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NAME………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………DATE: 18th May 2019

1. The Great Controversy is fundamental belief number 11. T / F
2. Ellen Gould Harmon was born November 26, 1827, on a farm at Gorham, Maine, about
twelve miles west of Portland. T / F
3. Present truth was published in 1849. T / F
4. David Livingstone died in a prayer position. T / F
5. “The church” is the oldest fundamental belief. T / F
6. The Pathfinder pledge has 7 parts, while the law has 8 parts. T / F
7. “The church is the community of believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
T / F
8. There is a total of 6 doctrines in the Seventh-day Adventist church. T / F
9. The first Adventist elementary school begun in 1865. T / F
10. The first Sabbath school lessons had appeared in the Youth’s Instructor in 1852 and
were written by James White. T / F
11. The first Seventh-day Adventist camp meeting was held on a farm in Michigan. T
/ F
12. William Ings went to England in 1878 and in only 5 weeks had ten people keeping the
Sabbath. T / F
13. There is a total of 27 fundamental beliefs in the Seventh-day Adventist church. T/F
14. The 11th fundamental belief is the newest. T / F
15. The father of modern missions was William Carey of England. T / F
16. The pope arrested by General Berthier in 1798 was Pius IV. T / F
17. Ellen G. Harmony had a twin sister by Eunice Harmony. T / F
18. James White was born in the Mayflower. T / F
19. The Petri brothers translated the Bible into Swedish. T / F
20. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther King Junior nailed to the heavy wooden door of the
Wittenberg Castle Church a list of ninety-five theses, or statements, of doctrine. T/F
21. John Norton Loughnborough was the last pioneer to die. T / F
22.“Walk softly in the sanctuary” is Pathfinder law number 4. T / F
23.Uriah Smith was an editor of the Review and Herald and author. T / F
24.The greatest impetus to the church of the Reformation period came from the courage
and faith of John Huss. T / F
25. Elder D. T. Bourdeau was assigned to consolidate the work in France. T / F
26. Philipp Reiswig was uneducated and had a speech impediment. T / F
27.The Pathfinder flag has 5 colors. T / F
28. William Miller was in 1792. T / F
29. Joseph Wolff spoke fourteen languages. T / F
30. The cornfield experience led to the unlocking of the great disappoint mystery. T / F


1. Which pioneer had only 1 eye?

2. The Youth’s Instructor, begun in:
3. Who was known as the morning star of the Advent movement?
4. Who is best remembered as the first president of the General Conference?
5. When was the name “Seventh-day Adventist” selected to represent the movement?
6. Of all the books Ellen White wrote, which one was her favorite?
7. The first Adventist minister to accept the Sabbath was:
8. He was beaten, starved and sold into slavery. Three times he received the death penalty:
9. Who had a pseudonym of Juan Ben-Ezra?
10. Which preacher had his life threatened 53 times by cannibals?
11. Who wrote the book of Job?
12. When was Western Health Reform Institute opened?
13. Who wrote the memoirs of William Miller in 1853?
14. Which conference was the first to be organized?
15. Who was the founder of the colony of Rhode Island?
16. Which shoemaker was inspired to sail to foreign lands by the reports of Captain Cook’s
17. Which Frenchman, strengthened the Huguenots?
18. Who in person went to the United States government to represent the church, until
noncombatant status was granted to members in 1864?
19. Who was known as the born leader?
20.When was the first general conference session held, and where?
21. Which pioneer discovered the sunset to sunset Sabbath observance in the bible?
22.Who was known as the born teacher?
23.Who was known as lover of truth?
24.Which book in the bible doesn’t mention God?
25.Who was known as the “missionary to the world”?
26.When was Ellen G. White given the vision of the Sabbath?
27.Who gave the common people of England the Bible in their own language?
28. What message was preached during the tarrying time?
29.The great disappointment occurred on:
30. Which former patient of the Battle Creek Sanitarium begun the first official Seventh-
day Adventist school?
31. Who was given a vision a few weeks before the great disappointment?
32.Which preacher had a central theme “Prepare to meet thy God”?
33.When was the first Seventh-day Adventist camp meeting held, and where?
34. Who helped start a school of medicine at Battle Creek in 1883?
35.What book is the oldest in the bible?
36. Who called the Adventists to the Sabbath question through an essay on the subject?

1. William Ings
2. Philipp Reiswig India
3. Johann A. Bengel
4. A. C. Bourdeau
5. John Nevins Andrews France
6. John Matteson Scotland
7. J. H. Waggoner
8. William Carey Switzerland
9. H. Heintzpeter Romania
10. Adoniram Judson
John Nevins Andrews
11. David Livingstone
12. Robert Moffat Scandinavia
13. Edward Irving
14. John N. Andrews

- END -

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