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Thoughts on the Life of Jesus:

Missionaries pt. 2: People

Interactions: Matt. 10:12-15
This part of the the section was explaining how the disciples, the missionaries, were to interact
with households. After the disciples found their God-provided lodging, they were greet the
people in the household. This would show respect to the people who were graciously sharing
their homes. Now if the household was worthy, the disciples’ peace would go upon it, but if
not, their peace would return to them. This was more dependent on the hosts than on the
disciples. If they were willing to be open to the work of the Holy Spirit, then peace would rest
upon them, and if they weren’t receptive to the Holy Spirit, the peace would not remain with
them. If the words of the disciples were not received, like the hosts and the other people being
witnessed to didn’t accept the teachings according to the work of the Holy Spirit, the disciples,
upon departure were to shake the dust o from their own feet. I don’t think this was literal, but
regardless, this just meant that their chance for salvation was done. Remember, the disciples
were preaching to the lost sheep of Israel, who were SUPPOSED to be eagerly welcoming the
Messiah, but instead they doubted His divinity and continued in their own ways. The 70 week
prophecy was quickly approaching the end, meaning the Jewish probation would be closed.
But never let it be said that Jesus is unfair in His judgment. He gives all people an opportunity
to know Him and accept Him. And Jesus said for those who won’t listen, it’ll be more tolerable
for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement than for them. It’s not a threat or
unfair. Yes, Sodom and Gomorrah were engaging in EXTREME debauchery, but denying the
Holy Spirit is leading you straight down a path to engage in debauchery as well. There’s no one
to stop you once you deny the Holy Spirit. And it’ll be especially bad for them because they
had the TRUTH right at the ngertips, in their houses, and they denied it. Since the world is
only getting worse, they might’ve even been just as bad or WORSE than Sodom and Gomorrah
because they were teaching the commandments of men as doctrine. That’s messing with
people’s salvation, and God doesn’t take that lightly. My Father is just, and He cares about His
children. Amen.

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