ailments
different parts used by local communities by different parts of plants, is in
as food sources and traditional agreement with research finding in
medicines. The most eaten parts for food Uganda by Godin (2014), which
are fruits followed by leaves with stated that the most frequent parts used
proportion of 28% and 25% respectively. for medicine are roots. Despite all these
Whereas rural people usually consume healing capabilities of these useful plants,
wild fruits on a regular basis, most leafy some of them have negative effects to
wild edible plants draw attention mostly human, and it was indicated during the
during critical food shortages as in study that caution is needed for their use.
famine periods according to (Zemede Elders know them because of their
Asfaw and Mesfin Tadese, 2001). In experience about the plants in the area as
addition to this, parts used for medical compared to young men/women. Some
care are stem, barks, seeds, leaves, roots of the negative effects as mentioned by
and fruits of different plant species. respondents are poisons, cause abortion,
Roots and leaves were reported high in allergic, and so on.
medicinal use followed by stem and
16 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al

Figure 3. Different parts of Nutraceutical Wild plants for food sources and Health care

However, it was emphasized that plants have been used normally in

majority of these plants are non-toxic, as supporting main meals of households.
they are growing in more healthier Even those families with good number of
natural ecosystems with less livestock consume them sometimes
environmental pollution problems. according to key informants. However,
Therefore, they have many positive they are consumed more on daily basis
effects in diversifying local food sources by those who do not have domestic
and health care systems as also reported animals in order to support their main
by many scientists in other parts of the meals in the household.
world as well as in the country (Debela
Ten informants were selected for
Hunde et al., 2014).
preference ranking of mentioned plants.
Preference ranking was conducted with Index was given and made available to
key informants on the five selected plants the ten selected respondents. The values
(Table 6), with their leaves being edible. range from 1- 6, which represent less
The selection was made based on their tasty up to excellent or the most delicious
taste as compared to other plants. The ones recommended by informants. Each
group discussion as well as key key informant was asked individually to
informants’ interview revealed that these name and give value to the selected
Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 17

species based on the plant taste status. better taste quality and flavor by the local
According to the informants, the wild communities (Table 6). Among these,
green leafy plants have high nutritional Nymphae nuchalii, Amaranthus spinosus
composition, and preference by the local and Portulaca oleracea were identified as
people. The results revealed that five top top ranks of first to third respectively.
plant species are identified for their

Table 6. Preference ranking on leaves of useful plants used as food supplements

Species Respondents Selected(N = 10) Scor Ran

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 e k
Amaranthus 6 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 50 2
Cadaba farinosa 6 6 3 5 6 4 5 2 5 1 43 5
Creteva adansonii 6 5 3 4 6 6 4 3 4 5 46 4
Nymphae nuchalii 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 3 5 6 51 1
Portulaca oleracea 5 6 3 6 5 6 6 5 4 3 49 3

On the other hand, summary of the plants for curing both human and
different plant species along with their livestock diseases coincides with research
parts identified for curing various human reports by Damtew Bekele et al., (2012);
and livestock diseases are shown in and Jasvinder, (2014).
(Table 7). This medicinal use of the wild
18 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al

Table 7. Major Medicinal Plants identified for curing both Human and Livestock

Type Plants responsible Part Use for N = 120 Proportion %

of ailments Used
Malaria(head Tamarindus, reep L, R, S x 21 17.5
Coughing Zizephus spinus-cr R x 10 8.33
Gastric Chagiy, magak R, L x 26 21.7
Wounds Adansonin digitata S x x 17 10 14.2% 5%
Thok, pilostigma

Constipation Tangloar, Bull F, S x x 22 19 18,33% 15.3

Milk boost up Tobow, Kooch L x 25 20.8%
Delayed Clatropis procera, R, B x 23 19.2%
umbilical cord Toar

Stopping Nhiany, Nomloy R, L, x 16 13.33%

adultery St
Serious illness Nhiany B, L x 18 15%
Stomach ache Puth, Miadol, B, R x x 13 10.8
L.S = Livestock, H = Human, L = Leaf, S = Seed, R = Root, F = Fruits, St = Stem

It has also been reported by FAO (2014) conducted in southern Wello Chefa area
that the wild Nutraceutical plants have and Debub Omo Zones of Ethiopia
been studied by many scientists in respectively.
different countries all over the world,
As part of the social dimensions of the
and they are known for their contribution
communities, the research revealed that
to diets and nutrition as well as for health
wild useful plants collection, processing
care systems (especially, for sealing the
and utilization vary with gender (Figure
gap of malnourishments). The
4). The majority of the respondents
significance of these plants as sources of
agreed that even though these plant
traditional medicines is also in agreement
species are consumed by all household
with the findings of Bayafers Tamene et
members, they are largely collected and
al. (2000); Tilahun Teklehaymanot and
processed by women
Mirutse Giday (2010) in their studies
Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 19

(56.7%), while men’s role is very low The above result on gender role coincides
with only (17.5%) proportion. Men are with the research result in Tanzania done
less interested in collecting these plants by Kajambe, (2000), which stated
fearing culture of dishonor in the that women are the real experts on the
community. Some of the respondents collection, processing and preservation of
during the study mentioned that there is non-wood forest products for the
a traditional belief among the community household foods. Peasant women know
members that if a man collects these wild the nutritional needs of their families as
foods, he can be regarded as a man ruled well as the nutritive content of the wild
by his wife. Therefore, women are foods they collect from the bush, since
considered as the experts in collecting they are responsible for sustaining the
and processing these plants in the study livelihood of the family. This indicates
district as compared to their male how women still play great role in
counterparts. different household activities than men.

Figure 4. Gender Role in Useful Wild plants Collection and Processing

20 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al

This research work has generally woodland areas, open woodlands, road
identified 37 multipurpose wild plant side plants and bush lands. Generally,
species belonging to 27 families and different parts of the plants: fruits, leaves,
having their own contributions in seeds, roots/tubers, barks and stems are
diversifying food sources and healthcare used as sources of food and traditional
systems in the area. The plants belong to medicines. As to their processing and
different habits including trees, shrubs, utilization, some of these plant parts are
climbers and herbs. The study also consumed raw, whereas some others are
revealed that knowledge about taken in the forms of juice as well as
collection, processing and utilization as porridge.
well as habitat distribution of these
multipurpose plant species is still As recommendations or future lines of
maintained among the study community. work, necessary management
The preservation of such knowledge interventions should be made for
associated with the plants appears to be addressing the various threats
the result of continuous reliance of local encountered by these useful wild
communities on these useful plant nutraceutical plants in order to enhance
species both during normal and food their roles in the overall societal well-
shortage periods. However, there is a being in the area through diversifying
decline in the distribution of some of food sources and healthcare systems, in
these useful plant species through time. addition to their other socio-economic
The decline in their distribution is due to roles. For example, as an attempt to
the various threatening factors, which minimize the conversion of woodland
include frequent fire, agricultural land vegetations (consisting of the useful wild
expansion and investment, fuel wood nutraceutical plants) into other land uses
collection, timber collection and such as commercial agriculture or other
settlements. investment activities, it is necessary to
undertake environmental impact
The study also identified the major assessments in order to assess the socio-
habitat types or vegetations where the economic and socio-cultural as well as
communities can access these useful environmental consequences associated
plants. These habitat types are dense with such conversions.
Ethiop.J.Appl.Sci. Technol. Vol.7 (1): 1-23 (2016) 21

As some members of the community are nutraceutical plants in the area are also
not well aware of the changes in the required for designing more modern
distribution of these plants, it is ways of their processing and utilization
necessary to work on community apart from the locally designed
awareness creation activities about the processing and utilization systems.
decline in the distribution of these useful
plants. In addition, it is also necessary to Moreover, domestication of some of
design and implement community-based these plant species under certain
and participatory management strategies situations into the agro-ecosystems,
for these plants in order to minimize the especially those that can provide food
various anthropogenic pressures or during periods of food scarcity or famine
threats of the resources. In connection in order to improve household food
with such participatory approaches, security can also be suggested as another
encouraging farmers and empowering option of enhancing their roles and
them to protect and conserve the wild improving their management.
edible and medicinal plants through
awareness creation and community
sensitization schemes can be considered
The authors are grateful to Jimma
as parts of the required interventions for
University, College of Agriculture and
improving the management of these
Veterinary Medicine (JUCAVM) and
Gambella Agricultural Research Institute
(GARI) for their financial support and for
Further studies on the chemical and
the overall facilitation of the research
nutritional aspects of these wild
22 Thakdeal Kuet Lim et al
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