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María Isabella Jiménez Gómez (Narrative)

Rachel and Christopher were full of excitement when they moved into their new house,
ready to begin a new stage together. The house, with loud wooden floors and a vintage
style, seemed like a dream come true for them but not everything was so good. This was a
challenge for them.

A few weeks pass and their dream quickly turns into a nightmare, out of nowhere strange
things start happening in his house. Objects changed mysteriously around the house, and
the whispers and movements in the night made them feel like they were in danger, like there
was someone in their house, at least Rachel.

-Chris, I'm very scared, I think the noises are due to an intruder- Rachel says.

-Ray, that's impossible, we would know if there was an intruder in our house, says

Christopher was fascinated by these events while Rachel was scared to death, convinced
that there was an intruder in her house, and something could happen to them out of

Desperate for answers, they decided to invite their close friend, Johan, to a game night,
hoping to expose the mysterious events. When Johan joined them, the supernatural events
only intensified, leaving the three of them scared.

-Why did they invite me, I'm very afraid, if they knew this was happening, they shouldn't have
invited me- says Johan

-I'm sorry!- Christopher and Rachel respond.

-But let's better find a way to end this!- Rachel says as a proposal.

Determined to reveal the mysteries of their home, they dig into its history and discover a
dark secret from the past. The house had been engulfed in evil horrors and it seemed that
those malevolent spirits were still trapped within its walls.

As the tension reached its peak, the truth behind the nightmare was revealed, and it was
more disturbing than they had ever imagined. The malevolent force in their home was
seeking revenge and its intentions were far from good. Everyone had looked horrified,
Rachel, who thought that she was an intruder, was completely wrong, and in her mind she
said that she would a thousand times prefer that she be an intruder than malevolent ghosts.
Christopher, who did think they were ghosts, was excited but couldn't hide his fear, and
Johan, the poor escape goat (Guinea pig) who got trapped in a curse because of his friends.
In the end, they were faced with a choice: face the malevolent force or leave their beloved
home forever. With their newfound knowledge and courage, they decided to stand their
ground, facing down the malevolent spirits in hopes of bringing peace to both the living and
the dead. “If something happens to us, I prefer to happen together”, it was the word of both
of us. In that dangerous adventure a lot of things happened to them but in the end they were
able to overcome everything because of the love they had for each other and their

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