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A Ebook by…

99 ways to increase your sperm count and

skyrocket your semen load

1) Make sure there is not a serious problem

2) See your doctor to check for infections

3) Take these extremely effective sperm pills

4) Volume Pills (Best product)

5) Semenax (A close second)

6) Xtracum (Another good buy)

7) Increase the amount of zinc in your diet

8) Wheat germ

9) Wheat bran

10) Nutritional yeast

11) Pine, cashew, and pecan nuts

12) Sunflower seeds

13) Lentils

14) Oatmeal

15) Take a supplement high in zinc

16) Lifestyle

17) Refrain from smoking

18) Refrain from drinking (alcohol)

19) Don’t do drugs

20) Drink lots of water

21) Only eat unprocessed fresh food

22) Eat organic food

26) Boost testostorione

27) Lift weights

28) Keep your body fat levels low (under 15%)

29) Eliminate Stress

30) Meditate

31) Sleep well

32) Massage

33) Yogo

32) Go fishing

33) Deep Breathing Techniques

34) Exercise

35) Keep Testicles Cool

36) Have showers instead baths

37) Avoid hot baths, hot tubs, and saunas

38) Have cold showers

39) Sleep naked

40) Wear loose cotton boxer shorts

41) Do not wear any tight clothing

42) Use a beaded seat mat in your car

43) Have ice baths

44) Increase the amount of vitamin c in your diet

45) Take a vitamin

46) Blackcurrant

47) Guava

48) Kiwi Fruit

49) Broccoli

50) Red & green peppers

51) Papayas

52) Strawberries

53) Brussels Sprouts

54) Citrus fruits (oranges, grape fruit, etc.)

55) Mangos

56) Cauliflower

57) Cabbage

58) Raspberries

59) Spinach

60) Honeydew Melons

61) Potatoes Tomatoes

62) Watermelon
63) Increase your amount of vitamin E

64) Wheat germ oil

65) Sunflower oil

66) Hazelnut

67) Walnut oil

68) Peanut oil

69) Soybean oil

70) Olive oil

71) Peanut

72) Pollard

73) Corn

74) Asparagus

75) Oats

76) Soybean

77) Chestnut

78) Coconut
79) Tomatoes

80) Carrots

81) Increase your vitamin b12

82) Meat

83) Dairy products

84) Eggs

85) Increase your l-selimum (a type of amino acid)

86) Brazil nuts

87) Fish

88) Oat bran

89) Increase your l-arginine (a type of amino acid)

90) Chocolate,

91) Seeds

92) Poultry

93) Wild game

94) Seafood

95) Chick peas,

Final tips

96) Have sex early morning or late afternoon

97) Don’t ejaculate too frequently

98) Don’t ejaculate too infrequently

99) Ejaculate every 3 days for optimum results

Final tip

Visit for more in-depth

articles and reviews on all the points raised.


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