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owe * EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION 1 | ei OmmeCo at -_ 2 weet ogy advancement fers competion nianalzaton and Gobaliaton veh nl hs 27h paging Reeds of consumer. Thee aco have forced the fms wo concentrate on dra eure compete ey or lhe igs action bere coor tions, “The employes. communication function is one of the _ fie growing management dicpies, nine wth ths, employee communication serves lof he most Important or primary funcons of corporate communion. may occu fir fret layers within the orgaizaion, namely, bigher ‘managerial levels “(ine ‘ei agement), team-mate, project mate as well a internal corporate communication. Regardless of its importance in a business environment, particularly in the area of human wrces Management, employee communication still has not eamed special treatment ‘fhe organization. Internal communicators, for example, are stil treated as “poor relations” the communications worid. Special privilege is sill given to external customers over where communication activity with customers takes a greater share ‘of most Notificatior gorenolders during a esis. With a mass noupener (© fe2ching employees and other key otfcation ers, mall LC) are programmed in pron roatan sytem, ‘contact information (phones (GUIDELINES FOR HANDLING CRISIS 7, Respect the Role of the Media The media are not the enemy reach. Rather than avoiding medi they have direct access to the audiences you need to Web site to : | use them as a conduit to communicate key messages. Prepare a statement that includes the a facie casera compa ie the crisis rpg ond provide beckgrones as ented facts te what the company ites is a best F ee Tips for handling media in crisis > crisis team Do: ation needed 7 DONTS: likely to have ‘e. Prepare for interviews © Speculate about circumstances or Develop key messages and facts about the| facts Tell a reporter what you know Incident and steps taken so far ‘and commit to disclosing more as you ‘© Anticipate questions journalists wil ask.| lear the facts ae ir Have answers and keep them short © Repeat loaded words like “crisis” or ting employees an |» Respect deadlines devastating’ © Make “off the record” statements. © Provide written information Peoria shinier plogred © Be positive but show empathy for those] inedia 4 a appearing tf affected by the crisis © Use jargon on its web ste | | ® ASk,a Journalist to clarity something You) § Say no comment” to something you a don't understand are not very sure about. Tell what you An organization} | @ Correct misinformation know veb site. This 2554 | § make yourself accessible © Lose your temper t from another © Try to stop a journalist fro writing a ided if not da ating at its side of the 2. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate “The fist rule of crisis management isto communicate. Early hours are critical and they typictll] set the tone for the duration of the crisis. The media's first questions are likely to be simple it access, intranet site and predictable have access” ‘@ What happened? © Where? ae of its e@ When did you know of the problem: ba Plc Rtn (Se. — ‘ wg the 9/11 “enya, Corn Commun : e is incre ~~ 2. Role of Public Sector aeiereahge' Bley te Sector rises, sg However, in India, where Public Co this has opened a chasm ontrbute substan toverds the county a of market siobataaton te ne generation of practioner had operated under the socialist paradigm, ""* ‘*€ More | ‘adifonal Pubic ecto Peseaton is tightly connected to strategy impemesaton ang oe comer, Saray ting above the role of “mage makeenhancer asc a pub econ traivonaly considered the economic “engine of growth with ts mangas recone and trust, Is thought to reflect what is best for the country, nt_| nealing ts importance, number of public sector undertakings / enterprises are noy hiking corporate communication executives with highest credibility for advice aye,” a aspects of a company’s business model and not just communication issues. The and views of these executives are solicited by the CMD/CEO while considering less” = corporate reputation and the impact of the broader social - poltical envionment oo company’s future and organizational re-design, thereby signaling to the rest of the | ‘organization the importance of communicating in one voice. : 3. Demand of Professionals AA very positive revelation for the field is the demand for a very high standard of Cc professionals considering their roles and responsiblties in the organization, including development and training. A robust CC department will consequently lead to better ‘communication, global audience, audience feedback, two-way communication, cost effectiveness and efficiency. In short it will speed up the globalization process considerably, ie 4. RELEVANCE OF CORPORATE COMMUNICATION IN CONTEMPORARY] SCENARIO 1. Customer Awareness In the 19th century, potential customers were convinced easily by salesmen. However, in | this new millennium, customers already know about the products they want to purchase by ‘seeking information about the products online. 2. Intemet ‘These challenges of a rapidly changing global economy, a revolution in media fuelled by democratization of the Internet and a substantially transformed concept of the 21" century corporation, is making the business more competitive. 3. More Clutter AYO In today’s environment, where on average @ person is hit by 13,000 commercial messages (including company logos) daily, integrated communication strategies are more likely to break through this clutter and make the company name or product brand heard end emembered than il-coordinated attempts would. Consistent messages help make lasting impact and favourable impression of an organization and its product on the stakeholders, Organizations are therefore putting considerable effort to protect thelr corporate image by rigorously aligning and controling all communication campaigns and all other contort points with stakeholders. 4, Emphasis in ICT Organizations are also realizing another, leading to a greater cor achieve. i that messages in various media can complement one mMmunication impact than any one single message can b) ©) 2 wre Corporate Communication & Public Relations (B.S) (Sem-¥) Following questions simplify the diferences between these terms. Identity Who are you? Image What do stakeholders think of whom you are and who you tell them you are? Reputation What do all the stakeholders think of whom you tell them you are and what have you done? Good Reputation matters as it can attract and retain best talent, as well as loyal customers which contribute to growth and commercial success. It helps to weather crisis more effectively. Every organization needs to consider corporate and social responsibilty when thinking about its own reputation. Essentials of Corporate Reputation Ethical : the organization behaves ethically, is admirable, is worthy of respect, is ‘trustworthy. Employees/workplace : the organization has talented employees, treats its people well, is an appealing workplace. Financial performance : the organization is financially strong, has @ record of profitability, has growth prospects. Leadership : the organization is a leader rather than a follower, is innovative. Management : the organization is well managed, has high quality management, has a clear vision for the future. Social responsibility : the organization recognizes social responsi causes. Customer focus : the organization cares about customers, is stfongly committed to customers. Quality : the organization offers high quality products and services. Reliability : the organization stands behind its products & services, provides consistent service. Emotional appeal: It is an organization I feel good about, is kind, is fun. jes, supports good ‘Advantages of Good Corporate Reputation ‘A business can achieve its objectives more easily if it has a good reputation among its stakeholders, especially key stakeholders such as its largest customers, opinion leaders in the business community, suppliers and current and potential employees. 1. Employees are motivated to work hard; and they enjoy high job satisfaction. A potential employee will be more likely to sign up with an organization if it has a good reputation for its treatment of staff compared with an employer.who may have an equivotal reputation. ‘Customers purchase the company's products and services with confidence. There is 2 high level of repeat sales; they will prefer to deal with such organization ahead of others. And these people will influence other potential customers by word of mouth. 3. Investors are attracted to invest more in the company. This leads to more favourable capital cost; Media journalists are encouraged to produce more positive news coverage about the company. Financial analysts give better and more favourable coverage and recor . thereby increasing the value of organization in the financial marketplace. ee, effort know com ata sla ERe so promis Pac tins jon and its publi Sr fgg ident publics, since many publics 9TOUPS of People ore I = spy a en pub raon end inerel and externa egy poew wahiarhepmeorreiby eae He rignne promote and create situations in wg os tonsmit peaking shan ns, Practtid opposition. As organizations recelve . va ‘must listen 2" valuates Public Attitudes ster ae well as SP. wrahuntes pulfic atttudes nfrelaone i tudes, vestigate he current sus et STAY a eet eet on caats catalan 6 distributors, consumers, leaders). What opktons ‘servants, academics and a whole host of influential OF attitudes exist? What Is the extent and accuracy of > > Is there understanding or misunderstanding? Does a good, bad or false image the trends that will ina anil opinion. reness PR campaign né iN paign needs to be planned with a full understanding of awa exist? eence the organization's future. {L_ serves the Public Interest ld se r i ft should serve public interest and be socially responsible and ethical. It should not exploit corcorruptthe integrity of the media. ‘Allthe above definitions of Public relations spective i ‘observe that organizations and their res pes, need 0 hae ruusaly benefiel reetions and that this relationship determines ions. What all this means is that the public relatior Srecttoner must be able to gauge both the ext ies att r socn De ae me ternal and intemal publics attitudes and grd the organization. the interchange of information between them , OBJECTIVES OF PUBLIC RELATIONS Public rel used to address several broad objectives li Building Product Awareness When introducing a new product or relaunching an existing product marketers can use & pRelement that generates consumer attention and awareness ‘through media placements and special events. 2. Creating Interest ‘The business world that makes them stand 0 interesting to both the pul Whether a PR placement is 2 short product article or is round up” article; stories in the media con help entice a targeted audience to ty the product. For example, around the holiday season, © special holiday food may be promoted with PR through promotional releases sent to the food media of through special events that sample the product. 3. Providing Information PR can be used to provide customers with Ter and services. Through attices, collateral materials, information to customers that can help them gain understanding These must be relevant in a cross cultural e' cone culture could mean something different in anoth n eyeglasses in Thailand by featuring jety of cute animals wearing OI arioals are considered to be a low form of life wear anything worn by animals. 4. Stimulating Demand : : People often have the perception of public relations everything. Spin can mean to turn ‘around a bad situa! 1, itive. Companies need to have an edge of today is extremely com .s them more appealing and wat from the crowd, something that makes lic and the media. in depth information about products *ewsletters and websites, PR delivers of the product. ures of innocuous things in ‘a. company a people who spin as a group of advantage. It is to the company's YBMS. t 24 wor corporate Communication & Public Relations 5.) Sem -V) RTI (Right to Information! in ; omnes_*to lack information is to be deprived and later “to sinncia nerraiots Beas S255} personal, civil or even human rights”. If this is the case then “Right to Information” also gives people the right to communicate or respond and that too by giving resources to respond in equal measure. On the international front - the United Nations and the EU- @fi at national levels laws now grant rights to the public and specifically to shareholders, employers, customers, legislators and administrators. These cover such items as an institution's plans and performance, financial results, job security, products and services and social impact, Laws ‘and regulations increasingly determine not only what information, myst Re released and when, but even the form and language in which it must ‘ore en ea spanning such activities as financial reports, corporate nevs releases, corporate print, advertising, speeches and statements and employee communication. | These changes have created a new dictionary of terms: transparency visibility; accountability, disclosure, governance. This popular movement has meant that the task of amassing information has become more costly and time consuming and the arranging of its felease more complex. Hence is the need of a communication expert with maximum: professionalism in the information and communication field in which the “communication explosion” is occurring. What is the importance of ethics in cor communication eoey bring in an ethical Pansened tie asa es ‘What are the professional code of ethics in corporate communication? Write short notes on the following laws : i) Defamation li) Invasion of Privacy ight to Information wr | jer ae z “public relations’ action, it seems to be fo 28 2 “Pueagons," “PR spin,” “PR hype, "PR Publ in the media, virtually anything that a | ; ih ‘rpublic relations” and treated with report, launch a new, | ig labeled by the ™ thing IS e ne (e.g: “mere 7). As describe be lal cial in a negative finan cats community, and donate money to a) to volunteer ‘hen, is not public relations? suspicion h rage emayes 1 tations." Wht good idea about public relations, few seem to agree E ‘lot of people seem to have 2 con one definition. ? ‘According to th planned, and sustain organization and its Pt Kotler sées Public rel 9 evaluates pu it “ it function, which eva! ‘sees it as the “management func pt Line pu ‘and procedures of an individual or organizati b program of action to eam public understanding and acceptance”. “public relations is a deliberate, ic lations, lc Relate understanding between an itish Institute of Put eo a a d maintain mutual ed effort to establish an 2000). ies” & Sarkar, 2000). : : bere icity support for marketing. He blic interest, and executes a 2. ESSENTIALS OF PUBLIC RELATIONS From the above definitions, the following conclusions can be drawn about PR, 1. Planned and Sustained Effort : It means that!PR is organized as a campaign or program and is a continuous activity. A lot of public velations is ineffective, and not cost-effective, precisely because. iti baphacad and unplanned, It is criticized as being intangible and aac Reon bee is not 7 tae cnet propery — clear objectives and assessable outcomes. sof lve solving communication pr conve! ne jative attitudes into positive attifudes, that! is, aise chee Se converting. ; bec _ nie can be, measured-against them, making PR a tangible Sct. he challenges the fase Idea that PR is intangible. Ifa PR program is mounted i ete ecve the results cari be observed or measured. If necess cateing tees > iques can be used to test the degree of success or failure of ary, marketing Teseat , Mutual Understanding of APR campaign. 5 4 Its purpose is to establish and mi x jaintain mutual i ne al under: ii understood by others. This mutual indent eee : is thus between. al about 1ssues,