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THE TRUE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE The step by step process, which was compiled after reading the

extensive and exhaustingly thorough research from the book "The Alchemy Key: The Mystical
Provenance of the Philosophers' Stone" 14th edition 2004 by Stuart Nettleton. This is the wet
path, and takes about 9 months. 1. Mix together 3 parts pulverized stibnite (gray antimony sulfide
Sb2S3), 1 part iron powder, and 4 parts of the Secret Fire (Urine saturated with Potassium
Chloride). Put this mix into a 250ml flask that is set up to distill into a 500ml receiver flask. The
neck of the flask must be cooler than the base so the vapor of the Mercury will condense. If the
neck is warmer, the vapor will expand too rapidly and explode the vessel. Alchemists call their
vessels an Iimbic, Alembic, Kerotakis or Pelican. You can use ice and salt to cool the ice 15° more.
This should be wrapped around the neck of the flask and the distillation arm, and the receiver flask
should be siting in this ice-bath also. At you can get - 250ml glass flask 24/40 ground
stopper opening.............$22....QF-1000-112 500ml recovery flask 24/40 ground stopper
opening.......$32....QF-1000-114 200mm connecting adapter for
24/40................................$44....QA-1590-110 and if you want to get a little fancy - 600mm x 19mm
(about 2 feet) distilling column with indents for packing....$60...QD-1040-219 2mm glass beads for
packing the distilling column - 1 pound......................$111..QD-3032-110 2. The flask is now gently
heated in a sand bath on a precision control hotplate. The temperature should be between 98°F
and 105° (blood heat, hen's heat). Leave it at this temperature for 84 days. After the "Star
Regulus" (pure antimony) forms on the surface of the material, the antimony Trichloride will begin
to fume and smoke, then condense in the receiver flask as a bright liquid. This is the Mercury of
the Philosopher's that does not wet the hands. 3. At the end of the 84 day cycle, seal up the
receiver flask at the same time you turn off the heat. If you wait too long after the heat has been
turned off, the antimony trichloride will rise up out of the receiver flask and go back into the other
flask. 4. Now the Star Regulus (antimony) inside the flask will be saturated with iron sulfide.
Evaporate any remaining water away, and then remove the star from the black iron sulfide mat
and pulverize it. Discard any oxide flowers from the neck of the flask and discard the iron sulfide
unless you have some other experiment you want to save it for. 5. Now for the second perfection,
you will need a 100ml flask with a long vertical condenser tube connected, which can be found
anywhere flasks are sold. is a good place. Here is the price list - 100ml Glass flask
24/40 ground stopper opening - long neck....$22.....QF-1000-220 Pennyhead ground glass stopper
24/40.......................................$16.....QS-5000-113 500mm [19 inches] air
condenser................................................$28.....QC-4000-113 The tube will act as the
condenser,and it should be 6 fingers high (about 20 inches). Alchemist's used a rubber bung
stopper to seal the flask so it would blow off instead of the flask exploding. You can also use a
ground glass stopper. Twist the stopper on tight, and if any pressure builds up too high, the
stopper will blow off. I've had this happen to me when I was dissolving gold and I thought it was all
done, so I sealed the flask with the ground glass stopper, and it eventually blew of as gas built up
inside. I never found the stopper because it shot off so far into the air! If you have a hard time
removing the stopper, just twist it of with a pair of pliers. Don't be affraid that the glass
pennyhead will break off from the stopper. A lot of people foolishly break open the entire flask
just because they can't get the stubborn ground glass stopper off. But with pliers, it's actually quite
easy. Getting the condenser off the flask will be much harder. 6. Now make the "Azoth" by mixing
together the below ingredients in the flask- 3 drachms of gold leaf (10.8ml or 2¼ teaspoons) 1
drachm of the Star Regulus (pure antimony saturated with iron sulfide & potassium sulfide) from
step 4 (3.6ml or ¾ teaspoon) 180 drops (4 drachms 14.4ml) of the Antimony Trichoride (made
liquid by exposing it to air) (*remember, do not add Nitre (potassium nitrate) to Antimony
Trichloride! Because KNO3 dissolved in SbCl3 produces the highly deadly reddishbrown gas NO2
(Nitric oxide). Many people do not appreciate the great danger of exposure to this gas. While
initial exposure may cause only pain in the lungs, death can occur a few days later from the
resulting oedema.) 7. Your flask will now be ¼ full. Keep the heat at 99°F. If the reaction doesn't
start, increase the heat to 105°F, then turn it back down to 99°F. Vapors will rise and fall, and they
will turn from white, to yellow, then bluish and blackish. After that, everything will dry up and
burst open into a black mass called the Raven. This part of the process is called the rule of Saturn,
and takes 46 to 50 days. 8. Now the rule of Jupiter begins. Slowly raise the temperature to 105°F
(the fever). A water will begin to wash the black mass, and the beautiful metallic Peacock's Tail will
begin to show. This happens in 56 to 60 days. When these colors appear, it signals the end of the
rule of Jupiter. 9. Now the rule of Luna begins. It takes 22 to 24 more days to form the white dove,
which will float on the water as a cream. This is the Second Stone. This cream can be gathered and
gently heated to evaporate the water, leaving fragrant white oil. This oil was the famous salve or
universal unguent of the Knights Templar. It has been of widespread medicinal virtue until the
advent of modern pharmaceuticals. The cream cured maladies such as gout, leprosy, stroke,
dropsy, epilepsy, consumption and dehydration to fever and pestilence. But if you wish to
continue on to making the red stone, leave the white dove in the flask, and don't open it yet. 10.
Slowly increase the heat to 150°F and 170°F. The rule of Venus starts and will last for 40 to 42
days. The white dove (the Queen, the Philosophical Mercury) will unite with the golden water (the
King). The King and Queen produce the Green Dragon, NOT the Green Lion. 11. Now the rule of
Mars starts, and lasts 42 days. During this time azure, grey and citrine overcome the Green
Dragon, which finally changes to another red Hermetic Mercury. The Earth is red and called
'Sulphur'. The red Sulphur fixes the white Mercury and they dissolve into a liquid state. 12. The
temperature is increased to 212-250°F. This is the rule of Sol, and lasts 40 to 42 days. In a moment
the Tyrian color comes. It is a sparkling red oil of fiery vermillion. Alchemists call it the Red Rose;
the perfect fixation and perfection; the Red Poppy of the Rock; and the precious tincture. This is at
last the Philosophers' Stone or 'Third Stone'. When powder forms from the solution, the alchemist
slowly increases the temperature to 300ºF. The red powder is mostly gold chloride; but a small
amount of it is radioisotope 195 of gold attached to potassium. It would be just gold chloride, but
the postassium keeps the gold clusters seperated as the antimony trichloride dissolves the gold.
Eventually monatomic m-state gold is created and it's pushed to radioisotope 195. This seems
impossible and modern physics and chemistry doesn't yet have an explanation for it. But if you
understand how m-state gold atoms are configured, then an explanation isn't far from your grasp.
The radioisoptope itself isn't the Red Lion and isn't all that special. But this is superconducting m-
state radioisotope of gold and it's the true Red Lion (The Philosopher's Stone). Every true alchemy
manuscript has these things in common: 1 - There is gold dissolved by a solvent or spirit 2 - A base
metal is used - calcium, potassium, or sodium 3 - The flask is sealed and the contents digested for
months on low heat In the above process, the potassium is an impurity from the first step and was
never intended to be part of the final steps. This is often the case with alchemy recipes and it's just
a lucky coincidence for the alchemist. The Red Lion and Moses method both use sodium. The
Joannes Agricola process uses calcium. Here are just some of the many very important clues in
alchemy literature that confirm that this is indeed the true Philosopher's Stone- 1.From an
anonymous treatise on the Philosopher's Stone called "Tractatus de Lapide" comes the following
quote: "neither is it sufficiently brought to yellow, until the Wine have round about the sides a ring
like Hair, of a whitish film, which will show itself plain when it is well dissolved, if it stand but four
hours quiet. As soon as you see this whitish film, then let it run through a clean linen Cloth, or
Paper, so the white film will stay behind and look like a pearl on the paper: and all the rest will be
yellow like Gold." I have dissolved gold chloride in wine, and the film forms because the gold
chloride is so acidic. It digests the wine almost like hydrochloric acid does in your stomach - I've
dissolved wine in hydrochloric acid and the same film forms on the surface of the solution. 2. The
Philosopher's Stone is deep ruby red in apperance and outweighs gold, but when pulverized it
turns yellow. This is true of gold chloride because it's red when in the crystal form, but when you
pound it, the atoms of gold bond back together to make the yellow colored gold. 3. Exerpt from
AN OPEN ENTRANCE TO THE CLOSED PALACE OF THE KING "Whoever wishes to possess this secret
Golden Fleece, which has virtue to transmute metals into gold, should know that our Stone is
nothing but gold digested to the highest degree of purity and subtle fixation to which it can be
brought by Nature and the highest effort of Art; and this gold thus perfected is called "our gold,"
no longer vulgar, and is the ultimate goal of Nature." 4. Peter Steiner says in Von der Universal-
Materie [The Universal Matter]: "The great, transcendentally perfect Stone of the Wise is none
other than a pure, concentrated and congealed heavenly fire (gold). 5. Taking the Elixir in
homeopathic doses in natural wine (once a day from 3 to 30 days) strengthens the Archaeus " My
dear friend, if he had not reached the stage where he could cure any type of disease whatever
with a single remedy, he would be remain a tyro still however old he might be." *Antimony
Trichloride may cause genetic mutation when inhaled, and also may harm a developing fetus. It is
a strong corrosive that will burn the skin and the fumes will damage the eyes. Repeated exposure
can cause headache, abdominal pain, poor appetite, dry throat and lack of sleep. This operation
must be done under a fume hood or outside. * Gold Chloride is a potent neuro-toxin. Click here
and scroll down to number 36 to see the damaging effects of ingesting large amounts of gold
chloride.described by Paracelsus and neccessarily imparts the "Force" to the deficient organs,
making any diagnosis redundant. And so the hermeticist James Butler could say to J.B. van
Helmont (1577-1644) at Vilvoorden near Brussels in 1617:

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