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English for Academics

1.Some authors produce write-ups that may have a general or specific gender, age, level, social status, and/or specific profession.
2.The author’s main goal is to convince you.
3.This includes words/phrase like such as, like, for example, for instance, as an illustration.
4.This allows you to produce something you want to communicate to others.
5.The meaning of an unfamiliar word is given in the sentence if a similar word is also used to make the meaning clearer.
6.The meaning of an unfamiliar word is given in the sentence if an opposite word is used to suggest the meaning.
7.Authors must take extra caution when writing this if they want to build their credibility and trustworthiness.
8.These are texts that are more creative in nature and have more opinions than facts.
9.These are the things each of us encountered whether good or bad that shaped as to who we are today.
10.This enables us to accept our own identity and being able to explore other cultures.
11.It is the opposite of a fact.
12.It is used every day when we make decisions and judgments.
13.An argument that distracts the opponent away from the real issue and leads them to an irrelevant issue.
14.A statement from general to specific.
15.A statement from specific to general.
16.This reasoning is based on popularity rather than on scientific evidence.
17.Avoid isolated experience to make a general statement based on something or someone.
18.It presents two alternatives and acts as if there are no other choices.
19.A reasoning that attacks the per son rather than the issue.
20.A failure in reasoning that makes an argument false or unreliable.

II. Answer what type of clue are given in the sentence.

1.Lionhearted persons like firemen, policemen, and soldiers are willing to serve the country 24/7.-CON
2.The doctor’s writing was utterly illegible, no one can read those scribbles.-DEF
3.The feral cat would not let us pet him, unlike our friendly cat.-ANT
4.Exercising everyday is beneficial and is good for you.-Def
5.Miguel was very loquacious. He really loved to talk.-SYN



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