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Unit 8 test

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________

1 Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 _____ help the patient to get in and out of the bath or shower.
A Grab bars B Wheelchairs C Raised toilet seats
2 You should think about installing a _____ to help lower your mother into the bath.
A non-slip mat B bath lift C walking stick
3 After his hip operation, he will need a _____ for a while to help him move around.
A leg brace B shower chair C walking frame
4 You should buy a _____ so that you can slide onto the toilet from your wheelchair.
A raised toilet seat B walking frame C non-slip mat
5 A _____ will stop the children slipping in the shower.
A shower chair B non-slip mat C bath lift

2 Complete these definitions with the words in the box.

give a shot over-the-counter drugs prescription drugs side effects supplements

6 ____________: medication you can buy from the pharmacy without a prescription
7 ____________: medication that your doctor gives you
8 ____________: vitamins and iron tablets are good examples of these
9 ____________: inject medication
10 ____________: problems caused by medication

3 Correct the mistakes in six of these sentences. Use zero or first conditionals.
11 Call the practice nurse if you will want more information about mobility aids.
12 If your mother is not able to stand for long periods, she can use the shower chair.
13 If your father is still in pain, his GP prescribe stronger pain relief.
14 My wife won’t be able to attend the appointment if it will be at ten o’clock.
15 Install grab bars and a non-slip mat in the bath if you think he slips.
16 I’m worried that Mr Parker will slip in the shower if we won’t help him.
17 What will happen if I will can’t attend the appointment at the clinic?

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4 Match 18–24 to a–g to make sentences.
18 You need to take three capsules a cause drowsiness.
19 Apply this ointment to b spray once a day.
20 Take this nasal c the recommended dose.
21 Here is a cough d twice a day at mealtimes.
22 Do not exceed e the capsules with water.
23 Always swallow f the rash and the area around it.
24 Be careful; this medication may g syrup; take one tablespoon twice a day.

5 Match the stages (25–30) to the different parts of the conversation (a–f).

25 greet person and identify yourself and department _____

26 give reason for calling _____
27 suggest day and time for appointment _____
28 confirm day and time _____
29 give patient details _____
30 thank person and end call _____

a The patient’s name is Milly Hanks – that’s H-A-N-K-S.

b Good, so that’s 4.15 on 24th March.
c Thank you for your help. Goodbye.
d Good morning, this is Monica from Paediatrics.
e How about 25th March at 3.00 p.m.?
f I’d like to make an appointment with the practice nurse for one of our patients, please.

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