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Name: ______________________ Date: ___________________

Microsoft Word Performance Assessment

Work alone or with a partner to complete these tasks. When each

task is complete, call on your instructor to check your work.

Task #1

1. Open Microsoft Word

2. Type a list of 10 of your friends or family. Between each name, type

“enter” two times

3. Rearrange your list so that the people are ordered from youngest to

4. Save your list in your folder or send it as an attachment to your


Task #2

Complete the Challenge on page 9 on this guide. See below:

1. Open a Word document. Use the start menu to create a new document.

2. On your document type the following: The only thing better for a person
than pineapple is chocolate

3. Using your mouse, move the cursor until it is between thing and better
then click once. Add the words more costly

4. Move your mouse until it is after the word better. Use your “backspace”
button to delete the word better

5. Move your mouse to the beginning of the word pineapple and then select
the rest of the sentence. Once the section is selected, press the
“backspace” button on your keyboard to delete the entire selection.

6. Move your cursor to the end of the word than. Use the keyboard to type
education is ignorance.

Your finished document should look like this. Compare your document to this
and see if you made any mistakes. If your document is different, repeat the
steps until it comes out just right.

“The only thing more costly for a person than education is ignorance”

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