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UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO Enteric-coated tablets can remain in the

PHARMACOLOGY stomach for a long time; therefore,

their effect may be delayed in onset.
3 Phases Of Drug When Drug Taken By Enteric-coated tablets or capsules and
Mouth Like Tablet Or Capsule sustained-release (beaded) capsules
1. Pharmaceutic Phase should not be crushed.
2. Pharmacokinetic Phase Crushing would alter the place and time
3. Pharmacodynamic Phase of absorption of the drug.
• Food in the GI tract may interfere with
the dissolution of certain drugs.

The four processes of
PHARMACEUTIC PHASE pharmacokinetic
● Absorption
• The pharmaceutic phase (dissolution) is
● Distribution
the first phase of drug action. ● Metabolism / Biotransformation
• A drug in solid form (tablet or capsule) ● Excretion / Elimination
must disintegrate into small particles to
dissolve into a liquid, a process known Nursing responsibilities:
as dissolution. ● The nurse applies knowledge of
pharmacokinetics when assessing
• Drugs in liquid form are already in
the patient for possible adverse
solution. drug effects.
• Excipients Fillers and inert substances ● The nurse communicates
that are used in drug preparation to assessment findings to members
allow the drug to take on a particular of the health care team in a timely
size and shape and to enhance drug manner to promote safe and
dissolution. effective drug therapy for the
• Disintegration is the breakdown of a
tablet into smaller particles.
• Dissolution is the dissolving of the The 4 Processes Of Pharmacokinetic
smaller particles in the GI fluid before 1. Absorption
absorption 1. the movement of drug particles from
the GI tract to body fluids by passive
absorption, active absorption, or
2. Most oral drugs are absorbed into the
surface area of the small intestine
• Drugs in liquid form are more rapidly
through the action of the extensive
available for GI absorption than are
mucosal villi.
• Drugs are both disintegrated and
absorbed faster in acidic fluids with a pH
A. Passive absorption occurs mostly
of 1 or 2. (Alkaline drugs would become
by diffusion (movement from higher
ionized and have difficulty crossing cell
concentration to lower concentration)
membrane barriers.)
B. Active absorption requires a carrier
• Drug absorption is generally slower for
such as an enzyme or protein to move
those drugs absorbed primarily in the
the drug against a concentration
gradient. Energy is required for active
• Enteric-coated drugs resist disintegration
in the gastric acid of the stomach, so
C. Pinocytosis is a process by which
disintegration does not occur until the
cells carry a drug across their
drug reaches the alkaline environment
of the small intestine.

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membrane by engulfing the drug are nonionized (have no positive or
particles. negative charge)
First-Pass Effect, Or Hepatic First Pass
The process in which the drug passes to
the liver first:
• Some drugs do not go directly into the
systemic circulation following oral
absorption but pass from the intestinal
lumen to the liver via the portal vein.
• In the liver, some drugs may be
metabolized to an inactive form that
may then be excreted, thus reducing
the amount of active drug.
• Some drugs do not undergo metabolism
at all in the liver, and others may be
metabolized to drug metabolite, which
may be equally or more active than the
Factors Affecting Drug Absorption
original drug
1. pH partitioning absorption - Weak
acid drugs such as aspirin are less
ionized in the stomach, and they pass
through the stomach lining easily and
rapidly. Remember, drugs that are lipid
soluble and nonionized are absorbed
faster than water soluble and ionized
2. Blood flow- Poor circulation to the
stomach as a result of shock,
vasoconstrictor drugs, or disease
hampers absorption. Pain, stress, and
is a subcategory of absorption. It is the
foods that are solid, hot, or high in fat
percentage of the administered drug
can slow gastric emptying time, so the
dose that reaches the systemic
drug remains in the stomach longer.
Exercise can decrease blood flow by
The percentage of bioavailability for the
causing more blood to flow to the
oral route is always less than 100%,
peripheral muscle, thereby decreasing
but for the IV route it is 100%.
blood circulation to the GI tract.
Oral drugs that have a high first-pass
3. Surface area- Drugs given IM are
hepatic metabolism may have a
absorbed faster in muscles that have
bioavailability of only 20% to 40% on
more blood vessels (e.g., deltoids) than
entering systemic circulation.
in those that have fewer blood vessels
To obtain the desired drug effect, the oral
(e.g., gluteals). Subcutaneous tissue
dose could be higher than the drug
has fewer blood vessels, so absorption
dose for IV use
is slower in such tissue.
4. Lipid solubility- The GI membrane is
composed mostly of lipid (fat) and
protein, so drugs that are lipid soluble
pass rapidly through the GI membrane.
Water-soluble drugs need a carrier,
either enzyme or protein, to pass
through the membrane. Large particles
pass through the cell membrane if they

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❖ The portion of the drug that is bound is
inactive because it is not available to
receptors, and the portion that remains
unbound is free, active drug.
❖ Only free drugs (drugs not bound to
protein) are active and can cause a
pharmacologic response.
❖ As the free drug in the circulation
decreases, more bound drug is released
from the protein to maintain the balance of
free drug. Drugs bound to proteins cannot
Factors that alter bioavailability leave the systemic circulation to get to the
include: site of action. This is why only free drug is
(1) the drug form (e.g., tablet, capsule, active.
sustained release, liquid, transdermal ❖ a low serum protein level decreases the
patch, rectal suppository, inhalation) number of protein-binding sites and can cause
(2) route of administration (e.g., oral, an increase in the amount of free drug in the
rectal, topical, parenteral) plasma. Drug toxicity may then result.
(3) GI mucosa and motility ❖ To avoid possible drug toxicity, checking
(4) food and other drugs, and the protein binding percentage of all drugs
(5) changes in liver metabolism caused by administered to a patient is important. The
liver dysfunction or inadequate hepatic nurse should also check the patient’s plasma
blood flow. protein and albumin levels, because a decrease
Rapid absorption increases the in plasma protein (albumin) decreases protein-
bioavailability of the drug and can binding sites, permitting more free drug in the
cause an increase in drug circulation.
concentration. Drug toxicity may result.
Slow absorption can limit the
bioavailability of the drug, thus causing
a decrease in drug serum
is the process by which the drug
becomes available to body fluids and body
➢ Abscesses, exudates, body glands, and
Drug distribution is influenced by:
tumors hinder drug distribution. Antibiotics
1. blood flow
do not distribute well at abscess and
2. the drug’s affinity to the tissue
exudate sites
3. the protein-binding effect
➢ some drugs accumulate in particular tissues
Volume of drug distribution (Vd) is
such as fat, bone, liver, muscle, and eye
dependent on drug dose and its
concentration in the body. Drugs with a
larger volume of drug distribution have a The (blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a
longer half-life and stay in the body longer. semipermeable membrane in the
central nervous system (CNS) that
Protein-binding effect- As drugs
protects the brain from foreign
are distributed in the plasma, many are substances. Highly lipid-soluble drugs
bound to varying degrees (percentages) are able to cross the BBB. Drugs that
with protein (primarily albumin) are not bound to proteins and are not
lipid soluble are not able to cross the
BBB, which makes it difficult to
distribute the drug.
During pregnancy, both lipid-soluble and
lipid-insoluble drugs are able to cross

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Other routes include: ✓Bile ✓Feces
the placental barrier, which can affect
the fetus and the mother. The risk- ✓Lungs ✓Saliva ✓Sweat ✓ breast milk
benefit ratio should be considered ➢The kidneys filter free unbound drugs,
before drugs are given during watersoluble drugs, and drugs that are
pregnancy unchanged.
During lactation, drugs can be secreted ➢The lungs eliminate volatile drug substances
into breast milk, which could affect the and products metabolized to carbon dioxide
nursing infant. The nurse needs to
(CO2) and water (H2O).
check which drugs may cross into
breast milk before administering to a ➢The urine pH influences drug excretion.
lactating patient Urine pH varies from 4.5 to 8.
➢Acidic urine promotes elimination of weak
base drugs, and alkaline urine promotes
❑ is the process by which the body inactivates
elimination of weak acid drugs
or biotransforms drugs. Drugs can be
➢ With a kidney disease that results in
metabolized in several organs; however, the
decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
liver is the primary site of metabolism.
or decreased renal tubular secretion, drug
❑ Most drugs are inactivated by liver enzymes
excretion is slowed or impaired.
and are then converted or transformed by
➢ A decrease in GFR results in an increase in
hepatic enzymes to inactive metabolites or
serum creatinine level and a decrease in
water-soluble substances for excretion.
urine creatinine clearance.
❑ a large percentage of drugs are lipid
➢ Urea nitrogen is a waste product that
soluble; thus the liver metabolizes the lipid-
soluble drug substance to a watersoluble your kidneys remove from your blood.
substance for renal excretion Higher than normal BUN levels may be
❑ When the drug metabolism rate is a sign that your kidneys aren't working
decreased, excess drug accumulation can well. People with early kidney disease
may not have any symptoms. A BUN
occur and lead to toxicity.
test can help uncover kidney problems
The half-life (t 1/2 ) of a drug is
at an early stage when treatment can
the time it takes for one half of the drug
be more effective
concentration to be eliminated.
➢ Common tests used to determine renal
Metabolism and elimination affect the half-
function are creatinine clearance (CLcr)
life of a drug.
and blood urea nitrogen (BUN).
A drug goes through several half-
➢ Creatinine is a metabolic by-product of
lives before more than 90% of the drug is
muscle that is excreted by the kidneys.
eliminated. If the patient takes 650 mg of
➢ The creatinine clearance test compares
aspirin and the half-life is 3 hours, it takes
the level of creatinine in the urine with
3 hours for the first half-life to eliminate
the level of creatinine in the blood.
325 mg, 6 hours for the second half-life to
Creatinine clearance varies with age
eliminate an additional 162 mg, and so on
and gender.
until the sixth half-life (or 18 hours), when
Lower values are expected in older adult
10 mg of aspirin is left in the body.
and female patients because of their
decreased muscle mass.

- is the study of the way drugs affect
the body.
- Drug response can cause a primary or
secondary physiologic effect or both.
- The primary effect is desirable, and
4. EXCRETION / ELIMINATION the secondary effect may be desirable
The main route of drug elimination or undesirable.
is through the kidneys (urine). - An example of a drug with a primary
and secondary effect is

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diphenhydramine (Benadryl), an Most receptors, which are protein in
antihistamine. nature, are found in cell membranes.
Drug-binding sites are primarily on: ❖Proteins
❖Glycoproteins ❖Proteolipids ❖enzymes.

The primary effect of diphenhydramine is to treat

the symptoms of allergy, and the secondary
effect is a central nervous system depression
that causes drowsiness. The secondary effect is
undesirable when the patient drives a car, but at
bedtime it could be desirable because it causes
mild sedation.
Onset, Peak, and Duration of Action There are four receptor families:
➢ Onset of action is the time it takes to a) kinase-linked receptors
reach the minimum effective concentration b) ligand-gated ion channels
(MEC) after a drug is administered. c) G protein–coupled receptor systems
➢ Peak action occurs when the drug d) nuclear receptors.
reaches its highest blood or plasma The ligand-binding domain is
concentration. the site on the receptor at which drugs
➢ Duration of action is the length of time bind.
the drug has a pharmacologic effect. I. Kinase-linked receptors. The ligand-
It is necessary to understand the binding domain for drug binding is on the
time response in relationship to drug cell surface. The drug activates the
administration. If the drug plasma or enzyme (inside the cell), and a response
serum level decreases below threshold or is initiated.
MEC, adequate drug dosing is not II. Ligand-gated ion channels. The
achieved; too high a drug level above the channel spans the cell membrane and,
minimum toxic concentration (MTC) can with this type of receptor, the channel
result in toxicity opens, allowing for the flow of ions into
and out of the cells. The ions are primarily
sodium and calcium.
III. G protein–coupled receptor
systems. There are three components to
this receptor response: (1) the receptor,
(2) the G protein that binds with guanosine
triphosphate (GTP), and (3) the effector
that is either an enzyme or an ion channel.
The system works as follows:

IV. Nuclear receptors. Found in the cell

Receptor Theory nucleus (not on the surface) of the cell
➢Drugs act through receptors by binding to membrane. Activation of receptors
the receptor to produce (initiate) a through the transcription factors is
response or to block (prevent) a response. prolonged. first three receptor groups,
The activity of many drugs is determined activation of the receptors is rapid
by the ability of the drug to bind to a
specific receptor. The better the drug fits
at the receptor site, the more biologically Agonists and Antagonists
active the drug is. It is similar to the fit of Drugs that produce a response are
the right key in a lock. called agonists

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Example:Epinephrine (Adrenalin) 1. STIMULATION the rate of cell activity
stimulates beta1 and beta2 receptors, so it or the secretion from a gland
is an agonist. increases depression- cell activity and
Drugs that block a response are called function of a specific organ are
antagonists. reduced
Example: Atropine, an antagonist, blocks 2. REPLACEMENT drugs such as insulin
the histamine (H2) receptor, thus replace essential body compounds
preventing excessive gastric acid 3. INHIBITION OR KILLING OF
secretion. The effects of an antagonist can ORGANISMS Drugs that inhibit or kill
be determined by the inhibitory (I) action organisms interfere with bacterial cell
of the drug concentration on the receptor growth (e.g., penicillin exerts its
site bactericidal effects by blocking the
synthesis of the bacterial cell wall)
Nonspecific and Nonselective Drug 4. IRRITATION Drugs also can act by
Effects the mechanism of irritation (e.g.,
A receptor produces a variety of laxatives irritate the inner wall of the
physiologic responses, depending on colon, thus increasing peristalsis and
where in the body the receptor is located. defecation)
Cholinergic receptors are located in the
bladder, heart, blood vessels, stomach, Therapeutic Index and Therapeutic
bronchi, and eyes. A drug that stimulates Range (Therapeutic Window)
or blocks the cholinergic receptors affects The safety of drugs is a major concern.
all anatomic sites of location. Drugs that The therapeutic index (TI) estimates
affect various sites are nonspecific the margin of safety of a drug through
drugs and have properties of the use of a ratio that measures the
nonspecificity. effective (therapeutic) dose (ED) in
50% of people (ED50) and the lethal
dose (LD) in 50% of people (LD50).
The closer the ratio is to 1, the greater the
danger of toxicity.
Drug dosage might need adjustment, and
plasma (serum) drug levels need to be
monitored because of the small safety
range between the ED and LD.
Drugs may act at different receptors. Drugs with a high therapeutic index have
Drugs that affect various receptors are a wide margin of safety and less
nonselective drugs or have properties of danger of producing toxic effects
nonselectivity. The therapeutic range (therapeutic
Drugs that produce a response but do not window) of a drug concentration in
act on a receptor may act by stimulating or plasma is the level of drug between the
inhibiting enzyme activity or hormone minimum effective concentration in the
production. plasma for obtaining desired drug
action and the minimum toxic
concentration (the toxic effect).
When the therapeutic range is given, it
includes both protein-bound and
unbound portions of the drug.

Four Categories of Drug Action

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Peak and Trough Drug Levels
Peak drug level is the highest plasma Paradoxical Reaction
concentration of drug at a specific time. Are reactions that are opposite of
Peak drug levels indicate the rate of what would be expected.
absorption. Allergic Response
If the drug is given orally, the peak Is an antigen-antibody reaction.
time might be 1 to 3 hours after drug The body develops hives, rashes,
itching, or swelling of the skin. A
rash or shortness of breath is
If the drug is given IV, the peak time occasionally seen in patients
might occur in 10 minutes. allergic to aspirin.
If a peak drug level is ordered, a Anaphylactic Response
blood sample should be drawn at the Is a severe form of allergic
proposed peak time, according to the reaction that is life threatening.
route of administration. The patient develops severe
shortness of breath, may stop
The trough drug level is the lowest breathing, or may have cardiac
plasma concentration of a drug, and it collapse.
measures the rate at which the drug is
eliminated. Trough levels are drawn
immediately before the next dose of
• identified by monitoring the plasma
drug is given, regardless of route of
(serum) therapeutic range of the drug.
However, for drugs that have a wide
therapeutic index, the therapeutic
Loading Dose
ranges are seldom given.
When immediate drug response is
• When the drug level exceeds the
desired, a large initial dose, known as
therapeutic range, toxic effects are
the loading dose, of drug is given to
likely to occur from overdosing or drug
achieve a rapid minimum effective
concentration in the plasma. After a
large initial dose, a prescribed dosage Common Drug interactions
per day is ordered.
Additive Effect
Digitalization is the process by which the
When two drugs are given
minimum effective concentration level together, the combined effect of
for digoxin is achieved in the plasma the drugs is equal to that of the
within a short time single more active component of
the mixture or to the sum of the
Side Effects, Adverse Reactions
effects of the individual drugs.
Common response to Medications. Antagonistic Effect
Effect takes place when one drug
Desired Effect interferes with the action of
The therapeutic goal is achieved. another drug.
The drug does what is supposed Displacement
to do. Takes place when one drug
Side Effect replaces another at the drug
Are mild but annoying response to receptor site, increasing the effect
medication. Ex nausea and of the first drug.
drowsiness. Incompatibility
Adverse Effect Occurs when two drugs mixed
Are more severe symptoms or together in a syringe produce a
problems that arise because of the chemical reaction, so they cannot
medication. Ex gastric bleeding or be given.
edema Interference
Idiosyncratic Response Occurs when one drug promotes
Are strange, unique, or the rapid excretion of another, thus
unpredicted reactions. Ex blood in reducing its activity.
the urine a rare case for taking

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is the scientific discipline studying PROCESS
how the effect of a drug action varies from Federal Legislation
a predicted drug response because of Through federal legislation, the
genetic factors or hereditary influence. public is protected from drugs that are
Because people have different genetic impure, toxic, ineffective, or not tested
makeup, they do not always respond before public sale. The primary purpose of
identically to a drug dosage or planned the legislation is to ensure safety.
● TOLERANCE AND - Nurses are responsible for knowing
TACHYPHYLAXIS their state’s law and administrative
Tolerance refers to a decreased code. Nurses who administer a drug
responsiveness over the course of without a licensed health care
therapy. provider’s order are in violation of the
Tachyphylaxis refers to a rapid nurse practice act and can have their
decrease in response to the drug. licenses revoked.
tachyphylaxis is an “acute - the nurse can be prosecuted for giving
tolerance.” the wrong drug or dosage, omitting a
● Drug categories that can cause drug dose, or giving the drug by the
tachyphylaxis include narcotics, wrong route. The legal terms for these
barbiturates, laxatives, and offenses are as follows:
psychotropic agents. Misfeasance. Negligence; giving
● PLACEBO EFFECT the wrong drug or drug dose that
A placebo effect is a results in the patient’s death
psychological benefit from a Nonfeasance. Omission; omitting
compound that may not have the a drug dose that results in the
chemical structure of a drug effect. patient’s death
The placebo is effective in Malfeasance. Giving the correct
approximately one third of persons drug but by the wrong route that
who take a placebo compound. results in the patient’s death
1. The role of the nurse is critical in
consumer education.
2. The nurse must advise patients to
report any differences in taste or
appearance of a drug or in its packaging.
3. Patients should be alert to slight
variations in packaging or labeling (e.g.,
color, package seal);
4. should note any unexpected side
effects; and should buy drugs from
reputable sources

Chemical Name

constitutes a description of a drug using

a nomenclature of chemistry.

Generic Name

known as the nonproprietary name;

known also the most common drug

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✓ The nurse must obtain a thorough health
name where the drug manufacturer
uses for a drug. history to determine all the
pharmacotherapeutic agents the patient is
Brand Name using.
Healers play a role in traditional health
known as the proprietary or trade name
practices in about 80% of the population
or the name for the drug manufactured
by one of the company often by the worldwide. Traditional healers usually
symbol have some practical knowledge of human
anatomy and physiology, pharmacology,
and pharmaceutical substances.
Chapter 3: Cultural and
Assimilation occurs when a less powerful
Pharmacogenetic Considerations
group changes its ways to blend in with
the dominant cultural group. Adults who
- is the study of drug responses that
immigrate to a new region usually take
may be unique to an individual owing
longer to assimilate than do younger
to social, cultural, and biologic
Acculturation is the process by which a
- highlights the need for nurses to use
group adjusts to living within a dominant
knowledge and research from the
culture while at the same time maintaining
social sciences as well as the biologic
its original identity.
and physical sciences to provide
Complementary Health Practices that
holistic nursing care
combine traditional beliefs and
mainstream health practices.
- integrates the study of
Alternative Health Practices it is called
when a dominant group adopts health
pharmacodynamics, and variations of
practices from a nondominant group.
the predicted response to a drug due
Pharmacogenomics refers to the general
to genetic factors. The nurse must
study of all the different genes that
integrate knowledge of
determine drug behavior.
pharmacogenetics within patients’
cultural contexts.
Culture is defined as sets of learned
behavior and ideas that human beings
acquire as members of a community.
Community is a cluster of individuals who
function as a group to attain cultural
Cultural universals are designed to meet
the community’s survival needs and
common goals such as the obtainment of
food and other practices that maintain the
TRANSCULTURAL NURSING Chapter 3: Drug Interactions and Over-
Numerous cultural groups engage the-Counter Drugs
in the use of traditional health practices, Drug Interaction
which may include use of: teas, herbs, is defined as an altered or modified
spices, and special foods as well as action or effect of a drug as a result of
homeopathic remedies, poultices, and interaction with one or multiple drugs.
ointments. - It should not be confused with adverse
These practices can have neutral, drug reaction or drug incompatibility.
beneficial, or deleterious effects on a - An adverse drug reaction is an
patient’s health. undesirable drug effect that ranges
from mild untoward effects to severe

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toxic effects, including hypersensitivity reaction is different from photoallergy
reaction and anaphylaxis. in that it is not immune-mediated. The
Drug incompatibility onset of phototoxicity with erythema
is a chemical or physical reaction can be rapid, occurring within 2 to 6
that occurs among two or more drugs in hours of sunlight exposure.
vitro. In other words, the reaction occurs Pediatric and Geriatric
between two or more drugs within a Pharmacokinetic
syringe, IV bag, or other artificial
Geriatric Distribution
environment outside of the body.
Drug interactions can be divided into two
● Pharmacokinetic Interactions
● Pharmacodynamic Interactions
interaction is known to increase,
decrease, or delay drug absorption. Food
can bind with drugs, causing less or
slower drug absorption. An example of
food binding with a drug is the interaction
of tetracycline and dairy products. The
result is a decrease in the plasma
concentration of tetracycline. Because of
the binding effect, tetracycline should be
taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals
and should not be taken with dairy
Drug-Laboratory interaction
Abnormal plasma or serum
electrolyte concentrations can affect
certain drug therapies.
Drug-induced Photosensitivity
reaction is a skin reaction caused
by exposure to sunlight. It is caused by
the interaction of a drug and exposure to
ultraviolet A (UVA) light, which can cause
cellular damage. Usually the skin area that
is exposed is affected.
2 types of photosensitivity reactions
1. Photoallergy
occurs when a drug (e.g.,
sulfonamide) undergoes activation in
the skin by ultraviolet light to a
compound that is more allergenic than
the parent compound. Because it
takes time to develop antibodies, Pediatric Distribution
photoallergenic reactions are a type of • GI absorption slower in infancy,
delayed hypersensitivity reaction. but absorption from intra-
2. Phototoxicity muscular injection is faster.
• In neonates common practice to
photosensitive drug undergoes
use IV preparations
photochemical reactions within the • Infant skin is thin and
skin to cause damage. This type of percutaneous absorption can
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● With a few notable exceptions, drugs
cause systemic toxicity (ex. If
potent steroids are applied too in children generally have a similar
extensively) adverse effect profile to those in
• Body fat content in infants low, adults.
water content is high Examples of Some Specific ADR
• Lower Vd of fat soluble drugs 1. Chronic corticosteroid use: inhibit
(diazepam) in infants growth
• Decrease plasma protein binding
2. Tetracyclines: staining and
of drugs in neonates (kernicterus
due to displacement of bilirubin occasionally dental hypoplasia
by sulfonamides) 3. Fluoroquinolone (ciprofloxacin):
• Blood-brain barrier is more damage growing cartilage
permeable in neonates and 4. Metoclopramide: Dystonias more
young children, leading to and frequently than in adults
increase risks of CNS adverse 5. Valproate: Hepatotoxicity is increase in
• At birth, the heaptic microsomal young children
enzyme system is relative 6. Aspirin: Reye’s syndrome
immature particularly in preterm
infant but after first four weeks it GERIATRIC PHARMACODYNAMIC
matures rapidly Pharmacodynamic Changes:
• Conversely hepatic drug ● Greater sensitivity to medications
metabolism increased in older
affecting the CNS (benzodiazepines
infants and children
• Phenobarbitone metabolism faster and opioids)
in children than adults ● More confusion with cimetidine
• Drug administered to the mother ● Increased incidence of postural
can induce neonatal enzyme hypotension
activity (ex.barbiturate) ● Reduced clotting factor synthesis:
• All renal mechanisms (filtration, require reduced dose of warfarin
secretion and reabsorption) are
● Increased toxicity from NSAIDS
reduced in neonates
• Renal excretion of drugs relatively ● Increased incidence of allergic
reduced in new born reactions

Principles of Prescribing in Children

● Calculate doses for drugs based on
PEDIATRIC weight of patients
- Phenobarbital, when given to ● Use well established drugs
pregnant women near term, can ● Give proper instructions to parents
induce fetal hepatic enzymes
● Keep all drugs out of reach of children
responsible for the
glucuronidation of bilirubin. ● Use antibiotics sparingly ad only when
- Chloramphenicol can produce required
grey baby syndrome in neonates. ● Avoid prolonged treatment with drugs
that have delayed complications
GERIATRIC (Steroids)
Golden rule for drug therapy in
● Use suitable dosage forms
- Smallest number of drugs ● Keep in mind PK & PD differences
- In lowest possible doses
- For shortest possible time General Principles for Prescribing in
- In simplest regimen Elderly
● Think about the necessity for drugs
● Avoid drugs with negligible or doubtful
Important Adverse Effects in Children ● Think about the dose
● Think about drug formulation

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● Assume any new symptoms may be
due to drug side-effects
● Take a careful drug history
● Used fixed combinations of drugs
● Check compliance
● Think before adding a new drug to the
● Stopping is as important as Starting.

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