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Mphela , LN

Date: 2022/10/12
Phone: 010 601 8082

Ref: Harry Culling

Surname: Mphela , LN PERSAL number: 21813451

ID Number: 7311250403080

Offer of appointment

Please be informed that you are offered an appointment on an AD HOC basis as a/an


for the marking session as mentioned below.

Subject / Paper

Mathematical Literacy Paper 1

Venue Details
Date from Date to Time Venue
2022/12/08 2022/12/21 08:00 QUEENS HIGH SCHOOL

NB: Please note that your ID document, letter of appointment and release
letter will be required to gain access to the marking venue.

Acceptance letter for Offer of Appointment must be signed by the official and signed as approved by the
Principal/Director. Chief Markers will report for a meeting with the Centre Manager on the first day of
marking at 07:00.
Please note that the Chief Markers, Internal Moderators, Deputy Chief Markers and Senior Markers
should report a day before the above start date for training purposes.

Markers who are not remunerated through the persal system must submit the completed F1030
forms and stamped bank forms together with their letters of acceptance

Nadine Pote Signature Date
Chief Director: Examinations and Assessment
Date: 2022/10/12
Phone: 010 601 8082

Ref: Harry Culling

Letter of Acceptance / Decline NSC NOV / DEC 2022

I, Mr / Ms Mphela , LN 7311250403080 21813451

Hereby Accept / Decline the appointment as Marker

Subject: Mathematical Literacy Paper 1

I hereby declare that I:

• Fulfil all the requirements for appointment

• Have taught the subject applied for a minimum of 2 years within the last 4 years;
• Confirm that the pass percentage of my grade 12 learners was 50 % or more in my subject;
• Have not taken a VSP or been medically boarded
• Understand and accept the conditions of appointment
• Will abide by all rules and adhere to the Code of Conduct
• Have not accepted an appointment for a subject/ paper for the same marking session other than the one mentioned above
• Will not withdraw, except in an emergency
• Will be available for the entire duration of the marking session including Saturdays and Sundays
• Am not on sick or maternity leave.
• Will honour the confidentiality declaration and will not engage the media or any parties other than the immediate marking
team in relation to marking processes
• Am aware that officials who have subsidized vehicle cannot claim for travel
• I do not have any disallowances against my name
• I am aware that payments cannot be effected if there are disallowances against my name
• No change of residential address will be accepted once the acceptance letter has been signed and returned to the Marking
Processing Unit.

Please make a cross(X) in the relevant place:

Markers who are not remunerated through the persal system must submit the completed F1030 forms and stamped bank
forms together with their letters of acceptance
Please send your correspondence to this mail address: on or before: 2022/11/11

Signature Date

The acceptance of this appointment is approved

Name of Principal / Director Signature of Principal / Director Date

Date: 2022/10/12
Phone: 010 601 8082

Ref: Harry Culling

Release letter for all Marking Officials


Marker for: Mathematical Literacy, Paper 1

Dear Sir / Madam:

I herewith confirm that the above - mentioned educator / official is a full - time educator / official at the above - mentioned institution
and is currently offering the subject / has taught the subject appointed for a minimum of two years at grade 12 level during the past
4 years. I am releasing the above - mentioned educator / official without any reservations for the marking duty indicated.I confirm
that the educator / official has completed all internal marking and administrative duties at this institution and acknowledge that
markers will not be released to perform school/ district -related duties/tasks during the marking session.

Name of Principal / Director:___________________________________________________________________________

Signature:___________________________________________ Date:_________________________________________

Offical School Stamp

This signed letter of release must be presented by the appointed marking official at the marking venue on the first day of
marking.Appointed marking officials will not be allowed to access the marking venue or to continue with any marking- related duties
should they fail to present this letter on the first day of marking.

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