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LEGACY s ie Yes és DNL Yes OS WZ RS IN Zs LY, Se i fis SZ Welcome to AZTECS I 1521, an empire came tumbling down. The Aztecs had ruled in Mesoamerica for 200 years but the Spanish, led by the fearsome Hernan Cortés, were closing in, eager to claim this part of the New World for themselves twas the ‘end of arich culture and an entire civilisation -but even so, the Aztec legacy lives on today. In All About History Book of the Aztecs, uncover the ‘gruesome truth behind human sacrifice and learn what everyday life was really lke. Walk the streets of Tenochtitlan, ‘meet the extensive pantheon and cook up some authentic recipes as you explore the world ofthe Aztecs. Os i NP, Law 2 ae aS = on (oes ALLENNA ENE 7 ae cis IZ AZTECS Mis TS Ae TS aS Sr = TA I se oe Wise cS 8 Secrets of the Aztecs 14 Origins of the Aztecs TEEETEEELESDEA LIFE& SOCIETY 22 Aztec Art Gallery 32. Religion and Beliefs 37 Fast Facts on Human Sacrifice 38 Inside an Aztec Home yy 42. How to... play Tlachtli 44 Food and Drink a 50 Life in Tenochtitlan al Politics of the Pyramid WAR & EMPIRE 62 Moctezuma II 66 The Aztec Empire 71 Eagle Warrior 72. Study at the Telpochcalli 76 Hernan Cortés 80 Fall of the Aztecs / 90 After the Spanish Invasion 94 What if the Aztecs weren't defeated? IN 100 Rediscovering Tenochtitlan 108 Inside Templo Mayor 110 Aztecs in Modern Mexico 1l6 Diego Rivera's History of Mexico 118 Remains of the Empire Secrets of the Aztecs Secrets of the Aztecs A civilisation now lost in time, the ancient Aztecs were masters of science and technology, creating medicines, machines and mega-structures unsurpassed on Earth ‘Walten by Robert Jones espe being slated within the deep, ark, unforgiving jungles of Centra America, fr over 300 years the ancient Aztecs defied their eputation {3s blond obsessed barbarians by loneering many ofthe scentife and techncegical advances we take fr granted today What's more, they did so across a broad range of feds fom, astronomy to meine hoarding ther acquired knowledge within huge ibraresofcoies that ‘omfained the secrets to the vas and impressive society they had bull Unfortunately much ofthis knowledge was lost forever when the Spanish conquistadors of Hern (Cortés brought the civilisation to ther knees inthe ‘ary l6th century, ith these supposedly heretical texts burned en masse Lucky, few records of ‘Aztec scientific knowledge survived and today historians are working teessly to unlock their secrets. Rea on to discover some of thei mast impressive scientific knowledge Buried daop within the Codex Vergara (2 ‘aastal manuscript les a wealth of infrmation about Aztec mathemati wich has now been ‘decoded and reveaked to bea vigesmal system, rather than our decimal system in use today. The ‘tec vigesimal system uses 20 as its base Gather than 10, as a decimal system), with writen dots ‘equating to one, hyphen style bars equating o five and various other symbols accounting for 20 and multiples thereof According to the Vergara as well sche codices, this system vas employed for tx [purposes which was largely based on land owned, 25 well asfor commerce, with quantities of produce traded with precision thanks to the creation of hard and fast rules for adltion subtraction division and multipication,Ofall the pre-Columbian peoples of Cental America, the Aztecs were arguably the ‘most accomplished mathematicians, using a unkue ‘numbering system fr arithmet, record keeping and even in a tation system for Tenochtlan and the surviving lands Land was also measured mathematically, with a sekecton of algorithms uted to calculate area, the most basic being the multiplication of length by width, wile multiplying the averages of to opposite sides by an adjacent side used for ureguar shapes. Land was measured in terms of and rods, which was the standard Aztec unc of nar measurement, measuring in a 25 metres fee) inlength. For measurements under a land rod. a ‘are of other symbels including arrows, hearts and hands wete used for indication. This level of mathematical precision aso stretched into other areas, such as constriction, which was one rca ‘were the Aztecs were most advanced in terms of technological prowess Evidence that the Aztecs were great builders is pleniful in modern Mexico, Secrets of the Aztecs {scan be seen inthe 1 Tem ‘boxout the Aztecs became special stepped pyramid temples and public buildings cutting carving and hauling vast stone blocks and ananging them with exact geometrical precision nt house builders with 3 building {215 scare fot Due tothe en tobe ballon elevated platirn watleand-daub, with cotices ink stood approximately 40 centimetres (5 inches) foffthe surface. This was partcaatly important Petre! en een oer ed ei with stone sand, lime and clay with adobe bricks ~ sculpted from a mixture of wate, sand and chy - very commen. Roofs ranged in both design and construction ‘materials, wah both flaepole and peaked roo. tools were used in each buie anging from cutting tols such as knives and axes through to trowels and picks, with additonal carvings ‘undertaken ifthe houses patron was pariculaly rant nobles would often have thelr painted, withthe Aztecs only sing plant and animal ingredients - such PE Grint Paccchinel pe containing red carminke acid =o create coloured yes and paints. Buldings “By Gee ewe the secret knowledge of the celestial cycles, the Aztecs eat use astromony to track the length of a solar year" es ‘word, Records show that as well as being capable of accurately tracking the movements of celestial bodies such a the Sun, Moon and other planets which they accomplished by pacing sets of ‘rosed wooden poles along thei site ines - they ‘utilised that information to create a ious And solar calendar as wel as orientate their key Structures along equinectial ines For example {he Templo Mayor of Tenochutlan was aligned so that onthe spring equinox @ March) the Sun rose rectly between its two topounted shrines, with ‘ceremonies hekl there in dedication of it From their ability to navigate by the postion cf the stars, through fo their creation of solar calendar and onto thei constraction of temples in perfect alignment so thatthe Suis rays shone focussed on their summit during te equinox, the Aztecs were truly expert astonomers. Astronomy was practised ‘primarily by Aztec nobility and priests, with the Tater using dedicated observatories within temples to track the movements of celestial bodies By harnessing the knowledge ofthe celestial cyedes the azecs could aso use astronomy to tack the length ofa solar yearand lunar month, as well as determine the duration of Venus’ orbit and the ‘rediton of any solar or nar eclipses. According to depictions in Aztc codices, they also became ‘extremely skilled at ming the appearances of Secrets of the Aztecs comets and asteroids and often marked such ‘occasions wa rualistic events. (Of course the most practical everyday application of Aztec astronomy was in their Ccnstruction of a calendar, wich included both a 365 day annual solar calendar as well as 260 day to aheaven called Xochtalpan, where they would Jay beneath an ‘udder tee’ that dripped milk nto ‘ther mouths. Aztec Religion ruck by Tighening or ie by drowning relatively common ‘currence were sentenced to serve Tho. the {0d ofrain and storms. Thor souls wore sent to TTalocan, a paradise filled with fowering plants This fte was also glven to those who die from diseases associated with the deity 35 well as those ‘who were piysially deformed People who die ordinary deaths were fated to undertake a four year journey tothe deepest layer ‘ofthe underweald wo become servants to the god Mictlanteucuhtl who ruled over the land ofthe ‘ead alongside his ve. the goxdess Micecaciuat Te wasnt regarded asa punishment, bu this journey was ifcutand fraught with dange. The (ead had to pass mountains which crashed nto ‘ach other field where the wind Blew knives and even river filled with blood and jaguars. Thee Dodie would be buried or cremated together witha range of tems thought to help them undertake this journey such as fod, drink, clothes, acs and even aft for the lord ofthe under wes ‘Those unucky enough to 5 shocking facts abou Human sacrifi coed eerie Peekrtrn Sena eee eee ie) eal wth thelr neighbours the eed ay es Pent erent omen Cee career eel ee menor peecrea Pee erett) bead down ona stone dis ernie ee ed ener area Ce Ce pens ao Dares tet Rose eens neces fiers eee) Seca Cee eta Pree eer ers rey erties Pree Senne eras Beene ees ee ears See coer) er ry ety te ey eoestenad Pere ety eer es peer te neighbours. When the Spanish enone Srey pena ees ee near ras eee oe Ei ; 38 Inside an Aztec home At Home With he Aztecs Between the battles and sacrifices, normal Aztec people thrived in a community that prioritised family, education and discipline ‘Wieiten by Frances White hen one thinks ofthe Aztecs, ‘often the first things that come to mind are cities teeming with 04 an efficient warir race, and even religious ceremonies that involve human serifies. However, Aztecs were also highly focused on thet soci. Religion was prevalent because it helped bind the community together and every aspect of dally fe was focused on the benefits of the community Unusually foractvlsation of ths cea, the ates had ‘mandatory education forall children, which meant they were able to provide professional, accomplished personnel for arange of ocupations and rks, A lnwabiding seciey, every aspect of dally life was dominated by rales and regulations tobe flowed by al even the nobility. Despite the fact that the Aztecs existed 500 years ago, ther daly fe and family units were remarkably similar to those that exist in many cultures today. The Aztecs ike many cultures ofthe era, had a sre social system, and where people fel ont would define almost every aspect oftheir ives: “The noble lass were known a the ppiin and they would typically be employed inthe amy, government or priesthood, apd the also ‘comprised the city coun. The datoan! king) Pema Peete pest Peetee ern Peas Dt himself was sometimes picked trom the pipitin, Crain Aztec merchants comprised a class of their own -the pochteca. Though not noble ben they were treated ike notlty Because of the Importance of ther obs, where they would travel Tong distances to bain luxury goods the nobiliy adored. The average Aztec ctizen was part of 4 group called the macehualin, This group ‘would be employed as farmers and ‘craftsmen The lest rung of society comprised of slaves. ‘Slaves would not be born into and the hilten of saves ‘Wete not regarded as slaves People woul instead fll, imo siavery as ether a punishment for breaking the law, or by seling themselves Int it due to debt. They could aso buy ther freedom, and held rights that procected them against mistreatment ‘There was some meverent up ‘the socal pyramid and the most ‘cammon paths upwards were through the miltary, trade and priesthood “The family unit was a hugely important focus of the Aztec society and, because ofthis marrage was reguded 2s very sacred. Upperlass martiages were arranged by matchmakers and the newlyweds would have no say inthe mater The Tower classes had an unusual advantage whereby their mariages would be arranged by their parents but they would have the right to say na. A woman would only have one husband, though he could lec home Inside an A Inside an Aztec home CRORE ETA DOOOOOO| Poet Cente | pn tag ietaete med Pee ma cance Err eer ‘the floor and there were also areas fr cooking eating and ofcourse. a shrine tothe gods. ‘Clothing was a huge aspect of Azxe society and could be used to identify societal standing 2 aglance While the closing self was agey the ‘sme forall level -incleths and capes forthe ‘men. and long skirts and blouses forthe wernen ‘the qualty and colour would dir. Commoners! clothes in general were woven fir more coarse fies, wile the nobles garments would be made of ‘ott and adorned with ornaments ike earspools and pendants. The wealthy would wear colourfully fembrodered cethes, and, most notably, their clothes would be decorated with fathers. They also ‘amid fans made of feathers Feathers were a majot ‘sgn of sarus and only nobis were allowed to Wear ‘ther, If commoners broke this lw and dared to ‘wear father, they weuld be killed. While Spanish ‘conquistadors longed forthe Aztecs gold tothe ‘Aztecs, feathers Were the ultimate hoxury Children were beloved in Aztec society and regarded a gts from the gods. R wasnt unusual for celebrations after the birth of 3 heathy child to as for days. An infant lnk to the gods nee hae several wives ~ however, there was usually nate BIIIE2 head wie wi was responsible forthe housebeld, peered such as coking food and weaving cloth. Women RUSE | 2ctusly hada srec deal of athorty in ow the SD eie ise Cele RI rosso wae run and how ther chien were Dunisnats Someof temo seus ines wore ARORA ee ee P MARMARA husbands busnesses hue they were absent at war Wives were also able to dive thei Inusbands and the gods owned by the couple ‘wold be split between ther Fails often lived in joint househokls combining makiple famity units imo ove for example two bothers and thet families. All ‘members ofthe household would help ints upkeep, incung chien, while also working to cree gods for trade, Caton was a huge smptant crop. and household production of colton textes was commen. Corton was, n Ways the great uifierof Aztec society: women from the ies ‘ lowest rungs tothe most esteemed nobes would ia spin and weave cotton. Cotton would even be used as form of currency for trade in marketplaces “The edety members ofthe family were highly respected and were well taken care fin all ranches of Aztec society ‘Aatec homes cfered. based onthe ners socal Standings, Noble homes were made of stone or sundried Trick and coated in white wash wich sparkled in the sun ‘Tel houses boasted separate bathing rooms where water was poured over hoe stones tocrate steam srl to leet Saunas. Nobles homes could vedpecdiects be two storeys tall and were buil close to pons to ensure a constant supply of can, fresh water. 22. MF m ong CAN UAC Con prissonage erty garaa Biter rind The common people woul lve in small huss thatched wth palm leaves They comprised of one or to rooms an also had a garden to grow cops. Sleeping quarters comprised of mats Inside an Aztec home | SOOOOOOOO -____g_—_ “Children were beloved OOS remained throughout their entire breastfeeding period and they ‘could not be punished oto oft dying this time Life was not so easy fo children once they began to grow up, however. From the age of four, they ‘would elp with housebod task ike ening and fetching water. Parents Were expected to strictly iseipline their chide, and punishments could be severe. Good manners were prized, and children were expected to only speak when spoken toto eat and drink howl, o not leave any leftovers and towash after eating Children were strictly ordered never to complain, never to make fun ofthe old ot sick ad never interrupt. Al children were expected tobe fine examples ofthe community Being zy or slacking could resultin the child having thei bead singed and shaved Another key part of growing upas an Aztec was education. Children were generally educated at ‘home unt thetr teenage yeas then all children, regardless of social class or gender, would attend school bylaw, However there were separate school for ferent casses and genders ile ‘would usually lan about religion, such as itu songs and dancing as well as the skis that would ‘make them a good head ofthe household such 3s. ‘cooking and making Gothing, Boys, mean ‘would lean how ofa, cr a craft ike pottery ‘They would also rece religious and fighting traning. The sons of nobles would be taught in other areas setting them up fr thelr future caeets, such as writing, law and engineering General, ‘the nobles’ schools were actually fa stricter and. much tougher forthe stars there ‘Aztecs det have a ot of fee time between all thelr ard work maintaining tel famlles and household, but they did enjoy playing games, Patol 1was. popular game of the time, and invcved ‘moving pieces around a coss-shaped board by roling dice. A more energetic pastime was the famous Aztec ball game ullamalizt, where players ‘would passa rubber ball around a court A ess wel: known sport - bt sill very popular with the Artes ~ as Voladr (ts Spanish name), Known asthe yng bird game, players wore costumes ‘te make them look he bie. They would climb a ‘90ooehigh poe te arope to the top of, then sh off and swing upside dav arcu the pele 15 times es thought 13 represented the ramet tof weeks each season, and the number of voladors represented the four seasons Points wore awarded based on syle, speed and costume design ‘The best lying bird would win. People would father watch the athietes ‘ly overhead. You can sll watch specially trained Mexican arebats performing Velaor today in Aztec society" Cleanliness is next to godliness The Aztecs kept their bodies - and souls - clean in order to. please the gods Something that may surprise peoples that the ‘otce were obeested with hee Gears, Saying lean anes formed very enprant pat of daly He, ad thi extended to ther tes to. Ey dy 1000 ren wollen ae scep he stents Pubic tolets were ult evry neighbourhood. gage bare or ped at the edge of town. and huran vaste tarspoted in canoes toe sed fers The Aztecs were eas and bounds ead of thar ceunterparsn Europe, where carber pts were tented ino theses ae btn wa, hen the congustadors met he Aes they were amazed by ter personal ypene a they fat they ated muitple tins a dy. They nt Pave sop. but woud usete tof the cope tee and theroatof te hana plat to wash the bodies beth tesanes and tontpates ta tine when he Snir were sil esring he tech wth rine Artes se aes ad pools or washing, a ab he haus heated by extra rs Bates would make tharslres pers by theshng theres with wes re gasses ating was beteed, eased the body dre Spt, ad was uc to veal web

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